• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preliminary survey

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Developing the Self-Reporting Scale of Community Integration for the Person with Psychiatiric Disabilities (정신장애인의 자기보고식 지역사회통합 척도 개발)

  • Choi, Youn Jeong
    • 재활복지
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.165-192
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to develop a valid self-report scale for the community integration of persons with psychiatric disabilities. To this end, conducted were in-depth interviews with individuals with psychiatric disabilities, consultation with experts, and a survey. First, literature review and the in-depth interview with individuals with psychiatric disabilities were collected questionnaires regarding the community integration of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Second, preliminary research 1 focused on the selection and modification of the items collected in the first research. Final 44 items were selected by the verification of the importance and content-validity of items under the advices of professionals. Lastly, preliminaty research 2 applied cross-validation method to the data from 524 cases in order to verify the factor structure and concept-validity of the items. The result of exploratory factor analysis shows that 5 factor structures are the most appropriate, and the confirmatory factor analysis suggests that the Self-reporting Scale of Community Integration for the person with psychiatric disabilities consists of 27 questionnaires which compose 5sub-concepts such as'psychological integration','physical integration', 'social support', 'social integration', 'independence/self-actualization'. Moreover, this scale was significantly related to the 'Life Satisfaction scale for the person with psychiatric disabilities'. This proved concurrent validity of the scale.

Older Parents with Disabled Adult Children in Later Life: Health and Welfare Needs (성인장애자녀를 돌보는 저소득 노인부모의 보건복지 욕구)

  • Kim, Eunhye;Suk, Min-Hyun;Youn, Jung-Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1213-1223
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the health and welfare needs experienced by old parents living with disabled adult children, and to help generate research interest and public policy attention on this critical issue. For the purpose of this study, the survey was conducted with older parents who are living with dependent adult children with physical or mental disability. Among collected data for this study, data for 105 older parents were analyzed. The results showed that older parents have suffered with care responsibilities for their disabled adult children as well as special needs resulted from their old age. And older parents have little or even nothing prepared for later life because of lifetime economic, physical and social difficulties related to their disabled children. Also these difficulties had a significant impact on their idea of health and welfare needs in later life. It showed that older parents had mainly concerned and wanted to have the direct cash benefits and medical provisions but hardly recognised the importance of other services such as leisure activities. Preliminary suggestions of this study therefore may be helpful to improve the public policy approach in order to better serve older parents with disabled adult children in the coming aging society.

A Survey of Primary and Secondary School Students' Views in Relation to a Career in Science (과학 진로와 관련된 초중등 학생들의 인식 조사)

  • Yoon, Jin;Pak, Sung-Jae;Myeong, Jeon-Ok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.675-690
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated students' views in relation to a career in science as a first step towards developing science career education programs and materials. The instrument was developed through preliminary surveys. The questionnaire was sent to, administered and returned by 3608 students including 1036 primary, 1137 middle, and 1435 high school students, who were selected through stratified cluster sampling from all over the country. The results were analyzed using statistical package program. The students' image view of science, preference for science and science learning, perception of science achievement, career hope for oneself, degree of hope in getting science-related job, perception about science-related career, important factors of science career choice, and their hope for science/non-science career and the reason for their choice in the past and present were investigated. The results show that "science as an experimentation activity" was the most frequent image view of science. The preference for science and science learning was more positive than the perception of science achievement. The percentage of total students who want to have science career was 21%, and this percentage of middle school students was especially low. The most frequent answers for advantages of science career were 'useful for national development', 'possible to get new knowledge', and those for disadvantages were 'dangerous', and 'too much to study'. The most frequent reason for students' choice of a science career was 'interest in science and science learning'. Judging from these results, the basic direction for science career education should be in raising the students' preference for and interest in science learning. The positive awareness for a career in science and vision for a science job in the future should be given through a science career education and science career education proper to the students' developmental stage and characteristics is more important.

A Study on the Scholarly Information and Data Requirements of Researchers for Data-Driven Research and Development (데이터 기반 R&D 지원을 위한 연구자의 학술정보 및 데이터 요구 분석 연구)

  • Seok-Hyoung Lee;Kangsandajung Lee;Jayhoon Kim;Hyejin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2024
  • In this study, as a preliminary research to effectively support data-driven R&D of researchers, we analyzed the academic information and data requirements for researchers to discover new types of academic information and datasets, and to propose directions for academic information services. To achieve the research objectives, we conducted an exploratory case study involving five researchers and administered an online survey among ScienceON users to glean insights into data-driven R&D behaviors and information/data requirements. As a result, researchers relatively referred to academic papers, datasets and software information from academic papers or conference materials. Moreover, the methods and pathways for acquiring data, as well as the types of data, varied across different subject areas. Researchers often faced challenges in data-driven R&D due to difficulties in locating and accessing necessary datasets or software such as learning models. Therefore it has been analyzed that for future support of data-driven R&D, there is a need to systematically construct datasets by subject. Additionally, it is considered necessary to extract and summarize dataset and related software information in conjunction with academic papers.

Performance Evaluation Criteria for the Sustainable Operation of Community Facilities in Urban Regeneration (도시재생 공동이용시설의 지속적인 운영을 위한 평가지표 제안)

  • Jung-Eun Lee;Soung-Eun Park;Yunmi Park
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2024
  • Over the past decade, urban regeneration projects have been actively promoted nationwide in South Korea, leading to the establishment of numerous community facilities aimed at fostering community engagement and revitalization. Recently, the need for diagnostic tools to provide appropriate support and guidance for the sustainable operation of these facilities has been increasingly emphasized. However, a comprehensive manual or nationwide standard approach remains lacking. As such, this study aims to propose evaluation criteria and their application methods for the periodic operational assessment of those facilities. First, through a review of previous studies, candidate indicators were identified. After that, preliminary indicators and frameworks were determined through expert consultations, followed by surveys conducted with 65 experts to finalize the evaluation indicators. The survey results highlighted the importance of 'Value Creation (VC)' and 'Operation Management (OM)' as key aspects of facility evaluation. In assessing VC, key factors include enhancing community vitality, strengthening local capacity, providing tailored functions for the community, and contributing to the local economy. In constructing OM, the focus lies on operational system, financial management, operational personnel, and economic viability and sustainability. This study proposes an evaluation framework that includes the final evaluation indicators and available data sources for each indicator, and a pilot test was conducted to verify its applicability. Moreover, the study suggests directions for utilizing the evaluation criteria and methods for applying indicators tailored to the characteristics of individual facilities.

Union Affiliation: Social Exclusion Risk and Prosocial Behavior (조합원 되기: 사회적 배제 위기와 친사회적 행동)

  • JunHyoung Jo;Hyung-Chul O. Li;ShinWoo Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2024
  • Past research reported mixed results on the effects of social exclusion on prosocial behavior. Whereas some studies reported an increase in prosocial motivation and behavior, others proposed that social exclusion causes a decrease in prosocial behavior along with negative reactions such as anger and aggression. These conflicting results may have arisen because prosocial behavior does not in itself always produce social reconnection. That is, although prosocial behavior is a major means of promoting social relationships, the excluded person does not need to act prosocially to benefit others unless the behavior leads to the restoration of the relationship. Unlike past research that assumed dichotomous situations of exclusion or belonging, the present research tested prosocial behavior in a social exclusion risk situation where the possibility of reconnection exists. In addition, we used the ability to potentially contribute to the group as another independent variable. We used a simulation game titled "Becoming a Union Member" to manipulate each participant's social exclusion risk and ability. Participants responded to a simple survey named member personality test and gave preliminary votes to one another, and exclusion risk was manipulated by the number of votes received. Later, ability was manipulated by disclosing perception test scores in the named member ability test. In both Experiments 1 and 2, participants who scored high in terms of social exclusion risk and low in the ability to potentially contribute showed prosocial behavior in stipulating larger donations. These results demonstrate that probable social reconnection defined by exclusion risk and ability is the key to explaining prosocial behavior following social exclusion.

Job Counselor's Experience and Perception of Generative AI (직업상담사의 생성형 AI 활용경험 및 인식)

  • Sang-ho Bae;Hye-young Kang
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.567-575
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data on how to use Generative AI and education to strengthen Generative AI competency in vocational counseling by confirming the experience and perception of job counselors' use of Generative AI. A questionnaire was produced based on literature research and FGI preliminary surveys, and the main contents of the questionnaire were 'experience in using Generative AI (whether to have experience, type of tool, job, educational experience, etc.) and Generative AI recognition (recognition level, usefulness, availability, educational needs, etc.). An online survey was conducted for vocational counselors, and a total of 293 data were analyzed. As a result of major research, first, there were many counselors who had no experience in using Generative AI(60%), and the response that the reason for not using it was because they did not feel the need(28%). Second, the 'degree of recognition' in the Generative AI was somewhat low (M=2.77), and 'Generative AI usefulness' was found to be at a normal level (M=3.32), and it was recognized that it would be necessary mainly for jobs related to 'vocational information'. Third, 'tool (computer use, etc.) competency' (26%) was the highest as the competency required for future vocational counselors, and 'how to use Generative AI' (57%) accounted for a high proportion of the educational content necessary to improve these competencies.

2024 Korea Digital Business Trend Study: Listening to Voices from Academia and Industry (2024 대한민국 디지털 비즈니스 트렌드 인식조사: 학계와 산업계의 다양한 목소리를 들어보다)

  • Hajin Shin;Hyunchul Ahn;Taekyung Kim;Jung Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.315-335
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the digital business environment in Korea and predicts the digital business trends to be noted in 2024. The study comprehensively reviews the domestic and international ICT market outlook and provides objective and in-depth analysis by compiling opinions from various experts. In particular, through a multi-dimensional approach, it derives practical trends applicable to the local business environment, provides strategic implications considering the characteristics of digital business in Korea, and suggests directions for Korean companies to adapt to the global business environment and strengthen their competitiveness. During the research process, 20 preliminary candidate trends were initially identified by collecting and analyzing reports from major domestic and international market research institutes. We then conducted in-depth interviews with 10 experts from industry and academia to select 15 shortlisted trends from these 20 trends and 10 trends selected from the previous year. Finally, we conducted a large-scale survey of 209 experts from academia and industry, and we selected 11 domestic digital business trends to focus on in 2024. This study, which presents an outlook of digital business trends suitable for the Korean business environment based on a variety of opinions scientifically gathered from Korean digital business leaders, will contribute to understanding IT trends in Korea from a business perspective and their differences from global trends.

A Comparison of the Designation Characteristics of Korean Scenic Sites Policies and National Park System in the United States (국내 명승 정책과 미국 국립공원 시스템의 지정 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Janet, R. Balsom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the definition and major values, the designated procedures and types, and the designation trend in Korean scenic sites and national parks in the United States. Based on this, the analysis of the characteristics of the designation of the two natural heritages. The results are as follows; First, Scenic Sites has characteristics of complex heritage that includes academic, historical, and humanities values on the basis of landscape. As a natural heritage based on public nature, the U.S. National Park aims to contribute to the people's natural heritage and satisfy both ecological and historical values through the protection of the landscape. Second, the designation of a scenic sites are decided through deliberation by the Cultural Heritage Committee after the request of the owner, manager, or local government or by the authority of the head of the Cultural Heritage Administration. The designated survey is divided into basic resource surveys and resource surveys by type. Since the initial designation of the Sogeumgang Mountain in Cheonghakdong, Myeongju in 1970, the number of designated scenic sites was low until the 2000s, but the number of designated scenic sites has increased rapidly since 2006 due to the policy to promote the scenic site, and the proportion of natural and historical and cultural scenic sites has been balanced. The designation of the U.S. national park is decided by the Congress or the president, and the National Park Service makes a series of decisions on whether to conduct a special resource study of provisional resources through a preliminary inspection survey, whether to satisfy the criteria for designation of national parks based on the results of special resource research, and to prioritize them. The U.S. National Parks have been expanded not only by Congress but also by the president's empowerment to designate them as national monuments. With the integrated operation of the National Park Service, the number of designated cases increased as the national park included the heritage sites under the control of various ministries. In addition, a number of historical areas were designated by the enactment of the Historical Site Act, and recreational areas were designated to provide leisure space and classified and managed in a total of 18 units. Third, the comparison of the designation characteristics of the two heritage properties confirmed that the designation of natural heritage with complex value, the classification of types according to complementary designation system and resource characteristics, the establishment of the competent ministry and the balancing of the heritage according to the designation policy. The two heritages had the characteristics of complex natural heritages that met ecological, historical and academic values at the same time based on landscape and public nature. In addition, both countries have identified a system for deliberating the designation of heritage through a basic resource survey and an in-depth designation survey, and classified each type according to the characteristics of the resource. In addition, the policies for promoting scenic sites in Korea and the integrated operation of the National Park Service in the U.S. influenced the designated aspects of the two heritage sites, balancing natural heritage with historical and cultural heritage. Fourth, the resource types and conservation management methods of Scenic site and National Park were largely related. The natural areas of the U.S. National Park include types of natural monuments in Korea as major resources, and have characteristics similar to natural scenic sites. In addition, historical resources were similar to the criteria for designation of historical and cultural scenic sites in terms of landscape, and the aspects of war and celebrity-related relics were related to the types of historic sites. In terms of conservation management, the natural area of the U.S. national park has a way of keeping the original ecosystem intact, but the Korean natural heritage protection system is likely to be useful for focusing on the resource of viscosity. Meanwhile, historical resources include historical sites and historical and cultural scenic sites in the traditional era, but historical relics in the U.S. National Parks have set a time limit to modern times for war history and celebrity-related relics, and the active provision of entertainment programs based on existing resources was derived as a difference.

A Study on the Actual Conditions of and Satisfaction with the Existed Female Dress Forms Usage (국내 여성용 인대 사용 실태 및 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Park Gin-Ah;Lee Hye-Young;Choi Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.3 s.151
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2006
  • To release fashion trends in an efficient way, many of the apparel business and fashion educational institutes in land adopt fashion shows employing fashion models. Modeling rather than flat pattern making realizes the majority of the complicated design works for the fashion shows. However, for the different measurements between the dress form and the real human model, problems often occur during the modeling and fitting processes. Researches on the standard dress form development representing professional fashion models' features are therefore in urgent need to enable the related apparel business and fashion institutes to make appropriate use of the dress form in their jobs. The study has been conducted as a preliminary study using a questionnaire method ultimately to develop the female dress form. A questionnaire in the research aimed at an investigation into the actual conditions of and satisfaction with the usage and the body measurements of existed dress forms. Approximately 30 fashion-related educational institutes and 10 apparel companies responded to the survey. Data derived from the survey was analyzed using SPSS version 10.1, the statistics tool. The results throughout the research were discussed in terms of largely three categories that are; (1) the general conditions of the usage of the dress form to prepare fashion shows: e.g. the frequency of holding the fashion show in an annual term, the proportion of professional and amateur models employed for the fashion show, the methods to construct garments, types and number of dress forms utilized and etc.; (2) factors considered to purchase the dress form e.g. its functionality, shapes, sizes, duration, price, A/S condition and etc.; and(3) satisfaction with the similarity between the dress form and the human body in the relation to the body measurements. Measurements in length wise, front and back waist lengths, neck to bust point on the dress forms were apparently differed from the ones of the actual body. In particular, differed torso length measurements cause the problem to have to alter the whole silhouette, consequently, the resultant patterns as well. In girth measurements, in order of bust and waist girths, the satisfaction was low.