The Geometry of 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe Almost Solitons on Paracontact Metric Manifolds

  • Received : 2023.02.15
  • Accepted : 2023.06.27
  • Published : 2023.12.31


In this article we study a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton within the framework of paracontact metric manifolds. In particular we study 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton and gradient 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton on K-paracontact and para-Sasakian manifolds. We prove that if a K-paracontact metric g represents a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton with the non-zero potential vector field V parallel to 𝜉, then g is Einstein with Einstein constant -2n. We also show that there are no para-Sasakian manifolds that admit a gradient 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton. We demonstrate a 𝛿-Ricci-Yamabe almost soliton on a (𝜅, 𝜇)-paracontact manifold.



The work of first author is supported by UGC Senior Research Fellowship of India, Ref No: 1157/(SC)(CSIR-UGC NET DEC. 2016) and the work of third author is supported by grant Proj. No. NRF-2018-R1D1A1B-05040381 from National Research Foundation of Korea.


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