• Title/Summary/Keyword: Process Innovation

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Effects of Internationalization on Innovation in the Service Industry: Evidence from Korea

  • Lee, Jaeho;Lee, Ji-Hwan;Choi, Baeho
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.339-366
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    • 2014
  • This paper examines the impact of internationalization on the product, process and organizational innovations of Korean service firms. Despite the increasing importance of the service sector and the discrepancies in the natures of the manufacturing and service industries, the internationalization-innovation link in the context of service firms has rarely been examined empirically on a large sample. Based on the results of the logistic regressions using the 2006 Korean Innovation Survey data, we found that Korean service firms' international expansion is significantly and positively associated with their product and organizational innovations. In addition, the magnitude of the estimates in our models revealed that internationalization has a greater impact on product innovation than on process or organizational innovation.

Factors Influencing Resistance to the Metaverse: Focusing on Propagation Mechanisms

  • Mina Lee;Minjung Kim
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2024
  • This study examines factors influencing nonusers' resistance to the adoption of the metaverse, focusing on propagation mechanisms. It elucidates the role of innovation resistance within the metaverse adoption process. We applied the Innovation Resistance Model in the context of the metaverse and considers three major groups of factors influencing resistance to the metaverse: innovation characteristics (perceived usefulness, compatibility, perceived risk, and complexity), consumer characteristics (personal innovativeness), and propagation mechanisms (mass media, online media, and personal communication). An online survey of college students who do not use the metaverse revealed that perceived usefulness, compatibility, personal innovativeness, and online media were negative predictors of resistance to the metaverse. Conversely, perceived risk, mass media, and personal communication were positive predictors of resistance to the metaverse. Furthermore, innovation resistance was found to play a mediating role in the metaverse adoption process. Drawing upon the findings, we suggested marketing strategies to decrease resistance to the metaverse.

Prioritizing Telecommunications Service Policies in South Korea: An Innovation System Approach

  • Kim, Hongbum;Kim, Eungdo;Lee, Daeho;Jung, Sungdo;Moon, Hyoungdon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2015
  • Although the telecommunications service industry has become a basic infrastructure component of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, it is now losing its reputation as a cash cow due to achieving a saturation of service subscribers, especially in South Korea. With the exception of improving network speeds, network operators are experiencing difficulties in creating new innovations. Therefore, new innovations for the telecommunications service industry should be identified in conjunction with government policies for industry promotion. To examine the innovative capabilities of a specific industry, innovation system theories were used as a framework for research. However, existing innovation systems are limited with regard to explaining the openness of relationships and user participation which are general properties of the ICT industry. Moreover, as sources of innovative activity, additional values such as financial support and collaboration are more appropriate. This study presents a new innovation system based on innovation values. We analyze the telecommunications service industry and prioritize the importance of telecommunication policies within South Korea. An in-depth interview with experts based on the innovation system framework is conducted first. Next, innovation factors derived from the interview are applied within an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), leading to a prioritization of innovation factors for the telecommunications service industry.

Relationship Between Innovation Activities and Business Performance: A Case Study in Indonesia

  • ARIF, Muhammad Ridwan;HASAN, Dahsan
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2021
  • The study aims to investigate the relationship between innovation activities and business process performance in higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as "HEI") context. The data was collected using a survey and later analyzed through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLSSEM) and SmartPLS software. A total of 50 questionnaires were submitted from respondents representing vocational study program management located in Makassar, Indonesia. The findings show that two hypotheses discussed in this study fit the empirical data. Specifically, the results show that there is a positive relationship between innovation activities and business process performance, involving two types of innovation activities, which are exploration activities and exploitation activities, within HEIs. Explorative activity is firmly related to exploitative activity, which furthermore links to business process performance within the HEIs observed. The results confirm that exploration activity can stimulate and lead the HEIs management to generate exploitation activity. For instance, capabilities to absorb knowledge from the external institution may lead this institution to generate advanced academic processes, as well as more efficient and effective managerial processes. The study also signifies ambidexterity capacity, suggesting that it may lead HEIs management to formulate proper strategies in achieving better performance and gaining competitive advantage.

The Determinants of Innovation Resistance and Innovation Performances (혁신저항의 결정요인과 혁신성과에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Ahn, Byeong Deok;Ahn, Kwan Young
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2014
  • This paper reviewed the relationship among CEO's entrepreneurship/risktaking, innovation resistance and innovation performance, and the mediating effect of innovation resistance between CEO's entrepreneurship/risktaking and innovation performance. Based on the responses from 219 companies, the results of multiple regression analysis appeared as follow; 1) CEO's entrepreneurship and risktaking effect negatively on innovation resistance. 2) innovation resistance negatively on innovation performance(process innovation, organization innovation). 3) innovation resistance mediates partly between CEO's entrepreneurship/risktaking and innovation performance.

Performance of Collaboration Activities upon SME's Idiosyncrasy (중소기업 특성에 따른 외부 협업 활동이 혁신성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hye Sun;Oh, Junseok;Lee, Jaeki;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2013
  • Recently, SME's Collaboration activities have become one of a vital factor for sustaining competitive edge. This is because of the rapidly changing and competitive market environment, and also to leverage performance by overcoming obstacles of having limited internal resources. Discussing about the effects and relationships of the firm's collaboration activities and its outputs are not new. However, as ICT and various technologies have been diffused into the traditional industries, boundaries and practice capabilities within the industries are becoming ambiguous. Thus contents of the products/services and their development methods are also go and come over the industries. Although many researchers suggested the relations of SME's collaboration activities and innovation performances, most of the previous literatures are focusing on broad perspectives of firm's environmental factors rather than considering various SME's idiosyncrasy factors such as their major product and customer types at once. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how SME(Small Medium Enterprise)'s external collaboration activities by their idiosyncrasy act as an input to types of innovation performance. In order to analyze collaboration effects in detail, we defined factors that can represent the SME's business environment - Perceived importance of using external resources, Perceived importance of external partnership, Collaboration and Collaboration levels of Major Product types, Customer types and lastly the Firm Sizes. We have also specifically divided the performance of innovation types as product innovation and process innovation based on existing research. In this study, the empirical analysis is based on Probit Regression Model to observe the correlations with the impact of each SME's business environment and their activities. For the empirical data, 497 samples were collected which, this sample data was extracted from the 'Korean Open Innovation Survey' performed by ETRI(Korean Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute) in 2010. As a result, empirical test results indicated that the impact of collaboration varies depend on the innovation types (Product and Process Innovation). The Impact of the collaboration level for the product innovation tend to be more effective when SMEs are developing for a final product, targeting on for individual customers (B2C). But on the other hand, the analysis result of the Process innovation tend to be higher than the product innovation, when SMEs are developing raw materials for their partners or to other firms targeting on for manufacturing industries(B2B). Also perceived importance of using external resources has effected to both product and process innovation performance. But Perceived importance of external partnership was statistically insignificant. Interesting finding was that the service product has negative effects on for the process innovation performance. And Relationship between size of the firms and their external collaboration activities with their performance of the innovations indicated that the bigger firms(over 100 of employees) tend to have better for both product and process innovations. Finally, implications of the results can be suggested as performance of innovation can be varied depends on firm's unique business idiosyncrasy as well as levels of external collaboration activities. The Implication of this research can be considered for firms in selecting an appropriate strategy as well as for policy makers.

Next Generation Knowledge Management A Process Integrated Model of Knowledge Asset Utilization (업무-지식 통합기반의 차세대 지식경영 모델)

  • Sohn, Jung Hoon Derick;Seo, Kyong Ran
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2010
  • Despite the well accepted necessity and importance of knowledge management, cases of successful knowledge management are not easy to find. With a case study of a Korean organization, this research introduces an integrated knowledge management model, in which knowledge and work processes are combined to improved knowledge performance. Knowledge-work process integration facilitates knowledge asset creation, transfer, and utilization, through which inefficiencies in knowledge utilization may be removed and knowledge contribution to business performance may be enhanced. Knowledge-work process integration may further be aligned with innovation processes, enabling systematic and continuous knowledge based process innovation.

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Analyzing the Characteristics of Open Innovation Activity and the External Collaboration Network in SMEs (중소기업의 개방형 혁신활동 특성과 외부 협력 네트워크 분석)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Lee, Se-Won
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the theory of open innovation emerges as a new innovation paradigm. This paper aims to examine open innovation activities of SMEs. Many firms tend to search new knowledge from various external sources and to pursue to achieve innovation resources or knowledge of external innovators. Particularly, this paper focus on the process of external knowledge networking and open innovation occurred in the process of technology innovation. The data used in this study were those that had been collected for total 3,400 sample SMEs that had conducted R&D. and in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 SMEs located at Chungbuk-Technopark. Empirical findings can be summarized as follows; SMEs tend to search new knowledge from various external sources and to pursue to achieve innovation resources or knowledge of external innovators, because they have lack of innovation resources. therefore, the conducting of open innovation affected positively the innovation performance of SMEs. In addition, empirical findings also indicated that expanding flexibility of labor market enhances open innovation activities of SMEs.

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Towards Integrating the Knowledge Management Mechanisms to Employ Innovation Factors within Universities: Critical Appraisal Study

  • Alsereihy, Hassan Awad M.;Harasani, Meshal Hesham
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.327-341
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    • 2021
  • The knowledge management was considered as the inevitable result of the rule of knowledge in this era, and its importance became clear in being the main source for achieving success, the need to consider and manage knowledge as an independent field that must be addressed with a clear scientific methodology has become intangible - they are very valuable and a strategic asset. On the other hand, the innovation process relates to all parts of the organization, and helps to improve the behavioral patterns of individuals and their attitudes towards adopting modern and innovative ideas, it is a purposeful process adopted by the senior management and works to provide the capabilities and requirements for embodying the innovative behavior in it. In the field of dealing with the market, it is a product of the organization's innovative approach, which aims at advancement, change, and intended and organized renewal. The main objective of this article is to determine the most appropriate ways to integrate knowledge management mechanisms to employ innovation factors within universities based on the role of universities in supporting innovation. This was achieved through reviewing many relevant research and listing the most prominent concepts of knowledge management, its importance, objectives, and processes determining the stages of knowledge management application, the requirements for applying knowledge management, and the obstacles that impede its application; Then the statement "Innovation in universities, through which it addressed the concept of innovation, its importance, stages, and requirements for its application, as well as identifying the most prominent models of innovation, and obstacles to innovation, in addition to that the role of universities in supporting innovation will be identified. From the surveyed study done in this article, we concluded that the relationship among organizational culture, knowledge management and innovation capability can provide useful insights for managers regarding developing a strong culture, promote knowledge management practices effectively and eventually enhance the whole organization's innovation capability. Also, we found that different components of Knowledge Management as Knowledge activities, Knowledge types, transformation of knowledge and technology have a significant positive effect in bringing innovation through transformation of knowledge into knowledge assets in universities.

Evaluating Innovation Policies in Australian Government: BACKING AUSTRALIA'S ABILITY

  • Moon, Yong-Eun;Yoon, Jo-Seph
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.12a
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2003
  • In industrialised countries, innovation is a key source of economic growth. Research is a key driver of technological innovation and involves the process of systematic investigation and/or experimentation to discover new knowledge. The Governments' industry innovation policy supports a business focus on Research and Development (R&D) through a range of programs in order to achieve these aims. The Innovation Statement, launched by the Australian Prime Minister in January 2001, commits an additional $3 billion over five years to encourage and support innovation. The Australian Government aims to build world competitive firms and strong research capability in industry to strengthen Australia's international competitiveness and increase national prosperity. It develops policies and programs to enhance investment in innovation. The Australian Government also undertakes analysis and comparisons of innovation policies, instruments and approaches to maintain a leading-edge National Innovation System. This includes analysis of the innovation activities of other nations, and evaluation of the impacts of innovation policies and programs on Australia's institutions and enterprises. This paper examines Australia's Innovation policies, Backing Australian Ability.

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