• Title/Summary/Keyword: Particle method

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Coupling Particles Swarm Optimization for Multimodal Electromagnetic Problems

  • Pham, Minh-Trien;Baatar, Nyambayar;Koh, Chang-Seop
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.786_787
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a novel multimodal optimization method, Coupling particles swarm optimization (PSO), to find all optima in design space. This method based on the conventional Particle Swarm Optimization with modifications. The Coupling method is applied to make a couple from main particle and then each couple of particles searches its own optimum by using non-stop-moving PSO. We tested out our method and other one, such as ClusteringParticle Swarm Optimization and Niche Particle Swarm Optimization, on three analytic functions. The Coupling Particle Swarm Optimization is also applied to solve a significant benchmark problem, the TEAM workshop benchmark problem 22

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Sensitivity Study of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

  • Kim, Yoo-Il;Nam, Bo-Woo;Kim, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.29-54
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    • 2007
  • Systematic sensitivity analysis of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method (SPH), a gridless Lagrangian particle method, was carried out in this study. Unlike traditional grid-based numerical schemes, systematic sensitivity study for computational parameters is very limited for SPH. In this study, the effect of computational parameters in SPH simulation is explored through two-dimensional dam-breaking and sloshing problem. The parameters to be considered are the speed of sound, the type of kernel function, the frequency of density re-initialization, particle number, smoothing length and pressure extraction method. Through a series of numerical test, detailed information was obtained about how SPH solution can be more stabilized and improved by adjusting computational parameters.

Particle Simulation for Motion of 2-D Floating Body in Waves (파랑중 2차원 부유체 운동해석을 위한 입자법 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Jong-Chun;Lee, Byung-Hyuk;Jung, Sung-Jun
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.630-633
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    • 2008
  • A particle method has been developed for analyzing the motion of 2-D floating body in waves. The particle method is based on the MPS(Moving Particle Semi-implicit) method suggested by Koshizuka et al. (1996), and the flow motion coupled with the motion of floating body can be simulated. The wavemaker and wave absorber are installed at the inflow and outflow boundaries in a computational domain, respectively. The motion characteristics of a floating body is investigated numerically under the various computational conditions.

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A Study on the Standard Criteria of Solid Particle Separation Test for Marine Centrifugal Purifier (선박용 정유기 고형분 분리 성능시험 규격기준에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Hu
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.1028-1034
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    • 2007
  • In order to establish a criteria of solid particle separation performance test on marine centrifugal purifier at factory acceptance test, an investigation had been done on criteria of test standards, regulations and test specifications of purifier manufactures. KS V 7836, fuel oil and lubricating oil purifiers for marine use-centrifugal type, the criteria of solid particle separation is studied in the point of reality, restricts and analysis method. It is proposed that a reasonable criteria and analysis method should be adopted, and the current criteria shall be revised to adequate levels considering reasonable basis and industrial technology levels. Also, the test analysis conceptions, separation efficiency method and particle size restriction method, are reviewed to fulfil separation performance test for marine centrifugal purifiers.

Disjoint Particle Filter to Track Multiple Objects in Real-time

  • Chai, YoungJoon;Hong, Hyunki;Kim, TaeYong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1711-1725
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    • 2014
  • Multi-target tracking is the main purpose of many video surveillance applications. Recently, multi-target tracking based on the particle filter method has achieved robust results by using the data association process. However, this method requires many calculations and it is inadequate for real time applications, because the number of associations exponentially increases with the number of measurements and targets. In this paper, to reduce the computational cost of the data association process, we propose a novel multi-target tracking method that excludes particle samples in the overlapped predictive region between the target to track and marginal targets. Moreover, to resolve the occlusion problem, we define an occlusion mode with the normal dynamic mode. When the targets are occluded, the mode is switched to the occlusion mode and the samples are propagated by Gaussian noise without the sampling process of the particle filter. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed multi-target tracking method even in occlusion.

Comparison of Dustiness of Eleven Nanomaterials using Voltex Shaker Method (볼텍스쉐이커를 이용한 11개 나노물질의 분진날림 비교)

  • Lee, Naroo;Park, Jinwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Dustiness of nanomaterials is considered as exposure index of essential material. Research on dustiness of nanomaterial is needed to control exposure in workplaces. Method: Dustiness measurement using vortex shaker were installed in the laboratory. Nanomaterials, 1 g, was put in the glass test tube and shaked using vortex shaker. Aerosol dispersed was measured using scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS) and optical particle counter(OPC). Mass concentration using PVC filter and cassette was measured and TEM grid sampling was conducted. Total particle concentration and size distribution were calculated. Image and chemical composition of particles in the air were observed using transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Eleven different test nanomaterials were used in the study. Results: Rank of mass concentration and particle number concentration were coincided in most cases. Rank of nanomateirals with low concentration were not coincided. Two types of fumed silica had the highest mass concentration and particle number concentration. Indium tin oxide, a mixture of indium oxide and tin oxide, had high mass concentration and particle number concentration. Indium oxide had very low mass concentration and particle number concentration. Agglomeration of nanoparticles in the air were observed in TEM analysis and size distribution. In this study, mass concentration and particle number concentration were coincided and two index can be used together. The range of dustiness in particle number concentration were too wide to measure in one method. Conclusion: Particle number concentration ranged from low concentration to high concentration depend on type of nanomaterial, and varied by preparation and amount of nanomaterial used. Further study is needed to measure dustiness of all nanomaterial as one reference method.

Two scale modeling of behaviors of granular structure: size effects and displacement fluctuations of discrete particle assembly

  • Chu, Xihua;Yu, Cun;Xiu, Chenxi;Xu, Yuanjie
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.315-334
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    • 2015
  • This study's primary aim is to check the existence of a representative volume element for granular materials and determine the link between the properties (responses) of macro structures and the size of the discrete particle assembly used to represent a constitutive relation in a two-scale model. In our two-scale method the boundary value problem on the macro level was solved using finite element method, based on the Cosserat continuum; the macro stresses and modulus were obtained using a solution of discrete particle assemblies at certain element integration points. Meanwhile, discrete particle assemblies were solved using discrete element method under boundary conditions provided by the macro deformation. Our investigations focused largely on the size effects of the discrete particle assembly and the radius of the particle on macro properties, such as deformation stiffness, bearing capacity and the residual strength of the granular structure. According to the numerical results, we suggest fitting formulas linking the values of different macro properties (responses) and size of discrete particle assemblies. In addition, this study also concerns the configuration and displacement fluctuation of discrete particle assemblies on the micro level, accompanied with the evolution of bearing capacity and deformation on the macro level.

A Syudy on Applications of Convex Hull Algorithm in the SPH (SPH에서의 Convex Hull 알고리즘 적용연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Sung;Lee, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2011
  • SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) is a gridless Lagrangian technique that is useful as an alternative numerical analysis method used to analyze high deformation problems as well as astrophysical and cosmological problems. In SPH, all points within the support of the kernel are taken as neighbours. The accuracy of the SHP is highly influenced by the method for choosing neighbours from all particle points considered. Typically a linked-list method or tree search method has been used as an effective tool because of its conceptual simplicity, but these methods have some liability in anisotropy situations. In this study, convex hull algorithm is presented as an improved method to eliminate this artifact. A convex hull is the smallest convex set that contains a certain set of points or a polygon. The selected candidate neighbours set are mapped into the new space by an inverse square mapping, and extract a convex hull. The neighbours are selected from the shell of the convex hull. These algorithms are proved by Fortran programs. The programs are expected to use as a searching algorithm in the future SPH program.

An Electrical Particle Velocity Profiler Using Particle Transit Time Across Uneven Inter-Gap Electrodes (비등간격 전극열에서의 입자 통과시간을 이용한 전기적 입자속도분포 검출기)

  • Kim, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Dong-Woo;Cho, Young-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2008
  • We present an electrical particle velocity profiler using particle transit time across uneven inter-gap electrodes. We measure both the particle position and velocity from the voltage signals generated by the particles passing across sensing electrodes, thus obtaining the velocity profile of the particles in a microfluidic channel. In the experimental study, we use polystyrene microparticles to characterize the performance of the electrical particle velocity profiler. The particle velocity profile is measured with the uncertainty of 5.44%, which is equivalent to the uncertainty of 5% in the previous optical method. We also experimentally demonstrate the capability of the present method for in-channel clogging detection. Compared to the previous optical methods, the present electrical particle velocity profiler offers the simpler structure, the cheaper cost, and the higher integrability to micro-biofluidic systems.

Development of particle focusing device to monitor various low pressure processes (다양한 조건의 저압 공정 모니터링을 위한 입자 집속 장치 개발)

  • Kim, Myungjoon;Kim, Dongbin;Kang, Sang-Woo;Kim, Taesung
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2017
  • As semiconductor process was highly integrated, particle contamination became a major issue. Because particle contamination is related with process yields directly, particles with a diameter larger than half pitch of gate should be controlled. PBMS (Particle beam mass spectrometry) is one of powerful nano particle measurement device. It can measure 5~500 nm particles at ~ 100 mtorr condition in real time by in-situ method. However its usage is restricted to research filed only, due to its big device volume and high price. Therefore aperture changeable aerodynamic lenses (ACALs) which can control particle focusing characteristics by changing its aperture diameter was proposed in this study. Unlike conventional aerodynamic lenses which changes particle focusing efficiency when operating condition is changed, ACALs can maintain particle focusing efficiency. Therefore, it can be used for a multi-monitoring system that connects one PBMS and several process chambers, which greatly improves the commercialization possibility of the PBMS. ACALs was designed based on Stokes number and evaluated by numerical method. Numerical analysis results showed aperture diameter changeable aerodynamic lenses can focus 5 to 100 nm standard particles at 0.1 to 10 torr upstream pressure.