• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processed ginseng

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Comparison of Functional Properties of Cheonggukjang by Using Red Ginseng (홍삼을 이용한 청국장의 기능적 특성 비교)

  • Park, Nan-Young;Seong, Jong-Hwon;Choi, Myung-Sook;Moon, Kwang-Deog;Kwon, Joong-Ho;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2008
  • To utilize Cheonggukjang as a raw material of diverse foods, the quality characteristics of Cheonggukjang and its processed food were compared. Cheonggukjang (CGJ), red ginseng Cheonggukjang (RCJ), and red ginseng Cheonggukjang hydrolysate (RCH) were powdered, and their quality and functional characteristics were examined. The result showed that in regard to general components, carbohydrate content of RCJ was higher than other samples while crude protein content was lower. Free amino acid content of RCH was 2,157.16 mg%, which was approximately 2 times higher than CGJ, and the content of essential amino acid was 812.18 mg%, which was the highest. The result of SDS-electrophoresis pattern showed that CGJ and RCJ showed a molecular weight smaller than 33 kDa, and RCH showed a smaller than 17 kDa low molecular weight, confirming the hydrolysis to small molecular weight. Among the samples, free radical scavenging activity, superoxide radical scavenging activity, and ACE inhibitory activity did not show a significant difference; nonetheless, RCH showed the highest activity while CGJ showed the highest fibrinolytic activity of 111.38 unit. In addition, in sensory evaluation, the peculiar bitter taste of red ginseng could be detected while the overall acceptability was improved. Based on the above results, in comparison with CGJ, as for RCJ and RCH, their function was strengthened and unpleasant odor was reduced, and thus it is anticipated that they could be used as a raw material of diverse foods.

Effect of Processing Methods on the Saponin Contents of Panax ginseng Leaf-Tea (고려인삼엽차의 제조방법에 따른 사포닌 성분의 함량 및 조성)

  • 장현기
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2003
  • Panax ginseng leaf tea was developed for the functional benefit of health, preference and convenience. The leaves of 4-year-old ginseng were selected in July and August. The ginseng leaf was treated by three methods : heat processed tea(HPT), aged tea(AGT) and hot-air dried tea(DRT). The contents and compositions of their crude saponin of ginseng leaves were measured. 1. The content of crude saponin of HPT was the higher than other treatments. The content of HPT was 18.72∼18.82%, ACT 18.24∼18.29% and DRT 17.02∼17.17%. 2. The harvest time and treatment methods were not affect the composition of ginsenoside in ginseng leaf tea. The ginsenoside-Re was shown the highest value as 1.97∼2.15. And ginsenoside-Rd was 1.48∼1.79, -Rg$_1$ 1.33∼1.58 and -Rb, -Rb$_2$, -Rc in the order. 3. The content of protopanaxadiol(PD) and protopanaxatriol(PT) was shown that DRT was 1.11∼1.13, HPT 1.09~l.12 and AGT 0.92∼1.02. The content of PD and PT were shown similar result at any harvest time. 4. The contents of crude saponin extracted by hot-water at 5 min was the higher ratios in HPT and harvested in July than other treatments. The content of crude saponin of ginseng leaf harvested in July was 15.88% and HPT was 16.88%. The order of contents of ginsenoside were -Re, -Rd, -Rg$_1$, -Rb$_1$, -Rb$_2$, and - Rc. The extraction ratio of crude saponin extracted by the circulated extraction method in 8 hours and 5 min extraction were 81.74∼84.38%. And HPT of ginseng leaf harvested in July was the highest value 84.3% but the extraction ratio of ginsenoside was 78.00~88.13%. But the extraction ratio of ginsenoside was similar trend in all treatments.

A Survey on the Application of Preservatives to Processed Food Types (보존료의 가공식품 유형별 사용 현황 연구)

  • Jeong, Eun-Jeong;Jin, Kyoung Nam;Choi, Hyeonjeong;Jeong, Yusang;Kim, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2020
  • The application of color retention agents (3 items), preservatives (17 items), and bleaching agents (6 items) as food additives in processed foods were investigated by food type. Among color retention agents, sodium nitrite was used the most with 257 cases, mainly in seasoned jeoktal (71.21%), ready-to-eat foods (7.78%), and breads (4.87%). Of the benzoates (1,236 cases) used as a preservative, sodium benzoate showed up most, in 1,215 cases, while 81.16% of these were in beverages such as beverage base (39.51%), mixed beverages (22.47%), and ginseng/red ginseng beverages (8.89%). Grapefruit seed extracts (3,291 cases) were applied to 44 types of processed foods such as sauces (54.65%), liquid tea (10.46%), and other products (5.15%). Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate (2,957 cases) was applied to products (total 96.44%) such as sauces (92.15%), blended soy sauce (2.77%), and pickled foods (1.52%). Potassium sorbate was applied to a total of 789 cases, mainly pickled foods (40.43%) and processed fishery products (47.15%). All 27 cases of sorbic acid were applied to fish paste (100%). Of the bleaching agents, sodium bisulfite and sodium hydrosulfite were mainly used in confectioneries, breads or rice cakes, and potassium metabisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and sulfur dioxide were mainly found in alcoholic beverages including fruit wine, while sodium sulfite was mostly used in pickled foods. These results are deemed useful in applying food additives to processed foods.

Preservative Effect of Garlic Stalk or Pork Cooked in Soy Sauce by the Addition of Botanical Antimicrobial Agent-Citrus and Red Ginseng Mixture (식물성 천연 항균복합소재 처리에 의한 마늘종 및 돈육장조림의 저장 효과)

  • 정준호;조성환
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • The mixture of botanical antimicrobial agent-citurs product and ginseng extract mixture(BAACG) was applied to garlic stalk or pork cooked in soysauce to extend their selflife. BAACG showed a remarkable antimicrobial activity against a wide spectrum of food-borne infection microorganisms and thermal and pH stability. In comparison with scanning electron microscopic photos of microbial cells not-treated and treated with BAACG the physiological cytomembrane function of BAACG-treated microorganisms was destroyed and the dead cell numbers was increased. The quality of garlic stalk or pork cooked in soysauce was controlled by the addition of BAACG in their raw materials. BAACG-treated garlic stalk or pork cookeries showed considerably to decrease the numbers of total cell count and expressed no odor and no sticky state appeared in the control. BAACG was expected to be a preservative agent which could be applied to raw or processed food stuffs in the view of food safety.

Effect of aeration process on changes of prosapogenin content and antioxidant activity of red ginseng powder extract (Aeration 공정 처리가 홍삼분말 추출물의 프로사포게닌의 함량 변화와 항산화 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Hee-Jeong;Jung, Chul-Jong;Seo, Jeong-Gyun;Li, Xian;Yu, Yeong-Eun;Beik, Gyung-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.576-583
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    • 2019
  • The effect of aeration process in causing changes in the prosapogenin content and the antioxidant activity of red ginseng powder extracts was investigated. With respect to the color change of the extracts, the L-value and b-value decreased significantly with the lapse of extraction time both with and without the aeration process. The a-value increased with the lapse of the extraction time in the non-aeration process but decreased in the aeration process. This result suggests that when the aeration process was performed, the lightness, yellowness, and redness decreased with the lapse of the extraction time, resulting in a darker color. The total polyphenolic and total flavonoid contents were the highest at 0.84 and 0.96 mg Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE)/mL, 21.77 and 21.93 mg GAE/mL at 24 h and 36 h, respectively for the aerated red ginseng powder extracts. The DPPH, ABTS, H2O2 scavenging activity, and reducing power were measured to confirm the antioxidant effects of red ginseng powder extracts after the aeration process. Thus, the antioxidant activity was increased in the aerated red ginseng powder extracts. In addition, when comparing the contents of Rb1, Rg1, and Rg3, the content of Rg3 was significantly different, and it was confirmed that a large amount was produced in the aerated red ginseng extracts. These results indicate that the red ginseng extracts subjected to the aeration process are superior than the ones processed by the non-aeration process.

Double-processed ginseng berry extracts enhance learning and memory in an Aβ42-induced Alzheimer's mouse model (Aβ42로 유도된 알츠하이머 마우스 모델에서 이중 가공 인삼열매 추출물의 학습 및 기억 손실 개선 효과)

  • Jang, Su Kil;Ahn, Jeong Won;Jo, Boram;Kim, Hyun Soo;Kim, Seo Jin;Sung, Eun Ah;Lee, Do Ik;Park, Hee Yong;Jin, Duk Hee;Joo, Seong Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.160-168
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to determine whether double-processed ginseng berry extract (PGBC) could improve learning and memory in an $A\hat{a}42$-induced Alzheimer's mouse model. Passive avoidance test (PAT) and Morris water-maze test (MWMT) were performed after mice were treated with PGBC, followed by acetylcholine (ACh) measurement and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) detection for brain damage. Furthermore, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) expression were analyzed using Ellman's and qPCR assays, respectively. Results demonstrated that PGBC contained a high amount of ginsenosides (Re, Rd, and Rg3), which are responsible for the clearance of $A{\hat{a}} 42$. They also helped to significantly improve PAT and MWMT performance in the $A{\hat{a}} 42-induced$ Alzheimer's mouse model when compared to the normal group. Interestingly, ACh and ChAT were remarkably upregulated and AChE activities were significantly inhibited, suggesting PGBC to be a palliative adjuvant for treating Alzheimer's disease. Altogether, PGBC was found to play a positive role in improving cognitive abilities. Thus, it could be a new alternative solution for alleviating Alzheimer's disease symptoms.

Antidiabetic Activity of Ginsam in db/db Mouse (긴삼의 db/db 마우스에서 항당뇨 효과)

  • Han, Eun-Jung;Park, Keum-Ju;Choi, Yun-Sook;Han, Ki-Chul;Park, Jong-Suk;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Ko, Sung-Kwon;Chung, Sung-Hyun
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.332-337
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    • 2006
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic and hard to control disease. In order to develop the therapeutic agent for type 2 DM, many researchers investigated natural products using an in vitro and in vivo assay. In this study, we tried to explore the anti-diabetic activity and mechanisms of ginsam, which is a vinegar-processed ginseng radix. The db/db mice were randomly divided into four groups. The diabetes control (DC) group was orally administrated with distilled water, ginseng radix (GR) or ginsam (GS) was administrated orally at a dose of 150 mg/kg, and the positive control group was orally injected with metformin (MET) at a dose of 300 mg/kg for 5 weeks in db/db mice and measured body weight and blood glucose level every week. All treatment groups decreased the plasma glucose levels compared with diabetic control and GS group significantly lowered the insulin resistance index. GS group also reduced the plasma lipid levels mainly due to reduce the lipogenesis and increase the lipolysis in the fat tissue. In addition, GS group increased the GLUT4 mRNA expression levels in the fat and muscle tissues by 10 fold probably due to increase a $PPAR_{-\gamma}$ mRNA expression in fat tissue. Taken together, GS showed the anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic activities and those activities may ascribe to over-expression of GLUT4 mRNA level and decrease the lipogenesis in fat tissue.

A Vinegar-processed Ginseng Radix (Ginsam) Ameliorates Hyperglycemia and Dyslipidemia in C57BL/KsJ db/db Mice

  • Han, Eun-Jung;Park, Keum-Ju;Ko, Sung-Kwon;Chung, Sung-Hyun
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1228-1234
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    • 2008
  • Having idea to develop more effective anti-diabetic agent from ginseng root, we comprehensively assessed the anti-diabetic activity and mechanisms of ginsam in C57BL/KsJ db/db mice. The db/db mice were divided into 4 groups; diabetic control (DC), ginsam at a dose of 300 or 500 mg/kg (GS300 or GS500) and metformin at a dose of 300 mg/kg (MT300). Ginsam was orally administered for 8 weeks. GS500 reduced the blood glucose concentration and significantly decreased an insulin resistance index. In addition, GS500 reduced the plasma non-esterified fatty acid, triglyceride, and increased high density lipoprotein-cholesterol as well as decreased the hepatic cholesterol and triglyceride. More interestingly, ginsam increased the plasma adiponectin level by 17% compared to diabetic control group. Microarray, quantitative-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme activity results showed that gene and protein expressions associated with glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and fatty acid oxidation were changed to the way of reducing hepatic glucose production, insulin resistance and enhancing fatty acid $\beta$-oxidation. Ginsam also increased the phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase and glucose transporter expressions in the liver and skeletal muscle, respectively. These changes in gene expression were considered to be the mechanism by which the ginsam exerted the anti-diabetic and anti-dyslipidemic activities in C57BL/KsJ db/db mice.

Concepts about Diet and cancer of Highly Educated Korean Young Parents Residing in America (미국에 거주하는 젊은 한국인 부모의 식사와 암에 대한 개념 조사)

  • Dong-Yean Park
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.518-528
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    • 1992
  • This study examined Korean young parents' current concept about diet and cancer to plan a proper communication strategy about nutrition education for cancer risk reduction. The naturalistic study using in-depth open ended interviews was conducted to identify Korean young parents' concepts about diet and cancer. Fourteen Korean husbands and wives were interviewed, All interviews were tape recorded and concept maps were developed from their tape-recordings for analysis. Most interviewees believed that certain kinds of food or diet increase or decrease cancer risk. However some interviewees did not believe that food or diet can prevent cancer. most interviewees believed that KIorean's salty and hot diet was related to the prevalence of stomach cancer,. They also believed that meat fresh smoked or cured processed food and excessive fat intake increase the risk for cancer but vegetables and fruits decrease it They believed that grilling and barbecuing increase cancer risk Some interviewees believed that certain nutrients (Zn. Se) and food(soybean paste mushroom garlic ginseng and so on) have cancer preventive effect. Most interviewees though twenties or early thirties are important ages for cancer preven-tion. Newspapers woman's magazines radio TV were the primary source of information on diet and cancer.

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