• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real - time

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Simulation and Post-representation: a study of Algorithmic Art (시뮬라시옹과 포스트-재현 - 알고리즘 아트를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Soojin
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.56
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    • pp.45-70
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    • 2018
  • Criticism of the postmodern philosophy of the system of representation, which has continued since the Renaissance, is based on a critique of the dichotomy that separates the subjects and objects and the environment from the human being. Interactivity, highlighted in a series of works emerging as postmodern trends in the 1960s, was transmitted to an interactive aspect of digital art in the late 1990s. The key feature of digital art is the possibility of infinite variations reflecting unpredictable changes based on public participation on the spot. In this process, the importance of computer programs is highlighted. Instead of using the existing program as it is, more and more artists are creating and programming their own algorithms or creating unique algorithms through collaborations with programmers. We live in an era of paradigm shift in which programming itself must be considered as a creative act. Simulation technology and VR technology draw attention as a technique to represent the meaning of reality. Simulation technology helps artists create experimental works. In fact, Baudrillard's concept of Simulation defines the other reality that has nothing to do with our reality, rather than a reality that is extremely representative of our reality. His book Simulacra and Simulation refers to the existence of a reality entirely different from the traditional concept of reality. His argument does not concern the problems of right and wrong. There is no metaphysical meaning. Applying the concept of simulation to algorithmic art, the artist models the complex attributes of reality in the digital system. And it aims to build and integrate internal laws that structure and activate the world (specific or individual), that is to say, simulate the world. If the images of the traditional order correspond to the reproduction of the real world, the synthesized images of algorithmic art and simulated space-time are the forms of art that facilitate the experience. The moment of seeing and listening to the work of Ian Cheng presented in this article is a moment of personal experience and the perception is made at that time. It is not a complete and closed process, but a continuous and changing process. It is this active and situational awareness that is required to the audience for the comprehension of post-representation's forms.

A Study on Survey of Improvement of Non Face to Face Education focused on Professor of Disaster Management Field in COVID-19 (코로나19 상황에서 재난분야 교수자를 대상으로 한 비대면 교육의 개선에 관한 조사연구)

  • Park, Jin Chan;Beck, Min Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.640-654
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Normal education operation was difficult in the national disaster situation of Coronavirus Infection-19. Non-face-to-face education can be an alternative to face to face education, but it is not easy to provide the same level of education. In this study, the professor of disaster management field will identify problems that can occur in the overall operation and progress of non-face-to-face education and seek ways to improve non-face-to-face education. Method: Non-face-to-face real-time education was largely categorized into pre-class, in-class, post-class, and evaluation, and case studies were conducted through the professor's case studies. Result&Conclusion: The results of the survey are as follows: First, pre-class, it was worth considering providing a non-face-to-face educational place for professors, and the need for prior education on non-face-to-face educational equipment and systems was required. In addition, it seems necessary to make sure that education is operated smoothly by giving enough notice on classes and to make efforts to develop non-face-to-face education programs for practical class. Second, communication between professor and learner, and among learners can be an important factor in non-face-to-face mid classes. To this end, it is necessary to actively utilize debate-type classes to lead learners to participate in education and enhance the educational effect through constant interaction. Third, non-face-to-face post classes, policies on the protection of privacy due to video records should be prepared to protect the privacy of professors in advance, and copyright infringement on educational materials should also be considered. In addition, it is necessary to devise various methods for fair and objective evaluation. According to the results of the interview, in the contents, which are components of non-face-to-face education, non-face-to-face education requires detailed plans on the number of students, contents, and curriculum suitable for non-face-to-face education from the design of the education. In the system, it is necessary to give the professor enough time to fully learn and familiarize with the function of the program through pre-education on the program before the professor gives non-face-to-face classes, and to operate the helpdesk, which can thoroughly check the pre-examination before non-face-to-face education and quickly resolve the problem in case of a problem.

A Study on The heroic side and the features of the classic novel Historical significance (고소설에 표출된 영웅의 양상과 그 역사적 의미 - <최고운전>, <전우치전>, <전관산전>, <일념홍>, <여영웅>을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, sang-woo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.71
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    • pp.9-39
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    • 2018
  • We considered the historical significance and the individual aspects of heroes that are reflected in the historical differences between men and women expressed in the old tales. To achieve this purpose, the paper selects , , , , and as text. Their characters were then catalogued into cultural heroes-Choi ChI-won, popular heroes-Jeon Woo-chI, family heroes-Chung So-jeo, pro-Japanese enlightenment hero-Ilneyomhong and Lee Hyung-kyung. He also tried to achieve his goal by describing the historical significance of the hero's type. China and Joseon were at odds with each other, so their relationship was uncomfortable. It is at the forefront of that concerns this issue. As he was a great writer of Silla, he was able to play a leading role with Chinese writers. We needed Choi ChI-won, a cultural hero, to express our pride that Joseon has a superior culture than China. Joseon was a Confucian society with a strong anti-semitic system. Accordingly, the people were persecuted by the aristocrats for all their centers, and this required a folk hero. He is the leader of the war. Jeon Woo-chI is a real folk hero who solves the people's grudge and wishes through doctoring. As women go back to the late Joseon Dynasty, they change the way women treat men after experiencing war. For this reason, there are novels about female heroes such as <江都夢遊錄>, <朴氏傳>, and <李學士傳>. I think the writer given hope to women who are upset by incompetent men even in their work at the time. Jeongsojeo is a leading hero in the family who is more active than the female lead who is faithful to old wives, but is responsible for helping her husband. Joseon goes through the 淸日 and 露日 wars and is at the center of Japan's prosperity. Japan is the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905 after the Japanese Resident-General of Korea after heavy emphasis put on with the politics. At this time, he published pro-Japanese newspapers and published pro-Japanese novels to highlight pro-Japanese collaborators. It is Ilneyomhong and Yeoyongwoong.

Effect of Freshwater Discharge from a Water Reservoir on the Flow Circulation in the Semi-Closed Harbor (유수지로부터의 담수 방류가 항 내 해수순환에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jae Yoon;Kim, Jong Wook;Lee, Hye Min;Yoon, Byung Il;Woo, Seung-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • To investigate the effect of freshwater discharge on the seawater circulation in the semi-closed harbor, a 3-D hydrodynamic model was applied to the International Ferry Terminal (IFT). The model run is conducted for 45 days (from May 15 to June 30, 2020), and the reproducibility of the model for time-spatial variability of current velocity and salinity was verified by comparison with model results and observation data. There are two sources of freshwater towards inside of the IFT: Han River and water reservoir located in the eastern part of IFT. In residual current velocity results, the two-layer circulation (the seaward flow near surface and the landward flow near bottom)derived from the horizontal salinity gradient in only considering the discharge from a Han River is more developed than that considering both the Han River and water reservoir. This suggests that the impact of freshwater from the reservoir is greater in the IFT areas than that from a Han River. Additionally, the two-layer circulation is stronger in the IFT located in southern part than Incheon South Port located in northern part. This process is formed by the interaction between tidal current propagating into the port and freshwater discharge from a water reservoir, and flow with a low salinity (near 0 psu) is delivered into the IFT. This low salinity distribution reinforces the horizontal stratification in front of the IFT, and maintains a two-layer circulation. Therefore, local sources of freshwater input are considered to estimate for mass transport process associated with the seawater circulation within the harbor and It is necessary to perform a numerical model according to the real-time freshwater flow rate discharged.

An Outlier Detection Using Autoencoder for Ocean Observation Data (해양 이상 자료 탐지를 위한 오토인코더 활용 기법 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Jae;Kim, Dong-Hoon;Lim, Chaewook;Shin, Yongtak;Lee, Sang-Chul;Choi, Youngjin;Woo, Seung-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2021
  • Outlier detection research in ocean data has traditionally been performed using statistical and distance-based machine learning algorithms. Recently, AI-based methods have received a lot of attention and so-called supervised learning methods that require classification information for data are mainly used. This supervised learning method requires a lot of time and costs because classification information (label) must be manually designated for all data required for learning. In this study, an autoencoder based on unsupervised learning was applied as an outlier detection to overcome this problem. For the experiment, two experiments were designed: one is univariate learning, in which only SST data was used among the observation data of Deokjeok Island and the other is multivariate learning, in which SST, air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, and humidity were used. Period of data is 25 years from 1996 to 2020, and a pre-processing considering the characteristics of ocean data was applied to the data. An outlier detection of actual SST data was tried with a learned univariate and multivariate autoencoder. We tried to detect outliers in real SST data using trained univariate and multivariate autoencoders. To compare model performance, various outlier detection methods were applied to synthetic data with artificially inserted errors. As a result of quantitatively evaluating the performance of these methods, the multivariate/univariate accuracy was about 96%/91%, respectively, indicating that the multivariate autoencoder had better outlier detection performance. Outlier detection using an unsupervised learning-based autoencoder is expected to be used in various ways in that it can reduce subjective classification errors and cost and time required for data labeling.

A Study on Maewoldang, Kim Si-seup's Maniac Tendency (매월당(梅月堂) 김시습(金時習)의 '광자(狂者)' 성향에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Min-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.35
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    • pp.331-358
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    • 2020
  • This paper is a study of Kim Si-seup's maniacal tendency. The properties of mania can be divided into two categories. One is mental mania wherein the mind has fallen into madness, and the other is morphological mania wherein madness is revealed in real world actions. This thesis analyzes two aspects of the madness of Kim Si-seup, who showed madness in the morphological dimension as well as madness of the mind in the Joseon Dynasty. One notion that is analyzed is 'Longing to never return', and the other is 'To live in obscurity, yet practice wonders.' Kim Si-seup was a promising talent when he was young and was a so-called "infant prodigy." However, when 'Saejo' took the throne of 'Danjong,' he left the house on the road to 'burn all the books' and became a monk as a way of disappearing from the world. Thereafter, Kim Si-seup gave up on the test to become a bureaucrat and lived in hiding while doing strange things while he falsely pretended to be "crazy." He never felt regret hearing others describe him as a strange person. He lived a life of not returning to the mundane world for a long time as he traveled through famous mountains and streams. Also, he pursued a life in 'the world outside the world' without any greed. Sometimes he expresses his own free spirit and madness through poetry with 'what he talks about' and 'wonderful words.' This life was far from a form of neutralization aesthetics achieved by pursuing a 'gentle and magnanimous' life as claimed by Confucian scholars. Kim Si-seup, sometimes referred to as 'a maniac with mental clarity,' directed his efforts at 'false maniacal behavior,' 'weird behavior,' 'life pursuing the world outside the world,' and 'life of breaking off one's relationship with the world.' This maniac-like life of Kim Si-seup was not crazy but conveyed a deep desire to criticize the absurd reality of Joseon society at the time. Regarding Kim Si-seup, Li Hwang criticizes him for wishing 'to live in obscurity yet practice wonders.' Unlike Li Hwang, Yi Yi, who wrote The Records of Kim Si-seup when commissioned to do so by Sun Jo, positively evaluated Kim Si-seup as "a Confucian who followed Buddhism." Although the contents of these evaluations of Kim Si-seup were different, both agreed that Kim Si-seup was a maniacally-oriented individual. Kim Si-seup, who was mentally maniacal and morphological maniacal, represents a unique case in the study history of the Joseon Dynasty, wherein the 'the doctrines of Zhu Zi' exerted great influence.

Development and Application of an Online Clinical Practicum Program on Emergency Nursing Care for Nursing Students (간호학생의 응급환자간호 임상실습 온라인 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Weon-Gyeong;Park, Jeong-Min;Song, Chi-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Clinical practicums via non-face-to-face methods were inevitable due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We developed an online program for emergency nursing care and identified the feasibility of the program and the learning achievements of students. Methods: This was a methodological study. The program was developed by three professors who taught theory and clinical practicum for adult nursing care and clinical experts. Students received four hours of video content and two task activities every week in four-week program. Real-time interactive video conferences were included. Qualitative and qualitative data were collected. Results: A total of 96 students participated in the program. The mean score for overall satisfaction with the online program was 4.72(±1.02) out of 6. Subjects that generally had high learning achievement scores were basic life support care, fall prevention, nursing documentation, infection control, and anaphylaxis care. As a result of a content analysis of 77 reflective logs on the advantages of this program, students reported that "experience in applying nursing process," "case-based learning and teaching method," and "No time and space constraints" were the program's best features. Conclusion: Collaboration between hospitals and universities for nursing is more important than ever to develop online content for effective clinical practicum.

A Study on the Web Novel Writer's Identity as a Media Content Producer: An In-Depth Interview and Self-description (미디어 콘텐츠 생산자로서 웹소설 작가의 정체성 연구: 심층 인터뷰와 자기기술지를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.658-675
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of the OTT platform, the world has become an era in which the same media content is shared and reacted in real time by being grouped into one culture. This study attempts a producer study of web novel writers, who are producers of the web novel market that is expanding into webtoons, dramas, and movies with IP (intellectual property rights) of the original story at a time when Korean K-content such as "Squid Game" and "Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo" leads the global market. In this study, web novel writers were viewed as producers of commercial media content, not just 'Novelist', and their identities and characteristics of the labor process were examined. Web novel writers began writing web novels as a side job or two jobs, and cited the fact that they can make profits alone without barriers to entry and without incurring capital or facility costs. Although there is no barrier to entry, most writers experience severe failure in their first work, which is attributed to the misunderstanding that the word "writer" is someone who writes what they want in any genre. Web novels are different, so writers go through the process of realizing that in order to succeed by writing web novels, they must be thoroughly in the audience's shoes and write them according to the trends and codes they want. Web novel writers expressed their identity as "story sellers," "story producers," "people who can produce IP alone," and "people who satisfy fantasies that cannot be achieved in reality," and in common, there was a strong sense of being a person who provides stories and makes profits or sales. Regarding the burden of writing a huge amount of web novels, the writer with a high income expressed a generous position that "the income is higher than the effort," but ordinary writers complained of difficulties in the hard work, saying, "It seems like I am working hard on writing that I have to write constantly.

A Change of Japanese Jyosei Manga in the 2010s -Disappearance of Romance and the appearance of a Self (2010년대 일본 여성만화의 변화 -로맨스의 증발과 자아의 출현)

  • Kim, So-Won
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.123-160
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    • 2020
  • Manga develops by reflecting a change of society, reader's needs, and their thoughts and changes of tastes, sensitively. Shojo manga and Jyosei manga also do. We can find several kinds of meaningful changes in Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s. The works which represent preciousness of daily life, women's narrative and self-realization are gradually increasing. In addition, the works that deal with very touchy issues such as sex discrimination at work, sexual harassment begin to emerge. It has never been found in the manga of the former era. While this paper analyzes the social and cultural causes of these changes of the works that exclude romance and treat gender issues focusing on recent works, it examines changes of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s and their meanings. I investigate the current trends of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s through Umimachi Diary that represents a precious everyday life with woman-centered narrative, Metamorphose no engawa that deals with women's story from a new perspective, Good-bye My Miniskirt that tackles gender issues. Furthermore I intensively analyze how Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan, which win popularity from women in their 20s~30, represent lives and troubles of contemporary Japanese women. Nagi's Long Vacation represents the heroine's quest for a self throwing everything out. While Darucyan deals with self-realization, it forms of a bond of sympathy of readers by representing the heroine who suffers sexual harassment and inequal conditions very realistically. Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan have something in common with portraying troubles and self-realization of the working women in their 20s based on a indigenous reality to Japanese society very realistically. However they are unusual in that it is different from the manga of the former era in dealing with heroine's troubles and their solutions. The most distinctive changes of Jyosei manga since 2010 are that real issues surfaced with social changes. In addition, these social contradictions result from irrational discriminations and old customs of Japanese society for a long time. Manga reflects subtly the portraits of the times, their images of women, and their values. These changes of Jyosei manga also show the concerns of readers at that time, and it means that women began to be aware of the issues.

On the (Un-)Possibility of a Labor Film in the Early Period of Democratization -A Study of Guro Arirang (민주화 초기 노동자 영화의 (불)가능성 -<구로아리랑> 연구)

  • Oh, Ja-Eun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.9-41
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    • 2020
  • Park Jong-won's debut film "Guro Arirang," based on a short story of the same title by Lee Moon-yeol, is the first commercial film to deal with labor struggles from a worker's point of view in the wake of the 1987 democratic movement, and a pioneering work in terms of representing female workers the Korean cinema has traditionally turned away from. In this film Park Jong-won tried to win the sympathy of the middle class for labor movement in spite of the red scare which still stood firm in the Korean society at that time. To convey its progressive message in a form acceptable to the middle class public, the film portrays labor issues in the light of universal humanity and ethics, not in terms of class hostility or struggle. Park Jong-won calls this point of view "common sense of normal people" and emphasizes its universality and objectivity. This study critically examines the cinematic strategies to deal with labor issues in a form acceptable to the public in a conventional and commercial film and the ideological implications of the "common sense of normal people" reflected in such strategies. The first chapter of the study reveals that the film destroys the irony of the original story and reduces the complex constellation of the characters to the conflict between pure good and evil, creating a melodramatic composition in which the good falls victim to evil. The tragedies suffered by the workers in the film are of course intended to arouse the audience's strong sympathy and solidarity with them. The second chapter shows that the film's various scenes and episodes converge on the them of compassion and grief, and are mostly based on cultural and real experiences and events that caused great public sensations at that time. Especially in the last decisive scene of the movie, the memory of the June 1987 uprising is strongly recalled. So "Guro Arirang" can be seen as a patchwork of proven cases of compassion and grief. The third chapter examines the implications of the scene where the workers turn back demands for wages and put the issues of human treatment and trust to the forefront at the crucial moment of their struggle. It appeals to universal moral values and sentiments that everyone has to acknowledge and removes the political dimension from the workers' campaign. While the film tends to become a pure story of humanity marginalizing irreconcilable conflicts of class interest, the workers fall to the position of passive victims who can be deeply sympathetic on the one hand, and on the other, are idealized as leaders with noble attitude keeping themselves aloof from the hard reality. As a result, the movie loses its realistic ground and weakens its narrative probability. The scenes reminiscent of the 1987 uprising which evoke the solidarity between working and middle class fail to integrate harmoniously into the whole story of the film and remain only as fragmentary parts of the patchwork of compassion and grief.