• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ozone Gas

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Construction and Evaluation of Oxidation System for Superconductor Thin Film (초전도 박막 제작을 위한 산화 시스템 구축 및 평가)

  • 임중관;박용필;송경용
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2003
  • Ozone is strong and useful oxidizing gas for the fabrication of oxidation thin films. In order to obtain high quality thin film, the ozone concentration must be increased. An ozone condensation system is evaluated in the viewpoint of an ozone supplier for oxidation thin film growth. Ozone is condensed by the adsorption method and ozone concentration reaches 8.5 mol% by 2.5 h after the beginning of the ozone condensation is negligible if the condensed ozone is transferred between the ozone condensation system and the film growth chamber within a few minutes. CuO peak which is the result of the obtained Cu-films using condensed ozone appears by XRD patterns.

Studies on the Effects of Ozone Gas in Paddy Rice 3. Biochemical effects of ozone gas on rice plant (수도생육(水稻生育)에 대(對)한 Ozone가스의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 3. Ozone가스에 의(依)한 수도엽의(水稻葉) 생화학적(生化學的) 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Bok-Young;Cho, Jae-Kyu;Lee, Suk-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.106-112
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    • 1986
  • Biochemical and histological effects of ozone gas (0.3 ppm) on rice plant were discussed. After ozone expoure, damage symptom, percentages of destroyed leaves, activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase, and the contents of flavonoid, protein and sugar were examined on two rice varieties (Seokwangbyeo, Jinjubyeo), on tillering stage, and at different exposure time (0, 1, 3, 5 hr). The result were as followed. 1. The ozone-injured cell adjoining stomata become pigmented red-brown. 2. The percentage of injured leaves in Jinjubyeo was higher than that in Seokwangbyeo. 3. The activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase increased on ozone-injured leaves. 4. The peroxidase activity increased with time in Jinjubyeo compared to Seokwangbyeo. 5. Peroxidase isozyme spectrum was altered after ozone exposure. 6. The content of flavonoid and reducing sugar in the rice leaves was increased, but the contents of protein was reduced.

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Ozone Production Characteristics of the DBD Discharge the Electrode Shape at the Same Electrode surface area (동일한 전극 표면적에서 DBD방전형 내부전극 형상에 따른 오존생성특성 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-Hak;Park, Hyunmi;Song, HyunGig;Park, Won-Zoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2016
  • The dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) has low efficiency due to about 70% input power is consumed as thermal energy in the discharge space. However, because of the usage of DBD ozone generator is easier than other methods. The DBD ozone generator has been widely applied for high concentration ozone generation in the industrial application. But, the low-capacity compact DBD ozone generator is not applied so far. Therefore, the DBD ozone generator is necessary to improve ozone production efficiency and reduce the capacity. In this paper, the stainless steel pipe inner electrode was designed with hall type and screw type to improve the ozone production yield. The manufactured two inner electrodes were experimented with normal type for comparison of the discharge characteristics and the ozone generating characteristics. As the experimental results, the discharge current effective value of designed inner electrodes with hall type and screw type are higher than the normal type, due to unequal electric field is formed at the boundary. However, the difference of designed and original electrodes is less than 0.1mA that has no effect on the discharge characteristic. On the other hand, the screw type inner electrode increased higher than original model about 7 times when the flow rate of the oxygen source gas was increased from $0.6{\ell}/min$ to $1.0{\ell}/min$ The reason was assumed by the flow rate of the raw gas through the inner electrode was became fast that has a cooling effect. The designed hall type and screw type inner electrodes have shown good performances in ozone generation and ozone production that better than normal type in the same electrode surface area.

A Study on the Ozonized Water Production technology for the PR Strip Process (PR 제거공정 적용을 위한 오존 수 생성기술 연구)

  • Son Young Su;Chai Sang Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.41 no.12
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2004
  • We have been studied on the high concentration ozonized water production technology which substitute for the SPM wet cleaning solution process as the PR strip process after the photolithography process in the semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing. In this work, we have developed the surface discharge type ozone generator which has the characteristics of the 12 [wt%] ozone concentration at the oxygen gas flow of 0.5[ℓ/min] oxygen per cell and also developed the high efficiency ozone contactor for the mixing ozone gas with deionized water. As the production test results of the ozonized water, we obtained the ozonized water concentration above 80[ppm] at the 10[wt%] ozone gas concentration, and also had a good result of the PR strip rate of 147[nm/min]. at the 70[ppm] ozonized water.

Effects of Retention Time on the Simultaneous of Odor Removal and Sludge Solubilization Using a Non-Thermal Plasma System (저온 플라즈마와 활성슬러지 복합 공정에서 체류시간 변화가 악취 저감 및 슬러지 가용화에 미치는 영향)

  • NamGung, Hyeong-Gyu;Hwang, Hyun-Jung;Song, Ji-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a non-thermal plasma system was employed to simultaneously remove odorous compounds and organic sludge. The system consisted of two reactors; the first one was the non-thermal plasma reactor where ozone was produced by the plasma reaction and the ozone oxidized hydrogen sulfide, the model odorous compound, and then the ozone-laden gas stream was introduced to the second reactor where wasted sludge was disintegrated and solubilized by ozone oxidation. In this study, the gas retention time (GRT) and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) were changed in the two-reactor system, and the effects of GRT and HRT on reduction efficiencies of odor and sludge were determined. As the GRT increased, the ozone concentration increased resulting in an increasing efficiency of hydrogen sulfide removal. However, the overall ozone loading rate to the second sludge reactor was the same at any GRT, which resulted in an insignificant change in sludge reduction rate. When HRTs in the sludge reactor were 1, 2, 4 hours, the sludge reduction rates were approximately 30% during the four-hour operation, while the rate increased to 70% at the HRT of 6 hours. Nevertheless, at HRTs greater than 4 hours, the solubilization efficiency was not proportionally increased with increasing specific input energy, indicating that an appropriate sludge retention time needs to be applied to achieve effective solubilization efficiencies at a minimal power consumption for the non-thermal plasma reaction.

Ozone resistance of radiosensitive strains of escherichia coli K-12 (Escherichia coli K-12 방사선 감수성 균주의 오존 내성)

  • Harvey, Michel
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1988
  • Ozone, an atmospheric pollutant, can damage similar UV and X-rays DNA and its components. It is possible then that the KNA damage produced by this gas are similar, to some extent, to those of radiations and that they could be repaired by the same DNA repair mechanisms. It has been observed in Escherichia coli that radiosensitive strains such as lex A, rec A and pol A, all deficient to some extent for DNA repair, are more sensitive to ozone than a wild type strain. We have thendetermined the ozone resistance and host-cell reactivation of ozone-damaged T3 phages for the E. coli double mutants pol A, lex A, uvr B, lex A, uvr A, rec A and rec A lox A. According to the results, the DNA polymerase 1 plays a key role in ozone resistance and Type 11 mechanism and/or shory patch excision repair are the most important for it. The interactions between the different DNA repair mechanisms are secondary. There is a strong correlation between ozone resistance and the capacity to reactivate T3 phages damaged by ozone.

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A Study on the Performance of a Short Term Ozone Passive Sampler in Experimental Chamber (단기 측정용 오존 간이 측정기의 실험 챔버 내에서 성능에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.1001-1009
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    • 2007
  • Passive sampler is a simple and cost-effective measuring equipment for ambient and indoor air pollution. We studied the performance of a short term (1 hour mean concentration) ozone passive sampler which was coated with a colorant (indigo carmine) to a filter substrate. Acetone and sulfamic acid added ozone passive sampler was investigated to measure short term mean ozone concentration. Ozone response and interference of criteria air pollutant($SO_2,\;NO_2$, CO) on a short term ozone passive sampler was tested through experimental chamber. The results show sulfamic acid added passive ozone sampler have good response in ozone exposure. Interference of $NO_2$ gas is larger than other two criteria gases.

Evaluation of Ozone for Metal Oxide Thin Film Fabrication

  • Lim, Jung-Kwan;Park, Yong-Pil;Jang, Kyung-Uk;Lee, Hee-Kab
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.675-678
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    • 2004
  • Ozone is usually generated from oxygen gas using a silent discharge apparatus and its concentration is less then 10 mol%. An ozone condensation system is constructed for metal oxide thin film fabrication. Ozone is condensed by the adsorption method, which is widely used for the growth of oxidation thin films such as superconductor. Highly condensed ozone is analyzed by three methods; ultraviolet absorption, thermal decomposition and Q-mass analyzing methods. Thermal decomposition method is most effective in the highly condensed ozone region and its method is superior to Q-mass analyzer for determining ozone concentration because of the simplicity of the method.

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A Study on the Decomposition Rate of Phenol in the Batch Type Ozonation (회분식 오존 공정에서 페놀의 분해 속도에 관한 연구)

  • 안재동;강동수
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 1997
  • The characteristics of the ozone treatments of phenol were studied in a laboratory scale wastewater treatment system. The ozone treatment of wastewater was carried out in a batch-type reactor. The initial pH of wastewater(7-10), volumetric flow rate(1-2l/min) and ozone concentration(20~30 mg/l) of aerating gas were considereal as experimental variables in the ozone treatment. Phenol was decomposed easily by the ozone in a batch treatment, where the rate determining step was the COD removal that is decomposition of intermediates formed by the ozonation of phenol. Phenol decomposition and COD removal could be expressed by the first order reaction for the phenol concentration and COD, respectively. Rate constants of phenol decomposition and COD removal increased with the initial pH, volumetric flow rate and ozone concentration of aeration gas. Under the present experimental condition, their relationships could be given by for the phenol decomposition $k'=4.46\times 10^{-9}[pH]_o ^{3.94}[O_3]^{1.42}Q_{O3}^{1.57}$ for the COD removal $k=2.46\times 10^{-10}[pH]_o ^{5.19}[O_3]^{1.15}Q_{O3}^{1.19}$

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Evaluating Effective Volume and Hydrodynamic Behavior in a Full-Scale Ozone Contactor with CFD Simulation (전산유체역학을 이용한 실규모 오존 접촉에서의 수리거동과 유효 체적 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, No-Suk;Mizuno, Tadao;Tsuno, Hiroshi;Bea, Chul-Ho;Lee, Seon-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.656-665
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    • 2004
  • An Ozone reaction model combined with CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) technique was developed in this research, in the simulation of ozonation, hydrodynamic behavior as well as reaction model is important because ozone is supplied to treated water as gas ozone. In order to evaluate hydrodynamic behavior in an ozone contactor, CFD technique was applied. CFD technique elucidated hydrodynamic behavior in the selected ozone contactor, which consisted of three main chambers. Three back-mixing zones were found in the contactor. The higher velocities of water were observed in the second and third compartments than that in the first compartment. The flow of the opposite direction to the main flow was observed near the water surface. Based on the results of CFD simulation, the ozone contactor was divided into small compartments. Mass balance equations were established were established in each compartment with reaction terms. This reaction model was intended to predict dissolved ozone concentration, especially. We concluded that the model could predict favorably the mass balance of ozone, namely absorption efficiency of gaseous ozone, dissolved ozone concentration and ozone consumption. After establishing the model, we discussed the effect of concentration of gaseous ozone at inlet, temperature and organic compounds on dissolved ozone concentration.