• Title/Summary/Keyword: Recognition Planning

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The Development of Argument-based Modeling Strategy Using Scientific Writing (과학적 글쓰기를 활용한 논의-기반 모델링 전략의 개발)

  • Cho, Hey Sook;Nam, Jeonghee;Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.479-490
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an argument-based modeling strategy, utilizing writing and argumentation for communication in science education. We need to support students and teachers who have difficulty in modeling in science education, this strategy focuses on development of four kinds of factors as follows: First, awareness of problems, recognizing in association with problems by observing several problematic situations. Second is science concept structuralization suggesting enough science concepts by organization for scientific explanation. The third is claim-evidence appropriateness that suggests appropriate representation as evidence for assertions. Last, the use of various representations and multimodal representations that converts and integrates these representations in evidence suggestion. For the development of these four factors, this study organized three stages. 'Recognition process' for understanding of multimodal representations, and 'Interpretation process' for understanding of activity according to multimodal representations, 'Application process' for understanding of modeling through argumentation. This application process has been done with eight stages of 'Asking questions or problems - Planning experiment - Investigation through observation on experiment - Analyzing and interpreting data - Constructing pre-model - Presenting model - Expressing model using multimodal representations - Evaluating model - Revising model'. After this application process, students could have opportunity to form scientific knowledge by making their own model as scientific explanation system for the phenomenon of the natural world they observed during a series of courses of modeling.

An Empirical Study on Defense Future Technology in Artificial Intelligence (인공지능 분야 국방 미래기술에 관한 실증연구)

  • Ahn, Jin-Woo;Noh, Sang-Woo;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Yun, Il-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2020
  • Artificial intelligence, which is in the spotlight as the core driving force of the 4th industrial revolution, is expanding its scope to various industrial fields such as smart factories and autonomous driving with the development of high-performance hardware, big data, data processing technology, learning methods and algorithms. In the field of defense, as the security environment has changed due to decreasing defense budget, reducing military service resources, and universalizing unmanned combat systems, advanced countries are also conducting technical and policy research to incorporate artificial intelligence into their work by including recognition systems, decision support, simplification of the work processes, and efficient resource utilization. For this reason, the importance of technology-driven planning and investigation is also increasing to discover and research potential defense future technologies. In this study, based on the research data that was collected to derive future defense technologies, we analyzed the characteristic evaluation indicators for future technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and conducted empirical studies. The study results confirmed that in the future technologies of the defense AI field, the applicability of the weapon system and the economic ripple effect will show a significant relationship with the prospect.

The Effects of Dysfunctional attitude of College Students on Job-Seeking Anxiety (대학생의 진로정체감이 진로자기조절, 전공만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, In-Sook;Son, Min-Jeong;Park, Hye-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.302-312
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    • 2017
  • Korean society believes that graduating from university is essential but even though choosing a career is important because of this social phenomenon, teenagers or the younger generation lack many aspects to choose or take responsibility of their career. Therefore, they are affected by others and this study explores how university students' career identity affects their self-career control and major satisfaction. The subjects of this research were 300 students of M college ranging from freshmen to juniors. The research period was 2015.09.30~10.07. Among the study results, the results of career identity affecting self-career control are career environment setting 18%, career commitment will 27%, planning and examining 18%, career feedback 12%, positive thinking 22% and study shows that career commitment will has a large impact on career identity. Second, the results of how career identity affects major satisfaction revealed that recognition satisfaction, relation satisfaction, and normal satisfaction have a large influence on career decision. This analysis result concludes that a college student's career identity lowers the conflict of choosing a major or job and with a higher satisfaction of their major, can obtain self-confidence of choosing a job, searching for a job, and setting a life goal. Therefore, in order to raise career identity, colleges need to research and develop career guidance programs and career counseling.

A Phenomenologic Study on the Married Nurse's Experience of Child Rearing (기혼간호사의 육아경험에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Cho, Cheong-Ho
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.182-201
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to examine a married nurse's experience of child rearing through being applied to phenomenological research method. By exchanging their experiences, helping and understanding one another, married nurses can work with delight considering their own present job as their lifelong job. In addition this study can help single nurses overcome the female crises such as marriage, childbirth, and child rearing they will experience in the future. The subjects of this research was 26 married nurses who work for a university hospital in affiliation in Seoul and have children. The period of materials collection was from Feb. 1st to Mar. 3, 1995. The method of materials collection was primarily to write down a questionary with openhearted contents. In collecting it, the respondents were allowed to say at their pleasure through further interview. The materials were analyzed by Giorgi's phenomenological analysis method. The findings of this study are as follows ; 1) The responses of married nurses' experience of child rearing-[pleasure] [family solidarity] [maternal-infant attachment] [understanding] [toilsome]-were induced. That is, at once affirmative experience and hard experience coexisted. 2) The method of married nurses' child rearing-[rearing politely] [raising understanding] [having the sense of family community] [rearing with praying the heart] [careless]-were induced. 3) The support system of married nurses' child rearing-[having help family] [having help from others]-were induced. According to the above findings, the married nursed showed affirmative responses about their experience of child rearing, but at the same time they expressed painful when stayed apart from their children on account of their job or when their children were sick. In the method of child rearing, they tried to grow their children polite because there was much time for them to stay apart from their children. And they tried to give a better explanation in order that their children can have an independence spirit. They tended to compensate through frequent physical touch with their children. As the support system of married nurses' child rearing, they asked their parents or their parents-in-law to take care of their children, hired a nursery governess in their houses, or used a children's home, if they can't afford to. That is, the only one who has a firm sense of her profession, tries to inspire her accomplishment, and is receiving her husband' love and understanding is considered to perform two things simultaneously with harmony, having an recognition of lifelong job. Suggestions 1. The method to solve mental troubles on child rearing should be groped. 2. Their economical burden should be reduced by establishing children's home in their working places, and the increase of maternal-infant interaction should be contrived. 3. The chance of education should be offered in order that married nurses themselves might inspire self-conceit and professionalism on clinical nursing. 4. The familiar mood should be created through planning the programs to be accompanied with children as an annual event in hospital. 5. The part-time nurse system should be suggested to utilize. 6. The system of circulation working should be converted into the system of fixing working according to the characteristic of each department. 7. Programs for special activities such as learning foreign languages and computer should be supported positively.

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The National Policy of Information Management in the U.K. (영국의 문헌정보관리 정책)

  • Han, S.W.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 1987
  • The United Kingdom has a well-developed and comprehensive information infrastructure which has grown up over many years, but in the strict sense it has no coherent body of policy relating to information collection, storage, provision and supply. However, each of the governmental, professional and other bodies which has any major involvement with information, has committees to run its affairs and develop its policies in relation to issues and problems in the field. In addition, a number of ad hoc committees and working parties, to discuss or deal with a current problem, or to monitor or advise on the conduct of a research or development project, show that there is a high degree of awareness. of what is happening in the field and that there are many opportunities for expressing any particular point of view. The need for good intelligence in business or industrial operations is now being more generally accepted, and in consequence the need for a director of intelligence is also seen. The director of information in an industrial setting is the information manager, who combines or has access to the skills of several disciplines, including library, data processing and communication skills as well as managerial. Recognition of the need for such persons has policy implications in terms of short-term training provision and long-term educational facilities for the emerging profession, as well as manpower planning implications.

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Research for robot kidnap problem in the indoor of utilizing external image information and the absolute spatial coordinates (실내 공간에서 이동 로봇의 납치 문제 해결을 위한 외부 영상 정보 및 절대 공간 좌표 활용 연구)

  • Jeon, Young-Pil;Park, Jong-Ho;Lim, Shin-Teak;Chong, Kil-To
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.2123-2130
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    • 2015
  • For such automatic monitoring robot or a robot cleaner that is utilized indoors, if it deviates from someone by replacement or, or of a mobile robot such as collisions with unexpected object direction or planned path, based on the planned path There is a need to come back to, it is necessary to tough self-position estimation ability of mobile robot in this, which is also associated with resolution of the kidnap problem of conventional mobile robot. In this study, the case of a mobile robot, operates indoors, you want to take advantage of the low cost of the robot. Therefore, in this paper, by using the acquisition device to an external image information such as the CCTV which is installed in a room, it acquires the environment image and take advantage of marker recognition of the mobile robot at the same time and converted it absolutely spatial coordinates it is, we are trying to solve the self-position estimation of the mobile robot in the room and kidnap problem and actual implementation methods potential field to try utilizing robotic systems. Thus, by implementing the method proposed in this study to the actual robot system, and is promoting the relevant experiment was to verify the results.

Evaluation of the Standardized Curriculum Module and Integrated Program for Social-Environmental Education (사회환경 교육과정의 표준화 모형 및 통합 프로그램의 평가)

  • Lee, Sook-Im;Kang, Myoung-Hee;Nam, Sang-Jun;Park, Suk-Soon;Sung, Hyo-Hyun;Choi, Don-Hyung;Hur, Myung
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.76-94
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    • 2001
  • Promoting positive values, attitudes, participation and personal actions on the basis of the acquisition of one's knowledge and skills is emphasized on teaching environmental education. To complete this purpose of environmental education, it is necessary not only to use various and practical educational resources, but also to develop information system, with multimedia and internet, which are effective for learning. This research attempts to assess the consistency of planning, organization and operation of integrated program for social environmental education which was developed for the necessities mentioned above. We surveyed about the accuracy of contents, usefulness, convenience and easiness of Integrated program for social environmental education. Also, we used a questionnaire to clarify the values and attitudes of respondents after they took environmental education. Then, technically, descriptive statistical method has been used to analyze the results of these surveys. Finally, we conduct an examination of the distribution of chi-square to verify the relationship between the learner's experience of using computer and one's concern about environmental issues. The results of this program, developed by research team, can be assessed by following five basic elements: usefulness, practicality, appropriation, efficiency and effectiveness. More than 90% of respondents said that this program is convenient and easy to loam. Also, more than 85% of whole respondents identified that after teaming this program they recognized more clearly what the main contents of environmental education are. In addition, we got positive response from 93% of respondents that they could understand environmental problems. On the other hand, values and attitudes of respondents have not improved a lot after the environmental education compared with the remarkable change in their recognition and understanding of environmental issues; only 34% of respondents responded that they changed their life style for making better environment after teaming this program. But it is clear that they understand much better about the environmental policy after they are educated. Developed by using information system, this integrated program for social environmental education may get different results according to a respondent's experience of using computer. Therefore, the more a respondent got a chance to use computer for a long period of time, the more he/she gave positive evaluation on the convenience and easiness of this program. However, there was no certain relationship between the frequence of using computer and one's understanding of environmental issues. Futhermore, a person who has constant concerns about environmental problems showed more positive attitudes against the understanding of environmental education. This integrated program for social environmental education, characterized by integrated, specialized and efficient educational system, can also be used as a curriculum or teaching materials for environmental education for adults; especially, it would be appropriate for teaching learners at all levels, who have different personal characteristics, to let them acquire virtual education by using information system.

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A Study on Definition and Classification System of Wastes (폐기물의 개념 및 분류체계에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.113-137
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is to introduce the definitions and classification methods of wastes in international agreements and legislations, examine the concept of wastes and their classification systems in Korea, and finally analyze and compare the concept of wastes in different countries for finding better solutions and suggestions. The study summarizes the concept of wastes as introduced in the Basel Convention, OECD, EU, US, and UK. First, each of the member countries adapt to the same concepts of wastes as defined in their international agreements; second, the intention of the wastes holder and the conditions of the wastes are considered at the same time when defining the concepts. Upon close examination of the classification of wastes systems as introduced in the Basel Convention, OECD, EU, US, and UK, the wastes are classified into toxic and non-toxic wastes according to the existence of poisonous substances. Therefore, it is classified as a toxic waste when any toxic substance on its list is included in the waste, while others are considered as a non-toxic waste if they don't contain poisonous substances. Secondly, in the UK, the matter of toxic or non-toxic wastes are classified, not according to the existence of the poisonous substances, but based on the generation of sources. In Korea, the concepts of wastes are divided into the two categories - a concept as defined in actual legislations and a concept in its translation. The Korean classification of the wastes include Wastes Management Act, amended in 1995, which stipulates that toxic substances should be managed in a special way as the designated wastes. It appears that the Act utilizes the classification method that classifies the wastes according to the existence of poisonous substance. Korea's concepts of wastes should be changed after recognition of the concepts in international agreement (Basel Convention, EU) and other foreign laws(US, UK) that consider subjective and objective standards at the same time when they define the concepts. Also, the development of technology in recycling and reuse of the wastes can remove the current absolute notion of the wastes so that it also should not be passed over. Also, because a classification structure of wastes has a close relationship with a disposal structure, its classification system should be fixed gradually to come up with the development of wastes disposal technology and its policy.

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Knowledge about Colorectal Cancer in Northern Iran: a Population-Based Telephone Survey

  • Mansour-Ghanaei, Alireza;Joukar, Farahnaz;Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz;Rasoulian, Javid;Naghipour, Mohammad Reza;Fani, Arezoo;Kazemnejad, Ehsan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.17
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    • pp.7831-7836
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    • 2015
  • Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to assess the general knowledge of CRC in individuals living in Rasht, Iran, using a population-based cross-sectional telephone survey. Materials and Methods: A total of 1557 participants between 18 and 80 years of age were interviewed using random sampling from the telephone directory. Knowledge of risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention of CRC was assessed using a validated questionnaire. Results: The mean knowledge level of the 1,557 respondents (average age 46 y) was $13.5{\pm}4.29$ (maximum possible score = 26), and 46.4% (722/1,557) of the subjects achieved grades lower than the mean score. The mean scores for knowledge of symptoms and risk factors were $3.97{\pm}1.83$ (range: 0-7) and $5.17{\pm}1.65$ (range: 0-9), respectively. Older age, higher education, and employment were significantly associated with better scores for recognition of risk factors and warning symptoms. The majority of subjects correctly identified weight loss (70.2%; 1,093/1,557) and rectal bleeding (63.3%; 986/1,557) as symptoms of CRC, and that smoking (85.9%; 1,337/1,557) and a low-fiber diet (73.4%; 1,143/1,557) were risk factors. Approximately half of the subjects noted increasing age, genetic background and fried food as other risk factors. A considerable number (54.8%; 853/1,557) identified colonoscopy as a screening method for detecting CRC in asymptomatic patients. However, a third of the subjects in the target group for screening (${\geq}50y$) were not interested in undergoing screening, primarily due to a lack of symptoms. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the knowledge of CRC is poor among the public, and therefore greater attempts should be made to increase awareness. Public education emphasizing the risk factors and symptoms of CRC, as well as the importance of regular screening regardless of the presence of symptoms, may help to reduce CRC morbidity and mortality.

The development of a taste education program for preschoolers and evaluation of a program by parents and childcare personnel

  • Shon, Choengmin;Park, Young;Ryou, Hyunjoo;Na, Woori;Choi, Kyungsuk
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.466-473
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    • 2012
  • The change in people's dietary life has led to an increase in an intake of processed foods and food chemicals, raising awareness about taste education for preschoolers whose dietary habits start to grow. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of parents and childcare personnel after developing a taste education program and demonstrating it in class. A part of the curriculum developed by Piusais and Pierre was referred for the program. After educating 524 preschoolers in child care facilities in Seoul, a satisfaction survey was conducted on the program. The data in this study were analyzed using SPSS 14.0. Statistical analysis was conducted based on the frequency after collecting the data. Mean ${\pm}$ SD used to determine satisfaction with taste education, with preferences marked on a five-point scale and the alpha was set at 0.05. The program includes five teachers' guides with subjects of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness and harmony of flavor, and ten kinds of teaching tools. For the change in parents' recognition of the need for taste education based on five-point scale, the average of $4.06{\pm}0.62$ before the program has significantly increased to $4.32{\pm}0.52$ (P < 0.01). Regarding the change in the preferences for sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness, the average has increased to $3.83{\pm}0.61$, $3.62{\pm}0.66$, $3.64{\pm}0.66$, and $3.56{\pm}0.75$ respectively. In an evaluation of instructors in child care facilities, the average scores for education method, education effect, education contents and nutritionists, and teaching tools were at $4.15{\pm}0.63$, $3.91{\pm}0.50$, $4.18{\pm}0.50$, and $3.80{\pm}0.56$ respectively. In addition, the need for a continuous taste education scored $4.42{\pm}0.67$. This program has created a positive change in preschoolers' dietary life, therefore the continuation and propagation of the taste education program should be considered.