• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overall Work and Job Satisfaction

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The Effects of Married Nurses' Parenting Stress and Job Involvement on Retention Intention (기혼간호사의 양육스트레스와 직무몰입이 재직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, In Suk;Kim, Seonho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify correlations among married nurses' parenting stress, job involvement and intent to stay, as well as to clarify factors that affect nurses' intent to stay. This is a descriptive study conducted based on evaluation of 174 married nurses from one university hospital and two general hospitals (200 beds or above) located in C region, all of who had at least one child <6 years of age. Data were collected from Aug 20 until Sep 15, 2016, after which data were analyzed by aT-test, ANOVA, Pearson's coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The mean score of parenting stress was $2.67{\pm}0.54$ out of 4, while that of job involvement was $3.11{\pm}0.58$ out of 5, and intent to stay was $3.56{\pm}0.79$ out of 5. Intent to stay was significantly negatively correlated with parenting stress(r=-0.186, p=0.014), while it was positively correlated with job involvement(r=0.345, p<0.001). Factors influencing intent to stay were education level(${\beta}=0.28$, p=0.042), job satisfaction(${\beta}=0.60$, p<0.001), weekend work(${\beta}=0.20$, p=0.042), job involvement(${\beta}=0.31$, p<0.001) and parenting stress(${\beta}=-0.22$, p=0.038). These factors explained 36.8% of intent to stay(F=21.18, p<0.001). Overall, the results indicate that intervention strategies may be necessary to increase intent to stay by reducing parenting stress and enhancing job involvement.

A Meta-regression Analysis on related Protective Variables of Childcare Teacher's Turnover Intentions (보육교사의 이직의도와 관련된 억제변인의 메타회귀분석)

  • Moon, Dong Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-44
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the previous studies done on the child-care teacher's turnover intentions. From 2001 to 2011, 33 articles which reforted primary empirical data met the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The results of this study are as follo ws: First, included in the main factors related to child-care teachers' turnover intentions were a job-related variable, an organizational internal variable and an organizational external variable. Second, the most influential protective variable related to the child-care teacher's turnover intentions among the set of organizational external variables was work-time followed by welfare, education and training, remuneration, social recognition and promotion system. Third, the most influential protective variable related to child-care teachers' turnover intentions among the set of job-related variables was teacher efficacy followed by job satisfaction, participation of decision making, performance, work-autonomy and work-professionalism. Fourth, the most influential protective variable related to the child-care teacher's turnover intentions among the set of organizational internal variables was personal relations followed by relationships with the director and relationships with colleagues. The effect size of these variables was large. Fifth, the results of meta-regression analysis revealed that the survey area and years had no significant effect on overall effect sizes.

The Positive Impact of Corporate Ethical Management on Employee Performance

  • Namim NA
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Prior studies regarding ethical management on worker's performance have primarily focused on specific industries or regions, potentially limiting the generalizability. This gap in knowledge underscores the need for a comprehensive investigation that considers a diverse range of industries and thoroughly examines the multifaceted aspects of ethical management. Research design, data and methodology: The academic search platform used for this study was 'Google Scholar', 'Scopus', and 'Web of Science' indexes various scholarly articles, including peer-reviewed journals and books. By utilizing specific search terms such as "corporate ethical management" and "employee performance," a vast pool of relevant studies was identified. Results: The findings indicated four effects: first, a positive correlation between ethical management practices and heightened employee motivation and engagement; second, an augmentation in organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees; third, a reduction in turnover rates, indicating enhanced employee retention; and fourth, an elevation in overall productivity and performance outcomes. Conclusions: In sum, this study offers actionable insights, advocating for adopting and reinforcing ethical management strategies as a potent means to foster a high-performance work culture. These encompass fostering a robust ethical framework, cultivating a culture of transparency and open communication, and providing avenues for employees to voice ethical concerns without fear of retribution.

Development of the Burnout Scale for General Hospital Nurses (종합병원 간호사의 소진 측정도구 개발)

  • Lee, Sun-Mi;Shin, Hye Sook
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement tool for burnout in general hospital nurses and verify its reliability and validity. Methods: Construct factors were extracted through an extensive literature review and in-depth interviews with nurses. Psychometric testing was conducted with 550 nurses in a general hospital. Data were analyzed using validity and reliability testing. Results: As a result of factor analysis, 4 factors and 26 items were selected. The burnout factors of general hospital nurses were professional quality of life, work environment excellence, job satisfaction, and negative emotions. The overall coefficient of determination was 46.38%. These factors were validated through convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity testing. The internal consistency reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's α=.91). Conclusions: The Burnout Scale for General Hospital Nurses is a valid and reliable tool that contributes to the assessment of burnout in general hospital nurses. This scale is expected to be used in burnout practice and research of general hospital nurses.

Nurses' Communications with Health Professionals (간호사의 의료인 간 의사소통에 대한 조사연구)

  • Cho, Yong Ae;Kim, Mi Kyung;Cho, Myoung Sook;Nam, Eun Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To present necessary data for improvement in communications between health professionals in as characterized by nurses' communications. Methods: This study was a descriptive survey research design with a survey of 1,510 registered nurses working in general hospitals (of at least 1,900 beds) in Seoul. A questionnaire on communication in the ICU, nurse-physician and nurse-nurse, was used. Data were collected from January 9 to 20, 2012, and the response rate was 85.0%. Results: Cronbach ${\alpha}$ values ranged from .75 to .89, except for .59 for accuracy (nurse-physician), with .89 overall. The highest mean score was for perception for timeliness [$3.83{\pm}.57$], followed by shift communication (nurse-nurse) [$3.64{\pm}.66$], openness (nurse-nurse) [$3.64{\pm}.65$], accuracy (nurse-nurse) [$3.14{\pm}.61$], openness (nurse-physician) [$2.90{\pm}.75$], understanding (nurse-physician) [$2.82{\pm}.65$], and accuracy (nurse-physician) [$2.70{\pm}.59$]. Subscales of openness, understanding, and shift communication were strongly associated with communication satisfaction. The general characteristics of nurses with different perceptions of communications included age, clinical experience, work pattern, and department. Conclusion: Proactive activities to improve accuracy, openness and mutual understanding between physicians and nurses are required for patient safety. Further studies are also needed to reassess communications and evaluate the relationship between patient outcomes and nurses' job satisfaction after application of strategies to improve communications.

The Effect of Communication Ability of Health-Related Majoring Students on College Life Adjustment (보건계열 대학생의 의사소통 능력이 대학 생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Jnag, Cheul;Kim, Min-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the effects of health science majors' communication skills on their adjustment to college life. Methods : The subjects were 336 college students majoring in health science at colleges located in Busan. The survey's questionnaire comprised 38 items, including 15 items for communication skills and 19 items for adjustment to college life. Results : In the gender-based comparison of communication skills and adjustment to college life, female students had better communication skills, with overall higher scores than male students for the understanding others and communication. In the age-based comparison of communication skills and adjustment to college life, students aged 21 to 22 showed the best communication skills, while students aged 18 to 20 exhibited the least communication skills. In terms of adjustment to college life, those aged 25 or older scored the highest, and those aged 21 to 22 scored the lowest. In the school-year-based comparison of communication skills and adjustment to college life, third- and first-year students showed the best and least communication skills, respectively. Overall, third- and fourth-year students were more adjusted at adjusting to college life than first- and second-year students. Third-year students also scored the highest in academic adjustment, whereas second-year students scored the lowest. In terms of relationships between the students' communication skills and their adjustment to college life, communication skills were positively correlated with the following subdomains: understanding of others, self-expression, and communication. Communication skills also showed a positive correlation with adjustment to the college environment, including personal-emotional adjustment. Conclusions : The present study found that communication skills did not significantly affect health science majors' adjustment to college life. However, given that communication skills are an essential factor for effective work performance and greater job satisfaction, it is recommended that colleges provide students with relevant education and experiences to help them enhance communication skills while in school.

Evaluation of the Perceived Performance on Sanitary Management of Cooked Foods in Foodbanks (푸드뱅크 조리기탁식품의 안전성 확보를 위한 위생관리 실태 평가)

  • Hwang Yun-Kyung;Park Ki-Hwan;Ryu Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.240-252
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    • 2006
  • A survey was implemented to suggest basic data for assuring the safety of cooked foods in foodbank operations. A questionnaire consisted of total 48 items including general characteristics, basic inputs and perceived importance/performance of sanitary management. One hundred twenty-eight responses among the 267 nationwide foodbanks were used for the statistical analysis. About forty-one percent of foodbanks was operated a period of 1-3 years and 43.0% of them were managed by social welfare organizations. The number of staff was only 0.5 person per operation with the whole responsibility and 1.0 with additional work, and thus most of the work was managed by volunteers. Job satisfaction was shown to be moderate and was affected by specialty and salary mostly. The facilities and equipment in foodbanks were not enough to operate and freezers/refrigerators were the top priority to supplement. Most of the respondents attended a nationwide level sanitary education program (79.7%); but complained not enough frequency of education (90%). The sanitary status of the donated foods was considered as satisfactory but some safety practices had to be improved, including personnel expenses and operating costs in the district level, a sanitary awareness of the donors and a general management of the facilities arid equipment. An assessment on sanitary management resulted in an overall average of 4.45 out of 5 points in importance and 3.85 in performance showing the high level of sanitation perception in foodbank managers. From the IPA analysis, the fields found to be improved were sanitation management during cooking and temperature control as well as cleanliness and sanitation of both transport vehicle and refrigerator/freezer. To secure the food safety in foodbanks, consequently, personnel support, supplement of facilities and equipment, intense sanitation education and development of sanitation management program is needed.

Influence of COVID-19 Vaccination Awareness on Clinical Practice (COVID-19 Vaccine 접종 인식이 현장실습에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun-Jae Kim;Bu-Yeon Park
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2023
  • This study was investigate the relationship between vaccination and clinical practice during the COVID-19 period, when clinical practice education for public health students is shifting to a non-face-to-face direction. Students' clinical practice experience after graduation is an important part of their professional careers. The result that students who wanted to work in health care had a higher level of face-to-face clinical practice than students who did not (OR: 3.421, 95%CI: 1.333-8.775). Face to face clinical practice was higher among vaccination students (OR: 2.522, 95%CI: 1.017-6.254). In the non-face-to-face clinical practice conducted at the COVID-19 of environment students were found to be low in satisfaction with the overall clinical practice due to concerns about contracting infectious diseases. Additionally, I felt anxious about working in the field after getting a job. Accordingly, we will be able to enhance the professional role of students by actively supporting vaccinations that can relieve anxiety about infectious diseases and conducting face-to-face clinical practice.

Rehabilitation assistive technology in adaptation to disabled job Effect on the use of research (장애인 직무적응에 대한 재활보조공학 이용 효과 연구)

  • Jeong, S.H.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2013
  • This study rehabilitation assistive technology system for people with disabilities employed by a company in the field of occupations and job satisfaction have adapted to, and for the rehabilitation assistive technology support(rehabilitation assistive technology hardware and the software) and service quality based on the quality of convenient for employees to work life by analyzing the factors that can act on adaptation employees on behavioral intentions was to determine the overall impact. Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon companies based in vocational education and training received in the employment of the disabled subject questionnaires were distributed, and finally 594 valid questionnaires were minor. In order to test the hypothesis SEM(structural equation model) were used, the results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, rehabilitation assistive technology hardware quality of the quality of rehabilitation assistive technology software affected. Second, rehabilitation assistive technology software quality on the quality of the service quality affected. Third, rehabilitation assistive technology hardware quality on the quality of the service quality affected. Fourth, quality of service, the quality of the adaptation of action for employees affected also. Fifth, rehabilitation assistive technology software for adaptive quality of the employees also had an impact on behavior. Sixth, rehabilitation assistive technology hardware to adapt the quality of the employees affected. And parameters (quality of service quality) influenced to as indirect effects. The results of this study support the rehabilitation assistive technology and rehabilitation assistive technology hardware and software) based, quality of service and quality of fused form acceptable to, the degree of action for employees to adapt more implications that may affect have provided.

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The Effect of Self-Expression on Stress with Clinical Dental Practice among Students in the Department of Dental Hygiene (치위생과 학생의 자기표현이 임상실습 스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Ju-Yean;Lee, Hyun-Ok;Kim, Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the self-expression level of dental hygiene students related to communicative competence and their stress during clinical practice and what affected their stress. The subjects in this study were 125 dental hygiene students in W college, on whom a survey was conducted from September 18 through 30, 2006. After the collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 10.0 program, the following findings were acquired: 1. When a factor analysis was made to evaluate the self-expression of the students, there appeared three different categories of self-expression: voice/content, facial expression/attitude and sentiment. The three made a 58.1% prediction of their self-expression. As for overall reliability, they turned out highly reliable(Cronbach'a = .881). 2. The dental hygiene students got a mean of 3.58 out of possible five points in self-expression, which indicated that they expressed themselves relatively well. Concerning connections between their general characteristics and self-expression level, those who were inactive during clinical practice got a mean of 3.28, whereas the others who were active got a mean of 3.85. It implied that those who took a more active attitude to clinical practice expressed themselves better(p < .01). The person with whom they found it hard to get along made a statistically significant difference to their self-expression(p < .05). The students who didn't fare well with dental hygienists got the best score(3.70). The second best group(3.53) didn't get along with dentists, followed by assistant nurses(3.46) and patients/caregivers(3.31). As for the impact of the field of dream job, the students who hoped to work or study overseas(4.21) excelled in self-expression those who wanted to be hired in a general hospital, to go onto a school of higher grade and to work in a public dental clinic(p < .05). Among the general characteristics, satisfaction level with major, health status and motivation of choosing dental hygiene made no statistically significant differences to their self-expression. 3. Regarding relations between self-expression level and stress about clinical practice, those who didn't express themselves properly in terms of sentiment scored higher in stress level(3.65). Their stress was statistically significantly different according to self-expression level (p < .05). 4. As for the influence of self-expression and general characteristics on stress with clinical practice, sentiment was selected from among the self-expression categories as a decisive factor to affect stress. Their stress varied statistically significantly with that(p < .05). In contrast, their demographic variables made no statistically significant difference to that, which made a 79.2% prediction of it.

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