• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optical mobility

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Influence of Electron Beam Irradiation on the Electrical Properties of Zn-Sn-O Thin Film Transistor (Zn-Sn-O 박막 트랜지스터의 전기적 특성에 대한 전자빔 조사의 영향)

  • Cho1, In-Hwan;Jo, Kyoung-Il;Choi, Jun Hyuk;Park, Hai-Woong;Kim, Chan-Joong;Jun, Byung-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.216-220
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    • 2017
  • The effect of electron beam (EB) irradiation on the electrical properties of Zn-Sn-O (ZTO) thin films fabricated using a sol-gel process was investigated. As the EB dose increased, the saturation mobility of ZTO thin film transistors (TFTs) was found to slightly decrease, and the subthreshold swing and on/off ratio degenerated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the O 1s core level showed that the relative area of oxygen vacancies ($V_O$) increased from 10.35 to 12.56 % as the EB dose increased from 0 to $7.5{\times}10^{16}electrons/cm^2$. Also, spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis showed that the optical band gap varied from 3.53 to 3.96 eV with increasing EB dose. From the results of the electrical property and XPS analyses of the ZTO TFTs, it was found that the electrical characteristic of the ZTO thin films changed from semiconductor to conductor with increasing EB dose. It is thought that the electrical property change is due to the formation of defect sites like oxygen vacancies.

Fabrication of compact surface structure by molar concentration on Sb-doped SnO2 transparent conducting films (안티몬 도핑된 주석 산화물 투명전도막의 몰 농도에 따른 치밀한 표면 구조 제조)

  • Bae, Ju-Won;Koo, Bon-Ryul;Ahn, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2018
  • Sb-doped $SnO_2$ (ATO) transparent conducting films are fabricated using horizontal ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposition (HUSPD) to form uniform and compact film structures with homogeneously supplied precursor solution. To optimize the molar concentration and transparent conducting performance of the ATO films using HUSPD, we use precursor solutions of 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.30 M. As the molar concentration increases, the resultant ATO films exhibit more compact surface structures because of the larger crystallite sizes and higher ATO crystallinity because of the greater thickness from the accelerated growth of ATO. Thus, the ATO films prepared at 0.25 M have the best transparent conducting performance ($12.60{\pm}0.21{\Omega}/{\square}$ sheet resistance and 80.83% optical transmittance) and the highest figure-of-merit value ($9.44{\pm}0.17{\times}10^{-3}{\Omega}^{-1}$). The improvement in transparent conducting performance is attributed to the enhanced carrier concentration by the improved ATO crystallinity and Hall mobility with the compact surface structure and preferred (211) orientation, ascribed to the accelerated growth of ATO at the optimized molar concentration. Therefore, ATO films fabricated using HUSPD are transparent conducting film candidates for optoelectronic devices.

Effect of Ambient Gases on the Characteristics of ITO Thin Films for OLEDs

  • Lee, Yu-Lim;Lee, Kyu-Mann
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 2009
  • We have investigated the effect of ambient gases on the structural, electrical, and optical characteristics of ITO thin films intended for use as anode contacts in OLED (organic light emitting diodes) devices. These ITO thin films are deposited by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering under different ambient gases (Ar, Ar+$O_2$, and Ar+$H_2$) at $300{^{\circ}C}$. In order to investigate the influences of the oxygen and hydrogen, the flow rate of oxygen and hydrogen in argon mixing gas has been changed from 0.5 sccm to 5 sccm and from 0.01 sccm to 0.25 sccm, respectively. The intensity of the (400) peak in the ITO thin films increased with increasing $O_2$, flow rate whilst the (400) peak was nearly invisible in an atmosphere of Ar+$H_2$. The electrical resistivity of the ITO thin films increased with increasing $O_2$ flow rate, whereas the electrical resistivity decreased sharply under an Ar+$H_2$ atmosphere and was nearly similar regardless of the $H_2$ flow rate. The change of electrical resistivity with changes in the ambient gas composition was mainly interpreted in terms of the charge carrier mobility rather than the charge carrier concentration. All the films showed an average transmittance of over 80% in the visible range. The OLED device was fabricated with different ITO substrates made with the configuration of ITO/$\alpha$-NPD/DPVB/$Alq_3$/LiF/Al in order to elucidate the performance of the ITO substrate. Current density and luminance of OLED devices with ITO thin films deposited in Ar+$H_2$ ambient gas is the highest among all the ITO thin films.

The effect of advanced periodontitis on the dental pulp tissue (중증치주염이 치수조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byung-Ock;Park, Young-Ran;Yoon, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Hyun-Seon
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 2005
  • In order to examine the effects of advanced periodontitis on the dental pulps, 38 extracted human teeth were examined histologically. The 38 teeth had a positive or negative state in the electric pulp test(EPT). In addition, almost of the 38 teeth had a deep pocket and severe mobility, and floating state. A medical and dental history was elicited. The extracted teeth fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution. The general tissue processing method was followed. The tissue block including the teeth was prepared for optical microscopy using hematoxillin-eosin staining. Among the 38 periodontally involved teeth, the dental pulps were respectively intact in 12(31%), and a pulp stone(or linear calcifications) was found in 18 teeeth(47%). In addition, 17 teeth(44%) had pulps exhibiting inflammatory reactions with varying intensities, such as hyperemia, pulp abscess, pulp necrosis. Among the 38 periodontally involved teeth, 37 teeth tested a positive to the EPT, and 7 teeth tested negative. The EPT positive 37 teeth had various histological features such as 7 normal pulp(18%), 17 pulp stone(44%), 1 hyperemia (2%), 9 pulpitis(23%), 5 root resorption(13%), 3 pulp abscess(7%), and 3 pulp necrosis(7%), In conclusion, it is suggested that in the EPT positive teeth, advanced periodontally involved teeth can cause inflammation of the dental pulp.

Growth and effect of thermal annealing for ZnIn2Se4 single crystalline thick film by hot wall epitaxy (Hot Wall Epitaxy (HWE)법에 의한 ZnIn2Se4 단결정 후막 성장과 열처리 효과)

  • Hong, Myung-Seuk;Hong, Kwang-Joon
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.437-446
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    • 2008
  • Single crystalline ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ layers were grown on thoroughly etched semi-insulating GaAs (100) substrate at $400^{\circ}C$ with hot wall epitaxy (HWE) system by evaporating ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ source at $630^{\circ}C$. The crystalline structure of the single crystalline thick films was investigated by the photoluminescence (PL) and Double crystalline X-ray rocking curve (DCRC). The carrier density and mobility of ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ single crystalline thick films measured from Hall effect by van der Pauw method are $9.41{\times}10^{16}cm^{-3}$ and $292cm^2/V{\cdot}s$ at 293 K, respectively. The temperature dependence of the energy band gap of the ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ obtained from the absorption spectra was well described by the Varshni's relation, $E_g(T)$=1.8622 eV-$(5.23{\times}10^{-4}eV/K)T^2$/(T+775.5 K). After the as-grown ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ single crystalline thick films was annealed in Zn-, Se-, and In-atmospheres, the origin of point defects of ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ single crystalline thick films has been investigated by the photoluminescence (PL) at 10 K. The native defects of $V_{Zn}$, $V_{Se}$, $Zn_{int}$, and $Se_{int}$ obtained by PL measurements were classified as a donors or acceptors type. And we concluded that the heat-treatment in the Se-atmosphere converted ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ single crystalline thick films to an optical p-type. Also, we confirmed that In in ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$/GaAs did not form the native defects because In in ${ZnIn_2}{Se_4}$ single crystalline thick films existed in the form of stable bonds.

Isoindigo Based Small Molecules for High-Performance Solution-Processed Organic Photovoltaic Devices

  • Elsawy, W.;Lee, C.L.;Cho, S.;Oh, S.H.;Moon, S.H.;Elbarbary, A.;Lee, Jae-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.245.2-245.2
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    • 2013
  • Solution processed organic photovoltaic devices have relatively less attention compared to polymer photovoltaic devices even though they have high possibility to be developed because they have both advantages of polymer and organic, such as solution processable, no synthetic batch dependence of photovoltaic performance, high purity and high charge carrier mobility as well as relatively high efficiency (~7%). In addition, solution processed organic photovoltaic devices have an advantage of easiness to study the relationship between the molecular structure and photovoltaic performance due to its simple structure. In this work, five isoindigo based low band gap donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) small molecules with different electron donating strength were synthesized for investigating the relationship between the molecular structure and photovoltaic performance, especially, investigating the effects of different electron donating effect of donor group in isoindigo backbone to photovoltaic device performance. The variation of electron donating strength of donor group strongly affected the optical, thermal, electrochemical and photovoltaic device performances of isoindigo organic materials. The highest power conversion efficiency of ~3.2% was realized in bulk heterojuction photovoltaic device consisted of the ID3T as donor and PC70BM as acceptor. This work demonstrates the great potential of isoindigo moieties as electron deficient units as well as guideline for synthesis of donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) small molecules for realizing highly efficient solution processed organic photovoltaic devices.

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Synthesis of CdS with Graphene by CBD(Chemical Bath Deposition) Method and Its Photocatalytic Activity

  • Pawar, R.C.;Lee, Jin-Yong;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Hyungsub;Lee, Caroline Sunyong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.504-507
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    • 2012
  • Synthesis of RGO (reduced graphene oxide)-CdS composite material was performed through CBD (chemical bath deposition) method in which graphene oxide served as the support and Cadmium Sulfate Hydrate as the starting material. Graphene-based semiconductor photocatalysts have attracted extensive attention due to their usefulness for environmental and energy applications. The band gap (2.4 eV) of CdS corresponds well with the spectrum of sunlight because the crystalline phase, size, morphology, specic surface area and defects, etc., of CdS can affect its photocatalytic activity. The specific surface structure (morphology) of the photocatalyst can be effective for the suppression of recombination between photogenerated electrons and holes. Graphene (GN) has unique properties such as a high value of Young's modulus, large theoretical specific surface area, excellent thermal conductivity, high mobility of charge carriers, and good optical transmittance. These excellent properties make GN an ideal building block in nanocomposites. It can act as an excellent electron-acceptor/transport material. Therefore, the morphology, structural characterization and crystal structure were observed using various analytical tools, such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. From this analysis, it is shown that CdS particles were well dispersed uniformly in the RGO sheet. Furthermore, the photocatalytic property of the resulting RGO-CdS composite is also discussed in relation to environmental applications such as the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants. It was found that the prepared RGO-CdS nanocomposites exhibited enhanced photocatalytic activity as compared with that of CdS nanoparticles. Therefore, better efficiency of photodegradation was found for water purification applications using RGO-CdS composite.

Comparison of Dustiness of Eleven Nanomaterials using Voltex Shaker Method (볼텍스쉐이커를 이용한 11개 나노물질의 분진날림 비교)

  • Lee, Naroo;Park, Jinwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Dustiness of nanomaterials is considered as exposure index of essential material. Research on dustiness of nanomaterial is needed to control exposure in workplaces. Method: Dustiness measurement using vortex shaker were installed in the laboratory. Nanomaterials, 1 g, was put in the glass test tube and shaked using vortex shaker. Aerosol dispersed was measured using scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS) and optical particle counter(OPC). Mass concentration using PVC filter and cassette was measured and TEM grid sampling was conducted. Total particle concentration and size distribution were calculated. Image and chemical composition of particles in the air were observed using transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Eleven different test nanomaterials were used in the study. Results: Rank of mass concentration and particle number concentration were coincided in most cases. Rank of nanomateirals with low concentration were not coincided. Two types of fumed silica had the highest mass concentration and particle number concentration. Indium tin oxide, a mixture of indium oxide and tin oxide, had high mass concentration and particle number concentration. Indium oxide had very low mass concentration and particle number concentration. Agglomeration of nanoparticles in the air were observed in TEM analysis and size distribution. In this study, mass concentration and particle number concentration were coincided and two index can be used together. The range of dustiness in particle number concentration were too wide to measure in one method. Conclusion: Particle number concentration ranged from low concentration to high concentration depend on type of nanomaterial, and varied by preparation and amount of nanomaterial used. Further study is needed to measure dustiness of all nanomaterial as one reference method.

Growth and Photocurrent Study on the Splitting of the Valence Band for $CuInSe_2$ Single Crystal Thin Film by Hot Wall Epitaxy (Hot Walll Epitaxy (HWE)법에 의한 $CuInSe_2$ 단결정 박막 성장과 가전자대 갈라짐에 대한 광전류 연구)

  • Yun, Seok-Jin;Hong, Gwang-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.234-238
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    • 2004
  • A stoichiometric mixture of evaporating materials for $CuInSe_2$ single crystal thin films was prepared from horizontal electric furnace. To obtain the single crystal thin films, $CuInSe_2$ mixed crystal was deposited on thoroughly etched semi-insulating GaAs(100) substrate by the hot wall epitaxy (HWE) system. The source and substrate temperatures were $620^{\circ}C$ and $410^{\circ}C$, respectively. The crystalline structure of the single crystal thin films was investigated by the photoluminescence and double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXD). The carrier density and mobility of $CuInSe_2$ single crystal thin films measured with Hall effect by van der Pauw method are $9.62{\times}10^{l6}\;cm^{-3}$ and $296\;cm^2/V{\cdot}s$ at 293 K, respectively. The temperature dependence of the energy band gap of the $CuInSe_2$ obtained from the absorption spectra was well described by the Varshni's relation, $E_g(T)\;=\;1.1851\;eV\;-\;(8.99{\times}10^{-4}\;eV/K)T^2/(T+153K)$. The crystal field and the spin-orbit splitting energies for the valence band of the $CuInSe_2$ have been estimated to be 0.0087 eV and 0.2329 eV at 10K, respectively, by means of the photocurrent spectra and the Hopfield quasicubic model. These results indicate that the splitting of the ${\Delta}_{so}$ definitely exists in the $\Gamma_6$ states of the valence band of the $CuInSe_2$. The three photocurrent peaks observed at 10K are ascribed to the $A_1-$, $B_1-$, and $C_1$-exciton peaks for n = 1.

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Manufacture and characteristic evaluation of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (IGZO) Thin Film Transistors

  • Seong, Sang-Yun;Han, Eon-Bin;Kim, Se-Yun;Jo, Gwang-Min;Kim, Jeong-Ju;Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Heo, Yeong-U
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.166-166
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    • 2010
  • Recently, TFTs based on amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOSs) such as ZnO, InZnO, ZnSnO, GaZnO, TiOx, InGaZnO(IGZO), SnGaZnO, etc. have been attracting a grate deal of attention as potential alternatives to existing TFT technology to meet emerging technological demands where Si-based or organic electronics cannot provide a solution. Since, in 2003, Masuda et al. and Nomura et al. have reported on transparent TFTs using ZnO and IGZO as active layers, respectively, much efforts have been devoted to develop oxide TFTs using aforementioned amorphous oxide semiconductors as their active layers. In this thesis, I report on the performance of thin-film transistors using amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides for an active channel layer at room temperature. $SiO_2$ was employed as the gate dielectric oxide. The amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. The carrier concentration of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide was controlled by oxygen pressure in the sputtering ambient. Devices are realized that display a threshold voltage of 1.5V and an on/off ration of > $10^9$ operated as an n-type enhancement mode with saturation mobility with $9.06\;cm^2/V{\cdot}s$. The devices show optical transmittance above 80% in the visible range. In conclusion, the fabrication and characterization of thin-film transistors using amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides for an active channel layer were reported. The operation of the devices was an n-type enhancement mode with good saturation characteristics.

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