• Title/Summary/Keyword: RCP 8.5

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Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Snowmelt by Applying RCP Scenarios using SWAT Model for Hanriver Watersheds (SWAT 모델링을 이용한 한강유역의 RCP 시나리오에 따른 미래수문 및 융설 영향평가)

  • Jung, Chung Gil;Moon, Jang Won;Jang, Cheol Hee;Lee, Dong Ryul
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to assess the impact of potential climate change on the hydrological components, especially on the streamflow, evapotranspiration and snowmelt, by using the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for 17 Hanriver middle watersheds of South Korea. For future assessment, the SWAT model was calibrated in multiple sites using 4 years (2006-2009) and validated by using 2 years (2010-2011) daily observed data. For the model validation, the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) for streamflow were 0.30-0.75. By applying the future scenarios predicted five future time periods Baseline (1992-2011), 2040s (2021-2040), 2060s (2041-2060), 2080s (2061-2080) and 2100s (2081-2100) to SWAT model, the 17 middle watersheds hydrological components of evapotranspiration, streamflow and snowmelt were evaluated. For the future precipitation and temperature of RCP 4.5 scenario increased 41.7 mm (2100s), $+3^{\circ}C$ conditions, the future streamflow showed +32.5 % (2040s), +24.8 % (2060s), +50.5 % (2080s) and +55.0 % (2100s). For the precipitation and temperature of RCP 8.5 scenario increased 63.9 mm (2100s), $+5.8^{\circ}C$ conditions, the future streamflow showed +35.5 % (2040s), +68.9 % (2060s), +58.0 % (2080s) and +63.6 % (2100s). To determine the impact on snowmelt for Hanriver middle watersheds, snowmelt parameters of SWAT model were determined through evaluating observed streamflow data during snowmelt periods (November-April). The results showed that average SMR (snowmelt / runoff) of 17 Hanriver middle watersheds was 62.0 % (Baseline). The annual average SMR were 42.0 % (2040s), 39.8 % (2060s), 29.4 % (2080s) and 27.9 % (2100s) by applying RCP 4.5 scenario. Also, the annual average SMR by applying RCP 8.5 scenario were 40.1 % (2040s), 29.4 % (2060s), 18.3 % (2080s) and 12.7 % (2100s).

Future water supply risk analysis using a joint drought management index in Nakdong river basin (결합가뭄관리지수(JDMI)를 이용한 낙동강 유역의 미래 용수공급 위험도 분석)

  • Yu, Ji Soo;Choi, Si-Jung;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.spc
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    • pp.1117-1126
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    • 2018
  • Water supply system aims to meet the user's demand by securing water resources in a stable way. However, water supply failure sometimes happens because inflow decreases during drought period. Droughts induced by the lack of precipitation do not always lead to water supply failures. Thus, it is necessary to consider features of actual water shortage event when we evaluate a water supply risk. In this study, we developed a new drought index for drought management, i.e., Joint Drought Management Index (JDMI), using two water supply system performance indices such as reliability and vulnerability. Future data that were estimated from GCMs according to RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios were used to estimate future water supply risk. After dividing the future period into three parts, the risk of water supply failure in the Nakdong River basin was analyzed using the JDMI. As a result, the risk was higher with the RCP 4.5 than the RCP 8.5. In case of RCP 4.5, W18 (Namgangdam) was identified as the most vulnerable area, whereas in case of RCP 8.5, W23 (Hyeongsangang) and W33 (Nakdonggangnamhae) were identified as the most vulnerable area.

Assessment of future climate and land use changes impact on hydrologic behavior in Anseong-cheon Gongdo urban-growing watershed (미래 기후변화와 토지이용변화가 안성천 공도 도시성장 유역의 수문에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Da Rae;Lee, Yong Gwan;Lee, Ji Wan;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the future hydrologic behavior affected by the potential climate and land use changes in upstream of Anseong-cheon watershed ($366.5km^2$) using SWAT. The HadGEM3-RA RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios were used for 2030s (2020-2039) and 2050s (2040-2059) periods as the future climate change scenario. It was shown that maximum changes of precipitation ranged from -5.7% in 2030s to +18.5% in 2050s for RCP 4.5 scenarios and the temperature increased up to $1.8^{\circ}C$ and $2.6^{\circ}C$ in 2030s RCP 4.5 and 2050s 8.5 scenarios respectively based on baseline (1976-2005) period. The future land uses were predicted using the CLUE-s model by establishing logistic regression equation. The 2050 urban area were predicted to increase of 58.6% (29.0 to $46.0km^2$). The SWAT was calibrated and verified using 14 years (2002-2015) of daily streamflow with 0.86 and 0.76 Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) for stream flow (Q) and low flow 1/Q respectively focusing on 2 drought years (2014-2015) calibration. For future climate change only, the stream discharge showed maximum decrease of 24.2% in 2030s RCP 4.5 and turned to maximum increase of 10.9% in 2050s RCP 4.5 scenario compared with the baseline period stream discharge of 601.0 mm by the precipitation variation and gradual temperature increase. While considering both future climate and land use change, the stream discharge showed maximum decrease of 14.9% in 2030s RCP 4.5 and maximum increase of 19.5% in 2050s RCP 4.5 scenario by the urban growth and the related land use changes. The results supported that the future land use factor might be considered especially for having high potential urban growth within a watershed in the future climate change assessment.

Flood Risk Assessment Based on Bias-Corrected RCP Scenarios with Quantile Mapping at a Si-Gun Level (분위사상법을 적용한 RCP 시나리오 기반 시군별 홍수 위험도 평가)

  • Park, Jihoon;Kang, Moon Seong;Song, Inhong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2013
  • The main objective of this study was to evaluate Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios-based flood risk at a Si-Gun level. A bias correction using a quantile mapping method with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was performed to correct future precipitation data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). A series of proxy variables including CN80 (Number of days over 80 mm) and CX3h (Maximum precipitation during 3-hr) etc. were used to carry out flood risk assessment. Indicators were normalized by a Z-score method and weighted by factors estimated by principal component analysis (PCA). Flood risk evaluation was conducted for the four different time periods, i.e. 1990s, 2025s, 2055s, and 2085s, which correspond to 1976~2005, 2011~2040, 2041~2070, and 2071~2100. The average flood risk indices based on RCP4.5 scenario were 0.08, 0.16, 0.22, and 0.13 for the corresponding periods in the order of time, which increased steadily up to 2055s period and decreased. The average indices based on RCP8.5 scenario were 0.08, 0.23, 0.11, and 0.21, which decreased in the 2055s period and then increased again. Considering the average index during entire period of the future, RCP8.5 scenario resulted in greater risk than RCP4.5 scenario.

Assessing uncertainty in future climate change in Northeast Asia using multiple CMIP5 GCMs with four RCP scenarios (RCP시나리오 기반 CMIP5 GCMs을 이용한 동북아시아 미래 기후변화 불확실성 평가)

  • Shin, Yonghee;Jung, Huicheul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2015
  • The CMIP5 climate change scenarios from 34 GCMs were analyzed to quantitatively assess future changes in temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation against the global region and the Northeast Asia region with a focus on South Korea, North Korea, or Japan. The resulting projection revealed that the Northeast Asia region is subjected to more increase in temperature and precipitation than the global means for both. In particular, temperature and precipitation in North Korea were projected to increase about $5.1^{\circ}C$ and 18%, respectively under the RCP 8.5 scenario, as compared to the historical means for 30 years (1971-2000), although a large uncertainty still exists among GCMs. For solar radiation, global mean solar radiation was predicted to decrease with time in all RCP scenarios except for the RCP 2.6 scenario. On the contrary, it was predicted that the amount of solar radiation in the Northeast Asia increases in the future period.

Estimating the Changes in Forest Carbon Dynamics of Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis Forests in South Korea under the RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenario (RCP 8.5 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 소나무림과 굴참나무림의 산림 탄소 동태 변화 추정 연구)

  • Lee, Jongyeol;Han, Seung Hyun;Kim, Seongjun;Chang, Hanna;Yi, Myong Jong;Park, Gwan Soo;Kim, Choonsig;Son, Yeong Mo;Kim, Raehyun;Son, Yowhan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2015
  • Forests contain a huge amount of carbon (C) and climate change could affect forest C dynamics. This study was conducted to predict the C dynamics of Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis forests, which are the most dominant needleleaf and broadleaf forests in Korea, using the Korean Forest Soil Carbon (KFSC) model under the two climate change scenarios (2012-2100; Constant Temperature (CT) scenario and Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 scenario). To construct simulation unit, the forest land areas for those two species in the 5th National Forest Inventory (NFI) data were sorted by administrative district and stand age class. The C pools were initialized at 2012, and any disturbance was not considered during the simulation period. Although the forest C stocks of two species generally increased over time, the forest C stocks under the RCP 8.5 scenario were less than those stocks under the CT scenario. The C stocks of P. densiflora forests increased from 260.4 Tg C in 2012 to 395.3 (CT scenario) or 384.1 Tg C (RCP 8.5 scenario) in 2100. For Q. variabilis forests, the C stocks increased from 124.4 Tg C in 2012 to 219.5 (CT scenario) or 204.7 (RCP 8.5 scenario) Tg C in 2100. Compared to 5th NFI data, the initial value of C stocks in dead organic matter C pools seemed valid. Accordingly, the annual C sequestration rates of the two species over the simulation period under the RCP 8.5 scenario (65.8 and $164.2g\;C\;m^{-2}\;yr^{-1}$ for P. densiflora and Q. variabilis) were lower than those values under the CT scenario (71.1 and $193.5g\;C\;m^{-2}\;yr^{-1}$ for P. densiflora and Q. variabilis). We concluded that the C sequestration potential of P. densiflora and Q. variabilis forests could be decreased by climate change. Although there were uncertainties from parameters and model structure, this study could contribute to elucidating the C dynamics of South Korean forests in future.

Projection and Analysis of Future Temperature and Precipitation in East Asia Region Using RCP Climate Change Scenario (RCP 기반 동아시아 지역의 미래 기온 및 강수량 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Moon-Hwan;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.578-578
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    • 2015
  • 동아시아 지역의 대부분은 몬순의 영향으로 인해 수자원의 계절적 변동성이 크며 이로 인해 홍수 및 가뭄이 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 기후변화에 따른 기온과 강수량의 변화는 수자원의 변동성을 더욱 악화시킬 수 있으며, 수재해 피해를 더욱 가중시킬 것으로 전망되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기후변화에 따른 동아시아 지역의 기온 및 강수량의 변화를 전망하고, 그 특성을 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 CMIP5의 핵심실험인 2개 RCP시나리오(RCP4.5, RCP8.5)에 대한 다수의 GCMs 결과를 이용하였다. 구축한 기후시나리오를 이중선형보간법(bilinear interpolation)을 이용하여 공간적으로 상세화하였으며, Delta method를 이용하여 편의보정을 수행하였다. GCM 모의자료의 편의를 산정하기 위해 관측자료는 APHRODITE의 기온 및 강수량 자료를 이용하였다. GCM에 따라 차이가 나지만, 우리나라의 경우 평균적으로 100~300mm 정도 과소모의 되는 것으로 나타났다. 미래 기온 및 강수량 전망을 위해 과거기간은 1976~2005년, 미래기간은 2021~2050년(2040s), 2061~2090년(2070s)으로 구분하였다. 우리나라의 경우 RCP 4.5 하에서 연평균기온은 $1.4{\sim}1.7^{\circ}C$(2040s), $2.2{\sim}3.4^{\circ}C$(2070s) 정도 상승할 것으로 나타났으며, 연평균 강수량은 4.6~5.3% (2040s), 8.4~10.5% (2070s) 정도 증가할 것으로 나타났다. RCP 8.5에서는 연평균 기온은 RCP4.5에 비해 상승폭이 더 컸으며, 강수량은 유사한 결과가 나타났다. 또한, 동아시아 지역에서도 연평균 기온이 상승하고 연평균 강수량은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 지역별로 계절별 기온 및 강수량이 매우 다른 양상으로 나타났다. 이는 동아시아 지역과 같이 계절별 강수량 발생패턴이 다른 지역에서는 홍수 및 가뭄에 매우 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. 따라서 지역적으로 계절별 강수량의 변화를 분석해야 할 것으로 판단되며, 추후 유출량 모의를 기반으로 홍수 및 가뭄의 영향을 직접적으로 분석해야할 것으로 판단된다.

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Prospect for change in extreme precipitation over North Korea Using Change Scenarios (기후변화 시나리오를 활용한 북한지역 극한강수량 변화 전망)

  • Kwon, Minsung;Ahn, Jaehyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.311-311
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    • 2019
  • 기후변화에 따른 수문 순환의 변화로 인해 전 지구적으로 수문현상의 규모와 빈도가 변화할 것으로 예상되고 있다. 하지만 북한의 미래의 극한 강수량에 대한 정량적인 평가는 거의 시도되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 25개 GCM을 활용하여 북한의 극한 강수량의 변화를 전망하였다. 참조기간(1980-2005년)의 20년 빈도의 강수량은 RCP8.5 시나리오에서 F1(2011-2040년) 기간에서 21.1년으로 증가하였고, F2(2040-2070년) 기간에서 16.2년으로 감소하였으며, F3(2071-2100년) 기간에서는 8.8년으로 감소하였다. 참조기간에 대한 각 미래에서의 20년 빈도 강수량의 지역평균을 비교한 결과, RCP4.5의 F3 기간은 참조기간에 비해 43.4 mm 증가하였고, RCP8.5에서는 80.7 mm로 RCP4.5보다 20년 빈도 강수량의 증가가 더욱 커질 것으로 전망되었다. 기후변화로 인해 극한 강수량 발생빈도는 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 또한 남북 국경지역의 강수량의 변동성이 커질 것으로 예상되며, 이로 인해 발생할 수 있는 피해를 저감하기 위해 남북이 공유하고 있는 북한강과 임진강에 대한 공동적인 대응이 필요할 것이다.

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Prospects for changing in hydrological cycle components in North Korea basins by RCP8.5 climate change scenario (RCP8.5 기후변화시나리오에 따른 북한지역의 수문순환요소 변화 전망)

  • Jeung, Se Jin;Kwon, Bo Ra;Kim, Tae Hyung;Kim, Byung Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2017
  • 한반도의 기후변화는 전 세계 평균보다도 빠르게 진행되고 있다. 최근 빈발하고 있는 태풍 및 극한 강우, 폭설과 한파, 온난화 현상 등이 그 예이다. 특히 북한지역은 오랜 식량난과 에너지난으로 산림생태계가 훼손되어 홍수 및 이수와 같은 기후변화 관련 자연재해에 매우 취약하다. 이렇게 예상되는 대규모 자연재해를 대비하고 기후변화에 효율적으로 대처하기 위해서는 체계적이고 과학적인 기상 및 기후 예측 정보의 활용이 매우 중요하다. 하지만 북한지역은 우리가 수문자료를 구하기가 힘들고, 직접 측정을 할 수 없으므로 수문자료의 수집에 한계가 있기 때문에 기후변화관련 수문연구에 한계점이 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 WMO에서 제공하고 있는 북한의 27개 기상관측소의 강수량, 기온자료와 기상청의 RCP8.5기후변화시나리오를 제공 받아 각 관측소별 미래 잠재증발산량을 산정하였다. 또한 lumped conceptual model인 WASMOD 모형을 이용하여 북한의 대표유역(금야강, 대동강, 두만강, 압록강, 예성강, 임진강, 장연남대천)에 적용하여 부족한 수문시계열자료를 산정하였다. 이렇게 산정된 북한의 미래 수문순환요소의 시계열자료를 이용하여 통계분석, 변화점분석, 유황분석등 시계열 분석 등을 통해 RCP8.5기후변화시나리오 기반의 기후변화가 북한지역의 수문순환과정에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 이를 통해 유역규모의 수자원에 미치는 영향을 전망하였다.

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The Study of Adaptable Plant Species to the Change of Warmth Index by Using RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Scenarios in Seoul City (RCP4.5와 8.5 시나리오를 이용한 온량지수 변화에 따른 서울시 적응 가능한 식물종 연구)

  • Kong, Seok-Jun;Kim, Jeong-Seob;Yang, Keum-Chul;Kim, Kyeong-Jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2015
  • This study suggested the adaptable plant species according to the change of warmth index (WI) through the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 & 8.5 climate change scenarios from 2010 to 2099 in Seoul areas. From the scenario analysis results, we expected to change from the cool temperate souther forest zone to the warm temperate forest zone. We found the following adaptable 27 plant species: 6 species in the tree layer, Quercus serrata, Q. variabilis, Pinus densiflora, Q. acutissima, Styrax japonica and P. thunbergii etc.; 7 species in the shrub layer, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Lespedeza maximowiczii, Rhus trichocarpa, Callicarpa japonica, Rubus crataegifolius, Rosa multiflora, and Zanthoxylum piperitum etc.; 3 species in the herb layer, Oplismenus undulatifolius, Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum, and Commelina communis ect;, 11 species in the vine plants Smilax china, Cocculus trilobus, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Lonicera japonica, Paederia scandens, Celastrus orbiculatus, Clematis apiifolia, Rubus parvifolius, Dioscorea batatas, Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata, Zelkova serrata etc.