• Title/Summary/Keyword: Region Income

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Effect of Self-Rated Health Awareness and Oral Health Care Behavior on Dental Fear in Some Areas Adult Patients (일부지역 성인 환자의 주관적 건강인식과 구강건강관리행태가 치과공포감에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chung-Mu;Yoon, Hyun-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the oral health care and self-rated health status of adults visiting dental clinics in the region of Busan and influential factors for their dental fear from January to May, 2017, in an effort to obtain some information on how to relieve fear. As for dental fear, adults who were in their 30s, who were homemakers and whose monthly income ranged from 4 to 4.99 million won. In regard to fear according to oral health care, dental fear caused by the treatment avoidance factor was stronger among the adults who didn't receive dental checkups and who brushed their teeth in the wrong way. Dental fear that was attributed to the physiological reaction factor and the stimuli-inducing factor was severer among the adults who didn't receive dental checkups and who had no scaling experience. Overall fear was severer among the adults who didn't receive dental checkups and who changed their toothbrushes every four or more months. The factors that affected dental fear were self-rated health status, self-rated oral health status, gender, age, whether to receive dental checkups on a regular basis or not, and oral health education experience. Therefore in order to alleviate dental fear, self-rated health status should be improved, and the kind of system that encourages regular dental checkups and provides oral health education should be prepared.

A Study on the Regional Economic Multiplier Impacts of Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival (제주국제관악제의 지역경제파급효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Hye-young;Yang, Jeong-Cheol;Lim, Jung-Hyun;Hwang, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to measure the effects on the regional economy from the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival. In order to examine the economic ripple effects of the festival, we examine its impact on the local economy using two regional (Jeju-National) industry-related models based on the 2013 Jeju Region Input and Output Table. We also compare how the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival is growing and affecting the regional economy through a comparison between 2017 and 2018. Comparing the results of a production-inducing and value added-effect analysis of the induced industries from investment expenditures for the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival, the production-inducing effects increased by 2.1 times-from 9.05 billion won in 2017 to 18.7 billion won in 2018. The value-added effect increased by 2.2 times, from nearly 4.3 billion won in 2017 to nearly 9.2 billion won in 2018. The analysis shows that the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival contributes greatly to an income increase for local residents. In order to enhance the effects of the Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival, it is necessary to use policies that link culture and tourism in Jeju.

Development of Index of Park Derivation to Promote Inclusive Living SOC Policy (포용적 생활 SOC 정책 추진을 위한 공원결핍지수 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2019
  • In order to resolve the imbalances in the supply of living SOCs according to socio-economic status, location, and population groups, the discussions on inclusive city policies are expanding. The purpose of this study is to propose an Index of Park Derivation (IPD) as an alternative indicator for the promotion of an inclusive urban park policy that can be applied in the 7 major metropolitan cities to select a region with a relatively high park needs. The main research results are as follows. First, the concept of an inclusive urban park policy is defined as "a policy to supply to manage high-quality park services with priority given to areas with low socio-economic and environmental status, such as a large amount of elderly, children, low-income families, areas vulnerable to disasters, such as heat and fine dust, and population groups." Second, we developed the index of park derivation (IPD), which is a combination of 17 variables including park service level, demographic characteristics, economic and educational level, health level, and environmental vulnerability. The variables that constitute the index of park deprivation (IPD) can be applied to SOC policies outside the parks, such as sports facilities, daycare centers, kindergartens, and public libraries. Third, applying index of park deprivation (IPD) to 1,148 Eup/Myeon/dong areas of the 7 metropolitan cities resulted in areas with relatively high park service needs. This study implies that the central and the local government suggest an alternative index to promote an inclusive urban park policy based on statistical and geographical information and data that can be easily accessed and utilized.

Economic Evaluations of Facility Farms by the Introduction of Mango Ultra-High Density Pot Cultivation (망고 초밀식 화분재배 도입 시설농가의 경제성 평가)

  • Jeong, U Seok;Kim, Seongsup
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2021
  • This study evaluated the economic feasibility of facility farms according to the introduction of the ultra-high density pot cultivation (UHDPC) for mango. The basic model was selected as a representative farmhouse case in the Jeonnam region, and seven scenarios for conventional crops were tested. The economic feasibility of crop switching was analyzed through partial budget analysis (PBA). The PBA analysis results were supplemented by adding a sensitivity analysis and a break-even point (BEP) analysis. As a result of the analyses, it was found that crop conversion was economical because the increase in the profit coefficient was greater than the increase in the loss coefficient due to the introduction of mango for all conventional crops. The economics of introducing mango was more sensitive to changes in gross income than to changes in cost items. The results show the detailed conditions of crop selection according to the conditions and preferences of individual farms by presenting the direction of increase and decrease by budget item and information on the amount of increase or decrease. In particular, the BEP analysis result, which is about half of the farms case, is significant in that it presents the minimum target value according to production and market risks.

A Study on Idol Marketing Strategies Using Web Entertainment - Focusing on - (웹 예능을 활용한 아이돌 마케팅 전략 연구 - <달려라 방탄>을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Shuo-Kun;Huh, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to look at web entertainment in terms of marketing and analyze how consumers in Korea and abroad feel about it. To this end, methods such as literature research, case studies, and consumer interviews were used. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. First of all, through the case of "Run BTS," the web entertainment program actively reflects the needs of viewers on entertainment content by utilizing the unique interactions of web entertainment in terms of products. In terms of price, web entertainment operated a paid service that contained more diverse contents. However, the degree of satisfaction with paid services was different for each age group or income of viewers. In terms of distribution, web entertainment can position viewers much more clearly than conventional TV entertainment, has strong communication with viewers, and is relatively free from political conflict or censorship in overseas exports. Finally, in terms of public relations, web entertainment is promoted in various ways to fans who are the mainstay of existing viewers, but public relations for various viewers other than fans are relatively weak. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposed ways to improve consumers of web entertainment by region, customized marketing by age, professional window for consumers to directly express their opinions on content, and wide promotion through various media.

Blood Biochemical Characteristics, Dietary Intake, and Risk Factors Related to Poor HbA1c Control in Elderly Korean Diabetes Patients: Comparison between the 4th(2007-2009) and the 7th(2016-2018) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (한국 당뇨병 노인의 혈액생화학적 특성, 식이 섭취, 당화혈색소 관련 위험 요인 및 위험도: 국민건강영양조사 제4기(2007-2009)와 제7기(2016-2018) 비교)

  • Oh, Sung-Won;Kim, Sook-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.406-421
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the blood biochemical characteristics, comorbidities, dietary intake, and other risk factors leading to poor glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) control in elderly Korean diabetes patients over 65 years of age. Methods: Data from the 4th (2007-2009) and the 7th (2016-2018) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES) were used. Socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, region, household income, education level, marital status, nutrition education, diabetes duration and diabetes treatment), lifestyle characteristics (drinking, smoking, regular walking, and subjective health perception), anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, and waist circumference), blood biochemical characteristics (HbA1c, high- density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, total cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, and blood creatinine), co-morbidities (obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and anemia), energy and nutrients intake, food group intake, and HbA1c control-related risk factors were compared. Results: Compared to the 4th survey, the 7th survey showed an increase in diabetes prevalence among men, an increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the older patients, and an increase in the duration of diabetes. The energy ratio from carbohydrate consumption in the 7th survey was lower than in the 4th. Compared to the 4th survey, thiamine and riboflavin intake had improved, and the intakes of vitamin A, vitamin C, and niacin had worsened in the 7th. A comparison of food group intakes showed that there was a decrease in the consumption of whole grains, potatoes, and milk and an increase in the intake of beverages and alcoholic beverages. The risk factors for poor control of HbA1c were the duration of diabetes and co-morbid hypertriglyceridemia in the 4th survey, whereas subjective health perception, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia as co-morbidities were found to be risk factors in the 7th in addition to the risk factors highlighted in the 4th survey. Conclusions: For the future management of elderly Korean diabetes patients, greater care is indicated for men over 75 years, and those with low levels of education. It is necessary to increase the intake of milk and vegetables, and reduce the intake of beverages and alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the incidence of obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia for proper control of blood sugar.

Success Factors Analysis of Chinese Large Scenario Experience Drama:'You Jian Ping-yao' (중국 대형정경체험극 '우견평요'의 성공요인 분석)

  • Wang, Yilun;Jang, Hyewon
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, China's tourism performing art in a series of new completion of the project, increase the box office of tourism performing arts industry, higher economic income, at the same time led to the formation of brand of tourism performing arts and has a good reputation, with the regional culture, has a certain role in promoting economic development, including Large scenario experience drama is one of the key projects. Large scenario experience drama is a new form of drama that simulates the space design of real environment and enables the audience to have active experience in visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch and other senses with strong interactivity.Large scenario experience drama are adapted from traditional Chinese culture, regional culture and long-passed stories, and combine high technology such as lighting, sound effects, special effects and 3D effects to make the audience's experience more real.As the first Large scenario experience drama in China, 'You Jian Ping-yao' reflects the profound culture of Shanxi with new forms of expression and creative means, in the form of scene experience and make the audience more intuitive feel the 'Shanxi emotion', 'Shanxi sentiment' and 'Shanxi Morality', carry forward the traditional culture at the same time, also passed the Shanxi ancient and great values, strengthened the drama of China's movie village, impetus the development of the tourism industry in Shanxi, drive the Shanxi region of jingjing, gradually formed a complete industrial chain. However, there are also limitations such as improper plot connection and improper tourist management, which can improve the performance effect through more audience interaction and guidance. Therefore, it can be seen that large-scale situational experience dramas play a great role in promoting the dissemination of traditional culture and values, the development of tourism industry, the formation of regional brand characteristics and economic development. Through these, it can be seen that large-scale situational experience plays have enlightenments such as innovative thinking content, gradually forming an industrial chain closed-loop, and broadening publicity channels for the development of live-action performances.

Analysis of the Landscape Conservation Direct Payment System Based on Spatial Information Data and Utilization of Rural Area Regeneration (공간정보데이터 기반의 경관보전직불제도 실태분석과 농촌공간 재생의 활용방안)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Kang, Dong-Jin;Choi, Jin-ah;Son, Yong-hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2023
  • There is a clear need to enhance the attractiveness of rural areas by leveraging their core assets to respond to emerging mega-trends. This paper analyzes the progress of the direct payment program that has been implemented to preserve agricultural landscapes in rural areas, using spatial information data. The study identified the planting characteristics of landscape crops, spatial utilization characteristics of the system, and utilization characteristics of the system by the beneficiaries. According to the analysis, the spatial utilization characteristics of the system could be classified into eight types: tourism resources and nearby agricultural areas, designation across the entire rural area, agricultural areas around villages, large-scale agricultural areas, small-scale agricultural areas, scattered and dispersed areas, independent parcels of land, and ranches. Based on the characteristics and limitations of the landscape preservation direct payment system, this study provides directions for future rural specialized zones. The landscape preservation direct payment system focuses on income support for farmers and providing agricultural benefits in terms of public interest. Meanwhile, the landscape agricultural zone serves as a rural specialized zone, highlighting the need to explore the direction of integrated rural landscape management. It is important for farmers, as the key stakeholders, to preserve the agricultural landscape in rural areas. Forming community-level cooperatives and engaging in relevant activities are crucial for achieving this goal. In order to actively preserve the agricultural landscape, it is necessary to consider the resumption of financial support for village landscape preservation activities, along with the designation of landscape agricultural zones. There is a need to conduct a specific review and explore measures to accommodate the designated landscape complexes at the local government level. The higher the ratio of designated landscape complexes, the more agricultural landscape management based on public value has been carried out. The designation of such landscape complexes can be seen as a demand for voluntary utilization of agricultural landscapes in the region. Moreover, as the ratio of designated landscape complexes increases, it becomes evident that farmers at the village level actively participate in agricultural landscape preservation and contribute to providing public value or utilize it as a tourism resource. This highlights the need for managing agricultural landscapes at the village level within the appropriate context.

How has Brexit changed the UK: Deepening of Social Division and Increase of Rancour (브렉시트(Brexit)가 바꾼 영국: 사회적 분열의 심화와 증오의 확산)

  • Sungwook Yoon
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.79-110
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this research is to explore the relation between Brexit and division in various areas within the British society. This research can lead to understanding how division of the British society and the decision of Brexit was mutually influenced. The UK's withdrawal from the EU has been explained mainly through the relations between the EU and the UK; therefore, issues of immigration, EU regulation, and the UK's EU rebate are considered as major reasons. In addition, 'British identity' or 'British exceptionalism' existing in the British society and politics for a long time has been regarded as a reason for Brexit. Although it is generally accepted that Brexit results in the division in the British society, the reasons mentioned above have limitation to explain the result of referendum and the division of the British society in the post-Brexit era. In this sense, this research explores the division in various areas - generation, social grade including income and education level, value and region, etc. - revealed in the British society is not the result of Brexit; rather, this research argues division deeply rooted in the British society before referendum is the root cause of Brexit. The division in various areas immanent in the British society for a long time is complicatedly intertwined, and the decision on Brexit by referendum has led to solidifying the division of the British society. Having considered this division in the British society has been expanded to rancour, it is necessary for the UK to establish appropriate policies for national cohesion.

The Characteristics of Traditional Irrigation Farming System of Uiseong-gun (의성 전통수리 농업시스템의 특징)

  • Lee, Yoo-Jick;Lee, Seung-Hye;Lee, Da-Young;Jeong, Jae-Hyeon;Park, Jin-Wook;Gu, Jin Hyuk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2023
  • Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, one of the representative small rain regions, has developed a traditional irrigation farming system while overcoming and adapting to unfavorable agricultural environments from the days of the ancient nation of Jomunguk to the present. In 2018, its value was recognized and designated as Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage System No. 10. This study was conducted with the purpose of examining the characteristics of the traditional irrigation farming system in Uiseong from the viewpoints of irrigation facilities, irrigation communities, and agricultural activities. The research results are as follows. Uiseong-gun has been expanding irrigation facilities for agriculture since long ago, and it has been investigated that a total of 6,227 irrigation facilities are currently distributed along the Wicheon water system that crosses Uiseong-gun from east to west. Irrigation facilities appear differently depending on the topography. The irrigation facility has a 'su-tong' as an irrigation passage and a corkscrew structure 'mot-tchong' as a water quantity control device, so the amount of water was adjusted as needed. Through this facility, surface water with warmer temperature is supplied to the farmland to prevent cold damage to crops. Uiseong has developed activities to organize irrigation communities in one village or several villages to secure agricultural water from an early age. Currently, this tradition continues, and a total of 213 irrigation communities manage 375 irrigation facilities (6.0% of all irrigation facilities). Through this organization, called Mong-ri-gye, water for agriculture is obtained, managed, and distributed equitably. In order to increase agricultural production, Uiseong implemented double cropping by converting rice fields and fields. In the case of Mt. Geumseong, double cropping of rice and barley was mainly carried out until the 1970s, but since the 1980s, double cropping of rice and garlic has been implemented with higher income. One of the unique features of the agricultural system of this region is the spectacular landscape that changes simultaneously from field to rice field in spring and from rice field to field in autumn.