• Title/Summary/Keyword: OVERLAY ANALYSIS

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Changes in Floating Population Distribution in Jeju Island Tourist Destinations Before and After COVID-19 Using Spatial Big Data Analysis (공간 빅데이터 분석을 활용한 COVID-19 전후 제주도 관광지의 유동인구 분포 변화)

  • Heonkyu Jeong;Yong-Bok Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.12-28
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to identify the trend of changes in tourist floating population before and after COVID-19 in major tourist destinations in Jeju Island through spatial analysis. Seongsan-eup and Andeok-myeon in Jeju Island were selected as the research area, and the research period was set at 1 year before and 2 years after the COVID-19 outbreak. For the analysis, mobile floating population data was refined and processed to calculate floating population distribution and floating population increase/decrease data. This was converted into spatial data and an overlay analysis was performed with location data of major tourist attractions. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the floating population of indoor tourist attractions and small facilities decreased immediately after COVID-19, and that in open coastal areas or large facilities, the floating population decreased less or actually increased. In conclusion, in tourism development, it is necessary to identify changes in floating population according to the characteristics of tourist facilities, and it is necessary to develop tourism facilities and strategies that can respond to risk situations such as pandemics when developing tourist destinations.

Analysis on the Characteristics of Heat Wave Vulnerable Areas Using Landsat 8 Data and Vulnerability Assessment Analysis (Landsat 8 영상과 취약성 분석을 활용한 폭염재해 취약지역의 특성분석)

  • KIM, Ji-Sook;KIM, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • Cities are highly susceptible to disasters due to concentration of population and infrastructure and intensive land use, and there are various factors that affect vulnerability according to regional characteristics. This study analyzed the vulnerability of the heat wave and the surface temperature extracted from Landsat 8 satellite data. Areas with high surface temperature and with high vulnerability did not match. This study overlaid the results of vulnerability analysis and the land surface temperature(LST) in order to identify causes of vulnerability. The results showed that some areas within high-density commercial and semi-residential areas were the most vulnerable, with climate exposure factors, the ratio of the vulnerable populations and residential defective areas being the main causes. Accordingly, alternatives such as green space and residential environmental improvement could be suggested. Various policies for reducing and adapting to heat wave have been established and implemented. However, it is necessary to examine the regional and spatial characteristics of the city, to accurately diagnose the cause of the heat wave, and to prepare appropriate long-term alternatives accordingly.

Efficient Peer-to-Peer Lookup in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

  • Shin, Min-Ho;Arbaugh, William A.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2009
  • In recent years the popularity of multi-hop wireless networks has been growing. Its flexible topology and abundant routing path enables many types of applications. However, the lack of a centralized controller often makes it difficult to design a reliable service in multi-hop wireless networks. While packet routing has been the center of attention for decades, recent research focuses on data discovery such as file sharing in multi-hop wireless networks. Although there are many peer-to-peer lookup (P2P-lookup) schemes for wired networks, they have inherent limitations for multi-hop wireless networks. First, a wired P2P-lookup builds a search structure on the overlay network and disregards the underlying topology. Second, the performance guarantee often relies on specific topology models such as random graphs, which do not apply to multi-hop wireless networks. Past studies on wireless P2P-lookup either combined existing solutions with known routing algorithms or proposed tree-based routing, which is prone to traffic congestion. In this paper, we present two wireless P2P-lookup schemes that strictly build a topology-dependent structure. We first propose the Ring Interval Graph Search (RIGS) that constructs a DHT only through direct connections between the nodes. We then propose the ValleyWalk, a loosely-structured scheme that requires simple local hints for query routing. Packet-level simulations showed that RIGS can find the target with near-shortest search length and ValleyWalk can find the target with near-shortest search length when there is at least 5% object replication. We also provide an analytic bound on the search length of ValleyWalk.

Developing Forecast Technique of Landslide Hazard Area by Integrating Meteorological Observation Data and Topographical Data -A Case Study of Uljin Area- (기상과 지형자료를 통합한 산사태 위험지 예측 기법 개발 -울진지역을 대상으로-)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • Recently the large scale of forest disaster such as landslide and forest fire gives a very bad impact on not only forest ecosystem but also farm business so that it has became the main issue of environmental problems. In this study, the landslide hazard area forecast method was developed by considering not only the topographic thematic maps based on GIS and satellite images but also amount of rainfall data, which are very important factors of landslide. Uljin-gun was selected as the study area and the GIS weight score and overlay analysis were applied to topographical map and meteorological observation map. Finally the landslide area distribution map was constructed by considering the evaluation criteria. Also, the accuracy could be acquired by comparing the landslide hazard area forecast map and real damaged area extracted from satellite image.

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Agricultural Application of GIS: Establishment and Utilization of Horticultural Field Database (GIS의 농업적 활용: 원예단지의 DB구축 및 활용)

  • Shin, Young Chul;An, Sang Hyun;Park, Young Dal;Kim, Sun Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 1999
  • A horticultural field database system is constructed for the intelligent farm management using GIS. The database system include both spatial and attribute data of the GIS that can be used as useful information for the farmers every year. The result of the research is summarized as follow; First, the system provides the position, attributes and spatial data of the horticultural farm through AML. Second, the user interface that composed of a basic function menu and application menu is easy to use. Third, the method which applicated overlay and analysis would be need to manage farming data in this horticultural farm and to develop a dynamic decision support system interfaced with GIS.

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The Selection of Suitable Site for Park and Green Spaces to Increase Accessibility and Biodiversity - In Case of Seongnam City - (접근성과 생물다양성 증진을 고려한 도시 공원·녹지의 필요지역 선정 - 성남시를 사례로 -)

  • Heo, Hankyul;Lee, Dong Kun;Mo, Yongwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2015
  • Urban park and green space provide various functions. Among the functions, human benefit and increase of biodiversity are known to be important. Therefore, it is important to consider human and biotic aspect in the process of selecting suitable site for park and green space. However, there is insufficient research on both aspects. In this study, we used green network to analyze human and biotic aspect to select suitable site for park and green space in Seongnam City in Korea. To analyze the green network, we used accessibility for human aspect and used dispersal distance and habitat size for biotic aspect. We conducted least-cost path modelling using movement cost. In case of biotic aspect, GFS (generic focal species) is used to estimate habitat size and dispersal distance. To find out suitable site for park and green space, we used an overlay analysis method. As the result, old residential areas are shown have insufficient green network which needs park and green space. Furthermore, the green network for biotic aspect is insufficient in old residential areas comapred to green network for human aspect. The result of this study could contribute in planning of park and green space to maximize their functions.

An Emergency Alert Message Broadcasting System using Null-Packet on Digital TV Broadcasting

  • Kim, Yoo-Won;Park, Seung-Bo;Hong, Myung-Duk;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.1767-1777
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    • 2010
  • In digital TV broadcasting, such as terrestrial, cable, satellite, and IPTV, the head-end of digital TV broadcasting has a more complicated transmission structure than that of analog TV broadcasting. Furthermore, digital TV broadcasting has a feature that supports multiplex models, such as Multiple Program Transport Stream (MPTS). Therefore, the purpose of our work was to design and examine a more efficient new system of emergency alert message transmission to support the digital TV broadcasting environments. Digital TV broadcasting is the IP generation or RF transmission of 8-VSB, QAM, and QPSK modulated through a multiplexer or re-multiplexer multiplexed stream as a MPEG-2 Transport Stream after content encoding. The new system proposed in this paper transmits an emergency alert message without scrambling after replacing the PID and payload of the -packet with the message prototype in the TS stream from the multiplexer. If we need to transmit an emergency alert message under digital TV broadcasting services, then the receiver first checks the PID of each packet in the TS stream for the emergency alert message. Next, if a packet is determined to be an emergency alert message, then the set-top box displays the message on the TV screen using its function of On Screen Display, or the PC based software displays the message on the monitor screen using its function of overlay with user interface if the packet is found to be an emergency alert message. We have designed an emergency alert message protocol and a system model. By experiments and analysis of the system, we concluded that the system achieved efficiency and the ability to send and receive emergency alert messages using the system under different digital TV broadcasting service environments.

GIS overlay analysis for hazard assessment of drought in Iran using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

  • Asrari, Elham;Masoudi, Masoud;Hakimi, Somaye Sadat
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2012
  • The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a widely used drought index to provide good estimations of the intensity, magnitude and spatial extent of droughts. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial pattern of drought by SPI index. In this paper, the patterns of drought hazard in Iran are evaluated according to the data of 40 weather stations during 1967-2009. The influenced zone of each station was specified by the Thiessen method. It was attempted to make a new model of drought hazard using GIS. Three criteria for drought were studied and considered to define areas of vulnerability. Drought hazard criteria used in the present model included: maximum severity of drought in the period, trend of drought, and the maximum number of sequential arid years. Each of the vulnerability indicators were mapped and these as well as a final hazard map were classified into 5 hazard classes of drought: one, slight, moderate, severe and very severe. The final drought vulnerability map was prepared by overlaying three criteria maps in a GIS, and the final hazard classes were defined on the basis of hazard scores, which were determined according to the means of the main indicators. The final vulnerability map shows that severe hazard areas (43% of the country) which are observed in the west and eastern parts of country are much more widespread than areas under other hazard classes. Overall, approximately half of the country was determined to be under severe and very severe hazard classes for drought.

A Study on the Utilization of Photoballoon System for Database Generation of Small Areas (소규모 지역의 자료기반 구축을 위한 Photoballoon 시스템의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 이재기;조재호;최석근;이재동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1993
  • In order to generate database, we need to obtain speedy and corret topographic information according to requisite purpose. Generally methods to an acquisition of topographic information are available by the use of maps, satellite images, stereo models of aerophoto and so forth. But we must choose a optimal method in consideration of area of object region, spatial solution of image, required accuracy and economic. Therefore, this study aims at providing the establish method of efficient topographic data base of small object region by means of spatial layer techniques of geo-spatial information system and using acquisition of geo-information and production method of base map with photoballoon system to obtain topographic information for reasonable plan and design of object region which select a zone preparation of a collective village with small region. As a result of this study, we decided an f-stop and a shutter speed of camera to obtain accurate stereo model and were able to obtain stereo photography and topography for small region by using of photoballoon system through accuracy analysis according to change flight height and air base speedly and economically. We can establish the data base useable to efficient plan and design as existence map with overlay plan drawing.

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Analysis of Frequency Response of Piezo Stages and Scanning Path Monitoring/Compensation for Scanning Laser Optical Tweezers (주사 레이저 광집게를 위한 압전 구동기 주파수 특성 분석과 주사 경로 추적 및 보상)

  • Hwang, Sun-Uk;Lee, Song-Woo;Lee, Yong-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2008
  • In scanning laser optical tweezers, high speed scanning stages are used to manipulate a laser beam spot. Due to the inertia of the stage, the output scanning signal decreases with increased frequency of the input signal. This discrepancy in the signals is difficult to observe since most of the energy from the laser beam is blocked out to avoid CCD damage. In this paper, we propose two methods to alleviate these problems. Firstly, frequency responses of piezo stages are measured to analyze the signal drops and the input signal is compensated accordingly. Secondly, an overlay of the scanning path is drawn on the live monitoring screen to enhance the visibility of the scanning path. The result is a drop-compensated scanning with clear path view.