• 제목/요약/키워드: Potential gradient

검색결과 449건 처리시간 0.031초

A new Approach to Moving Obstacle Avoidance Problem of a Mobile Robot

  • 고낙용
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 1998
  • This paper a new solution approach to moving obstacle avoidance problem of a mobile robot. A new concept avoidability measure (AVM) is defined to describe the state of a pair of a robot and an obstacle regarding the collision between them. As an AVM, virtual distance function (VDF), is derived as a function of the distance from the obstacle to the robot and outward speed of the obstacle relative to the robot. By keeping the virtual distance above some positive limit value, the robot avoids the obstacle. In terms of the VDF ,an artificial potential field is constructed to repel the robot away from the obstacle and to attract the robot toward a goal location. At every sampling time, the artificial potential field is updated and the force driving the robot is derived from the gradient of the artificial potential field. The suggested algorithm drives the robot to avoid moving obstacles in real time. Since the algorithm considers the mobility of the obstacle as well as the distance, it is effective for moving obstacle avoidance. Some simulation studies show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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직류전압 감쇄성분 측정에 관한 CV케이블의 절연열화 예측 (Diagnostic method of Insulation Deterioration for CV cable Using D.C. Potential Decay Components)

  • 유명호;한민구
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1989년도 하계종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 1989
  • In this paper, we studied the diagnostic method of insulation deterioration for 22.9kV CNCV cable using D.C potential decay component. At first, arbitrary D.C high voltage is appeied the CNCV cable for two minutes and switched off in vacuum. And then D.C potential decay components is measured for ten minutes. It is detecting source for cable insulation deterioration that its gradient is. Provisionally, we decided the criterion voltage and select the high voltage meter and S.W.

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이동 로봇의 지역 장애물 회피를 위한 새로운 방법 (A New Method for Local Obstacle Avoidance of a Mobile Robot)

  • 김성철
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 1998년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents a new solution approach to moving obstacle avoidance problem for a mobile robot. A new concept avoidability measure(AVM) is defined to describe the state of a pair of a robot and an obstacle regarding the collision between them. As an AVM, virtual distance function(VDF) is derived as a function of the distance from the obstacle to the robot and outward speed of the obstacle relative to the robot. By keeping the virtual distance above some positive limit value, the robot avoids the obstacle. In terns of the VDF, an artificial potential field is constructed to repel the robot away from the obstacle and to attract the robot toward a goal location. At every sampling time, the artificial potential field is updated and the force driving the robot is derived form the gradient of the artificial potential field. The suggested algorithm drives the robot to avoid moving obstacles in real time. Since the algorithm considers the mobility of the obstacle as well as the distance, it is effective for moving obstacle avoidance. Some simulation studies show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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효율적 환경탐사를 위한 이동로봇 경로 계획기 (Mobile Robot Path Planner for Environment Exploration)

  • 배정연;이수용;이범희
    • 로봇학회논문지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2006
  • The Mobile robots are increasingly being used to perform tasks in unknown environments. The potential of robots to undertake such tasks lies in their ability to intelligently and efficiently search in an environment. An algorithm has been developed for robots which explore the environment to measure the physical properties (dust in this paper). While the robot is moving, it measures the amount of dust and registers the value in the corresponding grid cell. The robot moves from local maximum to local minimum, then to another local maximum, and repeats. To reach the local maximum or minimum, simple gradient following is used. Robust estimation of the gradient using perturbation/correlation, which is very effective when analytical solution is not available, is described. By introducing the probability of each grid cell, and considering the probability distribution, the robot doesn't have to visit all the grid cells in the environment still providing fast and efficient sensing. The extended algorithm to coordinate multiple robots is presented with simulation results.

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Dynamic instability of functionally graded material plates subjected to aero-thermo-mechanical loads

  • Prakash, T.;Ganapathi, M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.435-450
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    • 2005
  • Here, the dynamic instability characteristics of aero-thermo-mechanically stressed functionally graded plates are investigated using finite element procedure. Temperature field is assumed to be a uniform distribution over the plate surface and varied in thickness direction only. Material properties are assumed to be temperature dependent and graded in the thickness direction according to simple power law distribution. For the numerical illustrations, silicon nitride/stainless steel is considered as functionally graded material. The aerodynamic pressure is evaluated based on first-order high Mach number approximation to the linear potential flow theory. The boundaries of the instability region are obtained using the principle of Bolotin's method and are conveniently represented in the non-dimensional excitation frequency-load amplitude plane. The variation dynamic instability width is highlighted considering various parameters such as gradient index, temperature, aerodynamic and mechanical loads, thickness and aspect ratios, and boundary condition.


  • Ling Wu
    • 대한수학회보
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    • 제60권6호
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    • pp.1673-1685
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    • 2023
  • Inspired by Hongjie Dong and Qi S. Zhang's article [3], we find that the analyticity in time for a smooth solution of the heat equation with exponential quadratic growth in the space variable can be extended to any complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds with Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature bounded below and the potential function being of at most quadratic growth. Therefore, our result holds on all gradient Ricci solitons. As a corollary, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on the solvability of the backward heat equation in a class of functions with the similar growth condition. In addition, we also consider the solution in certain Lp spaces with p ∈ [2, +∞) and prove its analyticity with respect to time.

The Geometry of 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe Almost Solitons on Paracontact Metric Manifolds

  • Somnath Mondal;Santu Dey;Young Jin Suh;Arindam Bhattacharyya
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • 제63권4호
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    • pp.623-638
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    • 2023
  • In this article we study a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton within the framework of paracontact metric manifolds. In particular we study 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton and gradient 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton on K-paracontact and para-Sasakian manifolds. We prove that if a K-paracontact metric g represents a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton with the non-zero potential vector field V parallel to 𝜉, then g is Einstein with Einstein constant -2n. We also show that there are no para-Sasakian manifolds that admit a gradient 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton. We demonstrate a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton on a (𝜅, 𝜇)-paracontact manifold.

Mechanical and thermodynamic stability, structural, electronics and magnetic properties of new ternary thorium-phosphide silicides ThSixP1-x: First-principles investigation and prospects for clean nuclear energy applications

  • Siddique, Muhammad;Iqbal, Azmat;Rahman, Amin Ur;Azam, Sikander;Zada, Zeshan;Talat, Nazia
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.592-602
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    • 2021
  • Thorium compounds have attracted immense scientific and technological attention with regard to both fundamental and practical implications, owing to unique chemical and physical properties like high melting point, high density and thermal conductivity. Hereby, we investigate the mechanical and thermodynamic stability and report on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of new silicon-doped cubic ternary thorium phosphides ThSixP1-x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1). The first-principles density functional theory procedure was adopted within full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The exchange and correlation potential terms were treated within Generalized-Gradient-Approximation functional modified by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerrhof parameterizations. The proposed compounds showed mechanical and thermodynamic stable structure and hence can be synthesized experimentally. The calculated lattice parameters, bulk modulus, total energy, density of states, electronic band structure and spin magnetic moments of the compounds revealed considerable correlation to the Si substitution for P and the relative Si/P doping concentration. The electronic and magnetic properties of the doped compounds rendered them non-magnetic but metallic in nature. The main orbital contribution to the Fermi level arises from the hybridization of Th(6d+5f) and (Si+P)3p states. Reported results may have potential implications with regard to both fundamental point of view and technological prospects such as fuel materials for clean nuclear energy.

포텐셜 함수와 슬라이딩 모드 제어기법을 이용한 무인기 군집비행 제어기 설계 (UAV Swarm Flight Control System Design Using Potential Functions and Sliding Mode Control)

  • 한기훈;김유단
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.448-454
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 포텐셜 함수와 슬라이딩 모드 제어기법을 이용한 행동양식 기반의 분산형 군집비행 제어구조를 제안하였다. 군집비행 행동양식을 위해 각 개체의 상호작용을 포텐셜 함수로 표현하였으며, 군집형태를 유지하며 기준궤적을 추종하기 위해 군집중심점 제어기법을 제안하였다. 시스템의 불확실성과 임무환경에 의한 포텐셜 함수 변화에 대해 강건한 성능을 유지하기 위해 슬라이딩 모드 제어기법을 적용하여 제어기를 구성하고 안정성을 평가하였다. 또한 예상하지 못한 장애물에 대한 군집 회피기동을 위해 비행경로 수정기법을 제시하였다. 수치 시뮬레이션을 통해 제안한 군집비행 제어기법의 성능을 평가하였다.

부분 전하의 의미와 정의 (Meaning and Definition of Partial Charges)

  • 조승주
    • 통합자연과학논문집
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2010
  • Partial charge is an important and fundamental concept which can explain many aspects of chemistry. Since a molecule can be regarded as neclei surrounded by electron cloud, there is no way to define a partial charge accurately. Nevertheless, there have been many attempts to define these seemingly impossible parameters, since they would facilitate the understanding of molecular properties such as molecular dipole moment, solvation, hydrogen bonding, molecular spectroscopy, chemical reaction, etc. Common methods are based on the charge equalization, orbital occupancy, charge density, and electric multipole moments, and electrostatic potential fitting. Methods based on the charge equalization using electronegativity are very fast, and therefore they have been used to study many compounds. Methods to subdivide orbital occupancy using basis set conversion, relies on the notion that molecular orbitals are composed of atomic orbitals. The main idea is to reduce overlap integral between two nuclei using converted orthogonal basis sets. Using some quantum mechanical observables like electrostatic potential or charge multipole moments. Using potential grids obtained from wavefunction, partial charges can be fitted. these charges are most useful to describe intermolecular electrostatic interactions. Methods to using dipole moment and its derivatives, seems to be sensitive the level of theory, Dividing electron density using density gradient being the most rigorous theoretically among various schemes, bears best potential to describe the charge the most adequately in the future.