• Title/Summary/Keyword: Path Length

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Application Method of GIS for Planning of Forest Road Network (임도망의 계획에 있어서 GIS 활용방안)

  • Jeon, Kwon-Seok;Ma, Ho-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2002
  • The application method of GIS for planning of forest road network can be save the efforts and cost by frequently change of forest road and evaluation the forest road route before construction. The purpose of this study is to suggest the proper method for planning an optimal forest road network in mountains forest using geographic information system(GIS) in the national forest of Mt. Kumsan at Namhae-gun, Gyungsangnam-do. In the forest road network planning by the minimum longitudinal gradient, The total length was 20.41km, and road density was 6.92m/ha. In the forest road network planning by mixed with the minimum longitudinal gradient and the maximization of investment effect, The total length was 21.15km, and road density was higher than that of the minimum longitudinal gradient as 7.17m/ha. The road length overlapped by cost path was more short than 3.52m/ha of the minimum longitudinal gradient as 1.73km. So, it appeared that forest road has an high effectiveness in yarding function. Therefore, it considered that the geographic information system could provide an effective and resonable solutions for planning of optimal forest road network.

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Doherty Amplifier Using Load Modulation and Phase Compensation DGS Micro-Strip Line (부하 변조 및 위상 보상 DGS 마이크로스트립 선로를 이용한 도허티 증폭기)

  • Choi Heung-Jae;Lim Jong-Sik;Jeong Yong-Chae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.16 no.8 s.99
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we proposed a new DGS(Defected Ground Structure) Doherty amplifier for IMT-2000 band. Originally, active load-pull analysis of a Doherty amplifier assumes ideal harmonic termination condition. However, there have been no papers considering this ideal harmonic termination condition. We obtained excellent improvements of efficiency, gain, maximum output power as well as superior size reduction of a Doherly amplifier by satisfying the overlooked assumption of ideal harmonic termination through the adaptation of DGS at the output transmission line of carrier and peaking amplifier that is essential for Doherty operation. The amount of both the 2nd and the 3rd harmonic rejection of the proposed DGS Doherty amplifier over the conventional one are 44.92 dB and over 23.77 dB, respectively. The acquired improvement in Pl dB, gain, drain efficiency, and ACPR to WCDMA 1FA signal were 0.42 dB, 0.33 dB, $6.4\%$ and 5.4 dBc, respectively. Moreover, electrical length of $90{\circ}$ is reduced at each of the DGS carrier amplifier path and DGS peaking amplifier path, therefore the whole amplifier circuit size is considerably reduced.

Evaluation on the nutrient concentration changes along the flow path of a free surface flow constructed wetland in agricultural area (농업지역에 조성된 자유수면형 인공습지의 유로에 따른 영양염류의 변화 평가)

  • Mercado, Jean Margaret R.;Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla C.;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the nutrient concentration changes along the hydrologic flow path of a free water surface flow constructed wetland (CW) treating agricultural stream runoff was investigated. Dry sampling was performed from April 2009 to November 2011 at five locations representing each treatment units of the CW. Grab water samples were analyzed for nitrogen forms such as total nitrogen (TN), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate, and ammonium; and phosphorus forms including total phosphorus (TP) and phosphate. Findings revealed that the physical properties such as temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH affected the TP retention in the CW. High nutrient reduction was observed after passing the first sedimentation zone indicating the importance of settling process in the retention of nutrients. However, it was until the 85% of the length of the CW where nutrient retention was greatest indicating the deposition of nutrients at the alternating shallow and deep marshes. TN and TP concentration seemed to increase at the final sedimentation zone (FSZ) suggesting a possible nutrient source in this segment of the CW. It was therefore recommended to reduce or possibly remove the FSZ in the CW for an optimum performance, smaller spatial allocation and lesser construction expenses for similar systems.

The Performance Analysis of Equalizer for Next Generation W-LAN with OFDM System (OFDM 방식의 차세대 무선 LAN 환경에서 등화기의 성능 분석)

  • Han, Kyung-Su;Youn, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes the performance evaluation and analysis of an Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system having the least Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) in a multi-path fading channel environment. Wireless Local Area Network (W-LAN) in accordance with IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b provides high-speed transmission to universities, businesses and other various places. In addition, service providers can offer a public W-LAN service on restricted areas such as a subway. The proliferation of W-LAN has led to greater W-LAN service demands, but problems are also on the rise in offering a good W-LAN service. In particular, urban areas with high radio wave interference and many buildings are vulnerable to deteriorated QoS including disconnected data and errors. For example, when high-speed data is transmitted in such areas, the relatively high frequency generates ISI between Access Points (AP) and Mobile Terminals (such as a notebook computer), leading to a frequency selective fading channel environment. Consequently, it is difficult to expect a goodW-LAN service. The simulation proves that the OFDM system enables W-LAN to implement QoS in high-speed data transmission in a multi-path fading channel environment. The enhanced OFDM performance with 52 sub-carriers is verified via data modulation methods such as BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM based on IEEE 802.11a and punched convolutional codes with code rate of 1/2 and 3/4 and constraint length of 7. Especially, the simulation finds that the OFDM system has better performance and there is no data disconnection even in a mobile environment by applying a single tap equalizer and a decision feedback equalizer to a mobile channel environment with heavy fading influence. Given the above result, the OFDM system is an ideal solution to guarantee QoS of the W-LAN service in a high-speed mobile environment.

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The Bit-Map Trip Structure for Giga-Bit Forwarding Lookup in High-Speed Routers (고속 라우터의 기가비트 포워딩 검색을 위한 비트-맵 트라이 구조)

  • Oh, Seung-Hyun;Ahn, Jong-Suk
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.262-276
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    • 2001
  • Recently much research for developing forwarding table that support fast router without employing both special hardware and new protocols. This article introduces a new forwarding data structure based on the software to enable forwarding lookup to be penormed at giga-bit speed. The forwarding table is known as a bottleneck of the routers penormance due to its high complexity proportional to the forwarding table size. The recent research that based on the software uses a Patricia trie and its variants. and also uses a hash function with prefix length key and others. The proposed forwarding table structure construct a forwarding table by the bit stream array in which it constructs trie from routing table prefix entries and it represents each pointer pointing the child node and the associated forwarding table entry with one bit The trie structure and routing prefix pointer need a large memory when representing those by linked-list or array. but in the proposed data structure, the needed memory size is small enough since it represents information with one bit. Additionally, by use a lookup method that start searching at desired middle level we can shorten the search path. The introduced data structure. called bit-map trie shows that we can implement a fast forwarding engine on the conventional Pentium processor by reducing the backbone routing table fits into Level 2 cache of Pentium II processor and shortens the searching path. Our experiments to evaluate the performance of proposed method show that this bit-map trie accomplishes 5.7 million lookups per second.

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Improvement of duty rate of Meteor Burst communication with Buried Antenna (매설형 안테나를 이용한 유성 버스트 통신의 도통율 개선)

  • 김병철;이영철;김기채
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.254-260
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    • 1999
  • Meteor Burst Communication can provide effective and economical means of communication where long distance VHF NLOS data transmission is needed; often ranges more than 1000 km. It has been, however, so far considered unsuitable for short distance application because of phenomenal decrease in burst durations, which leads to decreation of total duty rate of the system. This paper extensively analyzes characteristics of shot distance MB(Meteor Burst) path and shows the low duty rate may be improved by increasing burst rate through adapting antenna beam width to cover entire hot-spot region in the space and, by compensating effective burst length through cutting down man-made noises introduced by antenna. Based on the analysis, we are developed a small-opening-cavity antenna, especially designed for short distance MB path. In operation, the antenna is to be buried under ground surface so as to improve directivity and reduces noise introduction. The antenna exhibits power gain of 3 dB with 90 degree beam width and thus enables to illuminate entire hot-spot regions with the elevation angle of 8-90 degree which is the case of transmission less than 100 km. Directivity horizontal to earth surface is suppressed to minimum which enables to cut man-made noises from near-by sources down to more than 3 dB from the level reported with conventional 4 element Yagi. A series of experiments performed on 100 km MB paths have conformed that, with the antenna installed at receiving site, the burst rate and duration time have been noticed to increase by 10 and 20 percent respectively from the values obtained by conventional 4-element Yagi antenna under same testing condition.

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Fabrication of MEMS Test Socket for BGA IC Packages (MEMS 공정을 이용한 BGA IC 패키지용 테스트 소켓의 제작)

  • Kim, Sang-Won;Cho, Chan-Seob;Nam, Jae-Woo;Kim, Bong-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.11
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2010
  • We developed a novel micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) test socket using silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate with the cantilever array structure. We designed the round shaped cantilevers with the maximum length of $350{\mu}m$, the maximum width of $200{\mu}m$ and the thickness of $10{\mu}m$ for $650{\mu}m$ pitch for 8 mm x 8 mm area and 121 balls square ball grid array (BGA) packages. The MEMS test socket was fabricated by MEMS technology using metal lift off process and deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) silicon etcher and so on. The MEMS test socket has a simple structure, low production cost, fine pitch, high pin count and rapid prototyping. We verified the performances of the MEMS test sockets such as deflection as a function of the applied force, path resistance between the cantilever and the metal pad and the contact resistance. Fabricated cantilever has 1.3 gf (gram force) at $90{\mu}m$ deflection. Total path resistance was less than $17{\Omega}$. The contact resistance was approximately from 0.7 to $0.75{\Omega}$ for all cantilevers. Therefore the test socket is suitable for BGA integrated circuit (IC) packages tests.

Signal Level Analysis of a Camera System for Satellite Application

  • Kong, Jong-Pil;Kim, Bo-Gwan
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2008
  • A camera system for the satellite application performs the mission of observation by measuring radiated light energy from the target on the earth. As a development stage of the system, the signal level analysis by estimating the number of electron collected in a pixel of an applied CCD is a basic tool for the performance analysis like SNR as well as the data path design of focal plane electronic. In this paper, two methods are presented for the calculation of the number of electrons for signal level analysis. One method is a quantitative assessment based on the CCD characteristics and design parameters of optical module of the system itself in which optical module works for concentrating the light energy onto the focal plane where CCD is located to convert light energy into electrical signal. The other method compares the design\ parameters of the system such as quantum efficiency, focal length and the aperture size of the optics in comparison with existing camera system in orbit. By this way, relative count of electrons to the existing camera system is estimated. The number of electrons, as signal level of the camera system, calculated by described methods is used to design input circuits of AD converter for interfacing the image signal coming from the CCD module in the focal plane electronics. This number is also used for the analysis of the signal level of the CCD output which is critical parameter to design data path between CCD and A/D converter. The FPE(Focal Plane Electronics) designer should decide whether the dividing-circuit is necessary or not between them from the analysis. If it is necessary, the optimized dividing factor of the level should be implemented. This paper describes the analysis of the electron count of a camera system for a satellite application and then of the signal level for the interface design between CCD and A/D converter using two methods. One is a quantitative assessment based on the design parameters of the camera system, the other method compares the design parameters in comparison with those of the existing camera system in orbit for relative counting of the electrons and the signal level estimation. Chapter 2 describes the radiometry of the camera system of a satellite application to show equations for electron counting, Chapter 3 describes a camera system briefly to explain the data flow of imagery information from CCD and Chapter 4 explains the two methods for the analysis of the number of electrons and the signal level. Then conclusion is made in chapter 5.

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Phenotypic, Genotypic and Environmental Correlations among Some Characters of Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc. (대나무 수개형질간(數個形質間)의 상관관계(相關關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Young-Gwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1975
  • This study was intended to clarify interrelations among seven characters of bamboo and their influences upon its culm-volume. The analysis of covariance was used to obtain phenotypic correlations, genotypic correlations and environmental correlations among some characters of Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc., and thereby path-coefficients were calculated based on Dewey's method. The characters considered here included the breast height diameter, culm-height, clear-length, subterranean stem, number of bamboo joints, butt-end diameter and culm-volume of bamboo. Average values, standard errors, variances and standard deviations for the characters mentioned above are shown in Table 1, and phenotypic correlations, genotypic correlations and environmental correlations among seven characters are shown in Table 2, according to the results, there are highly significant relationships among lines but not among some replications. According to Table 4, heritability values in the breast height and butt-end diameters are higher than those in other characters mentioned above. On the other hand, environmental correlations among general characters appear to have lower values than phenotypic and genotypic correlations do. It also appears that the butt-end diameter and breast height diameter are highly correlated with the culm-volume of bamboo. The path-coefficients of individual characters to the culm-volume of bamboo are computed from the correlations (Table 4) and presented in Figure 1 and Table 5, where it could shown the direct and indirect effects on the bamboo culm-volume of each character.

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Calculation of Pump Light Power in Wideband Optical Phase Conjugator with Highly-Nonlinear Dispersion Shifted fiber (HNL-DSF를 이용한 광대역 광 위상 공액기의 펌프 광 전력 계산)

  • 이성렬;이하철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5A
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    • pp.473-483
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we numerically investigated the optimum pump light power best compensating for pulse distortion due to both chromatic dispersion and self phase modulation (SPM) as a function of channel input power in 8 channel ${\times}$ 40 Gbps wavelength division multiplexing (WDM systems. Also we investigated the allowable maximum channel input power dependence on modulation format and fiber dispersion coefficient in the various pump light power of OPC. The considered WDM transmission system is based on path-averaged intensity approximation (PAIA) mid-span spectral inversion (MSSI) compensation method, which has highly-nonlinear dispersion shifted fiber (HNL-SDF) as nonlinear medium of optical phase conjugator (OPC) in the mid-way of total transmission line. We confirmed that optimal pump light power of HNL-DSF OPC depend on modulation format, initial channel input power, total transmission length and fiber dispersion. But optimal pump light power of HNL-DSF OPC must be selected to make power conversion ratio to almost unity. And we confirmed that, if we allow a 1 dB eye opening penalty (EOP), the tolerable maximum channel input power is increased by using RZ than NRZ as modulation format when pump light power of HNL-DSF OPC is not optimal value but another values.