• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research Tool

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A Study on the Consumer's Service Quality Perception Based on the Types of Life-style (소비자의 라이프스타일에 따른 서비스품질 지각 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yoon-Seo;Lee, Seung-In;Choi, In
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2009
  • For the last decades, service quality has been studied as one of the most important tools for a service company to compete with the other companies. Based on these past researches, it has been agreed that the service quality is a basic and powerful tool to create the competitive advantage. Due to similar reason, many service marketing practitioners have been also focused on the service quality to retain the existing consumers and collect the new consumers. However, service quality is subjectively perceived by individual consumers. Consumer evaluation of service quality can be different from each other. Especially consumers with one life-style may evaluate the service quality differently from the consumers with the other life-styles. Therefore we need to know whether there are differences in service quality perception on the categories of life-style. Life-style refers to a distinctive mode of living in its aggregate and broadest sense. It embodies the patterns that were developed and emerged from the dynamics of living in a society. Since the concept of life-style and its relationship to marketing was introduced in 1963 by William Lazer, methods of measuring the life-style and their application have been developed. Life-style has been usually used to segment the marketplace because it offers marketers a unique and important view of the market. When Life-style is combined with clustering methods, life-style segmentation can generate identifiable whole persons rather than isolated fragment. Life-style segmentation begins with people instead of products and classifies them into different life-style types, each characterized by a unique style of living based on a wide range of activities, interests, and opinions(Plummer, 1974). In this study we applies the life-style segmentation based on the AIO(Activities, Interests, and Opinions) to the consumers of the large discount stores. In Korea, the large discount store market has entered into maturity stage so that the market differentiation strategy is becoming a more critical issue to the marketing practitioners. One of the most important tools to differentiate from the competitors in large discount store market is continuously to provide service of better quality than competitors. This study tries to find answers about the following questions: 1) How can we categorize the consumer life-styles in the large discount store? 2) What are the characteristics of the categorized groups? 3) Are there any differences in service quality perception among the consumers with different life-styles 4) Are there any differences in consumer behavior among them in the large discount store? For the purpose, we collected survey data from consumers and analyzed the data with the SPSS package where we had $X^2$-test, factor analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA, and cluster analysis. The survey was made during one month in the April of 2008. Among the collected 306 copies of questionnaires, 281 copies were chosen as the effective samples for empirical analysis except 25 copies with wrong responses. To identify the life-style patterns, we used the measures employed by Kim and Kwon(1999), where 44 items on a seven-point scale were used to measure factors of the life-style patterns. The Principal Component Method was used for factor extraction, and the VARIMAX orthogonal factor rotation was employed. The 7 items showing low factor loading were eliminated. The results of the factor analysis suggested that nine factors of the life-style patterns were identified as follows: 1) the equality-of-sexes and pursuit-of-independence tendency 2) self-management tendency 3) sociable tendency 4) self-display tendency 5) degree of a dilettante life 6) pursuit-of-information tendency 7) bargain hunter tendency 8) TV preference tendency 9) pursuit-of-leisure tendency. Next, after the K-means cluster analysis was performed with nine factors of the life-style patterns, the life-styles of the respondents were classified into four groups which are named as the 'progressive practicality-oriented group', 'positive success-oriented group', 'sociable ostentation-oriented group', 'stable conservation-oriented group'. The analysis results for usage behavior between the market segments showed statistically significant differences in the frequency of usage, duration time in the store, consumer satisfaction, and loyalty. Also, we tried to investigate whether the large discount store consumers differently perceive the quality of service based upon the types of life-style. To measure the service quality of large discount store, we adapted several measurement models measuring the service quality such as SERVPERF, BCP, R-SERVPERF, R-BCP. MANOVA and One-Way ANOVA were performed to confirm the difference in service quality perception based on the market segments. The results have also shown significant differences between life-style types in service quality perception. These findings show that the large discount store marketers should consider consumer life-style as one of the most important market segments for marketing and understand the difference in service quality perception between life-style types. Our findings give important implications to marketers of large discount stores as well as life-style researchers. First, this study showed there were significant differences in consumer's service quality perception and usage behavior between the types of life-style. It provides evidence that the life-style approach can be a important basis in segmenting the large discount store market and will make consumers perceive the service quality high. Second, most previous researches on service quality have been in aggregate level. However, our results imply that the future research on service quality have to focus on segment level.

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Relationship of Maternal Perception of the Infant Temperament and Confidence and Satisfaction of Maternal Role (어머니가 지각한 영아기질과 어머니 역할수행에 대한 자신감 및 만족도의 관계)

  • Lee Young-Eun;Kang Yang-Hee;Park Hae-Sun;Hwang Eun-Ju;Mun Mi-Young
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.206-220
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: this study was intended to search the relationship between perception of the infant temperament in mother of infant at the age of 1~12 months and maternal confidence and satisfaction in performing maternal role, and to submit a basic data to establish a nursing intervention program which is helpful for determination of infant development and performing maternal role promotion by identify variables associated with infant temperament. Method: The subjects of this study were 300 mothers of infant at the age of 1~12 months who visited well baby clinic in 4 hospitals in Busan city and Kyoung-Nam province. Final analysis was performed in 293 cases. Seven cases was excluded in this study because of its inappropriate data collection. The data was collected from 1st July to 15th August 2002. The questionaries which were fill-up by mother were collected. Infant temperament was measured by using the tool of 'what my baby is like'(WBL) which was developed by Priham et. al.(1994) and translated by Bang(1999). The scale of postpartum self evaluation which was developed by Lederman et al(1981) and translated by Lee(1992) was used for the confidence and satisfaction of maternal role. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS-PC for window, version 10.0: frequency, percentage, minimum, maximum, mean, SD, t-test, ANOVA, Post-hoc test(Scheffe's test), Pearson Correlation Coefficients. Result: The mean score of maternal perception of the infant temperament was 6.17±1.04, and mother recognized her infant as positive. The mean score of confidence of maternal role was 2.89± .41 and this revealed in an average level. The mean score of satisfaction of maternal role was 3.29± .51 and this revealed in a higher level. There was a weak significant positive correlation between the score of maternal perception of infant temperament and confidence of maternal role(r=0.176, P= .003), but there was no significant correlation between satisfaction of maternal role(P> .05). It revealed the more maternal perception of the infant temperament as positive, the higher confidence of maternal role. There was a moderate significant positive correlation between confidence of maternal role and satisfaction of maternal role(r=0.410, P= .000). It revealed the more confidence of maternal role, the higher satisfaction of maternal role. The variables related with the score of maternal perception of infant temperament were the type of delivery (t=-2.600, P= .010), experience of learning baby care(t=2.382, P= .018), maternal perception on baby's health status(F=3.467, P= .033), maternal perception on her health status(F=3.467, P= .027), baby's age(F=3.080, P= .028). Conclusion: Our result showed the confidence of maternal role was increased as the maternal perception of infant temperament was positive, and conformed that the confidence of maternal role was also related with satisfaction of maternal role. Prenatal education, type of delivery, baby's age were also related with the maternal perception of infant temperament. So, nursing intervention program of developmental stage maybe necessary in order to help maternal perception of infant temperament as positive, and it will be increased the confidence of maternal role and satisfaction of performing maternal role which was considered as real indicate of achievement of maternal role.

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Effects of Brassica rapa SHI-RELATED SEQUENCE overexpression on petunia growth and development (배추 SHI-RELATED SEQUENCE 유전자 발현이 페튜니아 생장 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Joon Ki;Suh, Eun Jung;Lee, Su Young;Song, Cheon Young;Lee, Seung Bum;Kim, Jin A;Lee, Soo In;Lee, Yeon-Hee
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.204-214
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    • 2015
  • SHI-RELATED SEQUENCE (SRS) genes are plant-specific transcription factors that contain a zinc-binding RING finger motif, which play a critical role in plant growth and development. Among Brassica rapa SRS genes, BrSRS7 and BrLRP1 genes, isolated from shoot apical regions are important regulators of plant growth and development. In order to explore the function of BrSRS genes in horticultural plant growth and development, two constructs containing BrSRS7 and BrLRP1 under the control of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were introduced into petunia by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The resulting transgenic plants were dwarf and compact plants with reduced plant height and diameter. Additionally, these transgenic plants had upward-curled leaves of narrow width and short internodes. Interestingly, the flower shapes of petunia were different among transgenic plants harboring different kinds of SRS genes. These phenotypes were stably inherited through generations $T_2$ and $T_3$. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses of transgenic plants revealed that BrSRS7 and BrLRP1 regulate expression of gibberellin (GA)- and auxinrelated genes, PtAGL15- and PtIAMT1-related, involved in shoot morphogenesis. These results indicate that the overexpression of BrSRS7 and BrLRP1 genes suppressed the growth and development of petunia by regulating expression of GA- and auxin-related genes. From these data, we deduce that BrSRS7 and BrLRP1 genes play an important role in the regulation of plant growth and development in petunia. These findings suggest that transformation with the BrSRS genes can be applied to other species as a tool for growth retardation and modification of plant forms.

암환자 인식에 관한 연구 - 간호사ㆍ의사를 중심으로

  • Jo, In-Hyang
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.58-74
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    • 2002
  • This paper constitutes a descriptive investigation and used a structured questionnaire to investigate nurses' and doctors' recognition of cancer patients. The subjects were extracted from the medical personnel working at the internal medicine, the surgery ward, the obstetrics and gynecology department, the pediatrics department, the cancer ward, and the emergency room of five general hospitals located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The research lasted from August, 2001 to September 2001. Total 137 nurses and 65 doctors were included and made out the questionnaires directly distributed by the investigator. The study tool was also developed by the investigator and consisted of such items as the demographic and social characteristics, the medical personnel's recognition degree of cancer and cancer patients, their recognition of the management of cancer patients, and their participation in a hospice. The results were analyzed using the SPSS Window program in terms of technological statistics, ranks, t-test, and ANOVA. The reliability was represented in Cronbach' α=.75. The nurses' and doctors' recognition degree of cancer and cancer patients had an overall average of 3.86 at the 5 point-scale. The items that received an average of 4.0 or more included 'Medical personnel should explain about the cancer cure plans to the cancer patient and his or her family', 'A patient whose case has been diagnosed as a terminal cancer should be notified of it, 'If I were a cancer patient, I would want to get informed of it,' and 'Cancer shall be conquered whenever it is'. In the meantime, the items that received an average of 3.0 or less was 'My relationship with the cancer patient's family has gotten worse since I announced his or her impending death.' And according to the general characteristics and the difference test, the recognition degree of cancer and cancer patient was high among the subgroups of nurses, females, married persons, who were in their 30s, who had a family member that was a cancer patient, and who received a hospice education. The biggest number of the nurses and doctors saw 'a gradual approach over several days'(68.8%) as a method to tell a cancer patient about his or her cancer diagnosis or impending death. Those who usually tell tragic news were the physician in charge(62.8%), the family members or relatives(32.1%) and the clergymen(3.8%) in the order. The greatest number of them recommended a cancer patient's home as the place where he or she should face death because they thought 'it would stabilize his or her mentality'(91.9%) while a number of them recommended the hospital because they 'should give the psychological satisfaction to the patient'(40%) or 'should try their best until the last moment of the patient's death'(30%). A majority of the medical personnel regarded 'smoking or drinking' and 'diet' as the causes of cancer. The biggest symptom of a cancer patient was 'pain' and the pain management of a cancer patient was mostly impeded by the 'excessive fear of drug addiction, tolerance to drugs and side effects of drugs' by medical personnel, the patient, and his or her family. The most frequently adopted treatment plan of a terminal cancer patient was 'to do whatever the patient or his or her family wants' to resort to a hospice' and 'to continue active treatment efforts' in the order. The biggest reasons why a terminal cancer patient went to see a doctor were 'pain alleviation' 'control of symptoms other than pain(intravenous supply)' and 'incapability of the patient's family' in the order. Terminal cancer patients placed their major concern in 'spiritual(religious) matter' 'emotional matters' their family' 'existence' and 'physical matters' in the order. 113(58.5%) of the whole medical personnel answered they 'would recommend' an alternative treatment to a terminal cancer patient mostly because they assumed it would 'stabilize the patient's mentality.' Meanwhile, 80(41.5%) of them chose 'not to recommend it mostly due to the unverified effects and high cost of it(78.7%). A majority of them, I. e. 190(94.1%) subjects said they 'would recommend' a hospice to a terminal cancer patient mostly because they thought it would help the patient to 'mentally prepare'(66.6%) Only 17.3% of them, however, had received a hospice education, most of which was done through the hospital duty education(41.4%) and volunteer training(34.5%). The follows are results of this study: 1. The nurses and the doctors turned out to be still passive and experience confusion in dealing with a cancer patient despite their great sense of responsibility for him or her. 2.Nurses and Doctors realize the need of a hospice, but an extremely small number of them participate in a hospice education or performance. Thus, a whole recognition of a hospice should be changed, for which purpose a hospice education for nurses and doctors should be provided. 3.Terminal cancer patients preferred their home to a hospital as the place to face their impending death because they felt it would bring 'mental stability.' And most of nurses and doctors think it would be unnecessary for them to be hospitalized just for control of their symptoms. Accordingly a terminal cancer patient can be cared at home, and a home hospice care needs to be activated.

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Polymorphism of Salmonella Strains Using Arbitrary-Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction (Arbitrary-Primed PCR 기법을 이용한 Salmonella 균의 다형성 분석)

  • Hwang, Eui-Kyung;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Kim, Yeon-Soo;Kim, Woo-Tea;Lee, Jeong-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2002
  • In this study, eight primers were used to detect genetic variability and phylogenetic relationships among the eighteen Salmonella strains by the arbitrary-primed PCR(AP-PCR) techniques. Five strains of Salmonella typhimurium, four strains of S entertidis, three strains of S choleraeuis, three strains of S gallinarum and three strains of S pullorum were typed by AP-PCR. The number of AP-PCR bands detected per each primer varied from 39 to 52, with an average of 43.6. A total of 349 AP-PCR bands were generated and among them, 185 bands(53.0%) were polymorphic. Among the primers, GEN 703 and GEN 708 primer showed a high level of polymorphism with 0.682 and 0.676, respectively. But GEN 603, GEN 604 and GEN 607 primer showed a low level of polymorphism with 0.404, 0.460 and 0.472, respectively. Therefore, the these primers will be the most effective for AP-PCR analysis of Salmonella strains. The level of polymorphism of S typhimurium CU 2001(0.77) was similar to that of S typhimurium CU 2002(0.77) and lower than those of other strains such as S typhimurium CU 2003(0.63), S typhimurium ATCC 14028(0.50) and S typhimurium CU 2004(0.43). The level of polymorphism of S enteritidis ATCC 13076(0.83) was similar to that of S enteritidis CU 2005(0.83) and lower than those of other strains such as S enteritidis CU 2006(0.63) and S enteritidis CU 2007(0.58). The level of polymorphism of S choleraeuis CU 2009(0.67) was similar to that of S choleraeuis CU 2010(0.67) and higher than those of other strains such as S choleraeuis CU 2008(0.53). The level of polymorphism of S gallinarum CU 2011(0.70) was similar to that of S gallinarum CU 2012(0.70) and higher than those of other strains Such as S gallinarum ATCC 9184(0.60). The level of polymorphism of S pullorum CU 2013(0.80) was similar to that of S pullorum CU 2014(0.80) and higher than those of other strains such as S pullorum No 11(0.53). Therefore, the AP-PCR analysis will be used a powerful tool for estimating genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships among Salmonella strains.

Genomic selection through single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction improves the accuracy of evaluation in Hanwoo cattle

  • Park, Mi Na;Alam, Mahboob;Kim, Sidong;Park, Byoungho;Lee, Seung Hwan;Lee, Sung Soo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.1544-1557
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    • 2020
  • Objective: Genomic selection (GS) is becoming popular in animals' genetic development. We, therefore, investigated the single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) as tool for GS, and compared its efficacy with the traditional pedigree BLUP (pedBLUP) method. Methods: A total of 9,952 males born between 1997 and 2018 under Hanwoo proven-bull selection program was studied. We analyzed body weight at 12 months and carcass weight (kg), backfat thickness, eye muscle area, and marbling score traits. About 7,387 bulls were genotyped using Illumina 50K BeadChip Arrays. Multiple-trait animal model analyses were performed using BLUPF90 software programs. Breeding value accuracy was calculated using two methods: i) Pearson's correlation of genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) with EBV of all animals (rM1) and ii) correlation using inverse of coefficient matrix from the mixed-model equations (rM2). Then, we compared these accuracies by overall population, info-type (PHEN, phenotyped-only; GEN, genotyped-only; and PH+GEN, phenotyped and genotyped), and bull-types (YBULL, young male calves; CBULL, young candidate bulls; and PBULL, proven bulls). Results: The rM1 estimates in the study were between 0.90 and 0.96 among five traits. The rM1 estimates varied slightly by population and info-type, but noticeably by bull-type for traits. Generally average rM2 estimates were much smaller than rM1 (pedBLUP, 0.40 to0.44; ssGBLUP, 0.41 to 0.45) at population level. However, rM2 from both BLUP models varied noticeably across info-types and bull-types. The ssGBLUP estimates of rM2 in PHEN, GEN, and PH+ GEN ranged between 0.51 and 0.63, 0.66 and 0.70, and 0.68 and 0.73, respectively. In YBULL, CBULL, and PBULL, the rM2 estimates ranged between 0.54 and 0.57, 0.55 and 0.62, and 0.70 and 0.74, respectively. The pedBLUP based rM2 estimates were also relatively lower than ssGBLUP estimates. At the population level, we found an increase in accuracy by 2.0% to 4.5% among traits. Traits in PHEN were least influenced by ssGBLUP (0% to 2.0%), whereas the highest positive changes were in GEN (8.1% to 10.7%). PH+GEN also showed 6.5% to 8.5% increase in accuracy by ssGBLUP. However, the highest improvements were found in bull-types (YBULL, 21% to 35.7%; CBULL, 3.3% to 9.3%; PBULL, 2.8% to 6.1%). Conclusion: A noticeable improvement by ssGBLUP was observed in this study. Findings of differential responses to ssGBLUP by various bulls could assist in better selection decision making as well. We, therefore, suggest that ssGBLUP could be used for GS in Hanwoo proven-bull evaluation program.

A Study on LRFD Reliability Based Design Criteria of RC Flexural Members (R.C. 휨부재(部材)의 L.R.F.D. 신뢰성(信賴性) 설계기준(設計基準)에 관한 연구(研究))

  • Cho, Hyo Nam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1981
  • Recent trends in design standards development in some European countries and U.S.A. have encouraged the use of probabilistic limit sate design concepts. Reliability based design criteria such as LSD, LRFD, PBLSD, adopted in those advanced countries have the potentials that they afford for symplifying the design process and placing it on a consistent reliability bases for various construction materials. A reliability based design criteria for RC flexural members are proposed in this study. Lind-Hasofer's invariant second-moment reliability theory is used in the derivation of an algorithmic reliability analysis method as well as an iterative determination of load and resistance factors. In addition, Cornell's Mean First-Order Second Moment Method is employed as a practical tool for the approximate reliability analysis and the derivation of design criteria. Uncertainty measures for flexural resistance and load effects are based on the Ellingwood's approach for the evaluation of uncertainties of loads and resistances. The implied relative safety levels of RC flexural members designed by the strength design provisions of the current standard code were evaluated using the second moment reliability analysis method proposed in this study. And then, resistance and load factors corresponding to the target reliability index(${\beta}=4$) which is considered to be appropriate level of reliability considering our practices are calculated by using the proposed methods. These reliability based factors were compared to those specified by our current ultimate strength design provisions. It was found that the reliability levels of flexural members designed by current code are not appropriate, and the code specified resistance and load factors were considerably different from the reliability based resistance and load factors proposed in this study.

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The Correlations among Trust, Satisfaction, Commitment, and Relation-Continuing Intention for Internet foundation Fashion Shopping Mall (인터넷 창업 패션 쇼핑몰에 대한 이용고객의 신뢰, 만족, 몰입 및 관계지속의도 간의 구조적 인과관계)

  • Jo, Yoon Ah
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to verify the structural correlations among trust, satisfaction, commitment, relation-continuing intention for internet fashion shopping mall. The statistical significance of questionnaire survey data for 360 customers was verified by using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 statistical programs with significance levels of the ${\alpha}=0.05$. First of all, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ was also assessed to verify the reliability of the measuring tool, and the fitness of the model were also verified to investigate the fitness of this research model. Finally, structural equation model analysis was performed to verify the structural correlations among the structural correlations among trust, satisfaction, commitment, relation-continuing intention for internet fashion shopping mall. On the basis of the empirical analysis, the following key results were drawn. First, trust for internet fashion shopping mall has the positively significant effects on satisfaction. Second, trust for internet fashion shopping mall has the positively significant effects on commitment. Third, trust for internet fashion shopping mall has the positively significant effects on relation-continuing intention. Fourth, satisfaction for internet fashion shopping mall has the positively significant effects on relation-continuing intention. Fifth, commitment for internet fashion shopping mall has the positively significant effects on relation-continuing intention. Sixth, the path of trust${\rightarrow}$satisfaction${\rightarrow}$relation-continuing intention for internet fashion shopping mall has the significant indirect effects, therefore the mediation effect of satisfaction was significant. Seventh, the path of trust${\rightarrow}$commitment${\rightarrow}$relation-continuing intention for internet fashion shopping mall has the significant indirect effects, therefore the mediation effect of commitment was significant.

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Limitations of National Responsibility and its Application on Marine Environmental Pollution beyond Borders -Focused on the Effects of China's Three Gorges Dam on the Marine Environment in the East China Sea- (국경을 넘는 해양환경오염에 대한 국가책임과 적용의 한계 -중국의 산샤댐 건설로 인한 동중국해 해양환경 영향을 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Hee Cheol
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.341-356
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    • 2015
  • A nation has a sovereign right to develop and use its natural resources according to its policies with regard to development and the relevant environment. A nation also has an obligation not to harm other countries or damage environments of neighboring countries as consequences of such actions of developments or use of natural resources. However, international precedents induce a nation to take additional actions not to cause more damages from the specific acts causing environmental damages beyond national borders, when such acts have economic and social importance. That is to say that there is a tendency to resolve such issues in a way to promote the balance between the mutual interests by allowing such actions to continue. A solution to China's Three Gorges Dam dilemma based on a soft law approach is more credible than relying on a good faith approach of national responsibilities and international legal proceedings since the construction and operation of the dam falls within the category of exercising national sovereign rights. If a large scale construction project such as the Three Gorges Dam or operation of a nuclear power plant causes or may cause environmental damage beyond the border of a nation engaged in such an undertaking, countries affected by this undertaking should jointly monitor the environmental effects in a spirit of cooperation rather than trying to stop the construction and should seek cooperative solutions of mutual understanding to establish measures to prevent further damages. If China's Three Gorges Dam construction and operation cause or contain the possibility of causing serious damages to marine environment, China cannot set aside its national responsibility to meet international obligations if China is aware of or knows about the damage that has occurred or may occur but fail to prevent, minimize, reverse or eliminate additional chances of such damages, or fails to put in place measures in order to prevent the recurrence of such damages. However, Korea must be able to prove a causal relationship between the relevant actions and resulting damages if it is to raise objections to the construction or request certain damage-prevention actions against crucial adverse effects on the marine environment out of respect for China's right to develop resources and acts of use thereof. Therefore, it is essential to cumulate continuous monitoring and evaluations information pertaining to marine environmental changes and impacts or responses of affected waters as well as acquisition of scientific baseline data with observed changes in such baseline. As China has adopted a somewhat nonchalant attitude toward taking adequate actions to protect against marine pollution risks or adverse effects caused by the construction and operation of China's Three Gorges Dam, there is a need to persuade China to adopt a more active stance and become involved in the monitoring and co-investigation of the Yellow Sea in order to protect the marine environment. Moreover, there is a need to build a regular environmental monitoring system that includes the evaluation of environmental effects beyond borders. The Espoo Convention can serve as a mechanism to ease potential conflicts of national interest in the Northeast Asian waters where political and historical sensitivities are acute. Especially, the recent diplomatic policy advanced by Korea and China can be implemented as an important example of gentle cooperation as the policy tool of choice is based on regional cooperation or cooperation between different regions.

Changes of Protein Profiles in Cheonggukjang during the Fermentation Period (전통 청국장의 발효 기간 동안 변화하는 수용성 단백질 개요)

  • Santos, Ilyn;Sohn, Il-Young;Choi, Hyun-Soo;Park, Sun-Min;Ryu, Sung-Hee;Kwon, Dae-Young;Park, Cheon-Seok;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Jong-Sang;Lim, Jin-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2007
  • The fermented soybean product, cheonggukjang, is favored by many people, partly due to its bio-functional ingredients. Since the fermentation process of cheonggukjang is mediated by enzymes, including proteases, produced by microbes, analysis of the proteome profile changes in cheonggukjang during fermentation would provide us with valuable information for fermentation optimization, as well as a better understanding of the formation mechanisms of the bio-functional substances. The soluble proteins from cheonggukjang were prepared by a phenol/chloroform extraction method, in order to remove interfering molecules for high resolution 2-D gel analysis. Proteomic analysis of the cheonggukjang different fermentation periods suggested that most of the soluble soy proteins were degraded into smaller forms within 20hr, and many microbial proteins, such as mucilage proteins, dominated the soluble protein fraction. The proteomic profile of cheonggukjang was very different from natto, in terms of the 2-D gel protein profile. Among the separated protein spots on the 2-D gels, 50 proteins from each gel were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and PMF for protein identification. Due to database limitations with regard to soy proteins and microbial proteins, identification of the changed proteins during fermentation was restricted to 9 proteins for cheonggukjang and 15 for natto. From de novo sequencing of the proteins by a tandem MS/MS, as well as by database searches using BLASTP, a limited number of proteins were identified with low reliability. However, the 2-D gel analysis of proteins, including protein preparation methods, remains a valuable tool to analyze complex mixtures of proteins entirely. Also, for intensive mass spectrometric analysis, it is also advisable to focus on a few of the interestingly changed proteins in cheonggukjang.