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The improved facial expression recognition algorithm for detecting abnormal symptoms in infants and young children (영유아 이상징후 감지를 위한 표정 인식 알고리즘 개선)

  • Kim, Yun-Su;Lee, Su-In;Seok, Jong-Won
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.430-436
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    • 2021
  • The non-contact body temperature measurement system is one of the key factors, which is manage febrile diseases in mass facilities using optical and thermal imaging cameras. Conventional systems can only be used for simple body temperature measurement in the face area, because it is used only a deep learning-based face detection algorithm. So, there is a limit to detecting abnormal symptoms of the infants and young children, who have difficulty expressing their opinions. This paper proposes an improved facial expression recognition algorithm for detecting abnormal symptoms in infants and young children. The proposed method uses an object detection model to detect infants and young children in an image, then It acquires the coordinates of the eyes, nose, and mouth, which are key elements of facial expression recognition. Finally, facial expression recognition is performed by applying a selective sharpening filter based on the obtained coordinates. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm improved by 2.52%, 1.12%, and 2.29%, respectively, for the three expressions of neutral, happy, and sad in the UTK dataset.

Optical Character Recognition based Security Document Image File Management System (광학문자인식 기반 보안문서 이미지 파일 관리 시스템)

  • Jeong, Pil-Seong;Cho, Yang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2019
  • With the development of information and communication technology, we have been able to access and manage documents containing corporate information anytime and anywhere using smart devices. As the work environment changes to smart work, the scope of information distribution is expanded, and more efforts are needed to manage security. This paper proposes a file sharing system that enables users who have smart devices to manage and share files through mutual cooperation. Proposed file sharing system, the user can add a partner to share files with each other when uploading files kept by spliting the part of the file and the other uses an algorithm to store on the server. After converting the file to be uploaded to base64, it splits it into encrypted files among users, and then transmits it to the server when it wants to share. It is easy to manage and control files using dedicated application to view files and has high security. Using the system developed with proposed algorithm, it is possible to build a system with high efficiency even for SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises) that can not pay much money for security.

The Value of I-Scan Image-Enhanced Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Leukoplakia

  • Lee, Young Chan;Eun, Young-Gyu;Park, Il-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.98-102
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    • 2018
  • Background and Objectives : Detection of vascular abnormalities in vocal cord (VC) leukoplakia is important for the diagnosis of neoplastic change of the mucosa. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of i-scan in the differential diagnosis of VC leukoplakia based on visualization of abnormal vascular features. Material and Methods : Fifty-two patients with leukoplakia were enrolled in the study. Images of their larynx obtained using conventional white light endoscopy and an i-scan-enhanced endoscopy (Pentax DEFINA EPK-3000 Video Processors, with Pentax VNLJ10) were reviewed. The microvascular features of the lesions and vascular changes were analyzed and the results were compared with the histopathologic diagnosis. Results : Among the 52 leukoplakia patients, 7 (13.5%) patients had squamous hyperplasia, 10 (19.3%) mild dysplasia, 2 (3.8%) moderate dysplasia, 14 (26.9%) severe dysplasia, 4 (7.7%) carcinoma in situ, and 15 (28.8%) invasive squamous cell carcinoma on histopathologic examination. Using i-scan-enhanced endoscopy, abnormal vascular change with neoplastic neoangiogenesis was detected in most cases of malignant VC lesion [severe dysplasia : 9/14 (64.3%), carcinoma in situ: 2/4 (50.0%), and invasive squamous cell carcinoma : 11/15 (73.4%)]. Conclusion : i-scan-enhanced endoscopy is a useful optical technique for the diagnosis of VC leukoplakia. Our results suggest that i-scan may be a promising diagnostic tool in the early detection of laryngeal cancer.

A study on the ultra precision machining of free-form molds for advanced head-up display device (첨단 헤드업 디스플레이 장치용 비구면 자유형상 금형의 초정밀 가공에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Durk;Jang, Taesuk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.290-296
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    • 2019
  • Head-up displays for vehicles play an important role in displaying various information about the safety and convenience of driving on the windshield of the vehicle. In this study, ultra-precision machining was performed and evaluated as a method for machining a large-area aspheric free-form mirror that is applicable to augmented reality technology. Precision diamond cutting is highly accurate and suitable for the production of advanced parts with excellent surface integrity, low surface roughness, and low residual stress. By using an aspheric free-form mold, it is possible to improve the optical transfer function, reduce the distortion path, and realize a special image field curvature. To make such a mold, the diamond cutting method was used, and the result was evaluated using an aspherical shape-measuring machine. As a result, it was possible to the mold with shape accuracy (PV) below 1μm and surface roughness (Ra) below 0.02μm.

Detailed Morphology and Texture of Microlites in Obsidian observed through Electron Microscopy (전자현미경을 이용한 흑요석 내 미세결정의 형태와 조직 관찰)

  • Jwa, Yong-Joo;Hwang, Ga-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.568-574
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    • 2018
  • Microlite is crystallized under the supercooled condition of volcanic magma. This study reports the morphology and texture of microlites included in the obsidians from the Baekdusan (Mt. Baekdu), Kyushu (Japan), Hokkaido (Japan) and Lipari Island (Italy) by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Morphology and texture observed from the back scattered electron (BSE) image could give more detailed information on the microlite crystallization which cannot be acquired from the conventional optical microscope. Ten types of microlites are newly described according to the 14 morphological types of microlites by Clark (1961): Lath, Crenulite, Bacillite, Margarite, Belonites, Trichites, Arculites, Furculite, Scopulites, Scopulitic growth. Detailed description of the ten microlites can be used to interpret the crystallization and paragenetic relations of crystals during the cooling of acidic volcanic magma.

Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays Using Liquid Crystal-polymer Composite Film and Colorless Polyimide Substrate

  • Kim, Tae Hyung;Kim, Minsu;Manda, Ramesh;Lim, Young Jin;Cho, Kyeong Jun;Hee, Han;Kang, Jae-Wook;Lee, Gi-Dong;Lee, Seung Hee
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2019
  • Application of liquid crystal (LC) materials to a flexible device is challenging because the bending of LC displays easily causes change in thickness of the LC layer and orientation of LCs, resulting in deterioration in a displayed image quality. In this work, we demonstrate a prototype device combining a flexible polymer substrate and an optically isotropic LC-polymer composite in which the device consists of interdigitated in-plane switching electrodes deposited on a flexible colorless polyimide substrate and the composite consisting of nano-sized LC droplets in a polymer matrix. The device can keep good electro-optic characteristics even when it is in a bending state because the LC orientation is not disturbed in both voltage-off and -on states. The proposed device shows a high potential to be applicable for future flexible LC devices.

KOMPSAT Imagery Application Status (다목적실용위성 영상자료 활용 현황)

  • Lee, Kwangjae;Kim, Younsoo;Chae, Taebyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1311-1317
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    • 2018
  • The ultimate goal of satellite development is to use information obtained from satellites. Therefore, national-levelsatellite development program should include not only hardware development, but also infrastructure establishment and application technology development for information utilization. Until now, Korea has developed various satellites and has been very useful in weather and maritime surveillance as well as various disasters. In particular, KOMPSAT (Korea Multi-purpose Satellite) images have been used extensively in agriculture, forestry and marine fields based on high spatial resolution, and has been widely used in research related to precision mapping and change detection. This special issue aims to introduce a variety of recent studies conducted using KOMPSAT optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images and to disseminate related satellite image application technologies to the public sector.

Hydrodynamic scene separation from video imagery of ocean wave using autoencoder (오토인코더를 이용한 파랑 비디오 영상에서의 수리동역학적 장면 분리 연구)

  • Kim, Taekyung;Kim, Jaeil;Kim, Jinah
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a hydrodynamic scene separation method for wave propagation from video imagery using autoencoder. In the coastal area, image analysis methods such as particle tracking and optical flow with video imagery are usually applied to measure ocean waves owing to some difficulties of direct wave observation using sensors. However, external factors such as ambient light and weather conditions considerably hamper accurate wave analysis in coastal video imagery. The proposed method extracts hydrodynamic scenes by separating only the wave motions through minimizing the effect of ambient light during wave propagation. We have visually confirmed that the separation of hydrodynamic scenes is reasonably well extracted from the ambient light and backgrounds in the two videos datasets acquired from real beach and wave flume experiments. In addition, the latent representation of the original video imagery obtained through the latent representation learning by the variational autoencoder was dominantly determined by ambient light and backgrounds, while the hydrodynamic scenes of wave propagation independently expressed well regardless of the external factors.

Image Denoising Methods based on DAECNN for Medication Prescriptions (DAECNN 기반의 병원처방전 이미지잡음제거)

  • Khongorzul, Dashdondov;Lee, Sang-Mu;Kim, Yong-Ki;Kim, Mi-Hye
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2019
  • We aimed to build a patient-based allergy prevention system using the smartphone and focused on the region of interest (ROI) extraction method for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in the general environment. However, the current ROI extraction method has shown good performance in the experimental environment, but the performance in the real environment was not good due to the noisy background. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the compared methods of reducing noisy background to solve the ROI extraction problem. There five methods used as a SMF, DIN, Denoising Autoencoder(DAE), DAE with Convolution Neural Network(DAECNN) and median filter(MF) with DAECNN (MF+DAECNN). We have shown that our proposed DAECNN and MF+DAECNN methods are 69%, respectively, which is relatively higher than the conventional DAE method 55%. The verification of performance improvement uses MSE, PSNR and SSIM. The system has implemented OpenCV, C++ and Python, including its performance, is tested on real images.

Development of Curing Process for EMC Encapsulation of Ultra-thin Semiconductor Package (초박형 반도체 패키지의 EMC encapsulation을 위한 경화 공정 개발)

  • Park, Seong Yeon;On, Seung Yoon;Kim, Seong Su
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the Curing process for Epoxy Molding Compound (EMC) Package was developed by comparing the performance of the EMC/Cu Bi-layer package manufactured by the conventional Hot Press process system and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) Heater process system of the surface heating system. The viscosity of EMC was measured by using a rheometer for the curing cycle of the CNT Heater. In the EMC/Cu Bi-layer Package manufactured through the two process methods by mentioned above, the voids inside the EMC was analyzed using an optical microscope. In addition, the interfacial void and warpage of the EMC/Cu Bi-layer Package were analyzed through C-Scanning Acoustic Microscope and 3D-Digital Image Correlation. According to these experimental results, it was confirmed that there was neither void in the EMC interior nor difference in the warpage at room temperature, the zero-warpage temperature and the change in warpage.