• Title/Summary/Keyword: Proportionality review

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The Concept of 'Risk' and the Proportionality Review of Infectious Disease Prevention Measures (감염병 팬데믹에서의 '리스크' 개념과 방역조치에 대한 비례성 심사의 구체화 -집합제한조치에 대한 국내외 판결을 중심으로-)

  • You, Kihoon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.139-207
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    • 2022
  • As various state restrictions on individual freedom were imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns have been raised that excessive infringements on fundamental rights were indiscriminately permitted based on the public interest of preventing infectious diseases. Therefore, the question of how to set acceptable limits of liberty restrictions on individuals has emerged. However, since the phenomenon of infections spreading to the population is only predicted statistically, how to deal with the risk of the infected individual as a subject of legal analysis has become a problem. In the absence of a theoretical framework of legal analysis of risk, the risk of infected individuals during the pandemic was not analyzed strictly, and proportionality review of infection prevention measures was often only an abstract comparison of the importance of public interest and individual rights. Therefore, this research aims to conduct a theoretical review on how risk can be conceptualized legally in a public health crisis, and to develop a theoretical framework for proportionality review of the risk of liberty-limiting measures during a pandemic. Chapter 2 analyzes the legal philosophical concepts of risk, which are the basis for liberty restrictions during a public health crisis, and applies and extends them to the pandemic. Chapter 3 reviews previous studies related to liberty restriction measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and points out they have a limitation that specific criteria for the proportionality review of public health measures in the pandemic have not been presented. Accordingly, Chapter 3 specifies the methodological framework for proportionality review, referring to the theoretical discussion on risks in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 reviews the legitimacy of gathering restriction orders, applying the theoretical discussion in Chapter 2 and the criteria for proportionality review established in Chapter 3. In particular, Section 4 examines logic of proportionality review in judicial precedents over the ban on gathering restrictions implemented in the COVID-19 pandemic. In analyzing the precedents, the logic of proportionality review in each case is critically reviewed and reconstructed based on the theoretical framework presented in this research.

Principle of Proportionality of Contractual Penalty in Arbitral Awards in Russia

  • Eunok Park;Liliia Andreevskikh
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.176-191
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - When recovered through arbitration a contractual penalty that is disproportionately high can become grounds for challenging an arbitral award or an obstacle to its enforcement within Russian jurisdiction. This article investigates how violation of the principle of proportionality can affect the enforcement and challenging of arbitral awards in Russia. Based on the examination of the current legislation, along with the analysis of recent court cases on the subject, the ultimate object of this article is to discern practical recommendations for Korean practitioners who are looking to challenge and/or enforce arbitral awards in Russian courts. Design/methodology - The research process included the reviewing of current Russian legislation conducted in concurrence with academic literature review, searching and analyzing recent court cases where the relevant legal provisions and concepts were applied, and formulating practical implications of the research at its final stage. Findings - Through its relation to the principle of fairness/justice the authors establish the connection between the principle of proportionality and the public policy of Russia. Analysis of recent court cases showed two conflicting trends of whether a disproportionate penalty can be considered a public policy violation. The authors offer practical recommendations on how to substantiate a relevant claim regarding contractual penalty reduction by the court, depending on the desired outcome. Originality/value - The article contains an up-to-date summary of the legal provisions on the principle of proportionality of civil liability in Russia and identifies the most recent trends in court practice on the issue that is not covered by existing studies.

Constitutional Legitimacy of the Maritime Cadet Training System : Justifiable Restrictions on the Cadet's Fundamental Rights at the College of Maritime Science of the KMOU (해사대학 승선생활교육의 헌법상 기본권제한에 관한 연구 - 한국해양대학교 해사대학을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Yoo, Jin-Ho;Choi, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.430-443
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    • 2016
  • This paper involves the constitutionality of the restrictive by-laws established by the 'College of Maritime Science' at the 'Korea Maritime and Ocean University' when they affect the cadet's fundamental rights, particularly, in connection with the training system of the 'Merchant Cadet Dormitory.' The issue in question is whether the school regulations may fall within a judicially permissible boundary in light of the general principles of constitutional rights in that the rules are enacted by the school itself in accordance with the Article 31, Section 4 of the Constitution and largely regulate the cadets' living conditions on a campus. However, the general scrutiny standard the courts apply requires the school enactments to pass three tests to be justified: (1) legislative authorization, (2) proportionality and (3) non-infringement on the essential elements of the fundamental rights as articulated under Article 37, Section 2 of the Constitution. The review in this paper shows that, first, the by-laws at issue find themselves statutorily authorized by the 'Higher Education Act' and the 'Decree of the Establishment of National Schools', with the proportionality as a second part observed within a justifiable scope and the essential elements of the fundamental rights as the third point not being marred. In conclusion, the school's dormitory training system is not found to cross the line and, however, the school authorities still need to keep overseeing the overall training course to secure the constitutional proportionality.

A Review on the Tangent Modulus of Elasticity Associated With Partially Yielded Section of Steel Member Under Axially Compressed (강 압축부재의 단면 항복에 따른 접선탄성계수 고찰)

  • See, Sang Kwang
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2018
  • This study suggests the tangent modulus $E_t$ associated with partially yielded section of steel member under axially compressed. The provisions for column strength does not provide a information about failure mode of structural system. So, designers can not evaluate that a failure comes from member buckling or material yielding. The material of the axially compressed column under inelastic behavior reaches yielding point before the axial force renders the column bent. If axial members yields not by buckling effect but gradually yielding effect of material, the design code should accept related tangent modulus Et which is based on gradual yielding effect of material. This study provides the new effective tangent modulus $E_t$ derived in the case that residual stress is 30 percent and 50 percent of yielding stress respectively. The study considers idealized I section of steel which ignores web and general I section of steel with web respectively and makes conclude that tangent modulus $E_t$ with idealized I section of steel is rational.

Critical Essay on the Notice of the Price Adjustment of Generic Drugs (제네릭 의약품 약가 조정 고시에 대한 비판적 고찰)

  • Park, Jeong Yeon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.91-124
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    • 2021
  • In May 2019, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety revised the "Pharmaceutical Determination and Adjustment Criteria" with the content of differentially calculating the price of generic drugs according to the registration of the drug substance and meeting the requirements for their own bioequivalence test. According to this revised rule, if their own bioequivalence test is not conducted, even the generic drugs that have already been approved would be lowered in price. I wondered whether this system was introduced with sufficient public legal considerations regarding its legislative purposes and means. Therefore, I reviewed the contents of the revised notice based on whether or not it is valid to determine and adjust the price of generic drugs in terms of the legitimacy of legislative purposes and the proportionality principle after introducing the history and background of the rule. First, I raised a question as to whether the purpose of preventing the overrun of generic drugs is indeed legitimate in terms of the legitimacy of the purpose. In order for the revised notice of "reduction of drug prices when the test requirements are not met," to meet the conformity principle, the premise that it is difficult to recognize safety and effectiveness through consignment (joint) bioequivalence test or that these tests are insufficient in safety and efficacy verification than their own test must be established. Nevertheless, it seems that suffficient review has not been carried out. In order to achieve the purpose of securing safety and effectiveness, the focus should be on 'reinforcement of the standards for bioequivalence test and the management of the bioequivalence test itself' rather than whether it is a their own test or a consignment (joint) test. Third, it is contrary to the necessity and substantiality principle that strict standards are uniformly applied to the products that can be considered to have been sufficiently verified for safety and effectiveness after a considerable period of time has passed after the product approval. In many cases, revised administrative legislations quickly enacted and amended in the state of lack of legal review or consensus, while the regulatory effects resulting from it are quite direct and specific to the regulated person. In this respect, I emphasized that the administrative legislative process also requires substantial review and prior control of the regulatory purposes and means, and that the participation of stakeholders in the legislative procedure is to be strengthened.

A Study on the ICSID Arbitration Cases for Fair and Equitable Treatment under International Investment Disputes - Focusing on the Protection of the Investor's Legitimate Expectations - (국제투자분쟁에서 공정·공평 대우에 관한 ICSID 중재사례 연구 - 외국인투자자의 정당한 기대 보호를 중심으로 -)

  • HWANG, Ji-Hyeon
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    • v.71
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    • pp.195-216
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    • 2016
  • In determining the content of the FET standard, the tribunals stated protection of investor's legitimate expectations, due process and denial of justice, transparency, discrimination and arbitrariness, good faith, etc. The most major elements of the FET standard is the protection of the investor's legitimate and reasonable expectations. It is necessary to consider whether it is possible to what the expectations of investors are protected as legitimate and it is formed under any circumstances. If host state frustrate investor's legitimate expectations, it found a breach of the FET. The host state's specific assurance may reinforce investor's expectations, but such explicit statement is not always necessary. The host state must preserve a stable environment for investments. However, It must not be understood as the inalterability of the host state's legal framework. It implies that the host state's subsequent changes should be made consistently and predictably. The host state is entitled to exercise a reasonable regulatory authority to respond to changing circumstances in the public purpose. Therefore, whether the violation FET shall be determined through a balanced against the investor's legitimate expectations and the host state's reasonable regulatory exercise in the public interest. And investor should keep in mind that the principle of proportionality is applied unless host state provides stabilization clause or similar commitments to investor. Also host state should establish the basis of an argument about reasonable regulatory authority for public interest.

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A Study on the Penalty Tax under the Korean Customs Act-Focusing on the Unconstitutionality of the Adminstrative Penalty Imposed together and Heavy Penalty Tax (한국 관세법상 가산세에 관한 연구 - 행정형벌 병과와 중가산세 조항의 위헌 여부 등을 중심으로)

  • Min-Gyu Park
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.185-201
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    • 2021
  • This paper analyzes the penalty tax system under the Customs Act of Korea and examines whether the penalty tax provision violate the constitutional principle of proportionality when imposed on a person who does not made import declaration intentionally or travelers who has not been made an import declaration of their carry-on items. It examines the provisions that adopt a penalty tax as a means to secure the effectiveness of the customs law. In relation to penalty tax, the case studies of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court of Korea are analyzed by major issues such as the legal nature of the penalty tax, whether the penalty tax is unconstitutional, and the reasons for exemption from the penalty tax. There is no reasonable basis for the high penalty tax imposed on travelers' carry-on items for which import declaration has not been made. It is necessary to unify the penalty tax imposed when an import declaration is not made and the penalty tax on traveler's carry-on items. It is necessary to establish a limit on penalty tax and to create new regulations to exempt or reduce penalty tax when punished by administrative punishment to avoid double jeopardy. It is necessary to effectively secure the effectiveness of the Customs Act by converting the penalty tax into civil penalty that does not presuppose the faithful and accurate performance of tax obligations by the taxpayer. The government revised the penalty tax system in the Customs Act in 2019, but there are still many types of penalty tax and there are elements that are unconstitutional. It seems that the Korean government should lower the burden on the people by improving the system for the penalty tax system.

An Analytical Review on the Inelastic Region of Column Strength Curve Associated with Residual Stress of Steel Member under Axial Force (강 압축 부재의 잔류응력에 따른 기둥강도곡선의 비탄성영역에 대한 해석적 고찰)

  • See, Sang-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2018
  • This study is the analytical review on the inelastic region of CRC column strength curve. The inelastic region of CRC column strength curve is based on the Bleich theory and the maximum residual stress of $0.5{\sigma}_y$. This is somewhat conservative by considering the fact that the maximum residual stress of $0.3{\sigma}_y$ is well known. This study proposes column strength curve for nonlinear behavior of hot rolled structural steel members under axial force and tangent modulus Et, with the maximum residual stress of $0.3{\sigma}_y$ and compares them with those of CRC. The stress of the inelastic column under axial compression exceeds proportional limits and reaches yielding point before applied load render the column bent. The column strength curve that depends on gradually yielding state of section needs to be reviewed. In this study, it is derived that the critical load formular according to material yielding with the maximum residual stress of $0.5{\sigma}_y$ and compared with CRC column design curve.