• 제목/요약/키워드: PLANTED TREE

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서부 경남 지역의 초등학교에 식재된 목본 식물 분석 (An Analysis of Tree Species Planted in Elementary School Gardens in Western Gyeongnam Area)

  • 김춘수;이율경;박강은
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.329-340
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    • 2007
  • This study is to find out how well elementary school gardens work as places of observation learning. We compared the tree species planted in elementary school gardens with those which appeared in the science textbooks of the 7th Korean National Curriculum. The number of tree species are 60 throughout all the grades, specifically; 43 in the third grade, 22 in the fifth grade, 16 in the first grade, 15 in the second grade, 8 in the sixth grade, and 5 in the fourth grade, respectively. Their frequency of appearance (hereafter referred to as 'appearance frequency') throughout all the grades is 175, and the maximum frequency is 62 in the third grade. Of particular note is the fact that the appearance frequency in one grade was very high, meaning that a repeat study will not be conducted. The total number of tree species counted in the study was 13,028 and consisted of 167 species in 52 families. Only 23% of the total planted tree species, that is, 38 tree species appeared in the textbooks, so the ratio of the practical usage of school gardens was revealed to be low. In the school gardens, there are only an average of about 16 tree species per school. The fewest number of species in one school was 9 and the most was 22. The native species were 74 and the non-native species were 93. This means that almost all the planted species do not relate to observation learning in the textbooks. The 22 tree species among 60 species in the textbooks were not planted in the gardens. In conclusion, the degree of utilization of almost all the elementary school gardens examined during this investigation was very low.

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다도해해상국립공원 상록활엽수림 복원 모니터링 (Monitoring on Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Restoration in Dadohaehaesang National Park)

  • 오구균;최우경
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2007
  • 상록활엽수림의 복원 사업에 대한 모니터링을 시행하여 상록활엽수림 복원기술개발을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 다도해해상국립공원에서 시행한 상록활엽수림 복원 사업을 2005년부터 3년간 모니터링하였다. 5개 시범녹화시험지에서 사면, 섬 크기, 방사가축의 유 무에 따른 생장량과 활착률을 모니터링하였다. 남서사면 능선부에 식재한 상록활엽수의 수고 생장량과 활착률이 북동사면 능선부에 식재한 상록활엽수보다 더 양호하였다. 큰 섬에서 상록활엽수의 활착률이 작은섬보다 높게 나타났다. 방사가축이 있는 곳의 상록활엽수 활착률이 방사가축이 없는 곳보다 매우 낮게 나타났다. 남서사면능선부, 큰섬, 방사가축이 없는 곳에서 상록활엽수림의 생장량과 활착률이 높게 나타났다.

아파트 단지 지하주차장 상부에 식재된 교목의 생장 특성에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Growth Characteristics of the Trees in Parking Lot in the Apartment Complex)

  • 장병관;윤주철
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the growth characteristics of artificially planted trees on top of the underground parking lots. The trees were planted 17 years ago and are now in good condition. The survey results are as follows. The planting depth of the trees was 0.9 - 1.3m. The horizontal roots of the trees were distributed in the depth of 0.2m ~ 0.6m, Growth condition was also considered to be good. Also, in the case of the straight root of the trees, the pine tree(Pinus densiflora) grew near the bottom but tree root was very thin, and the Japanese hackberry tree(Celtis sinensis) and the zelkova tree(Zelkova serrata) were seemed to bend at the bottom and to grow by changing direction. When trees were planted on artificial ground, the roots grew well horizontally, and the forces of growing vertically were much weakened. because the plants were planted in earth ball state. As a result, it was considered that the roots would hardly penetrate the bottom-pressing concrete floor.

대전지역 학교 교정의 조경수목 식재현황 (Analysis of Woody Landscape Plants Planted at School Garden in Daejon Metropolitan City)

  • 문정현;심재성;서병기
    • 아시안잔디학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2002
  • This study showed the current plantation of woody landscape plants of 42 school gardens in Daejeon metropolitan city. The ratio between evergreen tree and deciduous tree was 67% to 33%. The ratio between evergreen shrub and deciduous shrub was 48% to 52%. Also, 161 kinds of woody species were found; evergreen tree was 21 species, deciduous tree was 67 species, evergreen shrub was 16 species, deciduous shrub was 44 species, and vine and the others were 13 species. The proportion of native woody species was 61% (98 out of 161 species). 110 species were planted at the front garden area. In the mid-garden, 77 kinds of woody species were found. In the side garden, 95 kinds of woody species were found. In the rear garden, 92 kinds of woody species were found. The surrounding of play ground and outer area were planted 82 species. The first ranked evergreen tree was Juniperus chinensis‘Kaizuka’. And Deciduous tree, evergreen shrub, deciduous shrub, and vine showed Gingko biloba, Buxus microphylla var. koreana, Hibiscus syriacus, Wisteria floribunda, respectively. The school symbol of tree and flower was planted in 41 schools. The first rank plants of school symbol tree and flower were Pinus densiflora, Forsythia koreana and Rosa spp. Plant nameplate was found at 22 schools. The plant nameplate was used for 1∼10 species at 17 schools. In conclusion, plantation of landscape trees should be considered characteristic of each school area. In addition, school landscape should be planned distinction of a elementary school, a middle school, a high school, and a school for handicapped. School landscape should be considered carefully from functional, natural, educational environment and maintenance viewpoints as well as urban forest networking.

충주시 초등학교 학교숲 식재현황과 개선방안 (Planting Status and Improvement Plan of School Forest in the Elementary Schools at Chung-ju City)

  • 주진희;김원태;국지하;윤용한
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제19권9호
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    • pp.1129-1136
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated the status of planting status of school's flower of 11 elementary schools located in Chung-ju and its results were as follows. Totally 3,502 trees were planted in the 11 schools and the number of species of the trees was 103. For tall tree Thuja orientalis was planted most frequently and for shrub Buxus microphylla was done in the largest number of the schools. In addition, the number of trees planted in a school was averagely two times more in the model schools than in the other ones, and the average number of species of trees was also over three times more in the model schools. When the number of species of trees was examined according to their types, decidous broad leaved tree was found most frequently overall and the model schools had more various species of decidous tree compared to the other ones. Investigation on designation of school's flower and tree with the 11 elementary school, revealed similar results with those of previous studies performed with the schools in other areas and the tendency meant that the designation was uniform to some degree. Moreover, as only a few school's flower and tree were planted or no one was done in some schools, the species of school's flower and tree needed to be determined by considering characteristics and school percepts of a school as well as local features and circumstances of a region. In addition, more efforts should be made to infuse love for school and to improve quality of education by increasing the planting rate of school's flower and tree and by focusing them.

신라 왕경숲 조성에 있어서 주요 수종 선정에 관한 연구 (How to Choose the Species of Trees on the Afforestation Project of Shilla Dynasty′s Capital Forest)

  • 김윤하
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2004
  • This research is basic research about 「the afforestation project of the Shilla Dynasty's capital forest」 which is controlled by the research institute of forest and environment of Kyungbuk province. The results of the investigation about target places and selection of major species of trees is as follows. 1. In the Shilla Dynasty's times, the peach tree was the indicator of unusual changes in weather, and was also the symbol of unsurpassed beauty. Peach trees were so prevalent that people called the forest peach-hill or peach-forest. Therefore, the main tree of Shilla Dynasty's capital forest would have to be a peach tree. 2. From several records, pine and bamboo were planted or grown together. The pattern of planting trees like this case is also historic, so should be utilized positively. 3. In order to afforest the capital forest, the bamboos have to be planted on Nam-mountain in Kyung-ju, and maple trees have to be planted on Kumgang mountain. 4. There were many big trees during the Shilla Dynasty, and the name of one of the Six Main Villages was 'Big Tree Village'. Therefore, big and long-lived trees have to be planted also. 5. The willow tree has to be considered for afforesting the capital forest even though the willow trees are misunderstood to cause allergies. They are traditional landscape architecture trees. In the traditional literature, the willow tree stands for good news. 6. Japanese cornellian cherry(Cornus officinalis), which is related with old narrative literature in the era of King Kyungmun, has to be planted for the forest, and has to be considered to be an educational tree. 7. Korean Rhododendron, which is related with Madam Suro's story, has to be planted in stone gardens.8. Lotus, Korean pulsatilla, Boxwood, Bombycis Mulberry, and Japanese Apricot have been recorded just one time, but these are also important plants which have to be reflected on afforestation of capital forest project. 9. The forests of Shilla on the old records exist in 17 places. The afforestation project has to be undertaken at these places. 10. The people of Shilla deified the forest and trees, which were the places where ancestral rites had been performed. For example, Gyerim, Sinyurim, and Wanggasu were the sacred forests of the capital forest.

Exotic Mahogany Leaf Litter Hinders Growth of Philippine Native Tree Seedlings

  • Galano, Janford B.;Rodriguez, Lillian Jennifer V.
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2021
  • With continuous decline of Philippine forest cover, sustainable forest management and restoration are essential to restore destroyed forest ecosystems. Unfortunately, of ten most planted trees in reforestation projects in the Philippines, eight are exotic species, with large leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) being the most dominant. In this study, effect of Swietenia macrophylla in reforestation projects on native tree species was evaluated. Effects of S. macrophylla leaf litter, frequency, and canopy closure on the growth of the Philippine native species Pterocarpus indicus were investigated. Results showed that S. macrophylla leaf litter significantly inhibited the growth of P. indicus seedlings based on root collar-to-shoot height. The standardized growth rate of seedlings in plots without S. macrophylla leaf litter was significantly higher than the growth rate of seedlings in plots with leaf litter. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the standardized growth rate of seedlings between plots without leaf litter and a control plot. On the contrary, S. macrophylla tree frequency and canopy closure showed no significant effect. These results attest to the negative effect of widely planted S. macrophylla to a valuable Philippine native tree P. indicus. With accumulating scientific evidence about negative effects of S. macrophylla on native trees, discontinued use in tree planting and reforestation efforts with active management of restoration sites previously planted with large leaf mahogany are needed.

주요 사찰에 일제가 심은 전나무 노거수의 식재의미 연구 (A Study on Reasons for Planting Abies holophylla by Imperial Japan in Korean Temples)

  • 박찬우;정미애;이연희
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 2015
  • 본 고는 주요 사찰에 노거수로 현존하는 대부분의 전나무는 일제에 의해 구한말부터 일제강점기 동안 신목(神木)으로 심어졌다는 가설을 증명하기 위해 연구되었다. 전나무 노거수의 현존량과 식재위치 특성, 전나무 노거수의 식재시기 특성, 일본의 고대신앙과 전나무의 연관성을 분석하였다. 전나무 노거수를 신목이라고 판단하는 이유는 다음 세 가지이다. 첫째, 일본 신사에서는 가도로부터 뻗은 참배로에 가장 많은 신목이 심겨지는데, 우리 사찰에서는 일본의 참배로와 비슷한 공간인 일주문에서 누문 사이에 가장 많이 심겨진 식재위치의 공통점 때문이다. 둘째, 몇 개의 주요 사찰에서 가슴높이 직경이 가장 큰 전나무를 조사한 결과, 100cm에서 60cm 사이의 범주여서 일본 불교의 조선 개교 원년인 1877년부터 일제강점기 1945년 사이, 2015년 현재 70년생에서 138년생 사이에 포함되는 크기로 판단되기 때문이다. 셋째, 1877년 일본 불교계가 조선개교를 시작하면서 일본 고대사에 있는 신공황후의 삼한출병을 보살펴준 스와대사의 신(神)을 일제의 수호신으로 삼고, 우리나라 주요 사찰에 현신시키기 위하여 전나무를 심었을 것이라고 하는 연관성이 너무도 자연스럽기 때문이다. 우리 사찰의 전나무 노거수는 강제적이었든지 부지불식간에 식재되었든지 그 식재의미에 대한 적절한 평가가 이루어지지 않은 채 현재의 거목으로 성장하였다. 본고의 주장에 대한 철저한 검증과 본 이슈에 대한 논의를 기대한다.

An Analysis of Permanantly Shaded Areas and the Defect Rate of Landscape Trees in Apartment Complexes Using Daylight Simulations

  • Park, Sang Wook
    • 인간식물환경학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on trees that can be used for planting design and construction for permanently shaded areas by grasping the growth status of trees according to the daylight conditions of the outdoor spaces of apartment complexes. Methods: On the recently completed apartment complexes, daylight conditions were analyzed by using daylight simulations utilizing Solar Access Analysis of Ecotect Analysis. With a criteria for assessment of tree condition, the defect rate of trees planted in permanently shaded areas and green spaces with good daylight conditions was analyzed to suggest trees applicable to permanently shaded areas. The first tree survey was conducted from November 18, 2019 to February 15, 2020, focusing on trees planted in permanently shaded areas, and the second tree survey of all the trees planted on the study sites including permanently shaded areas was conducted from March 16 to March 30, 2020. Results: Evergreen trees which are classified as shade intolerant trees including Pinus densiflora, Thuja occidentalis, and Abies holophylla showed a higher defect rate of trees among the trees planted in permanently shaded areas. Taxus cuspidata, Zelkova serrata, Cornus kousa, Chionanthus retusus and Acer palmatum which are classified as shade tolerant trees and shade moderate tolerance trees seemed to be able to be used in the plant design of permanently shaded areas in apartment complexes because the trees showed good growth and a low tree defect rate. In addition, although it was excluded from the analysis due to a small number of samples, Sorbus commixta and Prunus cerasifera var. atropurpurea also can be used for planting in permanently shaded areas. Conclusion: The daylight simulation technique used to analyze permanent shaded areas in this study can be used as an analysis tool considering the daylight environment at the stages of design and construction, and additional research will be required to analyze tree growth according to daylight conditions through data accumulation and monitoring by managing records throughout the entire life cycle of trees in the process of planting and maintenance.