• Title/Summary/Keyword: Planting landscape

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Effect of Green Buffer Zone in Reducing Gaseous Air Pollutants in the Shiwha Industrial Area (시화공단 완충녹지대의 대기오염물질 저감 효과 분석)

  • Song Young-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.6 s.113
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2006
  • The effects of a green buffer zone to protect a residential area from air pollution from industrial facilities and traffic was examined by analyzing the case of a green buffer zone in the Shiwha industrial complex. The green buffer zone is 175 m wide. The intent was to assess the dispersion patterns of atmospheric air pollutants and the reduction in concentration around the green buffer zone. To measure atmospheric sulfur dioxide$(SO_2)$ and nitrogen dioxide$(NO_2)$ concentration, badge-type passive samplers were used and set up at 76 locations in order to measure the concentration of air pollutants with respect to the spatial dispersion. The weighted mean values of $SO_2\;and\;NO_2$ concentration were $3\~57 ppb\;and\;18\~62 ppb$ and the differences among the green buffer zone, the industrial area and the residential areas were $0.7\~1.1 ppb$. Mean values of atmospheric concentrations of $NO_2$ were similar in industrial and, residential areas and the green buffer zone. Results of the study show that the effect of the green buffer zone on reducing the dispersion of air pollutants was very low. This study also recommends that micro-climate, i.e., wind direction should be considered as a factor for planning and design of green buffer zones.

Studies on Development of Native Landscape Plants for Middle Area of Korea (중부지방 조경용 자생식물 소재의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 방광자;이종석
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 1993
  • In the middle areas of South Korea, we collected 308 wild herbaceous species for studying the possibility of landscaping and, growing them at West in Yongin country of Kyunggi province. We observed their vegetative and flowering characteristic. And the result is as follow: 1. 76 species(24.7%) such as Hosta capitata, etc. of them are thought useful for flower-bedding or landscaping for park and ground-covering, while 94 species(30.6%) are regarded useful for ground-covering, potting and indoor-planting. They are Nepatica maxima and Thaliticum minus var. hypoleucum, etc. 46 species(15%) seems to be useful for flower-bedding, ground-covering and potting. 2. 264(85.7%) of all the observed species are for the enjoyment of their flowers, while 36 species(11.4%) for the enjoyment of their leaves, and 9 species(2.9%) for their fruit. They are Viburnum dilatatum, etc. 3. As for the relation of their habits to light conditions, 148 species(48%) grow int he full sun of more than 50,000Lux, 138 species(44.8%) usually in in the half shade of 20,000 to 30,000Lux, 15 species(4.9%) in the shade of some 10,000Lux, and 7 speciese grow either in the full sun or in the shde. 4. some species such as Wasabia koreansa, Allium succuliferum, Asterglehni, Ligulariafisheri, Ligularia stenocephala Epimedium koreanum are considered available as edible plants as well as ornamentals plants, and Houttuynia cordata. Saururus chinensis, Epimedium koreanum need to be further developed not only as ornamental plants but also medicinal plants.

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Vegetation Structure arid Management Planning of the Sansung Nature Park, Cheonju (전주시 산성자연공원의 식생구조 및 관리대책)

  • 최만봉;이규완;오구균
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1990
  • This study was executed to investigate the vegetation structure and to propose the vegetation management proposals of the Sansung Nature Park at Cheonju City and the results were as fellows. 1. A damage of vegetation and soil surface around the Namgosa was taken place up to 100m by picnic 2. Pinus rigida forest covered 36.1% of the total area(152.6ha) and total afforested vegetation covered 43.5%, respectively. P. denstflora comm. covered 28.4% arid Carpinus laxiflora Comm. as a climax vegetation in temerate zone covered 0.3%, respectively. 3. 6, 7 and 8 of the degree of human disturbance of vegetation covered 45.3%, 26.6% and 21.4%, respectively and resulted in low quality of naturalness. 4. Physical and chemical properties of soil were pour at high elevation and were poor severely in and around the Namgosa due to human disturbance. 5. Plant community were under rapid succession and had unvalanced structure and heterogeneous composition of species. Rapid vegetational succession from Pinus densiflora and Pf. rigida to Carpinus laxifora, Quercus spp. and Robinina pseudo-acacia were taken place.6. The speeies of Raunkiaer's frequency class I as of high frequency class were Pinus dunsiflora, Carpinus alxiflora, Quercus mmongolica, Sorbus alnifolia, Prunrs sargintii, Rhododendron yedoense, Stephanandra incisa and Lespedeza maxinowiczii. 7. Vegetational management proposals were made for three vegetation zones ; Historic landscape restoration and preservation zone, Afforested vegetation zone, Native vegetation conservation zone and recommanded native species for landcape planting.

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The Layer Standardization of Computerized Landscape Facility Drawings (조경시설물 전산 도면의 레이어 표준화 방안)

  • Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2011
  • As most landscape drawings tend to be recorded in electronic format, the need for layer standards is growing. While the categorization system of planting drawings has been progressing, landscape facility drawings are being delayed. So, the purpose of this study was to establish the categorization system of computerized landscape facility drawing documents. In the beginning of this study, it found that the layer categorization system of "The Standards of Construction CALS/EC computerized drawings v1. 1" and "The submit instructions of electronic design documents" are not suitable for the landscape facility drawings. 1,154 drawings drawn by 10 landscape architect offices were used to analyze the current layer categorization status. As a result, it found that "The Standards of Construction CALS/EC computerized drawings v1. 1" were not introduced in landscape facility drawings and 46% of layers were produced indefinitely. The new layer categorization system consisting of 15 facility items was drawn by applying the ISO construction information categorization system. The new layer categorization system is set on the basis of the legal code, landscape design standards, and design guidelines of public institutions. This new layer categorization system is expected to propagate at the landscape architect offices in the early.

Practitioners' Perception of Landscape Education in Universities (대학 조경교육에 대한 현장 실무자 인식 조사)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the practitioners' perception of Landscape Education in the universities in order to satisfy the demands of the rapidly changing industry. The survey was conducted for 257 practitioners to analyze the overall perception of Landscape Education, the importance and utilization of each course in universities, and the importance and utilization of each landscape process step. The overall perception of Landscape Education was slightly negative, and more practical education was demanded to improve the students' adaptability on the job. Practitioners suggested that universities should teach more practical expertise and related fields. They re-educated deficient aspects such as practical skills, computer techniques and legislational knowledge through the new employee training. The survey also showed that professors should be most responsible for a better education; however, students and practitioners have to endeavor together. According to the findings, planting design, landscape design, landscape materials, landscape planning and landscape construction as well as management were important. They are also considered as practical courses. However, practitioners perceived that university education was not sufficient for the constructional process. This means that Landscape Education in the universities has been more focused on planning and design. Because the universities are essentially for the research and study, changing the curriculum as practitioners suggested is not necessary. Nevertheless, it suggests for more practical education and balanced curriculum including construction and management that should be seriously considered. This study was focused on the practitioners' perception. Many of the respondents were from Seoul metropolitan area, therefore, it's hard to generalize the findings. A further study should be considered that would include instructors as well as students.

A Study on the Improvement of Defect Management through Judicial Precedents of Landscape Construction Defect (조경공사 하자판례 분석을 통한 하자처리 개선방안 연구)

  • Jung, Myeung-Muk;Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze judicial precedents related on landscape construction defects(JPLCD) and suggested the improvement plan for dealing with it. The results are as the following: 1. Landscape construction defects litigations have been increased so far since 2000 and the duration of original trial was approximately 603 days, while appeal trials took up to 550 days. Therefore, the analysis revealed that settlement of disputes were lengthy and wasteful to consumers and constructors. 2. Judgement's cost accepted by the judge was only 53.6% of appraisal's cost appraised by appraiser, therefore it revealed appraiser overestimated the repair cost of landscape construction defects. 3. According to work classification categorized by Landscape Construction Standard Specification(2008) of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, landscape planting amounted to 75% of JPLCD and plaintiff(consumers)'s prevailing rate of it reached 77% to be a serious burden to constructors. 4. According to JPLCD categorized by the type of dispute, defects caused by consumer's negligence for maintenance amounted to 29% and defendant(constructors)'s prevailing rate of it reached 64% to be the main responsibility of consumers. Further study will be required to make the judge standard of landscape construction defects through legal and technical research.

A Study on the Morphological Management of Major Landscape Elements in Organic Farming (유기농업단지 주요경관요소의 물리적 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • An, Phil Gyun;Kong, Min Jea;Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Sang Bhum;Jo, Jung Lae;Kim, Nam Chun;Shin, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2020
  • Up to date, the majority research on the major landscape elements in organic farming has been mainly focused on the practice of seeking efficiency. The problem is that this type of study contributes to polluting the agricultural environment and damaging the ecological circulation system. As an alternative, there is a growing body of research on organic farming, but it is not widely applied that research on how to manage the landscape considering the scenic characteristics of farming villages practicing organic farming. Therefore, this study was carried out in the conservative aspects of rural landscapes in order to effectively manage the landscape of organic agriculture and, intended to be used to maintain and preserve natural and ecologically harmonious landscapes by deriving management methods suitable for landscape elements targeting the major landscape elements of the organic farming complex. To carry out, this study performed the experts survey which is composed of 13 major landscape elements, including rice paddies and fields, monoculture and diverse crops, dirt roads, windbreak trees, accent planting, dum-bung(small pond), natural small river, natural waterways, plastic film houses, one-storied houses, and pavilion. As a result, Farm land was formed in a square shape, concentrated in an independent space, planted companion plants around the crop, and covered with plants to manage the borders. As for the surrounding environment, it was analyzed that the aspart road system circulating through the village, the evergreen broad-leaved windbreak forest around the cultivated land, and the accent plant located at the entrance of the village were suitable. The hydrological environment consists of Round small pond made of stone in an open space, natural rivers around the village, and natural channels around the farmland, and The Major facilities are suitable for greenhouses that are shielded by plants in independent regions, and wooden duck houses located inside the cultivation area are suitable and The settlement facilities were analyzed to be suitable for single-story brick houses located in independent residential areas, pavilion located with greenery in the center of the village, and educational spaces shielded with wood from arable land. If supplementary evaluation criteria suitable for the management of organic farming landscape are additionally supplemented based on the results derived from this study, It is expected to enhance the landscape value of ecologically superior organic farming.

A study on How to Improve the Work of Professional Landscape Construction in Preparation for the Reorganization of the Production System in the Construction Sector - Based on the Survey Results - (건설분야 생산체계 개편에 대비한 조경분야 전문공사업 업무 개선 방향 - 설문조사 결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Myung June
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2024
  • The government is promoting the reorganization of the construction indusrty under the theme of reorganizing the production system. However, it has been pointed out that this is contrary to the increasingly specialized and technical skills of the landscaping field. Therefore, it is urgent to respond to the construction industry integration policy and improve an appropriate work system and the content of the landscape field. Therefore, this study investigated the intention of the industry to reorganize the production system and the production structure of the landscape field, so that it can be used as a reference for future changes. As a result of the survey, 1) the perception of the reorganization policy is a highly requesting step-by-step promotion that reflects the industry's will, 2) the system is divided into generalization and specialization and is highly opposed to integration, 3) appropriate design and construction costs are the most important directions for improving landscape construction projects, and 4) reestablishing the relationship with related civil engineering works is important for improving detailed construction types. Overall, it was pointed out that the current specialized landscape construction does not sufficiently reflect the changing landscape business and is only appropriate for subcontractors in other industries. Therefore, it is necessary to promote policies that reflect this. In the long run, it is urgent to establish the status of landscape construction as an independent object, and it is necessary to supplement the legal system and change the industry accordingly.

A Study on the Transplantation Methods of Large Trees - The Case of Celtis Sinensis in Chonan and Ginkgo biloba in Andong - (대형 수목의 이식공법 - 천안시 팽나무와 안동시 은행나무 사례 -)

  • 임재홍;이재근;김학범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.92-104
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    • 2002
  • This study investigates, analyzes, and summarizes Dansplantation techniques and methods through practical methodology centering on fieldwork in order to present effective planting methods for large trees that have important significance. The conclusions are as follows : 1. The transplantation process of a large tree generally consists of the stages of digging up a tree, manufacturing a carrier frame, loading the tee on a vehicle, transporting, transplanting the tree, installing a strut and maintaining and managing the new transplant. In addition, planting a tree on a mounted place includes the primary procedures of trimming out the root, and preparing for transplanting the tree on a mounted place, as well as the secondary work of trimming out the root, transplanting a tree on a mounted place, maintenance and management. 2. In order to decide on a transplantation method for a large-sized tree, a structure calculation has to be performed first. That is, one must calculate the weight of the tree and the allowable stress of the strut (H-beam, etc.) fhst and then decide on the upper method through computer modeling based upon this structural calculation. 3. As a result of the analysis of a transplanted tree using the life soil method, it was confirmed that large quantities of feeder roots had developed around the root within a short time after the transplantation. The life soil method has proven to be very effective for transplantation of large-sized trees. 4. As for the production method of an H-beam strut frame, it was found that the manufacturing process and disassembly process were simple and proper; therefore, the H-beam frame is an appropriate structure to be used in the transplantation of large trees. 5. The concavo-convex method, which consists of filling the life soil in the concavo-convex area around the root, was found to be a method that promotes the growth of feeder roots within a short period of time and saves the supply of water at the same time.

Physiological Characteristics and Death Rate of Planted Trees in Reclaimed Seaside Areas (임해매립지 조경수목의 생리적 특성과 식재수목의 고사율)

  • 박현수;이상석;이상철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the correlation between Death Rate of Trees (DRT) and the Physiological Characteristics of Trees(PCT) in POSCO Gwangyang works, which is a reclaimed area. To analyze the DRT, 15 species of deciduous trees were selected, for example Ulmus davidiana var., Zelkova serrata, Melia azedarach var. etc. Though there were numerous factors to affect the growing of trees, 5 PCT were considered to be main factors, soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, water needs, transplanting difficulty, and nutrient needs. According to two kinds of soil-base: mound and pot area, we tested the relationship between 5 PCT and DRT by use of t-test and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. 1. The DRT of Acer palmatum, Cornus kousa, Magnolia kobus, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Albizzia julibrissin were high by more than 20%. On the other hand, Chionanthus retusa, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Celtis sinensis, and Lagerstroemia indica were low by less than 10% in the DRT and are considered to be species suitable for planting in reclaimed areas. 2. The DRT of trees in pot areas was meaningfully higher than in mound areas; for this reason the mound technique is desirable as a soil-base for planting in reclaimed areas. 3. In the pot area, the independent variables, in the order of soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, transplanting difficulty, had an effect on the DRT more significantly than in mount area. On the other hand, wind salt tolerance and soil salt tolerance affected the DRT in mount areas. This means that soil salt tolerance, wind salt tolerance, and transplanting difficulty have to be considered as significant factors to the DRT. Although the researchers tried to interpret how the PCT affected the DRT in order to analyze the relationship between the two in reclaimed areas, it was neglected at an experimental level. Therefore, future research should work on this aspect in detail.