• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pattern Table

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Corner Point Detection on digital Contoours using directional Angle and Area Deviation (방향각과 면적편차를 이용한 윤곽선의 코너점 추출)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Woong;Lee, Sang-Hak;Kim, Jin-Hong;Kim, Doo-Yong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.824-832
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, wc proposed new method for corner point detection on digital contours using directional angle and area dcviation_ First of all, dircctional angle was detccted according to contours by lookup table, then corner point was detected using arca deviation aftcr the pixels over standard value had selected as a candidate point. This method has the advantage the rcduction of processing time for real time processing and the reduction of round-off error on digital image reprcsentation. For vcrification of the proposed method simulation results which applied on various tcst pattern were compared with existing methods.

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Life Table Construction Based on the Recent Vital Registration Data (최근 신고자료를 기초로 한 우리나라 사망패턴)

  • 김백현;최봉호;김동회
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.3-25
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    • 1990
  • Life table of Korean population for years 1983 1985 1987 and 1989 were constructed byt the National Bureau of Statics. The ago specific death rates were calculated froom the death registral ion for numerators and the estimated population by age and sex for denominators. In the course of constructing life tables, we have maole some adjustments for deficiencies in regist rat ion olata as follows. First, the non-registered portion oof infant deaths especially for neo-natal deaths was estirnateol and added too the original data. The main reason is that deaths occorring in the neo-natal period and prior to the registrat ion of birth leave little incentive for the registration of either the birth or the death. Second. t he do~hayed p(ortioon of deaths registering after one year of occurrence was estimated and added too the original data. Third t the ptortioon haying in, occuracies in ,~oge reporting was also estimated. Fourth the moving average methood was finally employed in an effort too remove the random error. The major fin(hings are as foolloows. 1. the average life expectancy at birth in 1989 is calculateol as 70.8 years in 1989, 2. a gap netween the male and female life expectancies is widened to more than 8 years toorm 1.8 years in 1906 10. It means that the female life expectancy has increased substantially, 3. the death rates of the middle - aged men starting age 40 are found to he relatively higher than those of females and younger age groups. This peculiar pattern was also found with the comparison of those of other countries.

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A Multi-Indexes Based Technique for Resolving Collision in a Hash Table

  • Yusuf, Ahmed Dalhatu;Abdullahi, Saleh;Boukar, Moussa Mahamat;Yusuf, Salisu Ibrahim
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2021
  • The rapid development of various applications in networking system, business, medical, education, and other domains that use basic data access operations such as insert, edit, delete and search makes data structure venerable and crucial in providing an efficient method for day to day operations of those numerous applications. One of the major problems of those applications is achieving constant time to search a key from a collection. A number of different methods which attempt to achieve that have been discovered by researchers over the years with different performance behaviors. This work evaluated these methods, and found out that almost all the existing methods have non-constant time for adding and searching a key. In this work, we designed a multi-indexes hashing algorithm that handles a collision in a hash table T efficiently and achieved constant time O(1) for searching and adding a key. Our method employed two-level of hashing which uses pattern extraction h1(key) and h2(key). The second hash function h2(key) is use for handling collision in T. Here, we eliminated the wasted slots in the search space T which is another problem associated with the existing methods.

Acceleration data and shape change characteristics of a gravity quay wall according to inclination condition grades

  • Su-Kyeong Geum;Jong-Han Lee;Dohyoung Shin;Jiyoung Min
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.90 no.6
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the acceleration response and shape change characteristics of a gravity quay wall according to the magnitude of the applied acceleration. The quay wall was defined as a port facility damaged by the Kobe earthquake. Four experimental scenarios were established based on the inclination condition grades, considered to be a significant defect factor in the quay wall. Then, the shaking table test was conducted using scaled-down quay wall models constructed per each scenario. The ground acceleration was gradually increased from the peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.1 g to 0.7 g. After each ground acceleration test, acceleration installed on the wall and backfill ground and inclination on the top of the wall were measured to assess the amplification of peak response acceleration and maximum response amplitude and the change in the inclination of the quay wall. This study also analyzed the separation of the quay wall from the backfill and the crack pattern of the backfill ground according to PGA values and inclination condition grades. The result of this study shows that response acceleration could provide a reasonable prediction for the changes in the inclination of the quay wall and the crack generation and propagation on the backfill from a current inclination condition grade.

A Study on the Rating of the Insureds' Anthropometric Data I. Build (피보험체계측치(被保險體計測値)의 평가(評價)에 관한 연구(硏究) 제1보(第1報) 체격(體格))

  • Im, Young-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.103-141
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    • 1986
  • The present study was undertaken to establish the decision standard of builds for the insured by using the ratio of weight-for-height as build index. Materials being examined were the ratio of weight-for-height being calculated from the actually measured heights and weights of a total of 15,838 insured persons who were examined medically at Honam Medical Department of Dong Bang Life Insurance Company, Ltd. from June, 1979 to September, 1985. The ratio of weight-for-height is calculated by the following formula. The ratio of weight-for-height(%)=$\frac{weight(kg){\times}100}{\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.9(kg)$ The results were as follows: 1. The distribution of the ratio of weight. for-height of the 15,838 insureds follows Log normal distribution being skewed to the left(the direction of underweight). 2. The ratio of weight-for-height were Log transformed to lead to a sym metrical pattern of distribution in which statistical rules are known to be applied more exactly. Thereafter, the establishment of dicision standard of builds was undertaken by using the log of the ratio of weight-for-height as build index. Through all ages in male, the ratio of weight-for-height indicating the range of standard lives including slight overweighted and underweighted lives besides normal lives is 80-130%, and corresponds to $"M-2{\delta}"-"M+1.5{\delta}"$ and to $M{\pm}20%$ ; in female, 85-135%, and corresponds to $"M-2{\delta}"-"M+1.5{\delta}"$ and to $M{\pm}20%$. Through all ages in male, the ratio of weight-for-height indicating the initial level of super-overweighted and super-underweighted lives is 130-150% and 75-80%,and corresponds to $M+3{\delta}\;and\;M-3{\delta}$ and to M+40% and M-25% respectively;in female, 140-160% and 75-80%, and corresponds to $M+3{\delta}\;and\;M-3{\delta}$ and to M+40%-+50% and M-25% respectively. 3. Author's rating table model for builds(a table of weight per height) is proposed. On the table, the ratings for builds, i. e. standard, super-weighted and super-underweighted lives, are listed.

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A Hardware Cache Prefetching Scheme for Multimedia Data with Intermittently Irregular Strides (단속적(斷續的) 불규칙 주소간격을 갖는 멀티미디어 데이타를 위한 하드웨어 캐시 선인출 방법)

  • Chon Young-Suk;Moon Hyun-Ju;Jeon Joongnam;Kim Sukil
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.658-672
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    • 2004
  • Multimedia applications are required to process the huge amount of data at high speed in real time. The memory reference instructions such as loads and stores are the main factor which limits the high speed execution of processor. To enhance the memory reference speed, cache prefetch schemes are used so as to reduce the cache miss ratio and the total execution time by previously fetching data into cache that is expected to be referenced in the future. In this study, we present an advanced data cache prefetching scheme that improves the conventional RPT (reference prediction table) based scheme. We considers the cache line size in calculation of the address stride referenced by the same instruction, and enhances the prefetching algorithm so that the effect of prefetching could be maintained even if an irregular address stride is inserted into the series of uniform strides. According to experiment results on multimedia benchmark programs, the cache miss ratio has been improved 29% in average compared to the conventional RPT scheme while the bus usage has increased relatively small amount (0.03%).

Design of Data Fusion and Data Processing Model According to Industrial Types (산업유형별 데이터융합과 데이터처리 모델의 설계)

  • Jeong, Min-Seung;Jin, Seon-A;Cho, Woo-Hyun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2017
  • In industrial site in various fields it will be generated in combination with large amounts of data have a correlation. It is able to collect a variety of data in types of industry process, but they are unable to integrate each other's association between each process. For the data of the existing industry, the set values of the molding condition table are input by the operator as an arbitrary value When a problem occurs in the work process. In this paper, design the fusion and analysis processing model of data collected for each industrial type, Prediction Case(Automobile Connect), a through for corporate earnings improvement and process manufacturing industries such as master data through standard molding condition table and the production history file comparison collected during the manufacturing process and reduced failure rate with a new molding condition table digitized by arbitrary value for worker, a new pattern analysis and reinterpreted for various malfunction factors and exceptions, increased productivity, process improvement, the cost savings. It can be designed in a variety of data analysis and model validation. In addition, to secure manufacturing process of objectivity, consistency and optimization by standard set values analyzed and verified and may be optimized to support the industry type, fits optimization(standard setting) techniques through various pattern types.

Estimation of the Permeability Variation in Saturated Sand Deposits Subjected to Shaking Load Using 1-g Stinking Table Test (1-g 진동대시험을 이용한 진동하중을 받는 포화된 모래지반의 투수계수 변화 추정)

  • 하익수;김명모
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the dissipation pattern of excess pore pressure after liquefaction and to estimate the variation in permeability during shaking load, which should be known for settlement predictions of the ground undergoing liquefaction. In this study, 1-g shaking table tests were carried out for 5 different kinds of sands, all of which had high liquefaction potentials. During the tests excess pore pressure at various depths, and surface settlements were measured. The measured dissipation curve of the excess pore pressure after liquefaction was linearly simulated using the solidification theory, and from the analysis of the slopes of linearly simulated curves, the correlation between dissipation velocity and the gradation characteristics was obtained. By substituting this correlation and the measured settlement to the dissipation velocity equation recommended in solidification theory, the permeability during dissipation was calculated, which was used for estimating the permeability variation during shaking load. The dissipation velocity of excess pore pressure after liquefaction had a linear correlation with the effective grain size divided by the coefficient of uniformity. The permeability during dissipation and liquefaction increased by 1.1∼2.8 times and 1.4∼5 times compared to the initial permeability of the original ground, respectively. And the amount of increase became greater as the effective grain size of the test sand increased and the coefficient of uniformity decreased.

The Factors Affecting the Shelter Exit of Homeless Women (여성 노숙인의 쉼터 퇴소에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Shin, Won-Woo;Kim, Yu-Kyung;Kim, Kyoung-Huy
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is analyze the pattern and factors affecting the shelter exit and the patterns of homeless women in Korea. For this study, survey data were collected from 139 sheltered homeless women in Seoul in May of 2007. And respondent's exit time and exit pattern from the shelter were investigated through administration data of shelter in December of 2008. Life table analysis, Cox-proportional hazard analysis and competing risk survival analysis were employed in order to analyze data. The major findings were as follows. First, life table analysis shows that the exit ratio of homeless women started to fall sharply in 24 months from entry into shelter. Second, subjective health status, ratio of the homeless in social network and shelter entry with children affected the likelihood of shelter exit of homeless women. Third, age, subjective health status, depression and shelter entry with children affected the likelihood of positive exit. And ratio of the homeless in social network affected the likelihood of negative exit. Based on these findings, this study implied the introduction of case management service concerning individual shelter exit plan and policy for residential stability of homeless women.

A Research of Definition and Treatment of Dizziness in the Books on Cold Damage (상한문헌에 나타난 현훈의 정의와 치료법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Un;Jung, Hyun-Jong
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.149-174
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    • 2014
  • Objectives to study definition and treatment of dizziness in the books of Cold damage which are classified as symptoms of all time. Methods 1. Quote provisions related to dizziness in "Sanghanlon(傷寒論)" 2. Among the books of Cold damage which are classified as symptoms, select 19 literatures on dizziness with table of contents and collect data and categorize in two perspectives on theories and disease pattern. 3. Compare and draw a chart all data collected in above methods. Results & Conclusions 1. In the books on Cold damage, dizziness is expressed in 2 ways such as head dizziness(頭眩) and fainting(鬱冒). fainting is much more several symptoms than head dizziness and it is the difference that it has mental confusion. 2. The cause of head dizziness after promoting sweating, vomiting and purgation is that source qi(元氣) of upper energizer(上焦) is deficiency, and cause of head dizziness before using method of treatment is wind(風), heat(熱), phlegm(痰), blood deficiency(血虛) and etc. 3. Main cause of fainting is that deficiency is getting severe so that cold invades, and symptoms are blood deficiency, after giving birth and excess pattern of fire and heat. 4. Remedies for head dizziness are using Yeonggyechulgam-tang(苓桂朮甘湯), jinmu-tang(眞武湯), sosiho-tang(小柴胡湯), sagunja-tang(四君子湯), samul-tang(四物湯) and etc. 5. Insamsambaek-tang (人蔘三白湯) and Sayeok-tang(四逆湯) are used for deficiency pattern of fainting, and Dojeok-san(導赤散), Daeseunggi-tang(大承氣湯), and Hwangryeonhaedok-tang(黃連解毒湯) are used for excess pattern(實證).