• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality Characteristics

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On the Nighttime Correction of CO2 Flux Measured by Eddy Covariance over Temperate Forests in Complex Terrain (복잡지형의 온대산림에서 에디 공분산으로 관측된 CO2 플럭스의 야간 자료 보정에 관하여)

  • Kang, Minseok;Kim, Joon;Kim, Hyun-Seok;Thakuri, Bindu Malla;Chun, Jung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.233-245
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    • 2014
  • Nighttime correction of $CO_2$ flux is one of the most important and challenging tasks in eddy covariance measurements over a complex mountainous terrain. In this study, we have scrutinized the quality and the credibility of the $CO_2$ flux datasets which were produced by employing three different methods of nighttime correction, i.e., (1) friction velocity ($u^*$) correction, (2) light response curve (LRC) correction, and (3) advection-based van Gorsel (VG) correction. The whole year datasets used in our analysis were collected at the two KoFlux tower sites (i.e., GDK deciduous forest site at the upper hill and GCK coniferous forest site at the lower hill) located in the valley of Gwangneung National Arboretum in central Korea. The resultant magnitudes and patterns of ecosystem respiration ($R_E$), gross primary productivity (GPP), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of $CO_2$ showed marked differences among the datasets produced with three different correction methods, which were also site-specific. The examination from micrometeorological and ecological perspectives suggests that the major cause of some inconsistency seems to be associated with the advection of $CO_2$ along the sloping terrain and the inappropriate selection of the correction data that might have been already affected by advective flows. The comparison with the results from other studies indicated that the overall characteristics of the corrected $CO_2$ fluxes at GDK and GCK (except those with LRC correction) were well within the ranges reported in the literature for various ecosystems in East Asia in similar latitudes. However, our study also implies that there will be always a room for further improvement in the present datasets. Therefore, caution must be exercised for the data users in order to properly use the updated version of datasets through transparent, open and participatory communication with data producers.

Effects of the Fermentation Periods on the Qualities and Functionality of the Vegetable Fermentation Broths (식물자원 발효액의 품질과 기능성에 미치는 발효기간의 영향)

  • Kim, Na-Mi;Lee, Jong-Won;Do, Jae-Ho;Park, Chae-Kyu;Yang, Jae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2005
  • To determine optimal fermentation period of vegetables mixed with black sugar without innoculation of microorganisms, changes in chemical components, quality characteristics of the fermented broth and physiological functionality during the fermentation period were investigated, pH and $^{\circ}BX$ of the fermented broths were decreased gradually during the fermentation period. Except for radish, L and a color values of fermented broths were increased but b values were decreased during fermentation period. Viscosity of fermented broths of vegetables were decreased after 3 months of fermentation. ${\alpha}-Amylase$ activity in fermentation broth of brocolli, eggplant, cabbage, chicory, aralia, radish were increased to 460, 430, 180, 420, 560, 260 after six months fermentation period. In radish and tomato fermentation broth, invertase activity were increased to 200 and 460 units and cellulase activity were increased to 280 and 140 after six months fermentation period. The content of total phenolic compounds and electron donating ability were the highest after 2 to 4 months fermentation period and decreased thereafter. No significant level of tyrosinase inhibitory activity and SOD-like activity were observed. In the sensory evaluation test of aralia fermentation broth of droop, sweet and sour flavor and bitter, astringent taste were decreased during the fermentation period and droop tastes were highest in 3 months. In radish fermentation broth, radish flavor and pungent taste were decreased and sweet taste was increased during fermentation period. Acceptability in overall was the greatest after three months. Based on the results stated above, optimal fermentation period was appropriated 3 or 4 months.

Quality Characteristics and Optimization of Fish-Meat Noodle Formulation Added with Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석법을 이용한 넙치 첨가 어묵면의 품질 특성 및 제조조건 최적화)

  • Oh, Jung Hwan;Kim, Hyung Kwang;Yu, Ga Hyun;Jung, Kyong Im;Kim, Se Jong;Jung, Jun Mo;Cheon, Ji Hyeon;Karadeniz, Fatih;Kong, Chang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.1373-1385
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to optimize the formulation for fish-meat noodles added with farmed olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) using response surface methodology. Fish-meat (surimi) from P. olivaceus was prepared by a traditional washing process. Independent variables were Alaska pollack, fish-meat from P. olivaceus, and starch, whereas dependent variables were whiteness and texture. The results for whiteness and texture produced very significant values for whiteness (P<0.001), strength (P<0.001), hardness (P<0.05), breaking force (P<0.001), chewiness (P<0.001), brittleness (P<0.001), extensibility force (P<0.001), and extensibility distance (P<0.05). The optimal formula for fish-meat noodle was addition of 72.00 g Alaska pollack, 11.59 g P. olivaceus, and 15.86 g starch. Experimental values of whiteness, strength, hardness, breaking force, chewiness, brittleness, extensibility force, and extensibility distance under optimal conditions were $59.01{\pm}0.53$, $708.22{\pm}54.12g/cm^2$, $1,390.07{\pm}67.70g/cm^2$, $3,622.77{\pm}92.52g$, $2,686.94{\pm}103.22g$, $278,578.31{\pm}10,150.22g$, $52.22{\pm}2.97g$, $24.14{\pm}3.55mm$, respectively.

Effect Assessment and Derivation of Ecological Effect Guideline on CO2-Induced Acidification for Marine Organisms (이산화탄소 증가로 인한 해수 산성화가 해양생물에 미치는 영향평가 및 생태영향기준 도출)

  • Gim, Byeong-Mo;Choi, Tae Seob;Lee, Jung-Suk;Park, Young-Gyu;Kang, Seong-Gil;Jeon, Ei-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2014
  • Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology is recognizing one of method responding the climate change with reduction of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. In Korea, due to its geological characteristics, sub-seabed geological $CO_2$ storage is regarded as more practical approach than on-land storage under the goal of its deployment. However, concerns on potential $CO_2$ leakage and relevant acidification issue in the marine environment can be an important subject in recently increasing sub-seabed geological $CO_2$ storage sites. In the present study effect data from literatures were collected in order to conduct an effect assessment of elevated $CO_2$ levels in marine environments using a species sensitivity distribution (SSD) various marine organisms such as microbe, crustacean, echinoderm, mollusc and fish. Results from literatures using domestic species were compared to those from foreign literatures to evaluate the reliability of the effect levels of each biological group and end-point. Ecological effect guidelines through estimating level of pH variation (${\delta}pH$) to adversely affect 5 and 50% of tested organisms, HC5 and HC50, were determined using SSD of marine organisms exposed to the $CO_2$-induced acidification. Estimated HC5 as ${\delta}pH$ of 0.137 can be used as only interim quality guideline possibly with adequate assessment factor. In the future, the current interim guideline as HC5 of ${\delta}pH$ in this study will look forward to compensate with supplement of ecotoxicological data reflecting various trophic levels and indigenous species.

Policy suggestions to educate and produce outstanding paramedics in Korea (우수한 1급 응급구조사 인력 양성 및 배출을 위한 정책 제안)

  • Choi, Eun-Sook;Koh, Bong-Yeun;Park, Hee-Jin;Kim, Hyo-Sik;Kwon, Hay-Rran;Choi, Hea-Kyung;Lee, Kyoung-Youl;Yun, Jong-Geun;Hong, Sung-Gi;Cho, Keun-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: With the purpose of educating and producing outstanding paramedics by enhancing their competencies, this study aimed to make policy suggestions to re-establish the education system and improve the national examination and the certification scheme. Methods: This study used focus group interviews and questionnaires to collect data. Totally, there were 277 subjects, including experts from the education and field. Data were collected from September 9 to 20, 2016, and analyzed using SPSS 22.0. Results: To strengthen the curriculum of paramedics, this study suggested 27 courses with 94 credits as the standardized curriculum and derived 9 core competencies of paramedics. For the national examination, this study suggested consolidating written test subjects, adding scenario questions to practical tests, and applying critical criteria to simple practical tests that performs a procedure, grading these tests on a pass/fail basis. In addition, this study suggested converting certification into license, reflecting paramedics' healthcare job characteristics. Conclusion: The quality of emergency medical services in Korea will improve when those with core competencies that originated from the standardized curriculum based on the results of this study acquire their certification through the national test scheme, and the certification management system creates a virtuous cycle to further enhance paramedics' professionalism.

Development of a TBM Advance Rate Model and Its Field Application Based on Full-Scale Shield TBM Tunneling Tests in 70 MPa of Artificial Rock Mass (70 MPa급 인공암반 내 실대형 쉴드TBM 굴진실험을 통한 굴진율 모델 및 활용방안 제안)

  • Kim, Jungjoo;Kim, Kyoungyul;Ryu, Heehwan;Hwan, Jung Ju;Hong, Sungyun;Jo, Seonah;Bae, Dusan
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2020
  • The use of cable tunnels for electric power transmission as well as their construction in difficult conditions such as in subsea terrains and large overburden areas has increased. So, in order to efficiently operate the small diameter shield TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine), the estimation of advance rate and development of a design model is necessary. However, due to limited scope of survey and face mapping, it is very difficult to match the rock mass characteristics and TBM operational data in order to achieve their mutual relationships and to develop an advance rate model. Also, the working mechanism of previously utilized linear cutting machine is slightly different than the real excavation mechanism owing to the penetration of a number of disc cutters taking place at the same time in the rock mass in conjunction with rotation of the cutterhead. So, in order to suggest the advance rate and machine design models for small diameter TBMs, an EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) shield TBM having 3.54 m diameter cutterhead was manufactured and 19 cases of full-scale tunneling tests were performed each in 87.5 ㎥ volume of artificial rock mass. The relationships between advance rate and machine data were effectively analyzed by performing the tests in homogeneous rock mass with 70 MPa uniaxial compressive strength according to the TBM operational parameters such as thrust force and RPM of cutterhead. The utilization of the recorded penetration depth and torque values in the development of models is more accurate and realistic since they were derived through real excavation mechanism. The relationships between normal force on single disc cutter and penetration depth as well as between normal force and rolling force were suggested in this study. The prediction of advance rate and design of TBM can be performed in rock mass having 70 MPa strength using these relationships. An effort was made to improve the application of the developed model by applying the FPI (Field Penetration Index) concept which can overcome the limitation of 100% RQD (Rock Quality Designation) in artificial rock mass.

The Development and Features of Discussion about Community Design (커뮤니티디자인의 전개와 논의의 특징)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Reigh, Young-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • This study was prompted by the recognition that the tenn "Community design" has recently been used in diverse practical fields without prior discussion about its underpinnings, a potentially problematic state of affairs. Based on these problems, this study studied the special quality about the concept of community design. Community design can be discussed from two perspectives. The first views community design as a design that concerns the community, an inhabited area populated with people who have common interests, at least in part because of geographic proximity to each other. The second sees community design as a movement that started in the 1960s and places a great importance on democratic decision making, communication, and collaboration. This study will focus on the latter. This branch of community design encompasses an advocacy planning approach, in which design professionals represent deprived communities in their resistance against comprehensive redevelopment. This was associated to the wider social protest movements of the mid and late 1960s. In the 1970s, this branch of community design was developed alongside community design centers, which provided local-level technical assistance to the communities on a number of issues, such as design and planning. The discussion about community design started in earnest from the early 1980s. A review of the literature m community design reveals several characteristics. First, community design deals with the relationship between the physical environment and several aspects of a region, including the social and cultural. Second, it involves community participation, which many scholars believe is the core of community design. Specifically, community design has been characterized by increased participation and democratic debate and decision making. The Third is about communication methods. Since the 1960s, diverse methods had been developed to promote communication effectively. Finally, community design must consider the relationship between designers, who typically value aesthetics and efficiency of form, and the needs of the community with which they are working. Indeed, some scholars believe that this relationship is generally contentious, although the designer can also be thought of as the facilitator of the community's needs. As community design practice becomes more prevalent, a review of the foundation of institution and policy and the role of experts is also needed. The community design movement bas been theorized ex post facto through diverse discussion that has sought to ascribe meaning and direction to its practice. In other words, the relationship between this theory and practice is cyclical. Therefore, this study can contribute to the virtuous circle.

Retrospective Inertia of Historic Spots and Spectacles of Baekje's Sabi Period, Represented in Buyeo's Palkyung (부여 팔경으로 본 백제 사비시대 장소와 경물의 회고(懷古) 관성(慣性))

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Kyu-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 2010
  • By philological geography method for dismantling and reconstituting Buyeo's Palkyung(扶餘 八景), which best signify the image of ancient city Buyeo's landscape, this research is to demonstrate the fact that the place's inertia of certain historic sites has been passed down as a type of geographic code. Titled poems and retrospective poems about Buyeo's Palkyung and its spectacles and landscapes reveal the fact that the splendid and glorious cultural heritage of Baekje had faded but its traces have remained in the each eight views including Nakhwa-am(落花巖), Goran-sa(皐蘭寺), and Jayong-dae(釣龍臺). In addtion, the spectacles and historic sites of Buyeo's Palkyung appear as the symbol of Baekje's fall and loss in the poems. Thus, it can be said that Buyeo's culture and civilization have never escaped from the cultural and historical scars of Baekhe's fall, being dominated by the place's inertia originated from the identity as "Baekje'slastcapital". It is ironical that Buyeo's future development and prosperity are not free from its cultural and historical spectacles which bear the image of the fall of Baekje. 'Older Buyeos' Palkyung(扶餘舊八景)' and, Prior Buyeo's Palkyung(夫餘前八景), originate from nine views of an unknown builder and after the construction of pavilions and towers, 'Subuk-jeong eight views(水北亭八景)' by Heungguk Kim(金興國) and the eight poems of the, Retrospect of Buyeo(扶餘懷古八景), were created. 'Buyeo's later Palkyung(扶餘後八景), which are especially free from the site's inertia are known to have expanded the scope of Buyeo's landscape by deliberately demonstrating spectacles and sites different from those of existing views. Nakhwa-am, Goran-sa, Joryong-dae, Songwal-dae(送月臺), Youngwal-dae(迎月臺), and Pyungje-tap(平濟塔) are all located within a one kilometer radius of Banwol-sung(半月城), Buyeo's palace and the Baekma river(白馬江), Daewang-po(大旺浦), Busan(浮山) in a two kilometers radius. Jaon-dae(自溫臺), Subuk-jeong(水北亭), and Gyuam-jin(窺岩津) are located within a three kilometers radius. Even Chunjeong-dae(天政臺), which are located within a four kilometers radius of Banwol-sung are located alongside the Baekma river. This indicates the fact that these spectacles had not been established temporarily or impromptu but for a long period time by historic retrospect and the inertia of landscape's geographic cycle. In conclusion, the geographic phenomenon of historical and cultural inertia appeared because Buyeo had the geographic message of "fallen, ancient city". Therefore, Buyeo's Palkyung which have constant retrospective inertia is clearly an geographic code effective and helpful to understand not only the characteristics of historic sites and spectacles of Buyeo in the Sabi period but also the quality of the site itself.

The knowledge and human resources distribution system for university-industry cooperation (대학에서 창출하는 지적/인적자원에 대한 기업연계 플랫폼: 인문사회계열을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2014
  • One of the main purposes of universities is to create new intellectual resources that will increase social values. These intellectual resources include academic research papers, lecture notes, patents, and creative ideas produced by both professors and students. However, intellectual resources in universities are often not distributed to the actual users or companies; and moreover, they are not even systematically being managed inside of the universities. Therefore, it is almost impossible for companies to access the knowledge created by university students and professors to utilize them. Thus, the current level of knowledge sharing between universities and industries are very low. This causes a great extravagant with high-quality intellectual and human resources, and it leads to quite an amount of social loss in the modern society. In the 21st century, the creative ideas are the key growth powers for many industries. Many of the globally leading companies such as Fedex, Dell, and Facebook have established their business models based on the innovative ideas created by university students in undergraduate courses. This indicates that the unconventional ideas from young generations can create new growth power for companies and immensely increase social values. Therefore, this paper suggests of a new platform for intellectual properties distribution with university-industry cooperation. The suggested platform distributes intellectual resources of universities to industries. This platform has following characteristics. First, it distributes not only the intellectual resources, but also the human resources associated with the knowledge. Second, it diversifies the types of compensation for utilizing the intellectual properties, which are beneficial for both the university students and companies. For example, it extends the conventional monetary rewards to non-monetary rewards such as influencing on the participating internship programs or job interviews. Third, it suggests of a new knowledge map based on the relationships between key words, so that the various types of intellectual properties can be searched efficiently. In order to design the system platform, we surveyed 120 potential users to obtain the system requirements. First, 50 university students and 30 professors in humanities and social sciences departments were surveyed. We sent queries on what types of intellectual resources they produce per year, how many intellectual resources they produce, if they are willing to distribute their intellectual properties to the industries, and what types of compensations they expect in returns. Secondly, 40 entrepreneurs were surveyed, who are potential consumers of the intellectual properties of universities. We sent queries on what types of intellectual resources they want, what types of compensations they are willing to provide in returns, and what are the main factors they considered to be important when searching for the intellectual properties. The implications of this survey are as follows. First, entrepreneurs are willing to utilize intellectual properties created by both professors and students. They are more interested in creative ideas in universities rather than the academic papers or educational class materials. Second, non-monetary rewards, such as participating internship program or job interview, can be the appropriate types of compensations to replace monetary rewards. The results of the survey showed that majority of the university students were willing to provide their intellectual properties without any monetary rewards to earn the industrial networks with companies. Also, the entrepreneurs were willing to provide non-monetary compensation and hoped to have networks with university students for recruiting. Thus, the non-monetary rewards are mutually beneficial for both sides. Thirdly, classifying intellectual resources of universities based on the academic areas are inappropriate for efficient searching. Also, the various types of intellectual resources cannot be categorized into one standard. This paper suggests of a new platform for the distribution of intellectual materials and human resources, with university-industry cooperation based on these survey results. The suggested platform contains the four major components such as knowledge schema, knowledge map, system interface, and GUI (Graphic User Interface), and it presents the overall system architecture.

Nutritional Properties by Composting Process of Algae Biomass as Soil Conditioner (조류 바이오매스를 이용한 토양개량제의 퇴비화 과정에 따른 영양성분 특성)

  • Ahn, Chang-Hyuk;Lee, Saeromi;Park, Jae-Roh
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.604-615
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we produce a new type of the algae soil conditioner(ASC) using discarded algae biomass through a composting process and evaluate its nutritional characteristics. As the main ingredient, the ASCs used algae biomass collected through the coagulation-floating method and made by adding a variety of additional supporting materials (sawdust, pearlite, oilcake etc.). ASCs were divided into 0% in blank, 11.7% in ASC1, 21.6% in ASC2, 37.6% in ASC3, 59.5% in ASC4, and composted during 127 days. ASCs showed a sharp increase in temperature by aerobic microbial reaction, and 6~7 high and low temperature peaks were observed. As a result of physicochemical analysis, mineralization proceeded according to decomposing the organic matter and there was a marked increase not only in macronutrients (TN, P2O5, K2O), but also in secondary macronutrients (CaO, MgO). The microbial community change was found in stage 1 (bacteria, filamentous fungi) → stage 2 (actinomycetes, bacteria) → stage 3 (Bacillus sp.), depending on the maturation process. It was estimated that microbial transition was closely related to temperature change and nutritional behavior. The quality of soil conditioner can be determined according to the maturity of compost process, and it was determined that effective microbial activity could be induced by controlling algae biomass below 59.5% in this study. In conclusion, we found out the possibility of manufacturing and utilizing soil conditioner recycled algae biomass and if further technological development is made on the basis it can be used as an effective soil conditioner.