• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality of services

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A Study of Factors Affecting Mobile Widget-based Personalized Services (모바일 위젯기반 개인화 서비스의 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Shin, Min-Soo;Woo, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.21-42
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    • 2010
  • As digital convergence and mobile services evolve, personalization becomes one of the most important factors attracting customers. Personalization means functions offering individually customized services with relevant contents using information on individual preferences. This sort of personalized services has attracted great attention of a large part of online firms. One of representative services of such personalized services is a mobile widget service. In this study, we identified seven antecedents affecting the quality of personalized mobile widget services and empirically investigated which antecedent has a significant effect of the quality of personalized mobile widget services. In addition we carried out empirical investigation into the effect of the quality of personalized mobile widget service on user satisfaction and trust. As a result of this research, we revealed that seven variables including information services affected components of personalized services, and usefulness and perceived benefit as components of personalized services affected user trust and satisfaction for personalized services.

A Study on Major Characteristic Analysis and Quality Evaluation Attributes of Artificial Intelligence Service (인공지능서비스의 특성분석과 품질평가속성에 대한 연구)

  • Baek, Chang Hwa;Lim, Sung Uk;Choe, Jae Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.837-846
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to define various concepts, features, and scopes by examining various previous studies on AI services that are completely different from existing services. It also examines the limitations of existing service quality evaluation methods and studies the characteristics by combining them with various cases of new AI services. And this is to derive and propose quality evaluation attributes of AI service. Methods: The concept and characteristics of artificial intelligence were derived through research and analysis of various previous studies related to artificial intelligence. The key characteristics and quality evaluation items were derived through the KJ method and matching based on the keywords and characteristics derived from previous studies and various cases. Results: Based on the review of various previous studies on the quality of artificial intelligence services, this study presents the main characteristics and quality evaluation items of new artificial intelligence services, which are completely different from existing service quality evaluations. Conclusion: The quality measurement model of AI service is very useful when planning and developing AI-based new products or services because it can accurately evaluate the requirements of consumers using the services of the new AI era. In addition, consumers can be recommended a customized service according to the situation or taste, and can be provided with a customized service based on this.

The Effect of Bakery Customers Product and Service Quality Factors on Value Perception, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: Focused on Famous Bakery Customers

  • HONG, Pil-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Recently, information on 'Delicious Restaurants (Mat-zip)' and 'Famous Bakeries' can be obtained through various media such as TV, Internet search, and SNS, and the culture of finding and sharing them has become a trend. Since PZB's SERVQUAL, there have been many studies measuring service quality, leading to hotels, restaurants and coffee shops. These studies of service quality include product quality in the service quality dimension. Hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops are provided with intangible services while customers visit and stay, but 'Delicious Restaurants (Mat-zip)' and 'Famous Bakeries' often stop by to buy products and return home. Therefore, the study on the effect of quality on customer behavior on 'Delicious Restaurants (Mat-zip)' should consider product quality separately. In this study, we want to study how each quality element affects the perceived value and response of customers by separating product quality and service quality. Research design, data, and methodology: This study tested the structural model of how the quality of products and services of famous bakeries affect customers' perceived value and response. As the quality factors, products, tangible services, and employee services were adopted, and perceived values adopted utilitarian and hedonic values, and customer responses adopted customer satisfaction and behavior intention. For this study, 203 survey data with experience using famous bakeries were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0. Result: The research results are as follows. First, product quality positively influenced utilitarian value, hedonic value, and customer satisfaction, tangible service quality positively influenced utilitarian value, and employee service quality positively influenced hedonic value. Second, utilitarian value had a positive effect on behavioral intention, and hedonic value had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Conclusions: In a famous bakery, it is basic that product quality should be given priority, and for customer satisfaction, employee service quality is half as important. In addition, for Behavior Intension (revisit by the customer), in addition to product quality, the quality of tangible services and employee services should be maintained at a quarter level.

Using Kano's Theory of Attractive Quality to Better Understand Customer Experiences with E-Services

  • Fundin, Anders;Nilsson, Lars
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.32-49
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    • 2003
  • The interest in on-line services has increased during the last couple of years and there are now several models developed to better understand how customers evaluate e-service quality. In this empirical study we combine the use of the theories of attractive quality and technology readiness so as to explain customer experiences of e-services. A survey was conducted with 188 students at three universities in Sweden, asking how they assess an e-service that enables one to reserve and buy cinema tickets on-line. The main contribution of the study is its provision of evidence on how to interpret and improve customer satisfaction when designing e-services. Our belief is that an organization can gain a clearer grasp of how customer satisfaction is created with an e-service by taking into account customers' experiences with new technology.

The Influence of After Sales Services Quality on the Repurchase and Word-of-Mouth Effect - Korean Home Appliance (구매후 A/S 품질이 재구매 및 구전효과에 미치는 영향 - 가전제품을 중심으로)

  • 이인식;김화순
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of after sales service quality in the Korean home appliance. This study is assumed that after sales service quality is composed of prices of service and corporate image as well as technical quality and functional quality. Also, this study examined that how after sales service quality have influence on the repurchase and word-of-mouth effect, and the relationship between the repurchase and word-of-mouth effect was identified in this research. To perform the empirical study, 204 questionnaires from persons who experience taking after sales services with charge for their home appliance are gathered and analyzed. The results make contribution to the Korean home appliance manufacturing company to newly recognize about the factors of after sales services quality. Further empirical or theoretical study for finding the factors of after sales services quality can be recommended in the presence of competitive service industry.

A Study on the Relationship of Benefits, Quality, and Continuity Intention in Community Services (지역사회 서비스에서 관계혜택과 관계품질, 관계지속의도와의 관계연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Huh, Moo-Yul
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - This study aims to examine the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and continuity intention of community services. It further investigates the mediation effect of relationship quality operating on the association between relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Thus, this study will aim to elucidate the correlations between relationship benefits, quality and community services intention. Research design, data, and methodology - To achieve these objectives, this study executed a questionnaire from the users of the child․adolescent psychological support service which represents part of community services. The research framework that was utilized in this study was of three main factors. They were relationship quality, relationship benefits, and intention of relationship continuity. In relationship quality, factors such as trust and commitment was included in this section. For relationship benefits, factors such as society benefits and commitment benefits were the essence. The control variable in this study was gender, age, income, hours of service used, and the number of times service was used in community services. Results - The key research findings are as follows. First, this study found out that the more the social benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention was. Second, this study has found out that the higher the trust of community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention. Third, this study has shown that the more the relationship benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the recognition by the users' relationship quality was. Fourth, the trust in the community services played a mediating role between the relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Conclusions - Many associations could be discovered on the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and community service continuality intention. These results will have important implications for the future of child and adolescent psychological support services. In terms of relationship marketing, the three factors; benefits, quality, and continuity intention in community services were proved to be pivotal. In order for the continuity intention in community services, the two factors of benefits and quality were the influential factors. From a policy maker's standpoint, the relationship continuity was the most important factor.

IT Service Quality, Business Education Service Quality and Its Outcomes (IT서비스품질과 경영교육의 성과)

  • Kang, Man-Su;Park, Sang-Kyu;Suk, Yeung-Ki
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2012
  • Since the competition of higher education is more and more critical, the improvement of educational services is importantly considered. Despite the current situations, there are few studies addressing the relationships between education service quality and its outcomes. As educational service quality plays a key role in improving student satisfaction, universities provides a high level of educational services for students and reinforce their competitiveness through student satisfaction. This research investigates the relationships among IT service quality, business education service quality, trust, student satisfaction and student loyalty. In so doing, the current study establishes a theoretical model to test the proposed relationships. The results further suggest that the indirect effect of the IT service quality and the business education service quality enhances its impact of student satisfaction, trust, student loyalty. Finally, the authors draw conclusions and further research directions.

An Analysis of Service Robot Quality Attributes through the Kano Model and Decision Tree : Financial Service Robot for Introduction to Bank Branches (카노와 의사결정나무를 활용한 금융서비스 로봇의 품질속성 분석 : 은행지점 도입용 금융서비스 로봇 사례)

  • Song, Young-gue;Lee, Jungwoo;Han, Chang Hee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2021
  • A Kano model was used to classify the quality attributes of the service robot function for actual deployment that can support and replace bank employees. Quality attributes for a total of 6 dimensions and 23 service elements were divided into bank employees and customer groups, and service priorities were derived after comparative analysis. The Decision tree model was used to supplement the excessive simplification of quality attributes by the modest number of Kano models and to classify and predict by segment market. Of the 23 services, 16 were classified into the same attributes in both groups. 6 services classified as combination attributes used a Decision tree to identify differences in perception of quality attributes among groups. In terms of basic financial services and professional financial services, it was confirmed that bank employees feel financial service robots more attractive than ordinary customers. In the design of IT convergence service, we propose a methodology for deriving quality attributes by combining a Kano model for classifying quality attributes of two groups and a Decision tree for forecasting subdivision markets.

A Study on Relationship between Health Services Quality and Customer's Satisfaction in Oriental Medicine Hospitals (한방 의료 서비스 품질이 환자 만족 및 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Young-Shin;Kweon Jong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2 s.66
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to understand Oriental medical health services and analyze the relationships between the perceived Oriental medical health services and the effect, influencing patient satisfaction as. well as intentions of re-visiting such hospitals. Methods : SPSS 10.0, a statistical processing method, was used to process the study data and frequency and ANOVA analysis were used to analyze the differences. Also, Pearson correlation coefficient was performed to analyze the relationships between work satisfaction and health services quality, as well as patient satisfaction and intentions to re-visit such hospitals. Results : Most patients were satisfied with the service, but it was shown that improvement of facilities and medical equipment was needed. The survey showed higher satisfaction with longer experience of doctors and nurses. Staff recognition of health services quality seemed lower than patient satisfaction, so efforts to improve the health services and relationships between health services quality and patient satisfaction are necessary. Conclusion : Higher quality and satisfaction with Oriental medical health services are going to improve total re-use intention to a significant degree.

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Heuristic Composite Web Service Execution Planning Algorithm Based on Quality of Service Criteria (웹 서비스 품질 지표 기반 컴포지트 웹 서비스 실행 계획 알고리즘)

  • Ko, Jong-Myung;Kim, Chang-Ouk
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.190-201
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    • 2006
  • With the rapid growth in the demand and supply of web service, the search for superior services has become a prominent issue. Furthermore, much emphasis and attention are being placed on composite web services, where individual services are combined together to form a single workflow to satisfy the demand of the customers. In today's era of excessive expansion of web services, this study intends to propose the execution plan architecture for composite web services to accomplish the following three goals. The first goal is to derive a feasible plan which maximize user satisfaction for composite web services by implementing an execution plan architecture that reflects the Quality of Service criteria. Secondly, this study also aims at analyzing and selecting the indexes that adequately reflects its quality and its nonfunctional property. Finally, this study intends to apply the concept of constraint satisfaction problem and heuristics to reduce the execution duration of the process.