• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research Information Systems

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Using the METHONTOLOGY Approach to a Graduation Screen Ontology Development: An Experiential Investigation of the METHONTOLOGY Framework

  • Park, Jin-Soo;Sung, Ki-Moon;Moon, Se-Won
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.125-155
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    • 2010
  • Ontologies have been adopted in various business and scientific communities as a key component of the Semantic Web. Despite the increasing importance of ontologies, ontology developers still perceive construction tasks as a challenge. A clearly defined and well-structured methodology can reduce the time required to develop an ontology and increase the probability of success of a project. However, no reliable knowledge-engineering methodology for ontology development currently exists; every methodology has been tailored toward the development of a particular ontology. In this study, we developed a Graduation Screen Ontology (GSO). The graduation screen domain was chosen for the several reasons. First, the graduation screen process is a complicated task requiring a complex reasoning process. Second, GSO may be reused for other universities because the graduation screen process is similar for most universities. Finally, GSO can be built within a given period because the size of the selected domain is reasonable. No standard ontology development methodology exists; thus, one of the existing ontology development methodologies had to be chosen. The most important considerations for selecting the ontology development methodology of GSO included whether it can be applied to a new domain; whether it covers a broader set of development tasks; and whether it gives sufficient explanation of each development task. We evaluated various ontology development methodologies based on the evaluation framework proposed by G$\acute{o}$mez-P$\acute{e}$rez et al. We concluded that METHONTOLOGY was the most applicable to the building of GSO for this study. METHONTOLOGY was derived from the experience of developing Chemical Ontology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid by Fern$\acute{a}$ndez-L$\acute{o}$pez et al. and is regarded as the most mature ontology development methodology. METHONTOLOGY describes a very detailed approach for building an ontology under a centralized development environment at the conceptual level. This methodology consists of three broad processes, with each process containing specific sub-processes: management (scheduling, control, and quality assurance); development (specification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation, and maintenance); and support process (knowledge acquisition, evaluation, documentation, configuration management, and integration). An ontology development language and ontology development tool for GSO construction also had to be selected. We adopted OWL-DL as the ontology development language. OWL was selected because of its computational quality of consistency in checking and classification, which is crucial in developing coherent and useful ontological models for very complex domains. In addition, Protege-OWL was chosen for an ontology development tool because it is supported by METHONTOLOGY and is widely used because of its platform-independent characteristics. Based on the GSO development experience of the researchers, some issues relating to the METHONTOLOGY, OWL-DL, and Prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$-OWL were identified. We focused on presenting drawbacks of METHONTOLOGY and discussing how each weakness could be addressed. First, METHONTOLOGY insists that domain experts who do not have ontology construction experience can easily build ontologies. However, it is still difficult for these domain experts to develop a sophisticated ontology, especially if they have insufficient background knowledge related to the ontology. Second, METHONTOLOGY does not include a development stage called the "feasibility study." This pre-development stage helps developers ensure not only that a planned ontology is necessary and sufficiently valuable to begin an ontology building project, but also to determine whether the project will be successful. Third, METHONTOLOGY excludes an explanation on the use and integration of existing ontologies. If an additional stage for considering reuse is introduced, developers might share benefits of reuse. Fourth, METHONTOLOGY fails to address the importance of collaboration. This methodology needs to explain the allocation of specific tasks to different developer groups, and how to combine these tasks once specific given jobs are completed. Fifth, METHONTOLOGY fails to suggest the methods and techniques applied in the conceptualization stage sufficiently. Introducing methods of concept extraction from multiple informal sources or methods of identifying relations may enhance the quality of ontologies. Sixth, METHONTOLOGY does not provide an evaluation process to confirm whether WebODE perfectly transforms a conceptual ontology into a formal ontology. It also does not guarantee whether the outcomes of the conceptualization stage are completely reflected in the implementation stage. Seventh, METHONTOLOGY needs to add criteria for user evaluation of the actual use of the constructed ontology under user environments. Eighth, although METHONTOLOGY allows continual knowledge acquisition while working on the ontology development process, consistent updates can be difficult for developers. Ninth, METHONTOLOGY demands that developers complete various documents during the conceptualization stage; thus, it can be considered a heavy methodology. Adopting an agile methodology will result in reinforcing active communication among developers and reducing the burden of documentation completion. Finally, this study concludes with contributions and practical implications. No previous research has addressed issues related to METHONTOLOGY from empirical experiences; this study is an initial attempt. In addition, several lessons learned from the development experience are discussed. This study also affords some insights for ontology methodology researchers who want to design a more advanced ontology development methodology.

The Effect of Vision Sharing at Social Enterprise on Organizational Socialization - Focusing on Mediation Effects of Organizational Health - (사회적기업 종사자의 비전공유가 조직사회화에 미치는 영향 -조직건강을 매개로-)

  • Cheon, Han-Seul;Cho, Young-Bohk;Lee, Na-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.75-101
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    • 2018
  • Social enterprise in Korea has faced with many problems such as small size, management capability, lack of technology and weak ability to obtain resources despite its quantitative growth, raising concern over sustainability of social enterprises. Despite such tough environment, unique feature of social enterprise, differentiated from commercial enterprise is that it has clear social mission. In addition, social enterprise has the organizational feature in that vulnerable social group of workers coexists with ordinary workers, and plays a role of helping independence of vulnerable social group. Due to this feature, successful organizational socialization of members in social enterprise is a very important feature. Based on assumption that social mission of social enterprise can be utilized as the unique competitiveness of social enterprise through vision-sharing in the organization, and may give positive effects on successful organizational socialization of organization members, this study aims to conduct empirical research on relationship between vision-sharing and organizational socialization and to explore mediation effects of organizational health as organizational environmental element in relationship between vision sharing and organizational socialization. This study was conducted on 156 employees working at social enterprises. As a result of study, first, vision sharing is found to have positive effects on organizational socialization at social enterprises. Second, vision sharing in social enterprise has positive effects on organizational health. Third, vitality and community-oriented in social enterprise are found to have mediation effects among lower elements of organizational health in relationship between vision sharing and organizational socialization. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the more visions of organization are shared, the more members recognize their organization healthy, resulting in successful organizational socialization. This study is meaningful in that it presents the plans for successful organizational socialization of members of social enterprise including vulnerable groups and that it is the empirical study on plans of social enterprise on human resource management.

An Exploratory Study on Determinants Affecting R Programming Acceptance (R 프로그래밍 수용 결정 요인에 대한 탐색 연구)

  • Rubianogroot, Jennifer;Namn, Su Hyeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2018
  • R programming is free and open source system associated with a rich and ever-growing set of libraries of functions developed and submitted by independent end-users. It is recognized as a popular tool for handling big data sets and analyzing them. Reflecting these characteristics, R has been gaining popularity from data analysts. However, the antecedents of R technology acceptance has not been studied yet. In this study we identify and investigates cognitive factors contributing to build user acceptance toward R in education environment. We extend the existing technology acceptance model by incorporating social norms and software capability. It was found that the factors of subjective norm, perceived usefulness, ease of use affect positively on the intention of acceptance R programming. In addition, perceived usefulness is related to subjective norms, perceived ease of use, and software capability. The main difference of this research from the previous ones is that the target system is not a stand-alone. In addition, the system is not static in the sense that the system is not a final version. Instead, R system is evolving and open source system. We applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to the target system which is a platform where diverse applications such as statistical, big data analyses, and visual rendering can be performed. The model presented in this work can be useful for both colleges that plan to invest in new statistical software and for companies that need to pursue future installations of new technologies. In addition, we identified a modified version of the TAM model which is extended by the constructs such as subjective norm and software capability to the original TAM model. However one of the weak aspects that might inhibit the reliability and validity of the model is that small number of sample size.

Relationships between Collective Intelligence Quality, Its Determinants, and Usefulness: A Comparative Study between Wiki Service and Q&A Service in Perspective of Korean Users (집단지성의 품질, 그 결정요인, 유용성의 관계: 수용자 관점에서 한국의 위키서비스와 Q&A 서비스의 비교)

  • Joo, Jaehun;Normatov, Ismatilla R.
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2012
  • Innovation can come from inside or outside organizations. Recently, organizations have begun turning to external knowledge more often, through various forms of collective intelligence (CI) as collaborative platform to solve complex problems. Several factors facilitate this CI utilization phenomenon. First, with the rapid development of Internet and social media, numerous web applications have become available to millions of the Internet users over the past few decades. Web 2.0 and social media have become innovative web applications that provide an environment for human social interaction and collaboration. Second, the diffusion of simple and easy-to-use technologies that enable users to interact and design web applications without programming skills have led to vast, previously unknown amounts of user-generated content. Finally, the Internet has enabled communities to connect and collaborate, creating a virtual world of CI. In this study, web enabled CI is defined as a composed ability of individuals who are acting as a single cognitive unit to achieve common goals, think reasonably, solve problems, make decisions, carry out complex tasks, and develop creative ideas collectively through participation and collaboration on the web. Although CI plays a critical role in organizational innovation and collaboration, the dubious quality of CI is still problem that is difficult to solve. In general, the quality level of content collected from the crowd is lower than that from professionals. Thus, it is important to identify determinants of CI quality and to analyze the relationship between CI quality and its usefulness. However, there is a lack of empirical study on the quality factors of web-enabled CI. There exist a variety of web enabled CI sites such as Threadless, iStockphoto or InnoCentive, Wikipedia, and Youtube. One of the most successful forms of web-enabled CI is the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, accessible all over the world. Another one example is Naver KnowledgeiN, a typical and popular CI site offering question and answer (Q&A) services. It is necessary to study whether or not different types of CI have a different effect on CI quality and its usefulness. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to answer to following research questions: ${\bullet}$ What determinants are important to CI quality? ${\bullet}$ What is the relationship between CI quality factors and the usefulness of web-enabled CI? ${\bullet}$ Does CI type have a moderating effect on the relationship between CI quality, its determinants, and CI usefulness? Online survey using Google Docs with email and Kakao Talk was conducted for collecting data from Wikipedia and Naver KnowledgeiN users. A totoal of 490 valid responses were collected, where users of Wikipedia were 220 while users of Naver KnowledgeiN were 270. Expertise of contributors, community size, and diversity of contributors were identified as core determinants of perceived CI quality. Perceived CI quality has significantly influenced perceived CI usefulness from a user's perspective. For improving CI quality, it is believed that organizations should ensure proper crowd size, facilitate CI contributors' diversity and attract as many expert contributors as possible. Hypotheses that CI type plays a role of moderator were partially supported. First, the relationship between expertise of contributors and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The expertise of contributors played a more important role in CI quality in the case of Q&A services such as Knowledge iN compared to wiki services such as Wikipedia. This implies that Q&A service requires more expertise and experiences in particular areas rather than the case of Wiki service to improve service quality. Second, the relationship between community size and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The community size has a greater effect on CI quality in case of Wiki service than that of Q&A service. The number of contributors in Wikipeda is important because Wiki is an encyclopedia service which is edited and revised repeatedly from many contributors while the answer given in Naver Knowledge iN can not be corrected by others. Finally, CI quality has a greater effect on its usefulness in case of Wiki service rather than Q&A service. In this paper, we suggested implications for practitioners and theorists. Organizations offering services based on collective intelligence try to improve expertise of contributeros, to increase the number of contributors, and to facilitate participation of various contributors.

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Research Direction for Functional Foods Safety (건강기능식품 안전관리 연구방향)

  • Jung, Ki-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2010
  • Various functional foods, marketing health and functional effects, have been distributed in the market. These products, being in forms of foods, tablets, and capsules, are likely to be mistaken as drugs. In addition, non-experts may sell these as foods, or use these for therapy. Efforts for creating health food regulations or building regulatory system for improving the current status of functional foods have been made, but these have not been communicated to consumers yet. As a result, problems of circulating functional foods for therapy or adding illegal medical to such products have persisted, which has become worse by internet media. The cause of this problem can be categorized into (1) product itself and (2) its use, but in either case, one possible cause is lack of communications with consumers. Potential problems that can be caused by functional foods include illegal substances, hazardous substances, allergic reactions, considerations when administered to patients, drug interactions, ingredients with purity or concentrations too low to be detected, products with metabolic activations, health risks from over- or under-dose of vitamin and minerals, and products with alkaloids. (Journal of Health Science, 56, Supplement (2010)). The reason why side effects related to functional foods have been increasing is that under-qualified functional food companies are exaggerating the functionality for marketing purposes. KFDA has been informing consumers, through its web pages, to address the above mentioned issues related to functional foods, but there still is room for improvement, to promote proper use of functional foods and avoid drug interactions. Specifically, to address these issues, institutionalizing to collect information on approved products and their side effects, settling reevaluation systems, and standardizing preclinical tests and clinical tests are becoming urgent. Also to provide crucial information, unified database systems, seamlessly aggregating heterogeneous data in different domains, with user interfaces enabling effective one-stop search, are crucial.

A Geographically Weighted Regression on the Effect of Regulation of Space Use on the Residential Land Price - Evidence from Jangyu New Town - (공간사용 규제가 택지가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석 - 장유 신도시지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kang, Sun-Duk;Park, Sae-Woon;Jeong, Tae-Yun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examine how land use zoning affects the land price controlling other variables such as road-facing condition of the land, land form, land age after its development and land size. We employ geographically weighted regression analysis which reflects spatial dependency as methodology with a data sample of land transaction price data of Jangyu, a new town, in Korea. The results of our empirical analysis show that the respective coefficients of traditional regression and geographically weighted regression are not significantly different. However, after calculating Moran's Index with residuals of both OLS and GWR models, we find that Moran's Index of GWR decreases around 26% compared to that of OLS model, thus improving the problem of spatial autoregression of residuals considerably. Unlike our expectation, though, in both traditional regression and geographically weighted regression where residential exclusive area is used as a reference variable, the dummy variable of the residential land for both housing and shops shows a negative sign. This may be because the residential land for both housing and shops is usually located in the level area while the residential exclusive area is located at the foot of a mountain or on a gentle hill where the residents can have good quality air and scenery. Although the utility of the residential land for both housing and shops is higher than its counterpart's since it has higher floor area ratio, amenity which can be explained as high quality of air and scenery in this study seems to have higher impact in purchase of land for housing. On the other hand, land for neighbourhood living facility seems to be valued higher than any other land zonings used in this research since it has much higher floor area ratio than the two land zonings above and can have a building with up to 5 stories constructed on it. With regard to road-facing condition, land buyers seem to prefer land which faces a medium-width road as expected. Land facing a wide-width road may have some disadvantage in that it can be exposed to noise and exhaust gas from cars and that entrance may not be easy due to the high speed traffic of the road. In contrast, land facing a narrow road can be free of noise or fume from cars and have privacy protected while it has some inconvenience in that entrance may be blocked by cars parked in both sides of the narrow road. Finally, land age variable shows a negative sign, which means that the price of land declines over time. This may be because decline of the land price of Jangyu was bigger than that of other regions in Gimhae where Jangyu, a new town, also belong, during the global financial crisis of 2008.

An Implementation Method of the Character Recognizer for the Sorting Rate Improvement of an Automatic Postal Envelope Sorting Machine (우편물 자동구분기의 구분율 향상을 위한 문자인식기의 구현 방법)

  • Lim, Kil-Taek;Jeong, Seon-Hwa;Jang, Seung-Ick;Kim, Ho-Yon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2007
  • The recognition of postal address images is indispensable for the automatic sorting of postal envelopes. The process of the address image recognition is composed of three steps-address image preprocessing, character recognition, address interpretation. The extracted character images from the preprocessing step are forwarded to the character recognition step, in which multiple candidate characters with reliability scores are obtained for each character image extracted. aracters with reliability scores are obtained for each character image extracted. Utilizing those character candidates with scores, we obtain the final valid address for the input envelope image through the address interpretation step. The envelope sorting rate depends on the performance of all three steps, among which character recognition step could be said to be very important. The good character recognizer would be the one which could produce valid candidates with very reliable scores to help the address interpretation step go easy. In this paper, we propose the method of generating character candidates with reliable recognition scores. We utilize the existing MLP(multilayered perceptrons) neural network of the address recognition system in the current automatic postal envelope sorters, as the classifier for the each image from the preprocessing step. The MLP is well known to be one of the best classifiers in terms of processing speed and recognition rate. The false alarm problem, however, might be occurred in recognition results, which made the address interpretation hard. To make address interpretation easy and improve the envelope sorting rate, we propose promising methods to reestimate the recognition score (confidence) of the existing MLP classifier: the generation method of the statistical recognition properties of the classifier and the method of the combination of the MLP and the subspace classifier which roles as a reestimator of the confidence. To confirm the superiority of the proposed method, we have used the character images of the real postal envelopes from the sorters in the post office. The experimental results show that the proposed method produces high reliability in terms of error and rejection for individual characters and non-characters.

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Policy Change and Innovation of Textile Industry in Daegu·Kyungbuk Region (대구·경북지역 섬유산업의 정책변화와 혁신과제)

  • Shin, Jin-Kyo;Kim, Yo-Han
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-248
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    • 2012
  • This study analyses support policy and structural change of textile industry in Daegu Kyungbuk region, and suggests major issues for textile industry's innovation. In Daegu Kyungbuk, it was 1999 that a policy, so called Milano Project, in order to promote a textile industry was devised. In 2004, the Regional Industrial Promotion Plan was devised. The plan was born from a view point of establishing a regional innovation system and of promoting the innovative clusters under a knowledge based economy. After then, the Regional Industry Promotion Project or Regional Strategic Industry Promotion Project became a core of regional textile industrial policy. Research results indicated that the first stage Milano project (1999-2003) showed both positive and negative effects. There were no long-term development plan, clear vision and strategy. But, core industrial infrastructure for differentiated product development, such as New product Development Support Center and Dyeing Design Practical Application Center, was constructed. The second stage Daegu Textile Industry Promotion Plan (2004-2008) displayed a significant technological performance and new product sales with the assistance of Kyungbuk province. Also, textile industry revealed positive fruits such as financial structure, productivity, and profitability as a result of strong restructuring. In industrial structure, there was a important change from clothe textile material to industry textile material. Most of textile companies did not showed high capability in CEO's technology innovation intention, entrepreneurship, R&D and human resource competency in compare with other industry. We suggested that Daegu Kyungbuk has to select and concentrate on the high-tech textile material and living textile for sustainable development and competitiveness. We also proposed a confidence and cooperation based innovation network and company oriented innovation cluster.

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A Study on Applicable Level of Entrepreneurship: Focus on Entrepreneurial Orientation (기업가정신의 적용수준과 기업성과에 관한 연구 -기업가지향성을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Eun-Soo;Jeong, Beom-Goo;Lee, Sang-Bin;Sung, Eul-Hyun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.157-185
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out with the attention that the concept of entrepreneurial orientation has been applied at various levels of CEO, employee, management, and organization as a whole. The differences between these concepts were examined by discriminant validity and convergence validity, and the causal relationship between these concepts and performance was analyzed. A total of 96 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results show that CEO's entrepreneurial orientation, employee's entrepreneurial orientation, manager's entrepreneurial orientation and organizational entrepreneurial orientation have convergent validity and discriminant validity, and that these variables have different effects on the firm 's innovation performance and financial performance. In the analysis of the mediating effect, when the variables of all levels were put into a single variable, the innovation performance mediates between the entrepreneurial orientation and the financial performance in all variables. However, when all variables are applied simultaneously, innovation performance has mediating effect only on the relationship between organizational entrepreneurship orientation and financial performance. This shows that there is a conceptual difference according to applied level. As a result of the analysis of the causal relationship by the application level of entrepreneurial orientation, it is found that causality is formed among the entrepreneurial orientation variables. In particular, CEO's entrepreneurial orientation influences employee's entrepreneurial orientation, manager's entrepreneurial orientation, and organization's entrepreneurial orientation, and again, employee's entrepreneurial orientation and managerial entrepreneurial orientation form a causal relationship that influences organization's entrepreneurial orientation. In the relationship between innovation performance and financial performance, CEO's entrepreneurial orientation, organization's entrepreneurial orientation, and manager's entrepreneurial orientation are influencing innovation performance, and the only variables influencing financial performance are organization's entrepreneurial orientation. In conclusion, the limitations of the study and its future direction are presented.

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Calculating the Audit Fee Based on the Estimated Cost (예정원가계산에 의한 감사보수 산정)

  • Mun, Tae-Hyoung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.189-206
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    • 2016
  • It was required to attach the documents on the details of external audit including the number of the participants in external audit, audited parts and audit times under the Article 7-2 on the audit report to the accounting audit report from 2014 in accordance with the amendment to the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies. This study aim to calculate the audit fee based on the estimated cost of service calculation of the government contribution agencies by reflecting the implementation of the revised external audit. This study calculated the audit fee for the target company (a listed company assumed to have no internal control risks and relevant audit risks for unqualified opinion in the previous year, 100 billion won of total amount of asset, manufacturing company in the previous year and preliminary client request) by putting together four items of expenditure including employment costs, expenditure, general management expenses and profit in accordance with the calculation system of cost of service under the State Contract Act. Then, it used the data collected from the documents on the details of the revised external audit after requesting estimation on the target company with the estimated cost to Big-4 accounting firms to identify the participants and times of the accounting audit. The employment costs applied 150% of participation rate of the base price of employment costs for the academic research service cost in 2014, the expenditure used the average value of accounting firms of corporate business management analysis of the Bank of Korea (2013), the general management expenses applied 5% of the general management rate of service business under Article 7-1 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act on Contracts to which the State is a Party and the profit applied 10% of profit rate of service business under Article 7-2 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act on Contracts to which the State is a Party. Based on the calculation of the estimated costs by applying the above, the audit fee was estimated at 50,617,769won. Although the result is not the optimal audit fee, it may be used as a basic scale to compare the audit fees of companies without criteria. Also, such amendment to the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies may improve independence of auditors and transparency of the accounting system rather than previous announcing only the total audit times.

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