• Title/Summary/Keyword: Philosophy of science

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A Study and Evaluation of Japanese Design Group "Keiji Kobo" -especially on the designs of Toyokuchi Katshei- (일본 디자인그룹 "형이공방(型而工房)"의 활동과 업적에 관한 평가-토요쿠치 카츠헤이의 디자인 활동을 중심으로-)

  • 서병기
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2004
  • Keiji Kobo is a unique self-generated design research group in Japan, which was founded in 1928 when Bauhaus movement was in its peak, and which lasted ten years until the end of the Second World War, when any activity of the group became virtually impossible due to the war. With insight to see the future, the group aimed at Modern Design advocating a new spirit in architecture, and played a significant role in prosperity of Japanese Modern Design assimilating Western design trends. Pursuing of craft works for everyday life--practical furniture works--Keiji Kobo actively executed various projects to realize modern philosophy. The range of the works of this group was very large: survey, mock-up, experiment, research, exhibition, lecture, order-based sale, advertising and writing. The works of the group were oriented to serious academicism, not compromising with commercialism. Considering the peculiar political situation such as Japanese Militarism, the spirit of functionalism that the group pursued was surprisingly academical and pure. This group was relatively small and clumsy, which lasted as short as around ten years. However, strong motivation was in their seemingly quiet movements, and the influence of the group cannot be underestimated even with today's criteria. There were a number of pioneers who contributed to today's prosperity of Japan and Keiji Kobo can be estimated to be one of the pioneers in the field of design. It was found that the contemporary intellectuals hoped that the committment and activity of the group would contribute to modernization of the life quality of ordinary people. In a sense, Keiji Kobo can be estimated to be a little Japanese equivalent for Bauhaus that could not fully bloom.

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A Study on Paradigm Shift of Ship Inspection System (선박검사제도 패러다임 전환에 관한 고찰)

  • Song, Byung-Hwa;Lee, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2022
  • According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Article 94), the flag state must fulfill its overall role to ensure maritime safety and operate the ship inspection system as a related measure. The Korean government (Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries) has implemented policies for reducing marine accidents to promote maritime safety; however, the target goal has not been achieved. The ship inspection system is a measure to prevent marine accidents, and for the effective operation of the system, a sufficient understanding of the origin of the ship inspection system is required. In this study, the trend of the international ship inspection system was identified by analyzing ship inspection system origins and the history of the system's paradigm shift. The recent international ship inspection system paradigm confirms international standardization and the active safety management of ship companies are becoming increasingly prominent. Based on this, the introduction of the 'PDCA cycle-based self-inspection system' is presented to the current domestic ship inspection system. This is a new type of inspection system that establishes the roles of interested parties based on the basic philosophy of the ISO 9000 series to improve the ef ectiveness of maritime safety. Additionally, the necessity for a non-face-to-face ship inspection system has emerged because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, the transition to a 'mobile application-based ship inspection system' is proposed to accommodate the rapid development of information communications technology.

On the Taoist Interpretation of Addiction (중독(中毒) 현상의 도가철학적 해석)

  • Kim Baeg-hee
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.47
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    • pp.39-63
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    • 2023
  • Modern medical science tends to categorize addiction as a kind of disease, but a Taoist world-view would not consider addiction to be a disease. Taoists do not have a concept of addiction as an eternal substance. Within the Taoist world-view, human beings are meant to live in harmony with the transformative cycles of nature. Human beings achieve self-realization through balancing themselves with nature. This is what is meant by Self-Realization in Harmony with Nature. There is no disease known as addiction when one's life is in harmony with nature. There are two main principles in the Taoist medical worldview. First, is the theory of correspondences. This theory of correspondences is the foundational to Taoism's value-neutral world-view wherein humans are seen as working together with Heaven and Earth in correlative relationships to create harmonious societies. Second, is the principle of harmony and balance in the Universe. One creature can be in harmony with other creatures and learn to appreciate the interconnectedness of all living beings. Survival of the forest is vital to the survival of natural harmony, balance, morality, and environment. The vitality of the human body depends on the movement of Qi energy. According to the principles of Korean traditional medicine, all human problems stem from the mind. There is no madness, no illness, no tempting fate, and even no death outside of what stems from the mind. Within the human body, there are two principles behind energy systems: harmony and balance. When human beings achieve the state of homeostasis, they obtain Qi flows which are associated with the various organs. In doing so, they can always maintain a healthy state of life in accordance with the cosmic rhythm. Taoist philosophy contains advice that prevents addiction. Empty your mind of all thought. Let your heart be peaceful. Finally, all worries are washed away by the cosmic wave.

Mathematics Education for the Cultivation of Mind - Focused on the Functional Thinking by F. Klein - (심성함양으로서의 수학교육 - F. Klein의 함수적 사고 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Jeong-Ho;Kang, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.333-357
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    • 2007
  • One of the most important issues in mathematics education is to restore the educational foundation of school mathematics, which requires fundamental discussions about 'What are the reasons for teaching mathematics?'. This study begins with the problematic that mathematics education is generally pursued as an instrumental know-ledge, which is useful to solve everyday problems or develop scientific technology. This common notion cannot be overcome as long as the mathematics education is viewed as bringing up the learners' ability to work out practical problems. In this paper we discuss the value of mathematics education reflecting on the theory of 'two fold structure of mind'. And we examine the ideas pursued by mathematics educators analyzing the educational theory of Plato and Froebel. Furthermore, we review the mathematics educational theory of F. Klein, an educator who led the reformation of mathematics education in the early 20th century and established the basic modern philosophy and curriculum of mathematics education. In particular, reflecting on the 'two fold structure of mind,' we reexamine his mathematics educational theory in the aspect of the mind cultivation so as to elucidate his ideas more clearly. Moreover, for the more deep discussion about Klein's thoughts on the mathematics education, his viewpoint on tile teaching of 'functional thinking' for the mind cultivation is reexamined based on the research results found in the developments of mathematics education after Klein. As the result we show that under the current mathematics education, which regards mathematics as a practical tools for solving everyday problems and an essential device for developing science and technology, there is a more important value for cultivating the human mind, and argue that mathematics education should contribute to the mind cultivation by emphasizing such an educational value.

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A Study on Music Video based on Logic of Sensation of Gilles Deleuze - Analysis of the work of Chris Cunningham - (질 들뢰즈의 감각론을 기반으로 한 뮤직비디오의 영상디자인 연구 - 크리스 커닝햄 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Koh Eun-Young
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2006
  • In the Western Philosophy that was centered on reason, sense has been belittled as a low level of conception under reason. However, the 21st century modern visual environment pushes away the epistemology centered on reason and puts 'sensuality' and 'sense' on its place. Especially, public films are one of the fields that rapidly reflect such changes and lead the changes. However, unfortunately, it is difficult to find such efforts that reflect the artistic and aesthetic significance of sense from the public films. It is because that sense is considered superficial and somewhat not real, while recognizing sense as the low level of conception under reason over the long history. Given the fact, this study reviews the by Gilles Deleuze, a modern philosopher who gives a new value on sense, and it would be meaningful to analyze the works of Chris Cunningham who makes films with the concept of Gilles Deleuze. After we analyzed three music videos of Aphex Twin directed by Chris Cunningham, we can ascertain that the films are based on body without Oranges, hysteric, and diagram that are suggested from by Gilles Deleuze. Analyzing recently released films centered on 'sense' in a superficial manner that includes production method or picture composition, including the films of Chris Cunningham, falls into the error of overlooking the director's aesthetics. Understanding the modern logic of sense that is newly developing, studying its substance, and analyzing the films will make a sacrifice of suggesting a new alternative.

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A Study on the Architectural Environment as a Combination of Performance and Event (퍼포먼스.이벤트의 결합체로서 건축환경연구)

  • 김주미
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a new architectural language and design strategies that would anticipate and incorporate new historical situations and new paradigms to understand the world. It consists of four sections as follows: First, it presents a new interpretation of space, human body, and movement that we find in modern art and tries to combine that new artistic insight with environmental design to provide a theoretical basis for performance-event architecture. Second, it conceives of architectural environment as a combination of space, movement, and probabilistic situations rather than a mere conglomeration of material. It also perceives the environment as a stage for performance and the act of designing as a performance. Third, in this context, man is conceived of as an organic system that responds to, interacts with, and adapts himself to his environment through self-regulation. By the same token, architecture should be a dynamic system that undergoes a constant transformation in its attempt to accommodate human actions and behaviors as he copes with the contemporary philosophy characterized by the principle of uncertainty, fast-changing society, and the new developments in technology. Fourth, the relativistic and organic view-point that constitutes the background for all this is radically different from the causalistic and mechanistic view that characterized the forms and functions of modernistic design. The present study places a great emphases on dematerialistic conception of environment and puts forth a disprogramming method that would accommodate interchangeability in the passage of time and the intertextuality of form and function. In the event, performance-event architecture is a strategy based on the systems world-view that would enable the recovery of man's autonomy and the reconception of his environment as an object of art.

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A Study on Epistemology of the Body and Christian Education (몸의 인식론과 기독교교육에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Keum Hee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.62
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    • pp.43-74
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    • 2020
  • This paper examines the epistemology of the body and the direction of Christian education based on it. Looking at Merleau-Ponty, Damagio, and Nelson's epistemology of the body, it found that they had a common point, even though they studied in different areas like philosophy, brain science, and body theology; the body is a subject that perceives the world in a sensuous and direct way, and is a channel that mediates humans and the world, and plays a decisive role in human self-formation. In particular, theology of body revealed, that the body is a pathway for our understanding of God just as a pathway for our understanding the world. In addition, theology of body revealed that the body is regarded as the place of 'embodiment of God', and in the end, the world in which our incarnated body participates should also become the place of 'God's incarnation'. It also examined Christian education based on the epistemology of the body, focusing on 'education starting from the senses', 'education as a participation', and 'incarnational education'. From these three concepts, it found that epistemology of body suggests an alternative view of traditional knowledge-based education or schooling education. It suggests an open paradigm centered on sense and experience, personal participation, non-verbal experience, and field of education, beyond a fixed and closed paradigm of doctrine-centered, objective knowledge mediation, language-centered, and content-centered. Furthermore, this paper found that the body is like a well that can pump up metaphors that provide a basic metaphor for re-conceptualizing Christian education.

Choi Han-gi's Change of Ontological and Epistemological Paradigm (최한기의 존재와 인식에 관한 패러다임의 전환)

  • Rhee, Myung-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.57
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    • pp.9-30
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    • 2018
  • The paradigm of existence and recognition was changed in the context of modernity in Choi Han-gi's thought, in which the resource of all things and all affairs was not li but ki and li could be guessed from ki. And there are lis in the sphere of recognition as well as in that of existence in Choi Han-gi's thought, which might be different from traditional thought system such as Neo-Confutionism. li is called Yuhaenguili in his ontological theory and Chucheukuili as one epistemological part. At anyhow there are many lis, which may be approached as the meaning of mechanism, in his philosophy. Besides there are, not only ontologically but also epistemologically, energetic factors, named as Unhwaki, whch are generating, moving, changing and altering. In his Kihak as an ki categorical thought, above all one's experience is of importance. He believed moral act, for example the expose of saving mind that was called Cheukeunjisim by Mencius, could be derived from social experience or contact. And he thought that the recognition of moral act might be achieved by the action of mysterious energy names as sinki of the essence of mind. Like these aspects, all things and all ones have their active, movable, and changeable natures in the sphere of both existence and recognition in Choi Han-gi's thought. In this way he got out of the previous ideas and presented practical and modern way of life to us.

Analysis of the relationship with the Human Resource in the service economy era according to the type of organization -Focusing on organizational culture and structure - (조직유형에 따른 서비스경제시대 인재상 관계분석 -조직문화와 조직구조를 중심으로-)

  • Baek Kyeong Hui;Kim Hyun Soo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.98-116
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    • 2021
  • With the advent of the era of the 4th industrial revolution, various factors such as economy, management, and culture are changing in modern society, unlike in the past. Among them, the main characteristic of management is the change from intangible goods to tangible goods, and companies are trying to pursue innovation such as introducing a new management method, converting from manufacturing to service, and expanding technology. However, with regard to human resources, which is becoming the most important for sustainable value creation in a changing era, efforts to enable practical innovation are lacking as they are still in a simple transition. Therefore, in this study, after recognizing the importance of human resources, we verified the relationship between the elements of the human resource in the service economy era according to organizational culture and organizational structure. The relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure by type was verified using the items of human resources, we verified the relationship between the elements of the human resource in the service economy era that were derived and verified in recent research. As a result, there were some significant differences in the image of human resources, we verified the relationship between the elements of the human resource by organizational culture and type of organization, but when the two factors were combined and interpreted, it was found that all of the human resources, we verified the relationship between the elements of the human resource in the service economy era were necessary. However, in order to overcome the limitation that the indicators of this study were limited, it is necessary to continue research through samples that consider various factors in the future and systematic classification by type of organization and industry by industry.

A Servicism Model of the New Financial System (서비스주의 금융시스템 연구)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to design a financial system for the sustainable life of mankind. Human society faces a constant crisis and leads a life while overcoming it. The polarization is intensifying in the process of overcoming the economic crisis or crisis caused by the virus. In a society adopting the capitalist economic system, it is a common phenomenon that polarization intensifies with the passage of time, but since the intensification of polarization can destroy human society as a community, active countermeasures are required. The purpose of this study was to prevent the deepening of polarization by redesigning important financial-related systems from the perspective of human life and maintenance of human society. Through the history of mankind, monetary and financial systems related to sustainable society have been analyzed, and a financial system model that is ideal for the modern and future society and is sustainable in the long term has been derived. The conditions for a long-term sustainable financial system should be a model that can solve the problems of the current system, such as deepening polarization, and a model that is faithful to the characteristics of the modern economic society and the essence of sustainable life. And it can be sustainable only if it is based on the common principles of human society. It should be a model that guarantees core values such as growth and equality that human society demands. After analyzing the problems of the current economic system and analyzing the conditions required for the new system, the basic axioms that the new financial system should be based on were presented, and a desirable model was derived based on this. The structure of the derived model and the specific operation model were presented. In the future, follow-up studies are needed to concrete this model.