• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preload

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Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Gear Driving Systems with Periodic Meshing Stiffness Variation and Backlash (주기적 물림강성 변화와 백래쉬에 의한 기어구동계의 비선형 동특성)

  • Cho, Yun-Su;Choi, Yeon-Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.921-928
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    • 2002
  • Main sources of the nitration of a gear-pair system are backlash and transmission error, the difference between required and actual rotation during gear meshing. This paper presents the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of gear motions due to the existence of backlash and periodic variation of meshing stiffness, which is assumed as a one-term harmonic component. Gear motions are classified as three types with the consideration of backlash. Each response is calculated using the harmonic balance method and confirmed by numerical integration. The responses with the increase of the rotating speed show abrupt changes in its magnitude for the variation of the preload, exciting force, and damping coefficient. The result also shows that there is a chaotic motion with some specific design parameters and operating conditions In gear diving system. Consequently the design of gear driving system with low nitration and noise requires the study on the effects of nonlinear dynamic characteristics due to stiffness variation and backlash.

Adaptive Duty Cycling MAC Protocols Using Closed-Loop Control for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Seog-Gyu;Lee, Jai-Yong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 2011
  • The fundamental design goal of wireless sensor MAC protocols is to minimize unnecessary power consumption of the sensor nodes, because of its stringent resource constraints and ultra-power limitation. In existing MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), duty cycling, in which each node periodically cycles between the active and sleep states, has been introduced to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. Existing MAC schemes, however, use a fixed duty cycling regardless of multi-hop communication and traffic fluctuations. On the other hand, there is a tradeoff between energy efficiency and delay caused by duty cycling mechanism in multi-hop communication and existing MAC approaches only tend to improve energy efficiency with sacrificing data delivery delay. In this paper, we propose two different MAC schemes (ADS-MAC and ELA-MAC) using closed-loop control in order to achieve both energy savings and minimal delay in wireless sensor networks. The two proposed MAC schemes, which are synchronous and asynchronous approaches, respectively, utilize an adaptive timer and a successive preload frame with closed-loop control for adaptive duty cycling. As a result, the analysis and the simulation results show that our schemes outperform existing schemes in terms of energy efficiency and delivery delay.

Creep of stainless steel under heat flux cyclic loading (500-1000℃) with different mechanical preloads in a vacuum environment using 3D-DIC

  • Su, Yong;Pan, Zhiwei;Peng, Yongpei;Huang, Shenghong;Zhang, Qingchuan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.759-768
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    • 2019
  • In nuclear fusion reactors, the key structural component (i.e., the plasma-facing component) undergoes high heat flux cyclic loading. To ensure the safety of fusion reactors, an experimental study on the temperature-induced creep of stainless steel under heat flux cyclic loading was performed in the present work. The strains were measured using a stereo digital image correlation technique (3D-DIC). The influence of the heat haze was eliminated, owing to the use of a vacuum environment. The specimen underwent heat flux cycles ($500^{\circ}C-1000^{\circ}C$) with different mechanical preloads (0 kN, 10 kN, 30 kN, and 50 kN). The results revealed that, for a relatively large preload (for example, 50 kN), a single temperature cycle can induce a residual strain of up to $15000{\mu}{\varepsilon}$.

Analytical solution for analyzing initial curvature effect on vibrational behavior of PM beams integrated with FGP layers based on trigonometric theories

  • Mousavi, S. Behnam;Amir, Saeed;Jafari, Akbar;Arshid, Ehsan
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.235-251
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    • 2021
  • In the current study, the free vibrational behavior of a Porous Micro (PM) beam which is integrated with Functionally Graded Piezoelectric (FGP) layers with initial curvature is considered based on the two trigonometric shear deformation theories namely SSDBT and Tan-SDBT. The structure's mechanical properties are varied through its thicknesses following the given functions. The curved microbeam is exposed to electro-mechanical preload and also is rested on a Pasternak type of elastic foundation. Hamilton's principle is used to extract the motion equations and the MCST is used to capture the size effect. Navier's solution method is selected as an analytical method to solve the motion equations for a simply supported ends case and by validating the results for a simpler state with previously published works, effects of different important parameters on the behavior of the structure are considered. It is found that although increasing the porosity reduces the natural frequency, but enhancing the volume fraction of CNTs increasing it. Also, by increasing the central angle of the curved beam the vibrations of the structure increases. Designing and manufacturing more efficient smart structures such as sensors and actuators are of the aims of this study.

Simplified analysis of creep for preloaded reconstituted soft alluvial soil from Famagusta Bay

  • Garoushi, Ali Hossien Basheer;Uygar, Eris
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2022
  • Preloading of soft clays is a common ground stabilization method for improvement of compressibility and the undrained shear strength. The waiting period under preload is a primary design criterion controlling the degree of improvement obtained. Upon unloading the overconsolidation attained with respect to actual loads defines the long term performance. This paper presents a laboratory study for investigation of creep behavior of Famagusta Bay alluvial soft soil preloaded under various effective stresses for analysis of long term performance based on the degree of overconsolidation. Traditional one-dimensional consolidation tests as well as modified creep tests are performed on reconstituted soft specimens. Compressibility parameters are precisely backcalculated using one dimensional consolidation theory and the coefficient of creep is determined using the traditional Cassagrande method as well as two modified methods based on log cycles of time and the inflection of the creep curve. The test results indicated that the long term creep can be successfully predicted considering the proposed method. The creep coefficients derived as part of this method can also be related to the recompression index (recompression index, swelling index) considering the results of the testing method adopted in this study.

Analysis of Biomechanical Characteristics of Therapist's Ground Reaction and Contact Hand Force and Time According to Table Height During Spinal Manipulation

  • Jejeong Lee;Yongwoo Lee
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effects and characteristics of the height of the treatment table on the force and time of ground reaction (GR) and contact hand (CH) generated from the therapist's feet to generate thrust during spinal manipulation (SM). Design: A cross-sectional survey study Methods: Thirty-six healthy subjects were recruited. SM was performed on the ilium using a knee-high table, where the therapist felt it was easy to control the subject's posture and body shape and comfortable to generate force, as well as a relatively high thigh-high table. The force and time generated by the therapist's GR and CH were simultaneously measured through a force plate. Results: As a result, there was a significant difference in peak force and rundown force at the therapist's GR according to the table height (p < 0.05). In the therapist's CH, there was a significant difference between PreMin (preload minimum) force and peak force (p < 0.05), and there was a significant difference between the time from PreMin to peak and the time of the entire section (p < 0.05). Conclusions: As a result, the generation of increased CH force and faster thrust duration were confirmed by mobilizing the reduced GR force of the therapist to generate thrust than the relatively high table on the knee-high table.


  • Kim Yang-Soo;Kim Chang-Whe;Jang Kyung-Soo;Lim Young-Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.727-735
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    • 2005
  • Statement of problem. Platform switching in implant prosthesis has been used for esthetic and biological purpose. But there are few reports for this concept. Purpose. The purpose of this study is evaluation of platform switching in wide implant by three dimensional finite element analysis. Materials and Methods. The single implant and prosthesis was modeled in accordance with the geometric designs for Osstem implant system. Three-dimensional finite element models were developed for (1) a wide diameter 3i type titanium implant 5 mm in diameter, 13 mm in length with wide cemented abutment, titanium alloy abutment screw, and prosthesis (2) a wide diameter 3i type titanium implant 5 mm in diameter, 13 mm in length with regular cemented abutment, titanium alloy abutment screw and prosthesis(platform switching) was made for finite element analysis. The abutment screws were subjected to a tightening torque of 30 Ncm. The amount of preload was hypothesized to 650N, and round and flat type prostheses were loaded to 200 N. Four loading offset point (0, 2, 4, 6 mm from the center of the implants) were evaluated. Models were processed by the software programs HyperMesh and ANSA. The PAM-CRASH 2G simulation software was used for analysis of stress. The PAM-VIEW and HyperView were used for post processing. Results. The results from experiment were as follows; 1. von Mises stress value is increased in order of bone, abutment, implant and abutment screw. 2. von Mises stress of abutment screw is lower when platform switching. 3. von Mises stress of implant is lower when platform switching until loading offset 4 mm. 4. von Mises stress of abutment is similar between each other. 5. von Mises stress of bone is slightly higher when platform switching. Conclusion. The von Mises stress pattern of implant components is favor when platform switch ing but slightly higher in bone stress distribution than use of wide abutment. The research about stress distribution is essential for investigation of the cortical bone loss.

Measurement and Active Compensation for 3-DOF Motion Errors of an Air Bearing Stage with Magnetic Preloads (자기예압 공기베어링 스테이지의 3 자유도 운동오차 측정 및 능동 보정)

  • Ro, Seung-Kook;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Kwak, Yoon-Keun;Park, Chun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a linear air bearing stage with compensated motion errors by active control of preloads generated by magnetic actuators with combination of permanent and electromagnets. A 1-axis linear stage motorized with a linear motor with 240mm of travel range is built for verifying this design concept and tested its performances. The three motions of the table are controlled with four magnetic actuators driven by current amplifiers and a DSP based digital controller. Three motion errors were measured combined method with laser interferometer and two-probe method with $0.085{\mu}m$ of repeatability for straightness error. The measured motion errors were modeled as functions of the stage position, and compensation were carried out with feedforward control because the characteristics of the motion control with magnetic actuators are linear and independent for each degree-of-freedoms. As the results, the errors were reduced from $1.09{\mu}m$ to $0.11{\mu}m$ for the vertical motion, from 9.42 sec to 0.18 sec for the pitch motion and from 2.42 sec to 0.18 sec for roll motion.

Analysis of Relation between Ventricular Preload and Cardiac Output and Hemodynamic in the Early Postoperative Period of Congenital Heart Surgery (선천성 심장기형 환자에서 조기술후 심실 전부하 용적과 심박출량의 상호 관계 및 혈역학적 변화 분석)

  • Park, Seung-Il;Kim, Eung-Jung;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 1990
  • Postoperative cardiac performance of cyanotic congenital heart disease is somewhat different from that of other cardiac diseases. For the evaluation of postoperative cardiac performance in the cyanotic congenital heart disease we measured cardiac output by thermodilution technique at 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48 postoperative hours in 14 patients operated from Feb. 1989 to Nov. 1989 in The Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Children`s Hospital. At the same time, we checked left atrial pressure [LAP], central venous pressure [CUP], and mixed venous oxygen saturation [SvO2] to detect correlation between them. Immediate postoperative cardiac index was 3.585 $\pm$ 0.945 L/min/m2, and it decreased maximally to 3.322$\pm$1.007 L/min/m2 at postoperative 16 hours. After then it increased and stabilized from 36 hours after operation, and its value was 4.426$\pm$1.358 L/min/m2. There were no correlations between cardiac index and left atrial pressure or central venous pressure. Between mixed venous oxygen saturation and cardiac index, there was no correlation in the early postoperative period but after postoperative 16 hours, there was significant correlation between them and correlation coefficients were 0.573 [16hrs], 0.743 [20hrs], 0.436 [24hrs], 0.560 [36hrs], 0.636 [48hrs], respectively. From these results, we concluded that in the corrective surgery of cyanotic congenital heart disease, cardiac performance was depressed in the early postoperative period. It improved from postoperative 16 hours, and stabilized from 36 hours after operation. During early postoperative period, mixed venous oxygen saturation should not be used as a predictor of cardiac performance but it could be used as a predictor of cardiac performance from 16 hours after operation.

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Modal Characteristics of Control Element Assembly Shroud for Korean Standard Nuclear Power Plant(I) : Pre-Test Analysis (한국표준형 원자력발전소 제어봉집합체 보호구조물의 모우드 특성)

  • Jhung, Myung-Jo;Choi, Suhn;Song, Heuy-Gap;Park, Keun-Bae
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 1992
  • The design of reactor internals requires the accurate vibration characteristics of each component for subsequent dynamic structural response analysis. For Korean standard nuclear power plant some modifications on the Control Element Assembly shroud from the reference design have been made. Since the shroud is complex in geometry having an array of vertical round tubes and webs in a square grid pattern, and being tied down by preloaded tie rods into position, it is planned to perform a vibration measurement program consisting of both experimental and analytical modal studies upon that component. To determine the proper test conditions, the pre-test analysis has been performed using the general purpose structural analysis program ANSYS. Also the effects of the number of master degrees of freedom, holes in the web and tie-rod preload on the natural frequencies are examined prior to the pre-test analysis. After decision of appropriate finite element model, frequency analysis and harmonic analysis are performed and ideas for the test conditions such as the number of measurement points, their locations, measurement frequency range and the excitation force level are determined.

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