• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optical image

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Analysis of the Cloud Removal Effect of Sentinel-2A/B NDVI Monthly Composite Images for Rice Paddy and High-altitude Cabbage Fields (논과 고랭지 배추밭 대상 Sentinel-2A/B 정규식생지수 월 합성영상의 구름 제거 효과 분석)

  • Eun, Jeong;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Taeho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_1
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    • pp.1545-1557
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    • 2021
  • Crops show sensitive spectral characteristics according to their species and growth conditions and although frequent observation is required especially in summer, it is difficult to utilize optical satellite images due to the rainy season. To solve this problem, Constrained Cloud-Maximum Normalized difference vegetation index Composite (CC-MNC) algorithm was developed to generate periodic composite images with minimal cloud effect. In thisstudy, using this method, monthly Sentinel-2A/B Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composite images were produced for paddies and high-latitude cabbage fields from 2019 to 2021. In August 2020, which received 200mm more precipitation than other periods, the effect of clouds, was also significant in MODIS NDVI 16-day composite product. Except for this period, the CC-MNC method was able to reduce the cloud ratio of 45.4% of the original daily image to 14.9%. In the case of rice paddy, there was no significant difference between Sentinel-2A/B and MODIS NDVI values. In addition, it was possible to monitor the rice growth cycle well even with a revisit cycle 5 days. In the case of high-latitude cabbage fields, Sentinel-2A/B showed the short growth cycle of cabbage well, but MODIS showed limitations in spatial resolution. In addition, the CC-MNC method showed that cloud pixels were used for compositing at the harvest time, suggesting that the View Zenith Angle (VZA) threshold needsto be adjusted according to the domestic region.

Waterbody Detection from Sentinel-2 Images Using NDWI: A Case of Hwanggang Dam in North Korea (Sentinel-2 기반 NDWI를 이용한 수체 탐지 연구: 북한 황강댐을 사례로)

  • Kye, Changwoo;Shin, Dae-Kyu;Yi, Jonghyuk;Kim, Jingyeom
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1207-1214
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    • 2021
  • In thisletter, we developed technology which can exclude effect of cloudsto perform remote waterbody detection based on Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery to calculate the area of ungauged reservoirs and applied to the Hwanggang dam reservoir, a representative ungauged reservoir, to verify usability. The remote waterbody detection technology calculates the cloud blocking ratio by comparing the cloud boundary in the Sentinel-2 imagery and the reservoir boundary first. Next, itselects data whose cloud blocking ratio does not exceed a specific value and calculates NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) with selected imagery. In last, it calculatesthe area of the reservoir by counting the number of grids which have NDWI value considered as waterbody within the boundary of the target reservoir and correcting with cloud blocking ratio. To determine cloud blocking ratio threshold forselecting image, we performed the area calculation of Hwanggang dam reservoir from July 2018 to October 2021. As a result, when the cloud blocking ratio threshold wasset 10%, we confirmed that the result with large error due to clouds were filtered well and obtained 114 results that can show changes in Hwanggang dam reservoir area among 220 images.

A Study on the Resolution Analysis of Digital X-ray Images with increasing Thickness of PMMA (조직 등가물질 두께 증가에 따른 디지털 엑스선 영상의 해상도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Junwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2021
  • Scattered x-ray generated by digital radiography systems also have the advantage of increasing signals, but ultimately detectability is reduced by decreasing resolution and increasing noise of x-ray images transmitted objects. An indirect method of measuring scattered x-ray in a modulation-transfer function (MTF) for evaluating resolution in a spatial-frequency domain can be considered as a drop in the MTF value corresponding to zero-frequency. In this study, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was used as a patient tissue equivalent, and MTFs were obtained for various thicknesses to quantify the effect of scattered x-ray on resolution. X-ray image signals were observed to decrease by 35 ~ 83% with PMMA thickness increasing, which is determined by the absorption or scattering of x-rays in PMMA, resulting in reduced MTF and increased scatter fraction. The method to compensate for MTF degradation by PMMA resulted in the MTF inflation without considering the optical spreading generated by the indirect-conversion type detector. Data fitting or zero-padding are needed to compensate for MTF more reasonably on edge-spread function or line-spread function.

A Study on Photovoltaic Panel Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence (Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence를 이용한 태양광전지 패널 모니터링 효율화 연구)

  • Yoon, Donghyeon;Lee, Moungjin;Lee, Seungkuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 2021
  • Photovoltaic panels are hazardous electronic waste that has heavy metal as one of the hazardous components. Each year, hazardous electronic waste is increasing worldwide and every heavy rainfall exposes the photovoltaic panel to become the source of heavy metal soil contamination. the development needs a monitoring technology for this hazardous exposure. this research use relationships between SAR temporal baseline and coherence of Sentinel-1 satellite to detected photovoltaic panel. Also, the photovoltaic plant detection tested using the difference between that photovoltaic panel and the other difference surface of coherence. The author tested the photovoltaic panel and its environment to calculate differences in coherence relationships. As a result of the experiment, the coherence of the photovoltaic panel, which is assumed to be a permanent scatterer, shows a bias that is biased toward a median value of 0.53 with a distribution of 0.50 to 0.65. Therefore, further research is needed to improve errors that may occur during processing. Additionally, the author found that the change detection using a temporal baseline is possible as the rate of reduction of coherence of photovoltaic panels differs from those of artificial objects such as buildings. This result could be an efficient way to continuously monitor regardless of weather conditions, which was a limitation of the existing optical satellite image-based photovoltaic panel detection research and to understand the spatial distribution in situations such as photovoltaic panel loss.

Research on Development of Construction Spatial Information Technology, using Rover's Camera System (로버 카메라 시스템을 이용한 건설공간정보화 기술의 개발 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Sungchul;Chung, Taeil;Park, Jaemin;Shin, Hyu-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.630-637
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    • 2019
  • The scientific, economical and industrial values of the Moon have been increased, as massive ice-water and rare resource were founded from the lunar exploration missions. Korea and other major space agencies in the world are competitively developing the ISRU (In Situ Resource Utilization) technology to secure future lunar resource as well as to construct the lunar base. To prepare for the lunar construction, it is essential to develop the rover based construction spatial information technology to provide a decision-making aided information during the lunar construction process. Thus, this research presented the construction spatial information technology based upon rover's camera system. Specifically, the conceptual design of rover based camera system was designed for acquisition of a rover's navigation image, and lunar terrain and construction images around the rover. The reference architecture of the rover operation system was designed for computation of the lunar construction spatial information. Also, rover's localization and terrain reconstruction methods were introduced considering the characteristics of lunar surface environments. It is necessary to test and validate the conceptual design of the construction spatial information technology. Thus, in the future study, the developed rover and rover operation system will be applied to the lunar terrestrial analogue site for further improvements.

Characterizing three-dimensional mixing process in river confluence using acoustical backscatter as surrogate of suspended sediment (부유사 지표로 초음파산란도를 활용한 합류부 3차원 수체혼합 특성 도출)

  • Son, Geunsoo;Kim, Dongsu;Kwak, Sunghyun;Kim, Young Do;Lyu, Siwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2021
  • In order to characterize the mixing process of confluence for understanding the impacts of a river on the other river, it has been crucial to analyze the spatial mixing patterns for main streams depending on various inflow conditions of tributaries. However, most conventional studies have mostly relied upon hydraulic or water quality numerical models for understanding mixing pattern analysis of confluences, due to the difficulties to acquire a wide spatial range of in-situ data for characterizing mixing process. In this study, backscatters (or SNR) measured from ADCPs were particularly used to track sediment mixing assuming that it could be a surrogate to estimate the suspended sediment concentration. Raw backscatter data were corrected by considering the beam spreading and absorption by water. Also, an optical Laser diffraction instrument (LISST) was used to verify the method of acoustic backscatter and to collect the particle size distribution of main stream and tributary. In addition, image-based spatial distributions of sediment mixture in the confluence were monitored in various flow conditions by using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which were compared with the spatial distribution of acoustic backscatter. As results, we found that when acoustic backscatter by ADCPs were well processed, they could be proper indicators to identify the spatial patterns of the three-dimensional mixing process between two rivers. For this study, flow and sediment mixing characteristics were investigated in the confluence between Nakdong and Nam river.

Polymer Eyeglass Lens with Ultraviolet & High-Energy Visible Light Blocking Function for Eye Health (자외선 및 고에너지 가시광 차단 기능을 갖는 눈 건강을 위한 폴리머 안경렌즈)

  • Kim, Ki-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2020
  • Ultraviolet rays, which have wavelengths smaller than 400 nm, are very harmful to the eyes. Recently, high-energy visible light was also revealed to be harmful to retinal cells. Therefore, polymer eyeglass lenses that can block UV and high-energy visible light are needed for eye health. In this study, high-refractive-index polymer eyeglass lens, n=1.67, were manufactured using the injection-mold method with the m-xylene diisocyanate monomer, 2,3-bis((2-mercaptoethyl)thio)-1-propanethiol monomer, benzotriazole UV absorber, release of alkyl phosphoric ester, dye mixture of CI solvent violet 13, and catalyst of dibutyltin dichloride mixture. A multi-layer anti-reflection coating was applied to manufactured polymer eyeglass lenses for both sides using an E-beam evaporation system. The optical properties of the manufactured lenses with the UV and high-energy visible light-blocking function were analyzed by UV-visible spectrophotometry. As a result, the polymer eyeglass lens with a UV absorber of 0.5 wt. % blocked 99% of UV and high-energy visible light shorter than 411 nm. The average transmittance of the polymer eyeglass lens with a UV absorber of 0.5wt.% was 97.9% in the range of 460 ~ 660 nm for photopic eye sensitivity higher than 10%. Therefore, clear image acquisition in photopic vision is possible.

Development of Transparent Cleansing Water with Salicylic Acid and Capryloyl Salicylic Acid (살리실릭애씨드 및 카프릴로일살리실릭애씨드가 적용된 투명 클렌징 워터의 개발)

  • Yeo, Hye Lim;Park, Injeong;Jung, So Young;Lee, So Min;Kim, Hyung mook;Lee, Mi-Gi;Kwak, Byeong-Mun;Bin, Bum-Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2022
  • This study is about the development of transparent cleansing water with one of the beta-hydroxy acids (BHA), salicylic acid, and capryloyl salicylic acid, which is one of the lipo-hydroxy acids (LHA). Transparent appearance was stabilized by increasing the solubility of lipophilic salicylic acid and capryloyl salicylic acid in water using ethanol, polyol, and sodium hydroxide, and supplementing suspension and deposition using a double micelle structure of two types of PEG surfactants. Cleansing water applied with this technology was developed, and makeup removing ability and skin texture improvement ability were confirmed using an optical camera and an image analyzer. This solubilization technology is proposed as a new approach of LHA, which has been difficult to apply due to its low solubility in water, and is expected to help in the development of new chemical peeling products.

Individual Ortho-rectification of Coast Guard Aerial Images for Oil Spill Monitoring (유출유 모니터링을 위한 해경 항공 영상의 개별정사보정)

  • Oh, Youngon;Bui, An Ngoc;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1479-1488
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    • 2022
  • Accidents in which oil spills occur intermittently in the ocean due to ship collisions and sinkings. In order to prepare prompt countermeasures when such an accident occurs, it is necessary to accurately identify the current status of spilled oil. To this end, the Coast Guard patrols the target area with a fixed-wing airplane or helicopter and checks it with the naked eye or video, but it was difficult to determine the area contaminated by the spilled oil and its exact location on the map. Accordingly, this study develops a technology for direct ortho-rectification by automatically geo-referencing aerial images collected by the Coast Guard without individual ground reference points to identify the current status of spilled oil. First, meta information required for georeferencing is extracted from a visualized screen of sensor information such as video by optical character recognition (OCR). Based on the extracted information, the external orientation parameters of the image are determined. Images are individually orthorectified using the determined the external orientation parameters. The accuracy of individual orthoimages generated through this method was evaluated to be about tens of meters up to 100 m. The accuracy level was reasonably acceptable considering the inherent errors of the position and attitude sensors, the inaccuracies in the internal orientation parameters such as camera focal length, without using no ground control points. It is judged to be an appropriate level for identifying the current status of spilled oil contaminated areas in the sea. In the future, if real-time transmission of images captured during flight becomes possible, individual orthoimages can be generated in real time through the proposed individual orthorectification technology. Based on this, it can be effectively used to quickly identify the current status of spilled oil contamination and establish countermeasures.

Waterbody Detection Using UNet-based Sentinel-1 SAR Image: For the Seom-jin River Basin (UNet기반 Sentinel-1 SAR영상을 이용한 수체탐지: 섬진강유역 대상으로)

  • Lee, Doi;Park, Soryeon;Seo, Dongju;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_3
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    • pp.901-912
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    • 2022
  • The frequency of disasters is increasing due to global climate change, and unusual heavy rains and rainy seasons are occurring in Korea. Periodic monitoring and rapid detection are important because these weather conditions can lead to drought and flooding, causing secondary damage. Although research using optical images is continuously being conducted to determine the waterbody, there is a limitation in that it is difficult to detect due to the influence of clouds in order to detect floods that accompany heavy rain. Therefore, there is a need for research using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that can be observed regardless of day or night in all weather. In this study, using Sentinel-1 SAR images that can be collected in near-real time as open data, the UNet model among deep learning algorithms that have recently been used in various fields was applied. In previous studies, waterbody detection studies using SAR images and deep learning algorithms are being conducted, but only a small number of studies have been conducted in Korea. In this study, to determine the applicability of deep learning of SAR images, UNet and the existing algorithm thresholding method were compared, and five indices and Sentinel-2 normalized difference water index (NDWI) were evaluated. As a result of evaluating the accuracy with intersect of union (IoU), it was confirmed that UNet has high accuracy with 0.894 for UNet and 0.699 for threshold method. Through this study, the applicability of deep learning-based SAR images was confirmed, and if high-resolution SAR images and deep learning algorithms are applied, it is expected that periodic and accurate waterbody change detection will be possible in Korea.