• Title/Summary/Keyword: Question recommendation

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Patterns of Observation Type of Elementary Science-gifted Students in Visit Activities of the Science Museum (과학박물관 탐방활동에서 나타난 초등 과학 영재 학생들의 관찰 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Mimoa;Jeong, Jinwoo;Kim, Hyoungbum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to categorize and analyze the patterns of the observation type in the experiential learning through the science museum for elementary gifted students in science. Ten science-gifted students were included and analyzed in this study and during experiential learning in the science museum, the participants freely expressed their observation of their own languages and all observations and dialogue were recorded. The results are listed below. The cognitive aspect, especially question and response activity without their personal opinion, was the most frequently used item. Among the affective aspects, item for 'recommendation' was often used. In accordance to observation type, most participants overall observed single object independently of time. Also, participants mostly observed objects visually using qualitative method without manipulation. Therefore verbal interaction through question might have a positive effect on frequency and diversity of observation. Project learning, such as particular exhibition hall, exploratory time of concentration by students, or study paper will be capable of creating a effective observation learning in order to induce a variety of observation of science gifted students in the experiential learning through the science museum.

A Study on Women's Casino Security Employees (여성 카지노 시큐리티 종사원에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.62
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2020
  • In casinos, security personnel who manage the safety of customers and employees play a very important role. In particular, there is a high percentage of female employees in casinos, and because the ratio of female and male employees is similar, the probability of female customers or female employees experiencing accidents may be similar to or higher than that of males. Women's security agents who handle women's case accidents can provide female customers and employees with a security service that only women can do. However, most of the agents doing security work at casinos are male, and the proportion of women is very low. Therefore, this research is about employees who are currently working as women in casinos and conducted qualitative research to find out about various experiences they experienced while working in the casino. A total of five study participants were interviewed three times to analyze and categorize the data collected. The first question is the professor's recommendation, his personal information search and his acquaintance's recommendation. The second question, the factors behind the necessary skills at work, are various athletic skills, good physical conditions and foreign language skills. In the third question, the satisfaction factors of the task are the scarcity value of the work, the satisfaction of the pay, the suitability of the individual and the expectation of the future, and the unsatisfactory factors of the work are the risk of the work, the stress on the customer, the discrimination against the sex, the gaze around, the tiredness of the shift work. In the fourth question, factors on the need for female casino security agents are providing differentiated services to female customers, protecting female employees and providing opportunities for women in related majors. The results of this study were interviewed by an expert of more than 20 years in the casino security business, and female casino security agents said that since it is a necessary requirement, they should seek a direction for development through institutional and cognitive improvement.

Bayesian Approach to Users' Perspective on Movie Genres

  • Lenskiy, Artem A.;Makita, Eric
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2017
  • Movie ratings are crucial for recommendation engines that track the behavior of all users and utilize the information to suggest items the users might like. It is intuitively appealing that information about the viewing preferences in terms of movie genres is sufficient for predicting a genre of an unlabeled movie. In order to predict movie genres, we treat ratings as a feature vector, apply a Bernoulli event model to estimate the likelihood of a movie being assigned a certain genre, and evaluate the posterior probability of the genre of a given movie by using the Bayes rule. The goal of the proposed technique is to efficiently use movie ratings for the task of predicting movie genres. In our approach, we attempted to answer the question: "Given the set of users who watched a movie, is it possible to predict the genre of a movie on the basis of its ratings?" The simulation results with MovieLens 1M data demonstrated the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed technique, achieving an 83.8% prediction rate for exact prediction and 84.8% when including correlated genres.

Influence for Pharmacy Management by Health Functional Food after the Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing Practice (의약분업후 건강기능성식품이 약국경영에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Byung-Chul;Kang, Hyo-Sook;Kwak, Hyun-Soo;Sohn, Uy-Dong
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the best way that health functional food contributes the diversification of pharmacy management at the new point after the separation of prescribing and dispensing practice. In the question of the number of prescription paper, it was more than 200 papers (18.9%), next 100 papers (11.3%). In case of daily total sales volume except prescription fee, it was more than 1,000,000won (28.3%). About the motivation using health functional food, the reason for activation of pharmacy management was 66%. The selling method was mainly by pharmacist recommendation and consumer's need. In comparison with after and before the separation of prescribing and dispensing, more than 60% of subjects answered that sales volume was decreased and no changed. Concerning the ratio of total sales volume to health functional food within 5 years, 66% of subjects expected that it will be increased positively. The type of best pharmacy to handle health functional food was community pharmacy. These results suggest that the handling of health functional food by pharmacist will greatly increase in near futures and will be very important portion for pharmacy management.

A Study on the Relationship between Service Quality and Satisfaction of Rural Experiential Tourism for Youth (청소년 농촌체험관광의 서비스품질과 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Yeong-Chang;Park, Eun-Shik;Lee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.149-170
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the effect of service quality on tourist satisfaction and to determine the causes and effects relationship of the tourist satisfaction on rural experiential tourism for youth. The researchers developed a questionnaires to obtain the measures of two latent variables; service quality, satisfaction. Service quality was consisted of 4 sub-domains namely program, physical environment, interaction and achievement. Tourist satisfaction were measured by 4 question items respectively. The population of this study was 424 student participants who attended rural experiential tour conducted by Korea 4-H Association. Based on the conclusion of this study, the following recommendation were suggested to enhance participation on rural experiential tourism for youth: First, since the achievement was the important factor of the tourism, effective program should be emphasized for the successful rural experiential tourism for youth. Second, youth should be encouraged to have more opportunities to participate in rural tourism because of the high educational effects and satisfaction on rural experiential tourism.

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Validation of a Translated Guideline on Pain Assessment and Management: Focused on Abdominal Surgery Patients (통증관리 근거중심 가이드라인의 국내 타당성 검증 - 복부수술 환자를 대상으로 -)

  • Hong, Sung Jung;Lee, Eunjoo
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was designed to examine the validity of the evidence-based guideline on pain developed by Registered Nurses Association of Ontario(RNAO) translated into Korean based on the experts' opinions. Methods: The panel consisted of experts of 60 registered nurses in surgical units, medical doctors and nursing managers who were experts in pain assessment and management. The validity of translated RNAO guideline was evaluated in terms of appropriateness, applicability, and utilization in current practice. Appropriateness and applicability of each recommendation were measured with 9 point scale, whereas utilization was measured by yes/no question. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and percent. The experts' opinions were analyzed by content analysis method. Results: In general, most of the recommendations in the guideline received above 7 point in appropriateness and applicability. However, above 20% of recommendations showed less than 50% of utilization rates in current practice. Conclusion: The reasons for low utilization of recommendations in current practice are in need for investigation. This study can be used for the development of guideline more acceptable in Korean health care settings and improve the quality of care for the abdominal surgery patients suffering from pain in Korea.

How Internet has Reshaped the User Experience of Banking Service?

  • Nam, Kiheung;Lee, Zoonky;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.684-702
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    • 2016
  • The changes new technologies have brought to banking over the past decade are enormous in their impact on the ways of doing business and providing customer services, most notably in the areas of customer service channels. Banks have been trying to move away from the traditional, branch-based and costly staff-assisted channels toward self-assisted channels, i.e. internet banking and mobile banking, to drive down costs and improve customer loyalty. How internet and mobile have reshaped the user experience of banking service channel? To provide valuable insights for this question, this research investigates and compares customer's channel choice behavior and profit changes from bank's branch closure. Applying the propensity scoring matching method, the results of analysis demonstrates that the mobile channel can be a realistic alternative to conventional branches. Also, the reserch result shows banks can reduce conventional branches while experiencing a positive implications on their profits from the customers. Another significant implication from the research is, to accelerate the shift to digital channels, banks need to put more efforts on developing functions in the mobile channel that will allow friendly interaction with customers and consultation, such as video consultation, interactive chat, and location-based product recommendation.

Robustness Design For Tall Timber Buildings

  • Voulpiotis, Konstantinos;Frangi, Andrea
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2020
  • With the ever-increasing height of timber buildings, the complexity of timber as a structural material gives rise to behaviors not previously studied by engineers. An urgent call is needed regarding their performance in damage scenarios: activating alternative load paths in tall timber buildings is not the same as in tall buildings made with steel and concrete. In this paper we propose a robustness framework covering all building materials, whose application in timber may lead to new conceptual designs for the next generation of tall timber buildings. Qualitatively, the importance of building scale and the distinction between localized and systematic exposures are discussed, and how existing supertall structures can be an example for future generations of tall timber buildings. Quantitatively, the robustness index is introduced alongside a method to calculate the performance of a given building regarding robustness, in order to find the most cost-effective structural solutions for improved robustness. A three-level application recommendation is made, depending on the importance of the building in question. Primarily, the paper highlights the importance of conceptual design to achieve structural robustness and encourages the practicing engineering community to use the proposed framework to quantitatively come up with the new generation of tall timber buildings.

Development of a Web Based Learning Environment for Problem Solving using ICT in Home Economics Education (ICT를 활용한 家政科 Web기반 문제해결 학습환경의 개발)

  • 박미정;채정현
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study was to develop a Web based learning environment for Home Economics Education(HEE) using ICT (Information & Communication Technology). For the study, the following procedures were performed: 1) the review of literature, 2) development of teaming environment and questionnaires based on Web for HEE using ICT. The Web based learning environment was investigated and designed, and evaluated by the users. The problems indicated through the evaluation were revised and complemented. In addition, 13 sets of Learning questionnaires, which were verified using the same procedure as above, were developed to provide problem solving ability through the Web based learning environment. Learning environment based on the Web entitled "Together with the classroom of HEE" has a main menu, which is composed of rooms for HEE, students, teachers, various topics, recommendation sites, chatting, and e-mail. A room for HEE, in which teaming activity mainly occurs by following the sequences of learning procedures, includes other sub-rooms for the guidance of Loaming, discussion, directories for reference, question and answer, submission of homework, evaluation, and an encyclopedia. Therefore, this study implicates: 1) achievement of teaming environment using the ICT mainly made by students who solve problems closely related to daily life, 2) development of practical learning questionnaires fitted in the present state, 3) preparation for the curriculum. Finally, from this study, I suggested that further studies are needed to develop models for learning, interaction between students and teachers, and the learning materials under the Web based loaming environment.

Interests on Oriental Nursing by Perception, Practice, and Attitude of Oriental Medicine of Nurses Working in One Region (Survey) (일개지역 근무 간호사의 한방의학에 대한 인식, 경험 및 태도별 한방간호 관심도에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Cha, Nam-Hyun;Wang, Myoung-Ja
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study investigated the perception, practice and attitude of nurses towards oriental nursing. Methods: Nurses (N=162) from a localized region were surveyed during June, 2008. Collected data was statistically analyzed using t-test, one-way ANDVA, and Sheffe test. Results: The perception of surveyed nurses to the following aspects of oriental nursing varied significantly: "chances to hear of oriental nursing", "treatment function of oriental medicine", "necessity of clinical application", "treatment method", and "educational demand on oriental nursing". Nurses' interest in the following aspects of oriental nursing was significantly different: "experiences undertaken in the treatment of oriental medicine", "treatment result", and "clinical result from the patients who were under the oriental medicine treatments". Nurses' attitude toward oriental nursing varied significantly in response to the following: "recommendation by other nurses or neighbors" and "experiences being questioned by patients on oriental nursing question". Conclusions: Support for oriental nursing and systematic education for nurses would be beneficial in light of a changing medical environment.