• Title/Summary/Keyword: RESTORATION PROJECT

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Feasibility of Forest Land Conversion to Other Use by Considering Forest Fragmentation (산지전용타당성조사제도에서 산림파편화지수의 고려방안 연구)

  • Kim, Mina;Choi, Jaeyong;Lee, Sanghyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze impacts of the forest fragmentation caused by development project. Furthermore, to investigate the applicability of landscape indicator when 'Feasibility of forest land conversion to other use' is conducted. The study site was consisted of golf course development and road construction. It is to compare before and after impacts of areal and linear development. As for the methods, selecting landscape indices, clustered into 3 Categories have been utilized. Category I was concerned with 'size of forest patches', II as 'shape of forest patches', and III as 'Core Area' These were calculated by FRAGSTATS, the program for analyzing fragmentation. The results showed that linear development caused more fragmented than areal development projects. Also, patch size, patch shape and core area are related to impacts of development, while Patch size decreased, patch shape and core area increased after development. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the impacts of forest by considering fragmentation when development project is planned.

Reaction Analysis of Citizen on Fence Removal for Securing Green Space - In Public Institutions of Jeonju City - (담장 없애기를 통한 도시 녹지 공간 확보에 대한 시민 반응 분석 - 전주시 공공기관을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Heon;Kim, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2007
  • This study was to investigate the reaction analysis of citizen on fence removal for securing green space. The results are as following; The majority of users went to green space more than one time per week to take a walk, rest and stayed there less than an hour. The places, where the fence removal was required mostly, were public institutions, parks and schools. The physical factor was the highest influence on whether the fence removal project could be expanded or not. With a slight difference from the physical factor, the environmental and emotional factor followed after. The social factor was also significant at 1 % level. In the physical aspect, the increase of garbage littering was the most negative part after fence removal.When the citizens were asked if they would participate in the fence removal project, the environmental and emotional factor and the social factor were the most influential ones on work places while the environmental and emotional factor influenced only on private houses.

A Study of the Conveyance Increasement for Urban River using 1, 2-Dimensional Numerical Model (1, 2차원 수치모형에 의한 도시하천의 통수능 확보 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Chun-Woo;Park, Moo-Jong;Kim, Seok-Woo;Jo, Deok-Jun;Kim, Joong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.5 no.3 s.18
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • The scheme for the conveyance increasement of urban river is presented in this study. For the use of the lower part of the road paralleled to urban river as a conveyance, the 2-dimensional flood flow between main channel and added conveyance section is analyzed by mathematical model SMS(2-D simulation model). The result of the HEC-RAS(1-D simulation model) is used to calibrate the parameters of SMS. New scheme is applied to the Cheonggeyecheon Restoration Project. The capacity of flood flow between main channel and added conveyance is simulated for 50, 80, 200 year frequency flood and suitable size of pathway is proposed.

A Study on Forest Changes for A/R CDM in North Korea (A/R CDM을 위한 북한지역의 산림변화 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Oh, Young-Chool;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2007
  • A/R CDM(Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism) in Kyoto Mechanism means, either afforestation in the area used for other purposes more than 50 years or reforestation in the area used for other purposes on December 31st in 1989. South Korea has few sites due to the successful forestation in the past, but North Korea has not reforested the deforested lands since the mid-1970's. So these areas need to apply A/R CDM Project for restoration. The purposes of this study are to make a time series analysis in deforested areas and to estimate a feasibility of A/R CDM. To find the site satisfying A/R CDM business definition, land cover classification was applied using satellite images of the mid-1970's with good forestation, late 1980's including A/R CDM base year, and recent 2000's, and the chronological change was analyzed to categorize the possible sites. The North Korean topographical map of 1977 was used to verify land cover classification degree of 1970's, the land cover classification results made by the Ministry of Environment in 2000 were compared to verify the accuracy of 1980's results, and the land cover classification results in 2000's were verified by 2 site visits. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The eligible A/R CDM sites are 605,156ha on the basis of the forestation change analysis in North Korea. Since the mid-1970's, 30.8% of the decreased forestation area of 1,966,306ha was classified into A/R CDM eligible sites. While other countries have the limited eligible sites, which has not been used for forestation since 1989 or which is being scattered, North Korea has large scale sites. Deforested sites are mainly around road and residential area, consequently give better accessibility for forestation than other countries. In conclusion, it is found that North Korea can provide efficient site for applying A/R COM Project to forestation restoring deforested land because of easy accessibility and existence of many possible sites due to artificial deforestation. Also, it is meaningful that the study suggests the application possibility of A/R COM Project to restore deforested land in North Korea and the related basic information through the chronological classification of the mid-1970's with good forestation, the late-1980's including A/R COM base year, and recent 2000's. It is expected that the study contributes to revitalization of A/R CDM Project and related research on North Korea forestation.

Reference information for realizing ecological restoration of river: A case study in the Bongseonsa stream

  • Park, Sung Ae;Kim, Gyung-Soon;Pee, Jung-Hun;Oh, Woo-Seok;Kim, Hye-Soo;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2013
  • In Korea, where the plain land is greatly deficient as a mountainous nation, most of riparian zones were transformed into agricultural fields and urban areas. Excessive use of the land, which is close to river, makes the rivers enduring severe pollution stresses. Disappearance of riparian buffer, which plays a function of filter in the riverside, appears as a main factor aggravating water pollution of rivers. In this respect, it is imperative to restore the lost riparian vegetation. This study found out restoration models of riparian vegetation from the Bongseonsa stream, which has remnant riparian vegetation patches as a conservation reserve. Feasible reference information applicable for restoration of riparian vegetation was shown in the species level in the order of herb, shrub, and tree and sub-tree zones as far away from the waterway. Those information could contribute to restoring integrate and healthy rivers and streams beyond simple landscaping differently from the other restoration projects when they will be applied to the restoration project to be carried out in the future. In addition, the spatial range of river and stream, background that riparian zone disappeared in Korea, and application plan of the obtained reference information were discussed.

Review of Slope Criteria and Forestland Restoration Plan in North Korea (북한의 산림복원계획과 기준 경사도 고찰)

  • Yu, Jaeshim;Park, Hyun;Lee, Sang-hyuk;Kim, Kyoungmin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study were to establish the slope criteria and analyze the forest land restoration plan in North Korea. Reviewing the literature of the countries, the relationships among the climate, erosion controls, and slope criteria with forest restoration programmes, implemented were analyzed. Comparison of forest land management policies was conducted between South and North Korea. The soil erosion controls using biological barriers were at $15{\sim}20^{\circ}$slopes in arid climate regions and $25{\sim}30^{\circ}$ in humid climate regions. In the case of South Korea, an afforestation policy from the "Act on Clearance Project of Slash-and Burn Agriculture" of 1966 was enforced on mountains with slope greater than $20^{\circ}$, however, at present, the "Marginal Cropping Land Policy" recommends cropping lands with slope bigger than $8.5^{\circ}$ to forest land. In 1961, in "Land Reclamation of One Million Hectare", North Korea reclaimed additional cropping lands with slope bigger than $8.5^{\circ}$, and currently, the "Act on Forestry" states to enforce reforestation with slope bigger than $20^{\circ}$. This study recommends that South Korea aids for forest land restoration in North Korea based on the different stages of their development on reconciliation and cooperation between South and North Korea.

The Suggestion of Applicable Concepts and Directions for the Effective Management on Biotope Types (효율적 비오톱유형 관리를 위한 적용개념 및 방향 제안)

  • Choi, Il-Ki;Lee, Eun-Heui
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the actually applicable directions and measures for conservation and restoration according to biotope types. Recently biotope project-installing eco-river, restoring damaged area, protecting habitate for flora and fauna- is processed according to being interested in making and restoring the biotope. But it is lack of study to estimate and systematize which biotope preserve and restore primary. For this purpose, the direction and measures of conservation and restoration be applicable to actuality are drafted by a review on the preceded case studies until now at the inside and outside of the country. And then this study proposed the concept, direction and measures for the effective systematic biotope management through continual feed back such as field applications in selected case study areas and consultations. First, the applicable directions and measures for conservation and restoration according to biotope types is suggested with the 'conservation' divided into two parts; protection and maintenance, the 'restoration', and the 'enhancement' divided into two parts; improvement and creation. Second, for the effective biotope management, the biotope types are classified into urban type, agricultural types and natural types according to the naturalness and dominant landscape. However, this study suggests that the direction and measures suitable to the regional conditions should be reviewed enough and selected and also the detail measures should be supplemented with the foundation of directions and measures for biotope conservation and management proposed in this study because the biotope management should consider regional characteristics.

Restoration effects influenced by plant species and landscape context in Young-il region, Southeast Korea: Structural and compositional assessment on restored forest

  • Cho, Yong-Chan;Kim, Kyung-Soon;Pi, Jung-Hun;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • Despite it has been mentioned that the successful restoration in landscape level was achieved in the Young-il soil erosion control project, quantitative evaluation of restored plant communities (Alnus firma as introduced species and Pinus thunbergii as native species) was hardly founded. Light availability, litter and woody debris cover, and forest structure and composition were determined for 500 m2 band-quadrat in three forest types. Abiotic factors of Q. serrata stands, as reference forest, and A. firma stands were similar but not for P. thunbergii stands. There were no significant difference on mean stem density (stems ha-1, H = 3.6, p = 0.162), and the mean basal area of each stand had marginal significance (m2 ha-1, H = 5.7, p = 0.058) among stands as total basal area was higher with the order of A. firma (21.4 m2 ha-1), P. thunbergii (19.8 m2 ha-1) and Q. serrata (16.2 m2 ha-1). Restoration of vegetation structure was more effective in fast-growing and N-fixing A. firma, as introduced species plantation. However, result of MRPP, NMS ordination and ISPAN for herbaceous layer, not for tree and shrub species composition, indicated that restoration of ground vegetation was likely influenced highly from local environment. Propagule availability from landscape context such as connectedness to natural vegetation and management practices in restored isolated stands are available explanations for restoration effects and gaps between restored plantations and secondary oak forest.

The process of capture and translocation during habitat restoration construction of Kaloula borealis - A Case Study of Samcheon Ecological River Restoration, Jeonju City - (맹꽁이 서식지 복원공사 중 포획 및 이주과정에 대한 연구 -전주시 삼천 생태하천 복원사업을 대상으로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jeong;Kim, Jong-Man;Jeong, Moon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for habitat restoration by implementing a series of processes of capturing and translocating Kaloula borealis and managing them in artificial breeding facilities. The study site in Samcheon, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do was a waste landfill site in the past, and Kaloula borealis was found during the Samcheon Ecological River Restoration Project around March 2018. To restore the habitat, a plan was established to capture, translocate, artificially breed, and release Kaloula borealis at the site. The capture methods of adult Kaloula borealis were pitfall trap and drift fence, direct capture, and deep barrels. During 2018-2019, 86 adults of Kaloula borealis were captured and translocated to artificial breeding facilities. VIE-tagging was inserted under the skin for monitoring. For artificial breeding, Gryllus bimaculatus with oyster powder and vegetables were regularly supplied to feed Kaloula borealis. At the end of October 2020, 150 young Kaloula borealis raised in artificial breeding facilities were found not entering hibernation, so they were managed in a separate artificial breeding facility. Some young and adult Kaloula borealis currently hibernating will be scheduled to be continuously managed in artificial breeding facilities and released to the restored habitat in the spring of 2021.

A Landscape Planning of Multi-purpose Dam in Hwabuk (화북 다목적댐 조경계획)

  • Ahn Gye-Dong;Kim Yong-Geun;Min Kwon-Sik;Kang Hyun-Kyung;Kwon Jeon-O;Shin Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1 s.114
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2006
  • The Korea Water Resources Corporation(KOWACO) proposed bidding for an alternative design for Hwabuk Multi-purpose Dam in March of 2004. The site is located in Hakseong-ri, Goro-myeon, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do and has adrainage area of $87.52km^2$. The purpose of this project is to establish an environmentally friendly plan for minimizing the damage that was caused by the construction of the Hwabuk Multi-purpose Dam. The design principle of KOWACO was the restoration of the natural environment, a harmonious landscape, and the creation of a space of regional and local culture. The basic concept of this project involves an ecological-restoration axis and a functional-connection axis. The site is divided into four spaces: (1) the space of memory and symbol, (2) the space of nature and ecology, (3) the space of regional and local culture, and (4) the space of the regional economy. There are four sub-spaces in the space of memory and symbol: the track forest, the time forest, the memory room, and the sun plaza. There are three sub-spaces in the space of nature and ecology: the habitat of aquatic birds, the wind forest, and the eco-corridor. There are five themed parks in the space of regional and local culture: the culture and relic room, the wildflower garden, the ecological pond, the insect observation park, and the pyogo maze. There are three areas in the space of the regional economy: the forest pension, the waterside pension, and the community center, as Dungdungi village was reorganized to serve as a lodging complex. These themed parks, working together, can offer an effective space for nature, culture, rest, and experience.