• Title/Summary/Keyword: Participation Effect

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A Study on Role Development for Social Workers Providing Health Center-based Health and Welfare Services for the Elderly in Community (사회복지사의 보건소 노인보건복지사업 참여를 위한 사회복지사 역할개발연구)

  • Cho So-Young
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.138-162
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to, develop the social workers role participating health and welfare services production of health centers The sharp increase rate on the elderly population in Korea lead the social issues as that health and social services are not developed enough to cope with the increase on the elderly's hearth care needs. The priority in the elderly's care service development should be put on public sectors. so that could prevent financial catastrophy of the elderly's care. The pulbic sector was concerned with health center services : as health center in Korea provide :mainly medical-oriented services. this study focused on to combine the existing health center's services into social services. The study method was based on needs survey with 322 patients aged over than 55 in rural area. "The needs survey include general health and disease care needs and daily life caring needs. The latter was applied with ADL and IADL with modificiation for the use of Korea environment. The findings were as follows : Social workers should be able to care diseases of muscular and skeletal. circulatory, digestive and general chronic disease in social service needs. aspect. Mostly the chronic pateints quit their care services because of shortage of finanical support(18.3%) and transportation problem(19.5%), but still prefer to be cured and cared from general hospitals. and at least clinic and health centers in community. The univisible dramatic effect. of health. care services also should be concerned and cared by xocial workers. The ADL and! IADL shown the most needs on transportation needs and problems caused by weaken legs. Mostly daily activities were supported by family members (53.3%spousersand35.0%children), and the most demands were shown on helps for transportation visiting hospitals(37%) and getting similar care services for health care needs (31.2%) and daily hygeieal needs(11.2%) Social workers' role should include health care participation with social and health promotion approach as well as socio-economic supports: during health care receiving. Social workers also should provide social services for the elderly's daily needs solving for these are not in available family supporters.

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Development and Application of the Scientific Inquiry Tasks for Small Group Argumentation (소집단의 논변활동을 위한 과학 탐구 과제의 개발과 적용)

  • Yun, Sun-Mi;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.694-708
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we developed tasks including cognitive scaffolding for students to explain scientific phenomena using valid evidences in science classroom and sought to investigate how tasks influence the development of small group scientific argumentation. Heterogeneous small groups in gender and achievement were organized in one classroom and the tasks were applied to the class. Students were asked to write down their own ideas, share individual ideas, and then choose the most plausible opinion in a group. One group was chosen for investigating the effect of tasks on the development of small group argumentation through the analysis of discourse transcripts of the group in 10 lessons, students' semi-structured interview, field note, and students' pre- and post argument tests. The discrepant argument examples were included in the tasks for students to refute an argument presenting evidences. Moreover, comparing opinion within the group and persuading others were included in the tasks to prompt small group argumentation. As a result, students' post-argument test grades were increased than pre-test grades, and they argued involving evidences and reasoning. The high level of arguments has appeared with high ratio of advanced utterances and lengthening of reasoning chain as lessons went on. Students had elaborate claims involving valid evidences and reasoning by reflective and critical thinking while discussing about the tasks. In addition, tasks which could have various warrants based on the data led to students' spontaneous participation. Therefore, this study has significance in understanding the context of developing small group argumentation, providing information about teaching and learning context prompting students to construct arguments in science inquiry lessons in middle school.

The Study on the Family-Friendly Organizational Culture for Enhancing the Job Engagement of the Married Female Social Worker in the Social Welfare Organization (사회복지기관 기혼 여성 사회복지사의 일과 가정 양립을 위한 가족 친화적 조직문화에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Yoomee;Lee, Sunja;Lee, Jesang
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.317-340
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    • 2013
  • The modern society has undergone the fast change of the family structure and labor market. Particularly, the compatibility of work and family life became the era's agenda while the labor force participation rate of the women increased. However, the family-friendly organizational culture was not created and the job engagement of the married female workers was decreased. The married female workers complained of suffering due to the work and family conflict. This research was conducted to study a relationship between family-friendly organizational culture and job engagement of married female social workers, and secondly to investigate if family conflict affect the relationship. From the results of the study, it was known that family-friendly organizational culture has effect on the job engagement, and work and family conflict play an intermediary role between the organizational culture and job engagement. Therefore, it can be explained that family-friendly organizational culture enhances the job engagement of married female social workers, and the culture would be a good measure of the compatibility of work and family life. Based on the study, it is suggested that public relation and education need to be preceded for the spread of family-friendly organizational culture by national initiated programs. Secondly, in terms of welfare organization, related regulations and guidelines need to be prepared, and thirdly, in the view of individual respect, members of family should have their own rights to put forth an opinion grandly with firm faith of the compatibility of work and family life.

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Effects of a Tongue Self-Resistance Exercise on the Swallowing Function of Patients With Stroke: Case Report (자발적 혀 저항 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 삼킴기능에 미치는 효과: 사례연구)

  • Nam, Kyung-Wan
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study aims to discover how tongue self-resistance exercise affects the swallowing function of patients with stroke. Method: The subjects of this study were two patients who were treated at the Y hospital in Gyeonggido. Data were gathered by VFSS regarding the degree of swallowing disability and oral intake before and after intervention. This study analyzed case studies of two patients. One patient's intervention was applied in September 2012 for three weeks. The other's intervention was applied in February 2014 for three weeks. At the first session, the VFSS examination was administered. Then, intervention began after the patients gave their consent for participation. Each session was practiced 10 times per set, but one session had 3 sets. Intervention frequency consisted of five sessions per week, and it was conducted for three weeks. Tongue self-resistance exercise included tongue protrusion, tongue lateralization, and tongue elevation on the hard palate. Results: The first tongue self-resistance exercise had a positive effect on swallowing function because of the decrease in VFS score. The second tongue self-resistance exercise showed improved oral intake based on FOIS scores. Conclusion: This study's results suggest that there are many benefits of tongue self-resistance exercise on the swallowing function when it is applied to patients with stroke.

Electrophoretic Analysis on the Protein Alteration in the Brain of Actylamide Administered Mouse (Acrylamide 에 의한 생쥐 뇌단백질의 변화양상에 관한 전기영동적 분석)

  • 김동수;하재청
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.461-467
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    • 1990
  • To investigate the neurological effect of acrylamide, whole brain of Intoxicated mouse induced early hindlimbs ataxia was examined by using the methods of SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis. In the gel patterns by SDS-PAGE, when the patterns of each group were compared relatively, there were no remakable changes but in the patterns of 2D-PAGE, some protein alterations were observed. Especially, the spots containing 20 (14,500, 5.64) and 21 (19,900, 6.78) were disappeared, and the spots 9 (31,300, 5.82), 11 (31,300, 5.36) and 19 (16,400, 5.42) showed marked decrease relatively in the case of treatment group. Among these changed spots, the spot 20 (14,500, 5.64) showed higher quantity than that of control group but several spots containing the spots 11 (31,300, 5.36), and 19(16.400, 5.42) were identical or equal to those of control In quantity in the case of recovery group. It seems that acrylamide might already inhibit the brain protein synthesis mechanism at the time of onset of distal neuropathy by participation in the protein metabolism so as to impair the brain regulation ability followed by a malfunction of mouse central nervous system (CNS) and recovery is gradually progressed with the dose and duration dependence after the cessation of acrylamide administration.

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A Study on the Effects of After-purchase Feedback About Customer Service Quality on Purchase Process - Focusing on Internet Shopping Mall - (고객 서비스 품질에 대한 구매 후기 댓글이 구매과정에 미치는 영향 - 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Chang-Nag;Kim, Young-Ei;Park, Young-Kyun
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2009
  • This research classified the customer service factor of on-line shopping mall into tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy and analyzed the effect that the factors affect to consumer's purchase and re-purchase. If we present suggestions on the basis of these results of study, we would provide next two points: First, purchasers have utilized online shopping mall who pursued free from hard sell that being done in off-line and convenience of purchase affected more by reliability and responsiveness such as the fame of shopping mall that visit, reliability of security, and quick product search than the Customer of After-purchase Feedback influence for online purchasers decision factor out of consumer's purchase and re-purchase by on-line shopping mall customer service factor. Second, This study analyzed that online re-purchaser recognized the Customer of After-purchase Feedback factor high and built their loyalty through friendly emotion of on-line shopping mall and satisfaction of shopping mall service, and recommendation. In addition, they behave themselves as an affirmative messenger that is role of the Customer of After-purchase Feedback that make active opinion presentation and participation through community by important adjustment impact that empathy factor of on-line shopping mall customer service.

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A Study on Effectiveness of the Home Care Services for the Low Income Inhabitants (일부 지역사회 저소득층 주민을 대상으로 한 가정간호사업의 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Kunja;Kim Myongsoon;Yang Younghee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.70-107
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    • 1992
  • This study was intended to assess the need of home nursing care and analyze the effect of home nursing care, and find out the problems during the performance of home nursing care for the chronic patients among the low-income people in urban area. Data collection by interview was carried out from Nov. 1991 to Jul. 1992. The main results were as follows; 1) Total subjects for the need assessment of home nursing care were 123 households wi th 488 persons in a urban poor area. Over half of households (57.7%) was teenage family. The overall living conditions were poor and the average monthly income was 580 thousands won. 74.8% of subjects was covered by medical care insurance and only 4.7% was covered by public assistance. The morbidity rate was 8.2% among 488 subjects and 27.5% of them was not treated at all, 30% was treated in utilizing pharmacies or local clinics. 2) The subjects of home nursing care were 46 with Hypertension or DM who agreeded the participation of study among registered patients at a public health center in Incheon. Home visiting was performed at intervals per one month for one year. Most of them were the elder(mean age=61 years) and long term patients(7.8 years continued). Home nursing care was effective. That is, blood pressure(including systolic and diastolic pressure) was significantly reduced (t(n=22)=2.31, P=.031, t(n=24)=4.16, P=.000 respectively) and knowledge of disease(t(N=46)=-7.63, P=.000), attitude of disease (t(N =46) = -4.92, P=.000), and self-care(t(N =46) = -4.89, P= .000) were significantly improved through home nursing care. But there was no difference in blood sugar for diabetics between the beginning and the end of visits. At the beginning of visit for home nursing care, sex(β=0414,t=3.012) and nursing need({3=.310, t=2.164) were influencing self-care, and duration of disease(β=.297,t=2.106) and nursing need (β=.385,t=20417) were influencing blood pressure, blood sugar level. Namely, the subjects who were male and had higher nursing need showed better self-care and the longer duration of disease and the higher nursing need were relationship with the better blood pressure and blood sugar level. At the end of visit for home nursing care after one year, the blood pressure and blood sugar level was influenced by age (β.320,t=2.242), duration of disease ((β.352,t=2.395) and nursing need (β=.350,t=2.623) and self-care had no influencing factor. The higher age and the longer duration of disease and the higher nursing need were relationship with the better blood pressure and blood sugar level. 3) The problems that were found out during the performance of home nursing care were the absent of useful protocols for services and the clear evaluation base, and the difficulty of teaching elders who were the major part of our subjects.

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A Study on the Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour on Employee Engagement and the Intention to quit (조직시민행동이 종업원 인게이지먼트 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hue, Je In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.402-415
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    • 2019
  • This study explores the effect that unresearched organizational conduct has on employee engagement (job immersion) as a cause variable and the results from it. Major results identified in an empirical analysis are as follows. First, the main causes of organizational citizenship behavior (such as altruism, conscientious behavior, moral behavior, participatory behavior, and fair play) are shown to not affect job immersion. In other words, conscientious, participatory, and fair behavior affects job immersion, with participatory behavior having the greatest impact. Second, employees' concentration in an organization was only affected by participatory behavior and fair play behavior from among the factors of organizational citizenship behavior, only more so. That is, it has been shown that some of the causes of organizational citizenship behavior, including participatory behavior and fair play behavior, affect employee inter-behavior, and some of them are more influential than others. Third, the only factor that influences the intention to switch jobs among the organizational citizenship behavior is participatory behavior. In other words, altruism, conscientiousness, politeness, and fair play behavior do not affect the way people move from job to job. Participation in organizational citizenship behavior and fair play may affect employee inter-behavior, and the more influential participatory behavior may also affect the intention to relocate.

The Effect of Perceived Internal Marketing and Customer Orientation on the Organizational Commitment of Nurses in Specialized Hospital (전문병원간호사가 지각한 내부 마케팅과 고객지향성이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Min;Jo, Eun-Joo;Kwon, Jeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the effects of internal marketing and customer orientation on the organizational commitment of nurses in specialized hospitals. This research was conducted from May 1 to 30, 2015 and involved 149 nurses at 5 specialized hospitals in Busan, The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson correlation coefficients, stepwise multiple regression by the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. As a result, there were significant differences in the organizational commitment according to age, marital status, education, clinical experience, position, work shift, working unit, number of beds, and experience of participation for employee satisfaction survey. Organizational commitment was positively related to the internal marketing. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the organizational commitment and customer orientation. Meaningful variables that influenced the organizational commitment were internal marketing, working unit, education, and position. The total explanation power was 58.5% and the internal marketing was the most influential factor. In conclusion, to enhance the organizational commitment of nurses working in specialized hospitals, educational opportunities need to be provided to increase the professionalism of nurses, and efforts will be needed to improve the working environment and develop internal marketing strategies, such as regular satisfaction surveys.

A Study on Improvement of School Lunch Programs and Its Health and Education Effect in Korea (학교급식효과(學校給食效果)와 제도개선(制度改善)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hee Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.86-117
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of school lunch service programs (SLPs) is to provide school children with nutritious meals each day, to assist them in improving their mental and physical development, to make them understand the basic knowledge needed for healthy daily living throughout their lives with sound nutritional habits, and further, to enhance the national health status as well as the individual. The major purpose of this study is to describe the history and current status and promotional plans in Korea's SLSPs to improve the nation's health status. The major findings of this study are as follow: 1) The progression of the SLSPs can be devided into four major periods: Relief (1953-1972), Self-supportive (1973-1977), System-establishment (1973-1983), System-development(1984- ). 2) As result of the implementation of SLSPs in Korea, many positive effects have been found in school education, notably in the field of physical growth, social development and personality cultivation. 3) This study deals with a more detailed assessment with regard to the effects of the program on school education activities and the improvement of nutritional habits in the family. Although it is limited and not yet complete, the program implementation has contributed to the improvement in children's food-intake habits, understanding of food, and manners, and increased sanitary consciousness. It has also affected of parent's concerns and attitudes towards the improvement of daily meals as well as national eating patterns, and eventually provided motivation for increased farm production of nutritious food stuffs and reasonable food consumption. 4) The SLSPs does have its stare of problem such as an unsatisfactory budget, lack of understanding of the program by school personnel and parents. However, there is no doubt that the SLSPs should be carried out effectively for better health, and especially for the growth and development of the children. Finally, the problems and promotive Plans of the SLSPs can be approached by aspects of the administrative, financial and operational systems. These system have to coordinate with relevant authorities to expand participation in the program for the successful implementation of the SLSPs. The eventual objective this study is to propose ways and means for mobilizing every available element in the effort to attain the goals of educating and training healthy and competent personnel manpower, stabilizing the demand and supply of food and the ensuring adequate coordination of national food production and consumption.

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