• Title/Summary/Keyword: P velocity

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The Effect of Big Toe Flexors on Single Limb Balan (엄지발가락 굽힘근의 제한이 한발서기 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Hyung-Kuk;Kim, Yong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.17 no.3_4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine changes of postural sway between the normal group and treatment group of same people through COP movements. Methods: Fifty men with no history of sensory, neurological and orthopedic disorders were participated in this study. Participants were tested on single limb balance during 30 seconds on EMED system with bared foot. Each of them performed two methods and 5 trials totally each method: (1) non-treated group (2) treated group(with big toe flexion limitation). Data on the moving length, average velocity, instantaneous maximum velocity, mediolateral(x axis) maximum velocity, and anteroposterior(y axis) maximum velocity of COP were measured in single limb standing position. Results: The moving length and average velocity of COP were significant difference between normal and treatment group(p<0.05). On correlation of parameters, the faster average velocity of COP, the higher moving length, instantaneous maximum velocity, mediolateral maximum velocity, and anteroposterior maximum velocity of COP increase. The more Instantaneous maximum velocity of COP, the faster is anteroposterior maximum velocity of COP. Conclusions: Limitation of big toe flexors function affected single limb balance of the normal.

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Quantitative Analysis of Fluid Velocity and Signal Loss of the TOF-MRA in a 3.0T MR System: Using the Flow Rate Control Phantom (3.0T MR system에서 TOF-MRA의 유체속도와 신호소실의 정량분석 : 유속조절팬텀 이용)

  • Back, Sang-Hoon;Jeong, Jin-Heon;Lee, Ye-Eun;Gwak, Min-Young;Yoon, Jun;Jung, Dabin;Oh, Hyun-Sik;Heo, Yeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.965-973
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to quantitatively correlate the change of flow velocity and signal voiding in TOF-MRA. We made our phantom to control the flow velocity, and changed the flow velocity in 16 steps from 8.0 to 127.3 mc/s. The TOF-MRA test was performed using a 3.0T MRI system and the signal intensity was measured by classifying the signal voiding length and image into the In flow, Mid flow, and Out flow. The length of signal voiding was the longest when the flow velocity was 127.3 cm/s and the signal intensity decreased with increasing flow velocity(p<0.05). In flow(-.547) and Mid flow(-.643) were negatively correlated with flow velocitys(p<0.05). In conclusion, it was confirmed that the increase in flow velocity was a major factor causing signal voiding in TOF-MRA. In the future, this study will provide basic data when studying sequences and parameters to reduce signal voiding in models with a high flow velocity.


  • Cho Myung H.;Choi Hyoung G.;Yoo Jung Y.;Park Jae I.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2005
  • Splitting algorithms of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using P1P1/P2P1 finite element formulation are newly proposed. P1P1 formulation allocates velocity and pressure at the same nodes, while P2P1 formulation allocates pressure only at the vertex nodes and velocity at both the vertex and mid nodes. For comparison of the elapsed time and accuracy of the two methods, they have been applied to the well-known benchmark problems. The three cases chosen are the two-dimensional steady and unsteady flows around a fixed cylinder, decaying vortex, and impinging slot jet. It is shown that the proposed P2P1 semi-splitting method performs better than the conventional P1P1 splitting method in terms of both accuracy and computation time.

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Study on the Segregation Algorithms of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Using P1P1/P2P1 Finite Element Formulation (P1P1/P2P1 유한요소 공식을 이용한 배압축성 Navier-Stokes 방정식의 분리 해법에 대한 연구)

  • Choi Hyoung-G.;Yoo Jung-Y.;Park Jae-I.;Cho Myung-H.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.3 s.246
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2006
  • Segregation algorithms of the incompressible Wavier-Stokes equations using P1P1/P2P1 finite element formulation are newly proposed. P1P1 formulation allocates velocity and pressure at the same nodes, while P2P1 formulation allocates pressure only at the vertex nodes and velocity at both the vertex and the midpoint nodes. For a comparison of both the elapsed time and the accuracy between the two methods, they have been applied to the well-known benchmark problems. The three cases chosen are the two-dimensional steady and unsteady flows around a fixed cylinder, decaying vortex, and impinging slot jet. It is shown that the proposed P2P1 semi-segregation algorithm performs better than the conventional P1P1 segregation algorithm in terms of both accuracy and computation time.

3-D P-wave Velocity Structure in South Korea using Seismic Tomography (지진 토모그래피 방법을 이용한 남한에서의 3차원 P파 속도구조)

  • 박재우;민경덕;전정수;제일영
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.445-454
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    • 2002
  • 3-D P-wave velocity model in the southern Korean Peninsula is investigated by using the earthquake tomography method. This velocity model would be used to locate the exact hypocenter position, and also useful for our understanding of the crustal structure. The simultaneous inversion is used to get the minimum 1-D model and hypo-center relocation, which are used as an initial 3-D velocity model. The velocities in the minimum 1-D model are 6.04 km/s, 6.45 km/s, and 7.78 km/s between the depth of 0-19 km, 19-32 km, and 32-55 km respectively. In the 3-D P-wave velocity model, Layer 1 (0~3 km) has high velocities in Kyongsang basin, Yonglam massif, and Okchon folded belt, and low velocities in Kyonggi massif. In layer 2 (3~19 km) high velocities are predominent around Kyonsang basin and Yongnam massif except Yonil basin, but low velocities exist around Kyonggi massif and Okchon folded belt. In Laye. 3 (19~32 km) high velocities prevail throughout the southern part of Korean Peninsula, but low velocity does throughout the middle except SNU, YIN station in Konggi massif. In Layer 4 (32 km), the maximum velocity is showed in the middle and southwestern part, while the minimum velocity in the southeastern and coastal area. The depth of the velocity boundary corresponds to the crustal structure of the southern Korean Peninsula which is calculated by gravity data.

An Analysis of decision Factor on Drive Distance for University Golf Player's Object Execution Using Late Hitting Method (대학 골프선수들의 의도적 지연히팅 시 비거리 결정인자 분석)

  • So, Jea-Moo;Lim, Young-Tae;Kim, Yong-Seok;Cho, Bum-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis on the factors that determine the distance at the time of target swing based on the use of late hitting of outstanding college golfers to verify the difference between late hitting and the distance that target increases in regular swing and the distance. Then, this research conducts an analysis on the correlation between club head velocity, ball velocity, launch angle, back spin, meet ratio and distance that become kinematics variables at the time of target swing. To attain the above mentioned purpose, 25 outstanding college players with average experience and handicap of 6 years and 5, respectively, were targeted Comparative analysis on two swing that target increase in regular and the distance was conducted by used driver. When it pertained to two types of swing. analysis system comprised of an analytical software called the Science Eye of the Bridgestone and peripheries was used to define the relationship between variables of club head velocity, ball velocity, launch angle, back spin, meet ratio that become kinematics variables. As for the method of processing data pertaining to the factors that determine the distance, differences of distance by the type of swing was verified by using independent T-test that leveraged SPSS 120 statistics program. Moreover, level of correlation between variables that contribute to the increase in distance through relation of correlation, and analysis of tendencies was conducted to analyze tendency of non-distance to increase in accordance to the increase of each variable. Key results produced through this experiment are as follows: 1. Artificial late hitting for increased non-distance that targets skilled players had effect on increased the distance(p<. 05). 2 The drive distance is correlated with each measured variable that is positive correlation to ball velocity, club head velocity, meet ratio and relation of back spin and launch angle are negative correlation. ball velocity and club head velocity are very high correlated with drive distance(p<.01), back spin and distance are negative correlation(p<.01). 3. Among each measured variable increasing the club velocity is the most contribution, and ball velocity and meet ratio and the increasing launch angle and back spin is negative effect for increasing distance.

Two- and Three-dimensional Analysis on the Bubble Flow Characteristics Using CPFD Simulation

  • Lim, Jong Hun;Lee, Dong Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.698-703
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    • 2017
  • Bubble flow characteristics in fluidized beds were analyzed by CPFD simulation. A fluidized bed, which had the size of $0.3m-ID{\times}2.4m-high$, was modeled by commercial CPFD $Barracuda^{(R)}$. Properties of bed material were $d_p=150{\mu}m$, ${\rho}_p=2,330kg/m^3$, and $U_{mf}=0.02m/s$. Gas was uniformly distributed and the range of superficial gas velocity was 0.07 to 0.16 m/s. Two other geometries were modeled. The first was a three-dimensional model, and the other was a two-dimensional model of $0.01m{\times}0.3m{\times}2.4m$. Bubble size and rising velocity were simulated by axial and radial position according to superficial gas velocity. In the case of three-dimensional model, simulated bubble rising velocity was different from correlations, because there was zigzag motion in bubble flow, and bubble detection was duplicated. To exclude zigzag motion of bubble flow, bubble rising velocity was simulated in the two-dimensional model and compared to the result from three-dimensional model.

Difficulties in P and S wave velocity logging (속도검층에서 난제들)

  • Jo, Churl-Hyun;Byun, Joong-Moo;Hwang, Se-Ho
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2005
  • Care should be taken when performing the P and S wave velocity loggings. Some of them are the effect of casing that is installed to prevent the borehole collapsing when the drilling is done on the loose ground such as soil and/or soft rock, and the discrepancy of the velocities of the same media according to the difference of the source wave frequency spectrum. To overcome these difficulties, the following suggestions are recommended; (1) try a careful drilling technique that can eliminate the necessity of the casing, and (2) apply the logging methods with the proper frequency spectrum that is appropriate to the object of the velocity logging.

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The Effect of Ginseng on Heart Contraction and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function(I) -The Effect of Ginseng on the Myocardial Contractility and Force-Velocity Curves of Papillary Muscles from Rats (인삼이 심장 수축력과 소포체 기능에 미치는 영향(제1보) -흰쥐 심장의 수축력 및 유두근의 Force-Velocity 곡선에 대한 인삼성분의 효과-)

  • 오우택;김낙두
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 1983
  • The rates of deterioration of contractile forces of isolated hearts from ginseng component treated rats were determined. Rat papillary muscles were also used to study the influence of ginseng on the mechanical performance of heart. Rats weighing 200-300g were administered orally with ginseng ethanol extract (100mg/kg/day), ginseng total saponin (50mg/kg/day) and ginsenoside Rbl (5mg/kg/ day) for a week respectively. The isolated hearts from rats were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution by Langendorff perfusion apparatus. The force-velocity relation was clearly seen with the load-generator equipped isotonic shortening recording apparatus. The control group was only able to maintain 60% of their initial contractile forces after 120 minutes of perfusion, whereas ginseng ethanol extract treated group was able to sustain nearly their initial strength even after 120 minutes of perfusion. The similar effects were seen in the hearts treated with total ginseng saponin and ginsenoside Rb$_{1}$. Ginseng ethanol extract did alter mechanical performance of rat ventricular myocardium. It increased both maximum velocity(Vmax) of isotonic shortening and isometric force (P$_{0}$) and showed increased velocity of shortening significantly (P<0,05) at any one afterload.d.

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Comparison of improvement on Low back pain depending on male inpatient's Pulse wave velocity (남성 입원환자들의 맥파속도에 따른 요통 호전도의 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyuk;Sui, Mu-Chang;Min, Kwan-Sik;Lee, Han;Jeong, Ho-Seok
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to compare the improvement of Low back pain (LBP) depending on male Inpatient's Brachlalankle Pulse Wave Velocity (baPWV), Method : We evaluated 35 LBP inpatients who took pulse wave velocity test during admission at Jaseng hospital from November 2008 to september 2009. We used applanation tonometry method to measure pulse wave velocity and numerical rating scale to measure patient's improvement. Result : At admission, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $7.44{\pm}1.67$ and high risk group's was $7.57{\pm}2.09$(P=0.678). After 5 days of admission, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $5.67{\pm}1.94$ and high risk group's was $6.00{\pm}2.17$(P=0.680). After 10 days of admission, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $4.00{\pm}1.80$ and high risk group's was $4.95{\pm}1.96$(P=0.281). After 15 days of admission, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $2.89{\pm}1.62$ and high risk group's was $4.10{\pm}1.92$(P=0.124). At discharge, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $5.11{\pm}1.69$ and high risk group's was $4.86{\pm}2.08$(P=0.504). Comparison between admission and discharge, standard deviation of normal group's NRS was $5.11{\pm}1.69$ and high risk group's was $4.86{\pm}2.08$(P=0.504) Conclusion : Low back patients with high Brachialankle Pulse Wave Velocity, showed slower improvement rate compare to patients within normal rate. But statically, had no significance.

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