• 제목/요약/키워드: Platform of platform

검색결과 12,051건 처리시간 0.042초

Platform Business and Network Strategy

  • Kim, Junic
    • STI Policy Review
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2014
  • This review organises the fragmented management literature on platform business according to a conceptual map and a meta-theoretical scheme. Since the early 2000s, numerous researchers have examined platform business and two-sided networks with platform business and strategy being an important business innovation model for many industries, creating value primarily by enabling direct interactions. Platforms such as Google or Amazon contain a common set of rules and components in most user transactions. Thirty-two core papers and books on Strategic Management Journal, Industrial Economics and Operation Management-related disciplines are reviewed, with further observations on how cumulative research streams on the platform are carried out independently from each academic perspective. The first of the two arguments in this paper is that because interactive relationships bridge the platform and stakeholders such as end-users and developers, it is crucial for platform companies to be aware of their relationship with stakeholders in order to support and sustainably provide content to their platform. The second is that integrative perspectives are essential due to the low number of interdisciplinary investigations conducted thus far. The paper's final section deals with implications for theory and practice, concluding that integrative studies and interactive relationship studies should be the main research streams in future platform research.

Establishing an Integrated Control Platform Architecture for Hydrogen Pipe Network

    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.595-598
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to establish a hydrogen pipe network integrated control platform architecture for integrated management of full cycle information and data using digital twin technology, which is widely used in general industry and construction industry. To this end, we present a hardware configuration diagram for platform operators and service delivery methods, and an architecture(functional configuration diagram) for the development of a hydrogen pipe network integrated control platform. The results of this study conducted through the above process are summarized as follows. First, to establish the platform basic structure, the platform hardware configuration diagrams for WEB server, WAS server, DB server, BIM file conversion server, storage, and backup were presented. Second, the architecture(functional configuration diagram) for the hydrogen pipe network platform, platform utilization interface, external system, hydrogen pipe network standard system, and BIM-based hydrogen pipe network digital twin construction was presented to secure consistent data and manage information standards for each construction stage.

플랫폼 서비스 가치와 수수료에 대한 경제적 고찰 (Economic Perspectives on Online Platforms: Scenario-based Case Studies)

  • 배경한;박연수;박정원;김지영
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2023
  • 최근 COVID-19 확산과 함께 온라인 쇼핑 시장의 규모가 지속적으로 증가하여 다양한 온라인 거래 플랫폼이 시장에 등장함에 따라 많은 소상공인이 플랫폼에 입점하고 있다. 이처럼 최근 소상공인의 플랫폼 활용이 크게 늘어나면서 적정 수수료에 대한 이슈가 제기됨에 따라 플랫폼 활용과 수수료에 대한 사회적 논의의 필요성이 제기된다. 현재 수수료에 대한 논의는 대부분 부정적인 측면에서 특정 사례 중심으로 이루어지고 있으며 플랫폼의 활용 가치와 수수료를 종합적으로 고려한 체계적인 논의는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 플랫폼 서비스 활용 가치와 수수료 비용을 함께 고려하여 플랫폼 수수료에 대한 체계적이고 종합적인 이해를 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 플랫폼 서비스별 경제적 가치를 추산하여 세부적으로 분석하였다. 온라인 플랫폼 사용이 활발한 배달 서비스, 이커머스 두 업계를 선정하고 판매자가 플랫폼 서비스를 이용함으로써 발생하는 기대수익 변화에 주목하였고, 판매자의 플랫폼 입점 여부, 서비스 이용 여부 등 시나리오별로 추산한 매출과 비용을 기반으로 기대수익을 비교분석하였다. 연구 결과, 플랫폼 입점과 플랫폼 서비스 활용은 매출 상승과 비용 절감을 가능하게 하며, 이는 판매자의 기대수익에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 플랫폼 수수료를 플랫폼 서비스 이용과 이에 따른 가치 획득에 대한 사용료 관점으로 이해하고 이를 기반으로 플랫폼 서비스와 수수료의 경제적 가치를 추산하여 플랫폼 서비스 활용 가치와 비용을 종합적이고 체계적인 논의로 확대하고자 한다.

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부유식 풍력-파력발전 플랫폼과 탑재된 파력발전기와의 단방향 연성 운동 해석 (One-way Coupled Response Analysis between Floating Wind-Wave Hybrid Platform and Wave Energy Converters)

  • 이혜빈;배윤혁;조일형
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.84-90
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a six degree-of-freedom motion analysis of a wind-wave hybrid platform equipped with numerous wave energy converters (WECs) was carried out. To examine the effect of the WECs on the platform, an analysis of one-way coupling was carried out, which only considered the power take-off (PTO) damping of the static WECs on the platform. The equation of motion of a floating platform with mooring lines in the time domain was established, and the responses of the one-way coupled platform were then compared with the case of a platform without any coupling effects from the WECs. The hydrodynamic coefficients and wave exciting forces were obtained from the 3D diffraction/radiation pre-processor code WAMIT based on the boundary element method. Then, an analysis of the dynamic responses of the floating platform with or without the WEC effect in the time domain was carried out. All of the dynamics of a floating platform with multiple wind turbines were obtained by coupling FAST and CHARM3D in the time domain, which was further extended to include additional coupled dynamics for multiple turbines. The analysis showed that the PTO damping effect on platform motions was negligible, but coupled effects between multiple WECs and the platform may differentiate the heave, roll, and pitch platform motions from the one without any effects induced by WECs.

Effect of Perceived Value of OTT Platform on Consumer's Technology Acceptance, Continuous Use Intention, and WOM

  • Byoung-Jo HWANG;Hee-Young CHO
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study analyzed the effect of the perceived value of the OTT platform on consumers' technology acceptance, continuous use intention, and WOM using the Expanded TAM. Research design, data and methodology: A survey was conducted targeting OTT platform users in their 20s to 40s nationwide from August 10 to 16, 2022, and a total of 208 people were used in the final analysis. To verify the research model, frequency analysis, CFA, and SEM analysis were performed using SPSS and AMOS. Results: First, the perceived value of the OTT platform was found to have a positive effect on consumers' technology acceptance (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment). Second, the perceived ease of use of OTT platform consumers was found to have a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. Third, it was found that the perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment of OTT platform consumers had a positive effect on the continuous use intention, and WOM. Fourth, it was found that the continuous use intention the OTT platform had a positive effect on the WOM. Conclusions: Word of mouth and continuous use of existing customers are important for OTT platform companies to retain existing customers and secure new customers. Through the perceived value of the OTT platform, efforts should be made to provide various contents that consumers can enjoy along with usefulness and convenience of functions.

미용성형의료정보 모바일 플랫폼의 사용확산에 영향을 미치는 요인: 기술수용모델을 기반으로 (Factors Influencing the Use Diffusion of Cosmetic Medical Information Mobile Platform: Based on Technology Acceptance Model)

  • 박유영;부제만
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.279-300
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    • 2020
  • The cosmetic medical information mobile platform is evolving into a new channel for searching and obtaining relevant information before using cosmetic medical service. In addition, the medical institutions can facilitate the medical contracts, and take advantage of systemic customer management through the cosmetic medical information mobile platform. Therefore, the paradigm of the cosmetic medical mobile service industry is facing a flow of change through the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform. In this study, in order to explore the factors affecting the use diffusion of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform, this study used the research model of the influence of the characteristics of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform on perceived convenience and usefulness, and use diffusion by applying TAM(Technology Acceptance Model). As a result, immediateness, interactivity, and customization in the characteristics of cosmetic medical information mobile platform had positive effects on the perceived convenience. Also, interactivity, customization, and economics had positive impacts on perceived usefulness. In addition, perceived convenience and usefulness had positive effects on the use diffusion. Through this study, the factors influencing the use diffusion of cosmetic medical information mobile platform were actually explored, and the service value of the cosmetic medical information mobile platform were categorized. Future research is expected to contribute to the continuous improvement of quality and expansion of the cosmetic medical service market based on various research.

고려사원 강당지 남북 방형단에 관한 연구 (A Study on the North and South Square-Platform at the Lecture Hall Sites of Goryeo Buddhist Temples)

  • 현승욱
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2017
  • A very unique case is found in the architectural remains related to the north and south square-platform at the lecture hall site of Hwangnyongsa, that of Anyangsa, and the estimated lecture hall site of Beopsusa as they are not observed in the other lecture halls. The platform has been discovered at only those three Buddhist temples from Goryeo, and its case has not been found in ancient Buddhist temples of China and Japan. This study thus set out to investigate the north and south square-platform at lecture hall sites by examining in details its architectural remains at the three Buddhist temples and reviewing the Buddhist literature about the lecture halls of ancient Buddhist temples. Based on the findings, it was estimated that the architectural remains of north and south square-platform at the lecture hall sites of Buddhist temples were those of platform for Buddhist sermons or those of high chair platform. While the north square-platform involved the remains of north high chair for the Lecturer that gave lectures on the Buddhist scriptures, the south one did those of south high chair for the Reader who recited the Buddhist scriptures.

휠-트랙 하이브리드 모바일 플랫폼을 위한 지형 적응성 장애물 극복 자세 제어기 개발 (Development of Terrain-Adaptive Attitude Controller for Hybrid Mobile Platform with Wheel & Track)

  • 곽정환;김윤구;홍대한;안진웅
    • 대한임베디드공학회논문지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes terrain-adaptive attitude controller for a hybrid mobile platform which operates in wheel & track mode. The wheel mode of the hybrid mobile platform allows quick driving performance in the flatland, while the track mode provides adaptive movement in the rough ground or stairway. The switching of the platform between two modes is automatically controlled by attitude controller algorithm. In addition, in the track mode, the platform automatically adjusts its attitude angle to overcome the obstacles in front. This paper demonstrates the attitude controller for the aforementioned wheel-track hybrid mobile platform in order to overcome terrain obstacles by using an adaptive method. The driving performance of the hybrid mobile platform has been tested and verified in various surrounding environments in both wheel and track mode. Further, this paper presents the experiments by using the track structure of mobile platform on forming adaptive attitude under various types of obstacles. The practicability and effectiveness of the proposed attitude controller of the platform has been demonstrated in urban building and a test-bed.

양면시장형 컨버전스 산업생태계에서 플랫폼 경쟁에 관한 진화게임 모형 (An Application of Evolutionary Game Theory to Platform Competition in Two Sided Market)

  • 김도훈
    • 한국경영과학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.55-79
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    • 2010
  • This study deals with a model for platform competition in a two-sided market. We suppose there are both direct and indirect network externalities between suppliers and users of each platform. Moreover, we suppose that both users and suppliers are distributed in their relative affinity for each platform type. That is, each user [supplier] has his/her own preferential position toward each platform, and users [suppliers] are horizontally differentiated over [0, 1]. And for analytical tractability, some parameters like direct and indirect network externalities are the same across the markets. Given the parameters and the pricing profile, users and suppliers conduct subscription game, where participants select the platform that gives them the highest payoffs. This game proceeds according to a replicator dynamics of the evolutionary game, which is simplified by properly defining gains from participant's strategy in the subscription game. We find that depending on the strength of these network effects, there might either be multiple stable equilibria, at which users and suppliers distribute across both platforms, or one unstable interior equilibrium corresponding to the market tipping in favor of either platform. In both cases, we also consider the pricing power of competing platform providers under the framework of the Stackelberg game. In particular, our study examines the possible effects of the type of competition between platform providers, which may constrain the equilibrium selection in the subscription game.

Policy Advices for the Success of Digital Platform Government in South Korea

  • Zhan, Sen;Chung, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2022
  • South Korea is now recognized as a world leader in the field of digital government thanks to a president who had insight in the field of e-Government more than 20 years ago. Today, many countries around the world are establishing various strategies to cope with the great digital transformation beyond the industrial society and the information society. The Korean government is also establishing and promoting digital government policies to respond to such a global digital transformation. In South Korea, the digital platform government policy began in 2022. Therefore, it is an early stage of policy formation, and many details are not well known yet. Recently, the Korean government announced the vision, three goals, and five strategies for realizing a digital platform government. And specific digital platform government projects that can be implemented are selected. In order to successfully implement a digital platform government, the following three policies should be prioritized. First, the digital platform government should be approached from the perspective of total government innovation, not industry revival. Second, the political perspective should be excluded from ICT policy. Third, the vision and strategy of the digital platform government should be established and clearly presented to the public. And based on this, strong governance should be formed and strongly promoted centered on the leadership of the president.