• Title/Summary/Keyword: Point-set surface.

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캐널곡면의 복원 (Reconstruction of Canal Surfaces)

  • 이인권;김구진
    • 한국정보과학회논문지:시스템및이론
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    • 제32권8호
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    • pp.411-417
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 입력으로 주어진 점집차 (point cloud)으로부터 캐널곡면을 복원 (reconstruction)하는 알고리즘을 제시한다. 캐널곡면은 반경이 변화하며 중심점이 기준곡선(spine curve)을 따라 이동하는 구(moving sphere)의 스웹트곡면(swept surface)이다. 이 논문에서는 수축기법(shrinking method)과 moving least-square 방법을 이용하여 주어진 점집합을 세곡선(thin-curve)형태의 점집합으로 수축시킴으로써 캐널곡면의 기준곡선을 근사한다. 근사된 기준곡선과 입력으로 주어진 점집합에 포함된 점들 사이의 거리를 이용하여, 캐널곡면을 구성하는 이동 구의 반경을 계산한다.

수축을 이용한 파이프 곡면의 복원 (Pipe Surface Reconstruction Using Shrinking)

  • 이인권
    • 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회논문지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1999
  • 구조화되어있지 않은 점 집합으로부터 파이프 곡면을 복원해 내는 알고리즘을 기술한다. 파이프 곡면은 척추 곡선과 스위핑 구의 반지름으로 정의된다. 수축과 동적 최소자승법에 의해 점 집합은 얇은 곡선 형태로 변환된다. 이 얇은 곡선 형태의 점 집합은 쉽게 척추곡선으로 근사될 수 있다. 얇은 점 집합과 원래 주어진 점 집합의 대응하는 두 점간의 거리로 파이프 곡면을 정의하는 스위핑 구의 반지름을 구할 수 있다.

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Machining Tool Path Generation for Point Set

  • Park, Se-Youn;Shin, Ha-Yong
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2009
  • As the point sampling technology evolves rapidly, there has been increasing need in generating tool path from dense point set without creating intermediate models such as triangular meshes or surfaces. In this paper, we present a new tool path generation method from point set using Euclidean distance fields based on Algebraic Point Set Surfaces (APSS). Once an Euclidean distance field from the target shape is obtained, it is fairly easy to generate tool paths. In order to compute the distance from a point in the 3D space to the point set, we locally fit an algebraic sphere using moving least square method (MLS) for accurate and simple calculation. This process is repeated until it converges. The main advantages of our approach are : (1) tool paths are computed directly from point set without making triangular mesh or surfaces and their offsets, and (2) we do not have to worry about no local interference at concave region compared to the other methods using triangular mesh or surface model. Experimental results show that our approach can generate accurate enough tool paths from a point set in a robust manner and efficiently.

근사 함수를 이용한 Point-Based Simplification (Point-Based Simplification Using Moving-Least-Squrares)

  • 조현철;배진석;김창헌
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1312-1314
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a new simplification algorithm that simplifies reconstructed polygonal mesh from 3D point set considering an original point set. Previous method computes error using mesh information, but it makes to increase error of difference between an original and a simplified model by reason of implementation of simplification. Proposed method simplifies a reconstructed model using an original point data, we acquire a simplified model similar an original. We show several simplified results to demonstrate the usability of our methods.

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측정된 점데이터 기반 삼각형망 곡면 메쉬 모델의 국부적 자동 수정 (Automatic Local Update of Triangular Mesh Models Based on Measurement Point Clouds)

  • 우혁제;이종대;이관행
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2006
  • Design changes for an original surface model are frequently required in a manufacturing area: for example, when the physical parts are modified or when the parts are partially manufactured from analogous shapes. In this case, an efficient 3D model updating method by locally adding scan data for the modified area is highly desirable. For this purpose, this paper presents a new procedure to update an initial model that is composed of combinatorial triangular facets based on a set of locally added point data. The initial surface model is first created from the initial point set by Tight Cocone, which is a water-tight surface reconstructor; and then the point cloud data for the updates is locally added onto the initial model maintaining the same coordinate system. In order to update the initial model, the special region on the initial surface that needs to be updated is recognized through the detection of the overlapping area between the initial model and the boundary of the newly added point cloud. After that, the initial surface model is eventually updated to the final output by replacing the recognized region with the newly added point cloud. The proposed method has been implemented and tested with several examples. This algorithm will be practically useful to modify the surface model with physical part changes and free-form surface design.


  • Park, Chang-Soo;Min, Cho-Hon;Kang, Myung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a very efficient method which reconstructs the high resolution surface from a set of unorganized points. Our method is based on the level set method using adaptive octree. We start with the surface reconstruction model proposed in [20]. In [20], they introduced a very fast and efficient method which is different from the previous methods using the level set method. Most existing methods[21, 22] employed the time evolving process from an initial surface to point cloud. But in [20], they considered the surface reconstruction process as an elliptic problem in the narrow band including point cloud. So they could obtain very speedy method because they didn't have to limit the time evolution step by the finite speed of propagation. However, they implemented that model just on the uniform grid. So they still have the weakness that it needs so much memories because of being fulfilled only on the uniform grid. Their algorithm basically solves a large linear system of which size is the same as the number of the grid in a narrow band. Besides, it is not easy to make the width of band narrow enough since the decision of band width depends on the distribution of point data. After all, as far as it is implemented on the uniform grid, it is almost impossible to generate the surface on the high resolution because the memory requirement increases geometrically. We resolve it by adapting octree data structure[12, 11] to our problem and by introducing a new redistancing algorithm which is different from the existing one[19].

GPU 가속을 이용한 점집합 렌더링을 위한 전역 조명기법 (GPU-accelerated Global Illumination for Point Set Rendering)

  • 민혜정;김영준
    • 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회논문지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2020
  • 점집합을 매끄러운 다양체 표면으로 가시화하는 과정에서 전역 조명 기법을 사용하면 다양한 조명 효과로 사실적인 장면을 렌더링 할 수 있다. 광선 추적법에 대한 지속적인 요구와 그래픽스 하드웨어의 발전을 바탕으로 광선 추적법을 위한 전용 GPU와 프로그래머블 파이프 라인이 근래에 소개되었다. 본 논문에서는 광선 추적법의 가속을 지원하는 GPU와 렌더링 파이프라인을 사용하여 점집합 모델에 대한 실시간 전역 조명 렌더링을 수행하는 방법을 제시한다. 즉, 이동 최소 자승법을 적용하여 점집합을 부드러운 음함수 표면으로 근사한 후, GPU기반 광선 추적법을 이용하여 표면과의 광선 교차 검사를 수행하고 교차점에서 쉐이딩 효과를 적용하여 전역 조명 렌더링을 수행한다. 그 결과 오십만개 이상의 점으로 구성된 복잡한 점집합 모델이 포함된 장면을 실시간에 생성할 수 있다.

Surface Extraction from Point-Sampled Data through Region Growing

  • Vieira, Miguel;Shimada, Kenji
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2005
  • As three-dimensional range scanners make large point clouds a more common initial representation of real world objects, a need arises for algorithms that can efficiently process point sets. In this paper, we present a method for extracting smooth surfaces from dense point clouds. Given an unorganized set of points in space as input, our algorithm first uses principal component analysis to estimate the surface variation at each point. After defining conditions for determining the geometric compatibility of a point and a surface, we examine the points in order of increasing surface variation to find points whose neighborhoods can be closely approximated by a single surface. These neighborhoods become seed regions for region growing. The region growing step clusters points that are geometrically compatible with the approximating surface and refines the surface as the region grows to obtain the best approximation of the largest number of points. When no more points can be added to a region, the algorithm stores the extracted surface. Our algorithm works quickly with little user interaction and requires a fraction of the memory needed for a standard mesh data structure. To demonstrate its usefulness, we show results on large point clouds acquired from real-world objects.

Optimal Ball-end and Fillet-end Mills Selection for 3-Axis Finish Machining of Point-based Surface

  • Kayal, Prasenjit
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an algorithm of optimal cutting tool selection for machining of the point-based surface that is defined by a set of surface points rather than parametric polynomial surface equations. As the ball-end and fillet-end mills are generally used for finish machining in a 3-axis computer numerical control machine, the algorithm is applicable for both cutters. The optimum tool would be as large as possible in terms of the cutter radius and/or corner radius which maximise (s) the material removal rate (i.e., minimise (s) the machining time), while still being able to machine the entire point-based surface without gouging any surface point. The gouging are two types: local and global. In this paper, the distance between the cutter bottom and surface points is used to check the local gouging whereas the shortest distance between the surface points and cutter axis is effectively used to check the global gouging. The selection procedure begins with a cutter from the tool library, which has the largest cutter radius and/or corner radius, and then adequacy of the point-density is checked to limit the accuracy of the cutter selection for the point-based surface within tolerance prior to the gouge checking. When the entire surface is gouge-free with a chosen cutting tool then the tool becomes the optimum cutting tool for a list of cutters available in the tool library. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated considering two examples.

Inverse Offset Method for Adaptive Cutter Path Generation from Point-based Surface

  • Kayal, Prasenjit
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2007
  • The inverse offset method (IOM) is widely used for generating cutter paths from the point-based surface where the surface is characterised by a set of surface points rather than parametric polynomial surface equations. In the IOM, cutter path planning is carried out by specifying the grid sizes, called the step-forward and step-interval distances respectively in the forward and transverse cutting directions. The step-forward distance causes the chordal deviation and the step-forward distance produces the cusp. The chordal deviation and cusp are also functions of local surface slopes and curvatures. As the slopes and curvatures vary over the surface, different step-forward and step-interval distances are appropriate in different areas for obtaining the machined surface accurately and efficiently. In this paper, the chordal deviation and cusp height are calculated in consideration with the surface slopes and curvatures, and their combined effect is used to estimate the machined surface error. An adaptive grid generation algorithm is proposed, which enables the IOM to generate cutter paths adaptively using different step-forward and step-interval distances in different regions rather than constant step-forward and step-interval distances for entire surface.