• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patterns of care

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Model Construction for Treatment-Seeking Behaviors in Patients with Arthritis (관절염 환자의 치료추구행위 분석에 의한 이론구축 - 병원치료와 민속요법 이용행태 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Ok;Kang, Hyun-Sook;Lee, In-Sook;Eun, Young;Lee, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.177-196
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    • 1997
  • This study was undertaken to explore the antecedent factors and process of the treatment-seeking behaviors of medical and alternative treatments in patients with arthritis using methodological triangulation. The data were collected from 995 arthritic patients who were registered either in a center of rheumatology for medical treatment or residents of community having no treatment to classify different treatment patterns. Sixteen patients with various types of treatment only, alternative treatment only, and no treatment were selected among the total samples to identify the antecedent factors through in-depth interview. The quantitative data were analyzed by percentile, t-test, chi-square test and discrimant analysis using SAS PC program, while the qualitative data were analyzed by means of grounded theory methodology. Treatment-seeking behaviors of patients change from the early stage to the sick-role stage. At the early stage, initial characteristics of pain and acculturation of medical professionalism affect the choice of treatment patterns. The acculturation of medical professionalism is affected by health care accessibility, level of education, duration of sickness and lay referral system. At the sick-role stage, lay referral system and acculturation of medical professionalism affect the choice of treatment patterns. The acculturation of medical professionalism is affected by characteristics of symtoms, perceived treatment effects, perceived causes of diseases and socio-economic status as well as health care accessibility, level of education and lay referral system. In conclusion, different factors as well as common factors are influencing the treatment-seeking behaviors depending on the disease and treatment stages. More detailed further studies are required to explore the value system or medical acculturation of patients which is one of the most important factors in decision-making about treatment modalities.

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An Integrative Review of Home Care Service for Pregnant Women, Mothers, Infants, and Toddlers in Vulnerable Group (취약계층 임산부·어머니·영유아 대상 방문건강관리서비스에 대한 통합적 문헌고찰)

  • Kim, Dasom;Lee, Insook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.577-588
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was intended to integrate the evidence of home care service intervention for mothers and children in vulnerable groups through an integrative literature review. Methods: We searched the MEDLINE (PubMED), EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CINAHL, DBpia databases. The quality of the articles was assessed by one doctoral researcher and verified by one professor of community health nursing who had participated in the systematic review of literature. A framework was developed to identify the intervention patterns in the selected papers and categorize various elements. The extracted intervention elements were grouped into potential themes, which were verified by assessors on whether they clearly reflected the interventions in the papers. Results: Among 878 searched papers, we selected 16 papers after excluding literature that does not satisfy the selection criteria and quality evaluation. The intervention elements of 16 selected papers were categorized into six themes. The extracted intervention elements were divided into the themes of Patient-specific/Situation-specific care planning and intervention, Emphasis on self care competency, Intense home visit by developmental milestone, Reinforcing and modeling mother-child attachment, Communication and interaction across the intervention, Linkage with community resource and multidisciplinary approach. Conclusion: As a result of the analysis of proper interventions of home care services for mothers and children in vulnerable groups, it was found that it is necessary to consider indispensable intervention elements that can standardize the quality of home care services, and conduct studies on developing intervention programs based on the elements.

Convergence Study about the Types of Integrated Care Needs and Depression of Community-Dwelling Elderly (지역사회 거주 노인의 통합돌봄욕구 유형과 우울에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • Chang, Sujie
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to typology the integrated care needs of communitydwelling elderly, explore the socio-demographic characteristics of each type, and determine their effects on depression. The secondary data analyses using the 2017 National Survey of the elderly were conducted. The research results are as follows: First, as a result of typology patterns of care needs of the elderly based on the number of chronic diseases, ADL/IADL, dwelling satisfaction, social activities, and social support networks, three clusters were derived; 'low care needs group (LCN), 'high social needs group (HSN)' and 'complex care needs group (CCN)'. Second, compared to HSN, CCN was characterized by older, women, low educational level and urban residence. Third, the level of depression in LCN was lower than that of the HSN, and the depression level of CCN was higher. The practical and policy implications of the results were discussed.

Comparative Serum Proteomic Analysis of Serum Diagnosis Proteins of Colorectal Cancer Based on Magnetic Bead Separation and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

  • Deng, Bao-Guo;Yao, Jin-Hua;Liu, Qing-Yin;Feng, Xian-Jun;Liu, Dong;Zhao, Li;Tu, Bin;Yang, Fan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.6069-6075
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    • 2013
  • Background: At present, the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) requires a colorectal biopsy which is an invasive procedure. We undertook this pilot study to develop an alternative method and potential new biomarkers for diagnosis, and validated a set of well-integrated tools called ClinProt to investigate the serum peptidome in CRC patients. Methods: Fasting blood samples from 67 patients diagnosed with CRC by histological diagnosis, 55 patients diagnosed with colorectal adenoma by biopsy, and 65 healthy volunteers were collected. Division was into a model construction group and an external validation group randomly. The present work focused on serum proteomic analysis of model construction group by ClinProt Kit combined with mass spectrometry. This approach allowed construction of a peptide pattern able to differentiate the studied populations. An external validation group was used to verify the diagnostic capability of the peptidome pattern blindly. An immunoassay method was used to determine serum CEA of CRC and controls. Results: The results showed 59 differential peptide peaks in CRC, colorectal adenoma and health volunteers. A genetic algorithm was used to set up the classification models. Four of the identified peaks at m/z 797, 810, 4078 and 5343 were used to construct peptidome patterns, achieving an accuracy of 100% (> CEA, P<0.05). Furthermore, the peptidome patterns could differentiate the validation group with high accuracy close to 100%. Conclusions: Our results showed that proteomic analysis of serum with MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reproducible approach, which may provide a novel approach to screening for CRC.

Unveiling the dynamics of stunting: a qualitative exploration of parenting patterns and toddlers aged 6-59 months in Bejiharjo, Indonesia

  • Intan Azzahra;Umi Listyaningsih;Raden Rara Wiwik Puji Mulyani
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.266-276
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This research was conducted to explore the experience of mothers in raising stunted toddlers aged between 6-59 months. It also examined the perceptions of parenting styles shaped by socio-cultural contexts and time constraints affecting the nutritional status as well as growth in Bejiharjo Village, Java, Indonesia. Methods: A qualitative method was used and data were collected through in-depth interviews, diary recording, and focus group discussions with mothers of toddlers, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals. Transcript data from recorded interviews were processed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The results showed that there were four emergent themes, namely "Toddler parenting patterns," "Family and environmental health," "Eating patterns and consumption habits of toddlers," as well as "Literacy and understanding of parenting and child health." Furthermore, eight related theme clusters were yielded from the analysis of parenting experiences. Differences between stunted and non-stunted toddlers in parenting patterns and daily activities were recorded. Interactions between toddlers and mothers as well as productive activities had a shorter average duration. Conclusion: Mothers experience various challenges and limitations in raising toddlers with the risk of stunting. Therefore, increasing understanding and knowledge about the importance of healthy parenting and good nutrition are necessary to prevent stunting.

A Study on the Anorexia and Diet Patterns in Cancer Chemotherapy Patients (항암 화학요법을 받는 환자의 식욕부진 정도와 식이양상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Eun-Sook;Kim Keum-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 1995
  • This study was designed to identify the severity of anorexia and the diet patterns in receiving chemotherapy. The identification of anorexia would provide useful and basic information to oncology nursing care. The subjects of this study were 102 hospitalized chemotherapy patients in a September 10, 1994. The subjects were 20 years old or above and who agreed to participate in this study and could understand the questionnaire. Three-days diet history were collected and analysed. The study subjects change, food aversions, the severity of anorexia. Data related to demographic and other mecdical characteristics such as age, diagnosis, and medication were collected by review of patient medical record. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The score of anorexia was 73.7 in Anorexia Visual Analogue Scales and mean amount of fool intake per a day was 823cc. The larger the anorexia VAS score, the more severe of anorexia. 2) The food preferences of subjects were identified. Those were aversions, or dislikes the meat such as beef, pork, and chicken, and greesy or fried foods. The Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea were disgusted, also. The patients preferred vegetables and Korean traditional food especially kimchee and soy bean soap. 3) Those who were administered analgesics and cisplatin suffered more severe in anorexia than those who analgesics and cisplatin was not administarted. The patients with gastrointestinal cancer has more severe anorexia than those who have the other site cancer ; head and neck, genirourinary etc. The result of this study in turn provide valuable nursing practice guidelines for nutritional counseling in cancer chemotherapy patient. Nurses working with chemotherapy ward should identify the severity of anorexia and diet patterns. In conclusion, the severity of anorexia in cancer chemotherapy patients is very important problems. Health care personnels recognize the potential problems of anorexia and encourage the nutritional counseling in cancer chemotherapy patients.

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The Rice and Barley Farm Couples' Time Use Patterns (미맥 농가부부의 생활시간구조)

  • Han, Young-Sun;Lee, Yon-Suk
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study are to analyze the time use patterns of rice and barley for farm couples. The data used for this study were collected from farm households during the farming seasons (17th to 30th June) and the off-farming seasons (28th November to 11th December) of 2005, using a time diary. The sample for this study consisted of 118 couples, whose principal crops were rice and barley, living in rural area in eight provinces. SPSS Win 12.0 was utilized to analyze the data. The statistical methods used were frequency, percentage and paired t-test. The major findings of this study were as follows. First, the personal care time of wives was shorter than that of husbands, regardless of the fanning period, with the couples showing more personal care time during the off-farming season than during the farming season. Secondly, the total work(paid work plus housework) time of wives was longer than that of husbands during both the farming season and the off-farming season, showing that the labor burden of wives was bigger than that of husbands. Compared to the farming season, the total work time for both husbands and wives was shorter during the off-farming season, due to reduced farm work time, but the housework time increased for both husbands and wives. Thirdly, the leisure time of husbands was longer than that of wives during both seasons. The leisure time increased for both husbands and wives during the off-farming season, but the portion of the increase was bigger for husbands than for wives.

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Pain-related Prescribing Patterns and Associated Factor in Breast Cancer Patients (유방암 환자의 통증 관련 약물 현황과 통증에 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Jin;Park, Ie Byung;Seo, Hwa Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2021
  • Background: With an increase in the number of breast cancer survivors, greater importance is attached to health-related quality of life, particularly pain and symptom control. This study aimed to identify the factors that are associated with pain in cancer patients based on the patterns of prescribing opioid, non-opioid, and adjuvant analgesics. Methods: This analysis included new patients who had developed breast cancer between 2003 and 2012. The degree of pain was analyzed based on the socio-demographic (age, income quintile, number of hospitalizations, and duration of disease), indicator (Body Mass Index; BMI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; CCI, Cumulative Analgesic Consumption Score; CACS), operation (mastectomy, lymph node dissection), and therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy), as well as complication-related variable (lymphedema). Results: As for the patterns of prescribing analgesics by stages, non-opioid and opioid analgesics constituted 30.7 and 69.3%, respectively. The mean value and variance of CACS were 5.596 and 12.567, respectively. The factors that significantly affected the degree of pain were age (≥50; IRR: 1.848, 95% CI 1.564-2.184, p=0.000), income quintile (IRR: 0.964, 95% CI 0.938-0.991, p=0.008), BMI (≥ 25; IRR: 1.479, 95% CI 1.222-1.795, p=0.000), CCI (≥ 4; IRR: 1.649, 95% CI 1.344-2.036, p=0.000), and lymphedema (yes; IRR: 1.267, 95% CI 1.006-1.610, p=0.047). Conclusions: It is necessary to develop systematic and comprehensive pain control measures to improve the quality of life for breast cancer survivors, especially for those who are 50 years or older, lie in the lower-income quintile, have BMI of ≥25 and CCI score ≥ 4, or have lymphedema.

Functional Phases and Patterns of Dialogue Sequence in Nurse-Patient Conversation about Medication (간호사와 환자의 투약대화의 구조와 전개과정)

  • Son, Haeng-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Effective communication is an essential aspect of nursing care. This qualitative study was performed to analyze nurse-patient conversations about medication. Method: The nurse-patient dialogue was collected by video tape recording during the nurse's duty time in an internal medicine ward. One hundred seventy-eight episodes were extracted from the conversation. Using conversational analysis, the functional phases and patterns of dialogue sequence pertaining to medication were analyzed. Results: Conversations about medication were very brief dialogues, so 68.8% of the dialogue had a duration of less than 20 seconds. However, it was a systematic and comprehensive dialogue which had structures and sequential dialogue patterns. Four functional phases were explored. greeting, identifying the patient, medicating, finishing. The medicating phase was essential, in which the nurse gave the drug to the patient and provided information initiated by the nurse simultaneously. The patterns of the dialogue sequence represented were the nurse provided information first, and then, patients responded to the nurse as accepting, rejecting, raising an objection, or asking again later. Conclusion: As the results of this study show, a nurse's role is important as an educator. For effective conversation about medication, the development of an educational program should be considered, which includes knowledge about medication and communication skills.

The Role of the Narrow Band Imaging for Lung Cancer (폐암에서의 협대역 내시경의 역할)

  • Park, Jinkyeong;Choi, Chang Min
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 2011
  • The proliferation of new technologies has significantly enhanced the diagnostic capabilities of flexible bronchoscopy compared with traditional methods. Narrow band imaging (NBI), an optical technique in which filtered light enhances superficial neoplasms based on their neoangiogenic patterns, was developed to screen for central intraepithelial moderate or severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ (CIS), and microinvasive neoplasia in patients at risk for lung cancer. Because angiogenesis occurs preferentially in dysplastic and neoplastic lesions, NBI may identify early dysplastic lesions better than white light bronchoscopy (WLB) currently in use. NBI bronchoscopy can be used not only to detect precancerous lesions, but also to screen for cancerous lesions. We prospectively evaluated 101 patients with suspected lung cancer between July 2009 and June 2010. All were previously scheduled for flexible bronchoscopy CT scans. Abnormal NBI was defined by Shibuya's descriptors (tortuous, dotted, or spiral and screw patterns). Biopsies of 132 lesions in 92 patients showed that 78 lesions (59.1%) were malignant and 54 (40.9%) were benign. The diagnostic sensitivity of bronchoscopy in detecting malignancy was 96.2% (75/78). When assorted by lesion pattern, the sensitivity and specificity of NBI bronchoscopy in detecting malignancies were 69.2% (54/78) and 96.3% (52/54), respectively, for the spiral and screw pattern and 14.1% (11/78) and 96.3% (52/54), respectively, for the dotted pattern. Unexpectedly, additional cancerous lesions were detected in five patients (2 dotted and 3 spiral and screw). As a screening tool for malignant lesions, NBI bronchoscopy should assess combinations of all three lesion. The dotted and spiral and screw patterns may be helpful in determining which lesions should be biopsied. NBI bronchoscopy may be useful not only for the diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer but also for more accurate local staging of lung cancer.

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