• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research Project Program

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Determinants of Management Performance in the Offshore Fishing Industry: After the Introduction of Fisheries Structure Improvement Policy for the Resource Management (근해어업의 경영성과 결정요인에 관한 연구: 자원관리형 어업구조개선 정책 도입 이후)

  • Tae-Heorn Ha;Seok-Kyu Kang
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of management performance in the remaining offshore fishing industry after the resource management-oriented fisheries structure improvement policy by the fisheries vessel buy-back program and Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The results of the analysis of the determinants of management performance of offshore fishing can be summarized as follows. First, based on the management performance determinant model of offshore fishing, it is confirmed that the government's resource-managed fishing structure improvement policy, such as the fishing boat reduction project and the TAC policy, is improving the management performance of the resource-managed remaining fishing boat. Second, looking at the specific management performance determinants based on the management performance model of offshore fishing, the leverage ratio (TLTA), which is the total debt ratio, shows a statistically significant positive (+) relationship with management performance, which increases management performance directly proportional to the leverage ratio. The increase in the leverage ratio (total debt ratio) was expected to lead to a high interest cost burden, resulting in a reverse (-) financial leverage effect; however, rather a positive (+) financial leverage effect occurred with a high profit covering interest costs. The total catch (TCATCH) has a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a statistical significance level of less than 1%, indicating that an increase in catch is improving or increasing the management performance of fishing companies. The selling price (UPRICE) shows a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a very high statistical significance level of less than 1%, and it can be seen that high fishing prices are a major factor in improving or increasing the management performance of offshore fishing. On the other hand, fishing vessel tonnage (TON), fishing vessel horsepower (RHP), and operating days (WDAYS), which indicate have a statistically significant negative (-) relationship with management performance, which deviates from the existing fisheries common sense that the size of fishing vessel tonnage and fishing vessel horsepower and the increase in the number of operating days is proportional to management performance. As a result of the increase in fishing vessel tonnage, horsepower, and the number of operating days, it was confirmed that the higher the fishing cost, such as oil costs, is worsening the management performance of fishing companies. Participation in TAC has a statistically significant positive (+) value with management performance, indicating that the remaining offshore fishing companies participating in TAC are improving or increasing management performance compared to offshore fishing companies that do not. Third, there are conflicting results depending on the industry as a result of estimating the management performance determinants of offshore fishing by TAC participation, and TAC participation had a negative impact on management performance in anchovy boat seine and southern west sea bottom trawl in fishing industry while TAC participation had a positive impact on management performance in large stow nets on anchor in fishing industry.

Example of Legislation on the Space Relations of Every Countries in the World and Main Contents of the Space Exploration Promotion Act and Future Task in Korea (세계 각국의 우주관계 입법례와 우리나라 우주 개발진흥법의 주요내용 및 앞으로의 과제)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-43
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    • 2005
  • The Korean government established her first "National Space Program" in 1996, and revised it in 2000 and 2005. As embedded in the National Space Program, Korea aims to become one of the world's top countries in space technology by 2010. All of 13 satellites are planned to be put into orbit as schematized, which include 7 multi-purpose satellites, 4 science satellites and 2 geostationary orbit satellites. The Space Center in Korea is to be built at Woinara-Do, Bongrae-Myon, Koheung-Goon, Junlanam Province on the southern coast of the Korean peninsular. The first phase of the construction of the space center will be finished by 2007 for launch of KSLV-l. This will make Korea be the 13th advanced country in space development having a launching site in the world. The "Space Center" will serve as the infrastructure for the development of space technology and related technology, and plan to launch a low earth orbit satellite in 2007. A second science satellite made in Korea will be launched from the space center by 2007. From 2010, the center will be operated on a commercial basis operating launch facilities for low-to mid-altitude orbit satellites. Since the 'Aircraft Industry Promotion Act' was replaced by the 'Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Acf of 1987, this Act had been amended seven times from 1991 year to 2004. Most of developed countries has been enacted the space law including the public or private items such as an (1)DSA, (2)Russia, (3)the United Kingdom, (4)Germany, (5)France, (6)Canada, (7)Japan, (8)Sweden, (9)Australia, (10)Brazil, (11)Norway, (12)South Africa, (13)Argentina, (14)Chile, (15)Ukrainian etc. As the new Space Exploration Promotion Act was passed by the resolution of the Korean Congress on May 3, 2005, so the Korean government has made the public proclamation the abovementioned Act on May 31, this year. This Act takes effect on December 1, 2005 after elapsing six months from the date of promulgation. The main contents of Space Exploration Promotion Act of 2005 is as the following (1)establishing a basic plan for promoting space exploration, (2)establishment and function of national space committee, (3)procedure and management of domestic and international registration of space objects, (4)licensing of launch by space launch vehicles, (5)lability for damages caused by space accidents and liability insurance, (6) organizing and composition of the space accident investigation committee, (7)Support of non-governmental space exploration project, (8)Requesting Support and Cooperation of Space Exploration, (9)Rescue of Astronauts and Restitution of Space Objects, etc.. In oder to carry out successfully the medium and long basic plan for promoting space exploration and to develope space industry in Korea, I think that it is necessary for us to enlarge and to reorganize the function and manpower of the Space Technology Development Division of the Ministry of Science & Technology and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. Korea has been carrying out its space program step by step according to the National Space Program. Korea also will continually strengthen the exchange and cooperation with all the countries in the world under the principle of equality, friendship relations and mutual benefits. Together with all other peoples around the globe, Korea will make due contribution towards the peaceful utilization of space resources and promotion of human progress and prosperity.

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On the Characteristic and Representation of Kyodong Island Soundscape (교동도 사운드스케이프의 특성과 재현)

  • Kim, Ji-na;Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Kwon, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • Soundscapes have the potential to help people experience the historical background and cultural traditions by the scenery of a local area and to be used as a cultural and tourism resource. This concept was first explained in detail by M. Schafer and has been developed as a new way of experiencing landscapes using various senses. This research studied the soundscape of Kyodong Island, the so-called "Island of Peace" and designed new cultural acoustic content for education and tourism. Kyodong Island is located right below the Northern Limit Line and the whole island is in the Civilian Controlled Area. The political and economic status of the island has been changed dynamically by the Korean War and the division of the country. These days, the island needs to realize the vision of the "Island of Peace" in a more creative way using local resources, including its "cold war landscape" and the natural scenery of the region. This research applied the concept of a soundscape to document the island, and to reproduce it in an artistic way. A workshop was conducted to learn concepts and techniques of soundscapes with a sound artist. Listening, recording, conducting interviews, and literature research was used to study the soundscape of the island. After that, this research reconstructed the soundscape of the island through a soundscape composition. The main theme of the composition story was the "Hope and Wish for the Harmony and Peace" to show the vision of the "Island of Peace". The initial sub-theme for the introduction part was "First Encounter with Kyodong Island" arranging the representative soundscape, which could be the first impression of the region. The second sub-theme was "War and Tension" using several soundscapes as a metaphor for the tragedy of the Korean War. The third sub-theme was "Everyday Life of Kyodong Island" which described the energy of the present day, after the wounds of the war have healed. The final sub-theme was "Harmony and Peace" using traditional music and keynote sounds of the region as a reminder of the peaceful past, before the war. The recording files were documented as two types of sound maps. One was a two-dimensional map to show the soundscapes from one point of view, and the other used the online application called "Sound Around You". The final artwork was displayed at an exhibition and uploaded on YouTube to be shared publicly. Through this project, we discovered the potential of soundscapes as a medium to preserve the history and local identity, as well as presenting a new vision. The artwork will be exhibited at historically and culturally meaningful places on the Island to utilize the underused places as local tourist attractions and educational resources.

A Descriptive Study of Oral Health Knowledge & Behaviors in Middle School Students (일부지역 중학생의 구강건강 지식 및 행동에 관한 조사연구)

  • Yoo, Jung-Sook;Kim, Jung-Hee;Han, Su-Jin;Sim, Sang-Hyo;Kim, Yoon-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: This study was designed to understand the oral health knowledge & conduct of middle-school students, search for the learning objective and the educational method in line with the subjects and of utilizing as the basic data for an effective oral health-care program. Methods: The samples to achieve the purpose of this research are composed of 139 students in middle-school, OO county. Chungcheongbuk-do, the number of male students 64, and female students 75. Data were statistically analyzed by frequency analysis, $x^2$-test or Fisher's exact test by using SPSS WIN Ver. 12.0. Results: Among items on oral-health knowledge in middle-school students. the awareness ratio on a cause and preventive method for oral disease was surveyed to be lower than the awareness ratio on symptoms of oral disease. As a result of examining by comparing knowledge and behavior on the time of tooth brush. both awareness and behavior were the level of 50% or less than it. In particular, 46.2% perceived after lunch. but practice just accounted for 33.0%. The frequency of tooth brush a day was the largest in a case(47.5%) of doing twice a day. However. there was also the response (5.8%) with saying of brushing once or not brushing even once. Thus, the practice of tooth brush was surveyed to be very low even if being a minority of students. The frequency of taking a light meal was 68.8% in less than twice a day. However, even students of taking more than five times were surveyed to be 9.8%. Out of the whole-body health in over 50%-59.9%. the oral health was surveyed to be perceived to be very important. Compared to the awareness level on importance of a tooth, the ratio of visiting a dentistry was analyzed to be very low. Conclusions: The study results suggest that the school oral-health project was examined to have the necessity of being expanded and carried out even in middle-and-high schools, by which the specific oral-health promotion program including oral-health education in this period is developed.

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High Speed Rail Station Distric Using Entropy Model Study to Estimate the Trip Distribution (엔트로피 모형을 활용한 고속철도 역세권 통행분포 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hangung;Kim, Sigon;Kim, Jinhowan;Jeon, Sangmin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.6D
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    • pp.679-686
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    • 2012
  • KTX step 1 April 2004, after the opening, the second phase of the project was opened in November 2010. High-speed rail after the opening and continue to increase the demand of high-speed rail, Have the speed of competitive advantage compared too the means of transportation. The opening of these high-speed rail has led to changes of the move, the company's position, and the spatial structure of the population of reorganization, such as the social, economic, transportation. In this study, survey data using the High Speed Rail Station EMME/2 of the program to take advantage of the 2-Dimentional Blancing trip distribution to investigate the passage through the trip distribution by the estimation of the parameters of the model to estimate the distribution of the means of access and high-speed rail station to reproduce and Analysis of the results by means of access parameters (${\theta}$) autos 0.0395, buses 0.0390, subway 0.0650, taxi 0.0415, the frequency distribution (Trip Length Frequency Distribution: TLFD) were analyzed survey data value model with the results of comparing $R^2$ cars analysis and model values similar survey data 0.909 bus 0.923, subway 0.745 to 0.922, taxi, F test P value analysis is smaller than 0.05 at the 95% confidence level as a note that was judged to have been. Trip frequency distribution analysis, but in the future, set the unit to 5km-trip frequency distribution middle zone Units from small zone units (administrative district) segmentation research is needed, and can reflect the trip distance 0~5 km interval combined function to take advantage of the gravity model and the 3-Dimentional Blancing applied research is needed to be considered.

Prediction of Concrete Temperature and Its Effects on Continuously Reinforcement Concrete Pavement Behavior at Early Ages (초기재령에서 연속철근콘크리트포장 거동에 콘크리트 온도의 영향과 예측)

  • Kim Dong-Ho;Choi Seong-Cheol;Won Moon-Cheol
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2 s.28
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2006
  • Transverse cracks in continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) occur at early ages due to temperature and moisture variations. The width and spacing of transverse cracks have a significant effect on pavement performance such as load transfer efficiency and punchout development. Also, crack widths in CRCP depend on 'zero-stress temperature,' which is defined as a temperature where initial concrete stresses become zero, as well as drying shrinkage of concrete. For good long-term performance of CRCP, transverse cracks need to be kept tight. To keep the crack widths tight throughout the pavement life, zero-stress temperature must be as low as practically possible. Thus, temperature control at early ages is a key component In ensuring good CRCP performance. In this study, concrete temperatures were predicted using PavePro, a concrete temperature prediction program, for a CRCP construction project, and those values were compared with actual measured temperatures obtained from field testing. The cracks were also surveyed for 12 days after concrete placement. Findings from this study can be summarized as follows. First, the actual maximum temperatures are greater than the predicted maximum temperature in the ranges of 0.2 to 4.5$^{\circ}C$. For accurate temperature predictions, hydration properties of cementitious materials such as activation energy and adiabatic constants, should be evaluated and accurate values be obtained for use as input values. Second, within 24 hours of concrete placement, temperatures of concrete placed in the morning are higher than those placed in the afternoon, and the maximum concrete temperature occurred in the concrete placed at noon. Finally, from the 12 days of condition survey, it was noted that the rate of crack occurrence in the morning placed section was 25 percent greater than that in the afternoon placed section. Based on these findings, it is concluded that maximum concrete temperature has a significant effect on crack development, and boner concrete temperature control is needed to ensure adequate CRCP performance.

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Summary and Conclusion Title :Oriental Nursing Management System (한방간호 관리체계 연구)

  • Moon, Heui-Ja
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the present conditions of nursing investment contents, its conversion process, and output in Oriental University Medical Center, Korea to get good qualified Oriental nursing result which is the ultimate purpose of the Oriental nursing management, and to develope a matrix of Oriental nursing management system on the basis of that project. The subjects for nursing investment and output contents were eighteen nursing directors in eleven Oriental University Medical Center and two hundred thirty-nine nurses with three years and over experience in Oriental medical center. The subjects for Oriental nursing organization, human affair management, and control function were nineteen Oriental medical center in Oriental University Medical Center, Korea. Data were collected from November, 2002 to February, 2003 with questionnaire. Data analysis was done by SPSS PC+ 12 program. Frequency, percentage, and minimum/maximum values were used for investment contents, and frequency and percentage were used for conversion process and output contents. 1. The input factors of oriental nursing management system The objective's western hospital career was over five years of one hundred and seventy-five(73.2%) persons. Nursing in-service education was performed in fourteen hospitals(77.8%). Two hundreds(83.7%) were pro to oriental nurse system. Only four hospitals(22.2%) had independent budget in nursing division. Nursing staff allocation to the bed was from 2.8:1 to 9.06:1 respectively, with a big gap of the rate following the hospitals. 2. The conversion factors of oriental nursing system 1) Oriental nursing system Oriental hospital nursing system was organized independently in ten hospitals among eighteen hospitals. The recruitment of nurses which was a vital role of the nursing division of the hospital was mostly(79%) opened. The education to develope nursing personnels was through in-service one in 97.4%. Education for oriental nursing and management was performed in 42.1%(eight hospitals) and that for reserves was done in 36.8%(seven hospitals). Administration for nursing education by nursing division was 68.5%(thirteen hospitals). The post education evaluation was performed by report submission in 36.8%(seven hospitals), by written examination in 26.3%, by questionnaires in 21.1%, and by lecture presentation in 15.8% subsequently. The directorial meeting for the nursing directors was attended by 84.2%(sixteen hospitals), and the meeting type was the medical executive and support division executive meeting in 55.6%(ten hospitals) and the personnel management in 39.6%(seven hospitals). 2) The actual conditions of oriental nursing personnel management The reason of working in oriental hospital was by voluntary in 67.1%(a hundred and sixty persons), by nursing department order in 28.0%(sixty-seven persons), and by others in 5.0%(twelve persons) respectively. The shift form was a three-shifts one in 94.7%(eighteen hospitals), a two-shift one in only one hospital. Duty assignment was functional in 52.6%(ten hospitals), team and functional in 26.3%(five hospitals) and no team alone. Promotion manual was present at 68.4%(thirteen hospitals) and the competency essentials comprised of performance evaluation in 79%, interview, written examination, training result, study result subsequently. No labor union existed in 79%(fifteen hospitals) 3) Oriental nursing preceptor system There were five oriental hospitals(27.7%) administering the preceptor utilization model, which showed lower rate than the twenty-two medical university hospitals in Seoul in which fifteen hospitals (72.7%) were having the system. To the question of necessity of oriental nurse system asked to the objectives of two hundred and thirty-nine with more than three year-experience in oriental hospital, two hundred persons(83.7%) answered positively. 4) The control of oriental nursing The evaluation results from the target hospitals were mostly not opened in 89.4% of oriental hospitals. Thirteen hospitals(68.3%) had evaluation system of direct managers and the next were three hospitals(15.8%) of direct managers and selves. There was one hospital(5.3% each) where fellows and superiors, fellows, and inferiors' evaluation was performed and no hospital where superiors, fellows, inferiors and selves, and superiors, fellows and selves' evaluation was performed. The QI activity of nursing was 42.1%(eight hospitals) for nursing service evaluation, 36.8% for survey of ECSI, 26.3% for survey of ICSI, 15.8% for medical visit rate, 10% for hospital standardization inspection in sequence. 3. The output factors of oriental nursing management system The job satisfaction appeared good in general, indicating very good in thirty-seven persons (15.7%), good in one hundred and fourteen persons (48.3%) and fair in eighty-five persons(36.0%).

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Appling Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice of Home Health Care (가정간호실무에 적용가능한 이론적틀)

  • Woo, Seon-Hye
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2004
  • The home health care industry has grown rapidly and can be expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future. Home health care refers to the practice of nursing applied to clients with a health condition in the clients place of residence. clients and their designated care givers are the focus at home health nursing practice. The goal of care is to initiate. manage and evaluate the resources needed to promote the clients optimal level of well-being and function. Nursing activities necessary to achieve this goal may warrant preventive maintenance and restorative emphases to prevent potential problems from developing. Many project program were suggested home health care model for Korea's health care system and policy direction for expansion and establishment of home health care .But the aim of this paper is to provide on overview for theoretical frame work in home health care. Theories and conceptual frameworks or models are important nursing because they define and guide the boundaries of professional practice and identify key nurse-patient-caregiver relationships that emerge with caring. Following is the research with an investigation of the literature review in the University of Arizona international medline database, In conclusion, are as followers: First, many nursing theorists have had a tremendous impact on nursing practice. the following highlights those nursing theorists that are particularly helpful in understanding home health care. 1. Florence Nightingale : Our earliest theoretical legacy. Nightingale's believes are reflected in basic infection control practice such as hand washing and infectious waste disposal and are key nursing interventions in home care. 2. Martha Roger's :Science of unitary human beings theory. Rorger's believed that the focus of shared. non invasive healing modelities is the human environmental field rather than direct physical care. These modelities continue to evolve as our awareness (reflecting greater diversity, faster rhythms, motions, and ways of knowing) transcends time and space, allowing individuals to get in touch with their integral nature of unbroken wholeness. On people as ever changing energy fields have special relevance in home care especially with hospice and palliative care applications. 3. Madeline Leininger's; Transcultural nursing theory. Home care nurses move through a variety of communities and often care for patients from different cultural back grounds. Therefore Leininger's work has a good that with home care because home care nursing practice is very culturally focused. 4. Dorothea Orem's : Self care deficit theory. Orem's theory views care as something to be performed by both nurses and patients. The role of the nurse is to provide education and support that help patients acquire the necessary activities to perform self-care. Orem's theory is foundational to have care because it begins to truly acknowledge the role of the patient in managing his or her own health. which is referred to as self-care. 5. Margaret Neuman's; Health as expending consciousness theory. Neuman believes that health compasses disease and reflects an underlying pattern of person-environment interaction. A key application of 'Neuman's work to home care is for nurses to understand that health and illness do not necessarily exist at opposite ends of a continuum. 6. Jean Watson's: Theory of human caring. Watson's theory of human caring in nursing proposes human caring as the moral ideal of nursing. Nurses participate human caring to protect, enhance and preserve humanity by assisting individuals to fing meaning in illness. pain and existence and to help others gain self knowledge. self control. and self healing such thinking lends richness to theory development. as well as clinical practice in home care. Second, Robin Rice : Dynamic self determination for self care. (A theoretical framework for home care) Dynamical self determination for self care can be useful to home care nurses in a variety of ways. As research tool it can be reflected in the interview process when the home visit. The home care nurse's role is that of facilitator of patient self-determination for self care through numerous strategies. including patient education and case management.

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Perception of Visitors on Traditional Marketplaces becoming Tourist Attractions and Supporting Policies - Focused on Tongin Market, Seoul - (전통시장의 관광지화 및 지원정책에 대한 이용객들의 인식 - 서울 통인시장을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yelim
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 2017
  • Tourism is being used as a tool to regenerate declining spaces. Therefore, the government is carrying out various projects to create tourist attractions to revitalize the traditional marketplace, which is declining nationwide. Because of these government-led projects, traditional marketplaces have been transformed into tourist attractions, and some markets have received enough positive feedback that they have been successfully revitalized economically. However, as marketplaces have become tourist destinations, negative views about government support projects are also increasing. This also leads to conflicts due to differences in perception and interests of stakeholders. This paper examines the process of the marketplace becoming a tourist destination focused on the Tongin Market, in Seoul which has been regenerated as a tourist attraction through a government support project. The purpose of this study is, first, to examine the background of tourist markets becoming tourist attractions and the issues surrounding them. The second was to explore in depth the types of conflict perceptions of visitors, residents and tourists, and the perception of their responses. As a research method, the process of the revitalization of traditional markets through news and existing literature, issues and the difference of perceptions about tourist-centric traditional marketplaces were examined. In addition, the Q methodology was used, which is a qualitative research methodology that can measure the difference of viewpoints and perceptions of specific events in order to analyze the difference of perception among visitors in traditional marketplaces. The results of the study show that there are three main perspectives of difference among visitors' perceptions about government support projects in traditional marketplaces and the marketplace becoming a tourist attraction. The 'policy dependent perspective' emphasizes the necessity of government regulations, a 'critical perspective' criticizes the government's traditional marketplace support policy, and the 'neutral perspective' acknowledges the need for government-led projects and accentuating the internal competitiveness of the marketplace. The study provided the environment for academic discussion about traditional marketplaces, which are becoming tourist attractions nationwide. In addition, this paper can contribute to providing implications for future government projects by analyzing the perception of marketplace visitors.

A Plan for Activating Elderly Sports to Promote Health in the COVID-19 Era (코로나19 시대 건강증진을 위한 노인체육 활성화 방안)

  • Cho, Kyoung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to devise a specific plan for activating sports to promote health in old age against the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Through literature review, it also analyzed the association between health status and COVID-19 in old age, suggested health promotion policies and projects for elderly people, and presented a plan for activating sport to promote health in old age against COVID-19 era. First, it is necessary to revise the relevant laws, including the Sport Promotion Act and the Elderly Welfare Act, partially or entirely, make developmental and convergent legislations for elderly health and sports, and establish an institutional device as needed. Second, it is necessary to build an integrated digital platform for the elderly and make a supporting system that links facilities, programs, information, and job creation as part of a New Deal program in the field of sports on the basis of the Korean New Deal. Third, it is necessary to train elderly welfare professionals. Efforts should be made to establish more departments related to elderly sports in universities and make it compulsory to place elderly sports instructors at elderly leisure and welfare facilities. Fourth, it is necessary to develop contents related to health in old age. This means performing diverse movements by manipulating them through a virtual reality (VR) simulation. Fifth, it is necessary to make a greater investment in research and development related to elderly sports and relevant fields. This means the need to conduct constant research on healthy and active aging in a systematic and practical way through multidisciplinary cooperation. Sixth, it is necessary to establish and operate an elderly management agency (elderly health agency) under the influence of the Office of the Prime Minister. This means the need to secure independence in implementing the functions related to health promotion in old age and make comprehensive operation, which involves all the issues of health promotion in old age, daily function maintenance and rehabilitation, social adjustment, and long-term care, by establishing an elderly management agency in an effort to give lifelong health management to the elderly and cope with the untact, New Normal age.