• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plant Protection Systems

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A Study on the Concept of Operations and Improvement of the Design Methodology for the Physical Protection System of the National Infrastructure - Focused on Nuclear Power Plants - (국가기반시설 물리적 방호체계 운영개념 및 설계방법 개선방안 연구: 원자력발전소를 중심으로)

  • Na, Seog-Jong;Sung, Ha-Yan;Choi, Sun-Hee
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.9-38
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    • 2019
  • As the scales & density of the Korean national infrastructures have been increased, they will be identified as rich and attractive potential targets for intensified North Korea's attack in the rear region and terrorism attack. In addition, due to changes in security environment such as drone threats and lack of security forces under the 52-hour workweek law, I think that it is the proper time point to reevaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the current physical protection system and its shift to a new system. In this study, the direction and improvement of the perimeter physical protection systems of the national infrastructures are to be studied from the viewpoints of its concepts of operations and design methodology, focusing on the nuclear power plant. The reason why we focus on nuclear power plants is because they cause wide-range and long-term damages caused by radioactive materials disperal and pollution, along with short-term damage caused by the interruption of electricity generation in the event of damage to nuclear power plants. With the aim of extracting improvement directions, as we will comprehensively review domestic research trends and domestic·overseas related laws, and consider Korea's specificity, we try to reframe the concept of operation - systematization, mobilization and flexibility -, and establish criteria on system change. In order to improve the technical performance of the new perimeter physical protection system, we study on high-fidelity·multi-methodology based integrated design methodology, breaking from individual silo-type design methods, and I suggest improvement of government procurement, its expansion to export business and other national infrastructure.

Vital Area Identification for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Power Plants during Low Power and Shutdown Operation (원자력발전소 정지저출력 운전 기간의 물리적방호를 위한 핵심구역파악)

  • Kwak, Myung Woong;Jung, Woo Sik;Lee, Jeong-ho;Baek, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2020
  • This paper introduces the first vital area identification (VAI) process for the physical protection of nuclear power plants (NPPs) during low power and shutdown (LPSD) operation. This LPSD VAI is based on the 3rd generation VAI method which very efficiently utilizes probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) event trees (ETs). This LPSD VAI process was implemented to the virtual NPP during LPSD operation in this study. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) had developed the 2nd generation full power VAI method that utilizes whole internal and external (fire and flooding) PSA results of NPPs during full power operation. In order to minimize the huge burden of the 2nd generation full power VAI method, the 3rd generation full power VAI method was developed, which utilizes ETs and minimal PSA fault trees instead of using the whole PSA fault tree. In the 3rd generation full power VAI method, (1) PSA ETs are analyzed, (2) minimal mitigation systems for avoiding core damage are selected from ETs by calculating system-level target sets and prevention sets, (3) relatively small sabotage fault tree that has the systems in the shortest system-level prevention set is composed, (4) room-level target sets and prevention sets are calculated from this small sabotage fault tree, and (5) the rooms in the shortest prevention set are defined as vital areas that should be protected. Currently, the 3rd generation full power VAI method is being employed for the VAI of Korean NPPs. This study is the first development and application of the 3rd generation VAI method to the LPSD VAI of NPP. For the LPSD VAI, (1) many LPSD ETs are classified into a few representative LPSD ETs based on the functional similarity of accident scenarios, (2) a few representative LPSD ETs are simplified with some VAI rules, and then (3) the 3rd generation VAI is performed as mentioned in the previous paragraph. It is well known that the shortest room-level prevention sets that are calculated by the 2nd and 3rd generation VAI methods are identical.

Study on occurrence and management of organic micropollutants in sewer systems (국내·외 하수도시설 미량유기물질의 발생 특성 및 관리체계에 대한 이해)

  • Jeong, Dong-Hwan;Ham, Sang-Yee;Lee, Wonseok;Chung, Hyenmi;Kim, Hyunook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.551-566
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    • 2017
  • As the modern society is rapidly developing and people become affluent in materials, many new chemical compounds in different forms of products (e.g., antibiotics, pesticides, detergents, personal care products and plastic goods) are produced, used, and disposed of to the environments. Some of them are persistently having a harmful impact on the environment and mimicking endocrine properties; in general they are present in the environment at low concentrations, so they are called organic pollutants. These organic micropollutants flow to sewage treatment plants via different routes. In this study, the generation characteristics, exposure pathways, detection levels, and environmental impacts of organic micropollutants were critically reviewed. In addition, currently available risk assessment methods and management systems for the compounds were reviewed. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), for example, has monitored organic micropollutants and set the monitoring and management of some of the compounds as a priority. To effectively manage organic micropollutants in sewer systems, therefore, we should first monitor organic micropollutants of potential concern and then make a watch list of specific substances systematically, as described in guidelines on listing water pollutants in industrial wastewater.

Smart Growth Measurement System for Aquaponics Production Management (아쿠아포닉스 생산 관리를 위한 지능형 성장 측정 시스템)

  • Lee, Hyounsup;Kim, Jindeog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.357-359
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    • 2022
  • The market for eco-friendly food materials by online distribution is rapidly growing due to major environmental pollution such as air, soil, and water quality, and radical changes in living patterns caused by COVID-19. In addition, because of the aging population and the decrease in agricultural-related population due to social structural changes, aquaponics is emerging as a system that can solve problems such as independence of old economic activities, environmental protection, and securing healthy and safe food. This paper aims to design an intelligent plant growth measurement system among intelligent aquaponics production management modules for optimal growth environment derivation and quantitative production prediction by converging various ICT technologies into existing aquaponics systems. In particular, the focus is on designing systems suitable for production sites that do not have high-performance processing resources, and we propose a module configuration plan for production environments and training data and prediction systems.

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Storm-Water CSOs for Reservoir System Designs in Urban Area (도시유역 저류형 시스템 설계를 위한 CSOs 산정)

  • Jo, Deok-Jun;Kim, Myoung-Su;Lee, Jung-Ho;Park, Moo-Jong;Kim, Joong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.1199-1203
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    • 2005
  • Combined sewer overflows(CSOs) are themselves a significant source of water pollution. Therefore, the control of urban drainage for CSOs reduction and receiving water quality protection is needed. Examples in combined sewer systems include downstream storage facilities that detain runoff during periods of high flow and allow the detained water to be conveyed by an interceptor sewer to a centralized treatment plant during periods of low flow. The design of such facilities as stormwater detention storage is highly dependant on the temporal variability of storage capacity available(which is influenced by the duration of interevent dry periods) as well as the infiltration capacity of soil and recovery of depression storage. As a result, a contiunous approach is required to adequately size such facilities. This study for the continuous long-term analysis of urban dranage system used analytical Probabilistic model based on derived probability distribution theory. As an alternative to the modeling of urban drainage system for planning or screening level analysis of runoff control alternatives, this model have evolved that offer much ease and flexibility in terms of computation while considering long-term meteorology. This study presented rainfall and runoff characteristics or the subject area using analytical Probabilistic model. Runoff characteristics manifasted the unique characteristics of the subject area with the infiltration capacity of soil and recovery of depression storage and was examined appropriately by sensitivity analysis. This study presented the average annual COSs and number of COSs when the interceptor capacity is in the range 3xDWF(dry weather flow). Also, calculated the average annual mass of pollutant lost in CSOs using Event Mean Concentration. Finally, this study presented a dicision of storage volume for CSOs reduction and water quality protection.

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Development of TDMA-Based Protocol for Safety Networks in Nuclear Power Plants (원전 안전통신망을 위한 TDMA 기반의 프로토콜 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon;Park, Sung-Woo;Kim, Jung-Hun
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.55 no.7
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes the architecture and protocol of a data communication network for the safety system in nuclear power plants. First, we establish four design criteria with respect to determinability, reliability, separation and isolation, and verification/validation. Next we construct the architecture of the safety network for the following systems: PPS (Plant Protection System), ESF-CCS (Engineered Safety Features-Component Control System) and CPCS (Core Protection Calculator System). The safety network consists of 12 sub-networks and takes the form of a hierarchical star. Among 163 communication nodes are about 1600 origin-destination (OD) pairs created on their traffic demands. The OD pairs are allowed to exchange data only during the pre-assigned time slots. Finally, the communication protocol is designed in consideration of design factors for the safety network. The design factors include a network topology of star, fiber-optic transmission media, synchronous data transfer mode, point-to-point link configuration, and a periodic transmission schedule etc. The resulting protocol is the modification of IEEE 802.15.4 (LR-WPAN) MAC combined with IEEE 802.3 (Fast Ethernet) PHY. The MAC layer of IEEE 802.15.4 is simplified by eliminating some unnecessary (unctions. Most importantly, the optional TDMA-like scheme called the guaranteed time slot (GTS) is changed to be mandatory to guarantee the periodic data transfer. The proposed protocol is formally specified using the SDL. By performing simulations and validations using Telelogic Tau SDL Suite, we find that the proposed safety protocol fits well with the characteristics and the requirements of the safety system in nuclear power plants.

Study of Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown Analysis of a CANDU Main Control Room based on NEI 00-01 Methodology (NEI 방법론을 적용한 중수로 주제어실의 화재안전정지분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Hwan;Lim, Heok-Soon;Bae, Yeon-Kyoung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2016
  • When the fire takes place in Nuclear Powr Plants(NPPs), the reactor should achieve and maintain safe shut-down conditions and minimize the radioactive material released to the environment. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued numerous generic communications related to fire protection over the past 20 years, after it issued its requirements in the Fire Protection Rule set forth in Title 10, Section 50.48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 50.48) and Appendix R to the 10 CFR 50. The and Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has developed a Methodology for Risk Informed Fire Safe-Shutdown Analysis, which is related to the Deterministic Method for Multiple Spurious Operations solutions. The aim of this study was to identify, achieve, and maintain Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown of the Main Control Room (MCR) of the CANDU reactor, even though one train of the multiple Safety Structures, Systems, and Components (SCCs) fail by the technical specification and analysis method.

Assessing the Activity Concentration of Agricultural Products and the Public Ingestion Dose as Result of a Nuclear Accident

  • Keum, Dong-Kwon;Jeong, Hyojoon;Jun, In;Lim, Kwang-Muk;Choi, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2018
  • Background: A model to assess the activity concentration of agricultural products and the public ingestion dose as result of a nuclear accident is necessarily required to manage the contaminated agricultural systems by the accident, or to estimate the effects of chronic exposure due to food ingestion at a Level 3 PSA. Materials and Methods: A dynamic compartment model, which is composed of three sub-modules, namely, an agricultural plant contamination assessment model, an animal product contamination assessment model, and an ingestion dose assessment model has been developed based on Korean farming characteristics such as the growth characteristics of rice and stockbreeding. Results and Discussion: The application study showed that the present model can predict well the characteristics of the activity concentration for agricultural products and ingestion dose depending on the deposition date. Conclusion: The present model is very useful to predict the radioactivity concentration of agricultural foodstuffs and public ingestion dose as consequence of a nuclear accident. Consequently, it is expected to be used effectively as a module for the ingestion dose calculation of the Korean agricultural contamination management system as well as the Level 3 PSA code, which is currently being developed.

Estimation of Storage Capacity for CSOs Storage System in Urban Area (도시유역 CSOs 처리를 위한 저류형시스템 설계용량 산정)

  • Jo, Deok Jun;Lee, Jung Ho;Kim, Myoung Su;Kim, Joong Hoon;Park, Moo Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.490-497
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    • 2007
  • A Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are themselves a significant source of water pollution. Therefore, the control of urban drainage for CSOs reduction and receiving water quality protection is needed. Examples in combined sewer systems include downstream storage facilities that detain runoff during periods of high flow and allow the detained water to be conveyed by an interceptor sewer to a centralized treatment plant during periods of low flow. The design of such facilities as stormwater detention storage is highly dependant on the temporal variability of storage capacity available (which is influenced by the duration of interevent dry periods) as well as the infiltration capacity of soil and recovery of depression storage. As a result, a continuous approach is required to adequately size such facilities. This study for the continuous long-term analysis of urban drainage system used analytical probabilistic model based on derived probability distribution theory. As an alternative to the modeling of urban drainage system for planning or screening level analysis of runoff control alternatives, this model have evolved that offer much ease and flexibility in terms of computation while considering long-term meteorology. This study presented rainfall and runoff characteristics of the subject area using analytical probabilistic model. This study presented the average annual COSs and number of COSs when the interceptor capacity is in the range $3{\times}DWF$ (dry weather flow). Also, calculated the average annual mass of pollutant lost in CSOs using Event Mean Concentration. Finally, this study presented a decision of storage volume for CSOs reduction and water quality protection.

Identification and Molecular Characterization of Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B Gene in Rice Blast Fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae (벼도열병균에서의 methionine sulfoxide reductase B 유전자의 분자적 특성)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Soo;Jeong, Mi-Yeon;Choi, Woo-Bong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2009
  • Magnaporthe oryzae, a major cause of rice blast, is one of the most destructive plant fungal pathogens. Secretion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the infection phase of plant pathogenic fungus plays a key role in the defense mechanism of a plant. ROS causes oxidative damage and functional modification to the proteins in a pathogenic fungus. Methionine, especially, is a major target of ROS, which oxidizes it to methionine sulfoxide. To survive from the attack of ROS, plant pathogenic fungus has antioxidative systems - one example would be methionine sulfoxide reductase B (MSRB), which reverses the oxidative alteration of methionine to methionine sulfoxide. In the present study, identification and molecular characterization of the MSRB gene in M. oryzae KJ201 were investigated. The MSRB gene was amplified by PCR from the M. oryzae KJ201 genomic DNA. The copy number of MSRB in the genome of M. oryzae KJ201 was identified by Southern blot analysis, which revealed that the gene exists as a single copy. To study the molecular function of an MSRB gene, the expression level of the MSRB gene was assayed with hydrogen peroxide treatment by Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR. The expression of the MSRB gene was increased by treatment of hydrogen peroxide, without significant correlation to hydrogen peroxide concentrations. These results indicate that the MSRB gene in M. oryzae KJ201 could contribute to protection against plant defense compounds such as ROS and offer a novel strategy for the control of rice blast.