• Title/Summary/Keyword: Policy Improvement

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Analysis on the Improvement Level of Minor Rural Roads - A Case Study on the Country Areas of Chonnam Province - (농어촌 도로의 정비현황 조사 분석 - 전남 군지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Soo-Myung;Lee, Haeng-Wook;Choi, Dong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to propose some useful advices for the improvement policy of the minor rural roads. From the case study on 5 country areas of Chonnam Province, it was ascertained that above a third of minor rural roads did not meet the statutory minimum level of their width, which means the necessity of substantial upgrade of road improvement works in rural areas.

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Analysis of School-based Mental Health Policy Stream based on Kingdon's Policy Stream Model (학교기반 정신건강정책의 흐름 분석: Kingdon의 정책흐름모형을 중심으로)

  • Min, Hea Young;Kang, Kyung Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the agenda-setting process and the formation process of school-based mental health policies by applying a policy stream model. Methods: For this purpose, Kingdon's policy stream model was used as the analytical framework. Results: First, when establishing a school-based mental health policy, the agenda was set going through unpredictable and nonlinear changes. Second, for the school-based mental health policy to be selected onto the agenda and to be developed and implemented as an actual policy, the role of policy makers was considered most important in the process. Third, the policy window for school-based mental health policy was closed around the year 2013. Finally, an analysis of the school-based mental health policy stream identified two key features. One is that the school-based mental health policy first emerged when school violence prevention policy expanded its scope into relevant neighboring policies. The other is that the school-based mental health policy has taken shape through a linear decision-making process (being put on the government's agenda, searching for an alternative, selection, and implementation) during the policy implementation period after it has been selected as an alternative policy. Conclusion: Conclusions can be summed up as follows. The school-based mental health policy needs continuous development and improvement in case the window for the policy may open in the coming future. The government's support is needed to draw policy makers' interest and participation who play the biggest role in establishing policies.

A Comparative Analysis of Healthcare-Associated Infection Policy in South Korea and Its Implications in Coronavirus Disease 2019

  • Jeong, Yoolwon;Kim, Kinam
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.312-327
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    • 2021
  • Background: Infection prevention and control (IPC) to manage healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) has emerged as one of the most significant public health issues in Korea. The purpose of this study is to draw implications in IPC policies by analyzing the context, process, and major actors in policy development and comparatively analyzing IPC policy contents of Korea with three other countries. Additionally, IPC policies were analyzed in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to provide implications for future pandemics and HCAI events. Methods: This study incorporates a qualitative approach based on document and content analysis, applying codes and thematic categorization. IPC policy contents are comparatively analyzed by adopting the concept model, developed by the World Health Organization, which consists of core components of IPC structure at the national and facility level. Results: National IPC policies were developed within a complex social and political context, through the involvement of various stakeholders. IPC policies in Korea place a high emphasis on establishing IPC programs and built environments in healthcare facilities, whereas there were potentials for improvement in policies involving patients and promoting a safety culture. IPC policies, which currently focus on general hospitals and certain functions of hospitals, should further be expanded to target all healthcare facilities and functions, to ensure more efficient and sustainable IPC responses in the current and future disease outbreaks. Conclusion: IPC is a complex policy arena and lessons learned from the analysis of existing policies in the context of COVID-19 should provide valuable strategic implications for future policies.

A Study on the Efficiency of National Policy Bank's Support for SMEs Policy Funds (국책은행의 중소기업 정책자금 지원에 관한 효율성 연구)

  • Yun, Mi;Lee, Cheol-Gyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.147-162
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to present practical improvement plans for policy fund support in national policy banks through an analysis of the efficiency of policy fund support. It targets small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) that received policy funding from national policy banks in '17 and '18 consecutively. As for the analysis method, characteristic analysis and corresponding sample T-test was performed. The analysis results are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises, most of the financial funds were concentrated on the manufacturing industry. By region, the western region of Gyeonggi Province, by credit rating, was A grade, technology grade was T5, and the use of funds was mostly concentrated on facility funds. Second, as a result of efficiency analysis, profitability had a positive effect on total capital return, stability had a positive effect on interest compensation ratio, and activity had a positive effect on total capital turnover. In conclusion, it is expected to provide practical improvement plans to support policy funds to influence the growth and distribution of funds appropriate to the needs of SMEs.

The Trend and Problems of Korean e-Business Technology Policy (e-비즈니스 기술 정책의 추세와 문제점)

  • Park, Gyeong-Hye
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.463-474
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    • 2005
  • There are many challenges to solve on how we will use IT infrastructures accepted as the best worldwide level for strength of country's competitiveness. Over the past years, IT environment has been formed to expand the basis of e-Business by policy, but little contributed to management efficiency such as improvement of business productivity through utilization of it. This paper explores the category of the related technology policies by classifying e-Business technologies and presents the problems and developmental directions for those policies by investigating the trends of the policies which have been framed so far. Especially, this article also examines the differences between the technology policy on the road map of 2010 e-Business policy and the IT839 strategy.

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Backorder Policy of Multi-Supply Centers Distribution Chain for Capital-Goods Product (자본재 품목에 대한 다수 공급처 분배사슬의 부재고 정책)

  • Kim, Young-Sik;Hong, Sung-Jo;Choi, Jin-Yeong
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.438-443
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we suggest a new backorder policy for stockout which is occurred in each regional distribution centers of distribution chain for capital-goods product. In backorder process of backorder policy, minimize expected stockout through the balancing-division module, and has occured stockout is backordering through the emergency supply from central distribution center and regional distribution center. Simulation tests show that our backorder policy is on the decrease of backorder cost and improvement of customer service. Our backorder policy has two important benefit. First, customer service level is improved by realization of minimum stockout. Second, the backorder process by allowance of the same level supply is to decrease system operating cost.

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Improvement of AS/RS Class-based Storage Policy by Common Zone Allocation (공동영역의 설정에 의한 AS/RS의 등급별 저장정책 개선 방안 연구)

  • 문기주;김광필
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 1999
  • It has been concluded that the performance of class-based storage policy is better than the performance of random storage policy in the literature. However, the rack shortage problem assigned to the 1st class items makes the decision hard to apply the class-based storage policy in practice. In this paper, a new common zone concept is introduced between two classes to resolve the problem with class-based storage policy. The common zone is the area to accept items from both classes. An AS/RS model is developed for computer simulation study and the effect of common area sizes with various AS/RS operation conditions is analyzed.

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Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy Improvement Research (FTA극복을 위한 농공단지 입주기업 지원시책 개선방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Se-Joon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.373-393
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    • 2008
  • The object of this thesis is to evaluate performance of Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy and to suggest solutions to solve problems of the policy and development plans for Industry Complex of Rural Areas in Korea. The Industry Complex of Rural Areas Policy has contributed to increase of income and growth of industries in farming areas. Since business environment has been changing rapidly and competition has been getting fierce, Korean small business in rural are as need to develop new strategies to strengthen their competitiveness. Therefore, this thesis will suggest public programs to support for development of Korean small businesses in rural areas. The suggestions are as below 1) plans to form funds to provide financial aid to small business in rural areas. Specific plans to raise funds for public programs that would be executed by National Industry Complex of Rural Areas Association are included. 2) plans to improve abilities of SBCs to develop technologies 3) plans to establish marketing channels for SBCs in rural areas. 4) plans to create systems to promote restructuring in Industry Complex of Rural Area.

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A Case Study on Efficiency Evaluation of DMUs Performances for Digital Pioneer Project by Data Envelopment Analysis Model (DEA를 활용한 차세대첨단콘텐츠육성사업 참여 DMU의 효율성 평가에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Shin, Jae-Shig;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the affiliates of the Ministry of Information and Communication have been conducting a performance evaluation study on IT policy projects, based on the performance evaluation model of the U.S. Office of Management and Budgets, with regard to investment in computerization. The performance evaluation model for the policy project could provide the objective information required for the planning, development, and operation of the policy project. However, the performance of the most policy project is likely to be evaluated using the subjective evaluation criteria of evaluators. Therefore, this case study evaluates the relative efficiency using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) in order to improve the performance evaluation method of the digital pioneer' project implemented by the Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency. The improvement value of inefficient Decision Making Units (DMUs) was measured by a static efficiency analysis. The measured value will suggest a objective viewpoint of the performance between DMUs to evaluators. In doing so, it will show an appropriate direction for the policy project to be evaluated successfully.

Determinants of Management Performance in the Offshore Fishing Industry: After the Introduction of Fisheries Structure Improvement Policy for the Resource Management (근해어업의 경영성과 결정요인에 관한 연구: 자원관리형 어업구조개선 정책 도입 이후)

  • Tae-Heorn Ha;Seok-Kyu Kang
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of management performance in the remaining offshore fishing industry after the resource management-oriented fisheries structure improvement policy by the fisheries vessel buy-back program and Total Allowable Catch (TAC). The results of the analysis of the determinants of management performance of offshore fishing can be summarized as follows. First, based on the management performance determinant model of offshore fishing, it is confirmed that the government's resource-managed fishing structure improvement policy, such as the fishing boat reduction project and the TAC policy, is improving the management performance of the resource-managed remaining fishing boat. Second, looking at the specific management performance determinants based on the management performance model of offshore fishing, the leverage ratio (TLTA), which is the total debt ratio, shows a statistically significant positive (+) relationship with management performance, which increases management performance directly proportional to the leverage ratio. The increase in the leverage ratio (total debt ratio) was expected to lead to a high interest cost burden, resulting in a reverse (-) financial leverage effect; however, rather a positive (+) financial leverage effect occurred with a high profit covering interest costs. The total catch (TCATCH) has a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a statistical significance level of less than 1%, indicating that an increase in catch is improving or increasing the management performance of fishing companies. The selling price (UPRICE) shows a positive (+) relationship with management performance at a very high statistical significance level of less than 1%, and it can be seen that high fishing prices are a major factor in improving or increasing the management performance of offshore fishing. On the other hand, fishing vessel tonnage (TON), fishing vessel horsepower (RHP), and operating days (WDAYS), which indicate have a statistically significant negative (-) relationship with management performance, which deviates from the existing fisheries common sense that the size of fishing vessel tonnage and fishing vessel horsepower and the increase in the number of operating days is proportional to management performance. As a result of the increase in fishing vessel tonnage, horsepower, and the number of operating days, it was confirmed that the higher the fishing cost, such as oil costs, is worsening the management performance of fishing companies. Participation in TAC has a statistically significant positive (+) value with management performance, indicating that the remaining offshore fishing companies participating in TAC are improving or increasing management performance compared to offshore fishing companies that do not. Third, there are conflicting results depending on the industry as a result of estimating the management performance determinants of offshore fishing by TAC participation, and TAC participation had a negative impact on management performance in anchovy boat seine and southern west sea bottom trawl in fishing industry while TAC participation had a positive impact on management performance in large stow nets on anchor in fishing industry.