• 제목/요약/키워드: Numerical methods of integration

검색결과 215건 처리시간 0.023초

Analysis of delay compensation in real-time dynamic hybrid testing with large integration time-step

  • Zhu, Fei;Wang, Jin-Ting;Jin, Feng;Gui, Yao;Zhou, Meng-Xia
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.1269-1289
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    • 2014
  • With the sub-stepping technique, the numerical analysis in real-time dynamic hybrid testing is split into the response analysis and signal generation tasks. Two target computers that operate in real-time may be assigned to implement these two tasks, respectively, for fully extending the simulation scale of the numerical substructure. In this case, the integration time-step of solving the dynamic response of the numerical substructure can be dozens of times bigger than the sampling time-step of the controller. The time delay between the real and desired feedback forces becomes more striking, which challenges the well-developed delay compensation methods in real-time dynamic hybrid testing. This paper focuses on displacement prediction and force correction for delay compensation in the real-time dynamic hybrid testing with a large integration time-step. A new displacement prediction scheme is proposed based on recently-developed explicit integration algorithms and compared with several commonly-used prediction procedures. The evaluation of its prediction accuracy is carried out theoretically, numerically and experimentally. Results indicate that the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed prediction method are of significance.

A remedy for a family of dissipative, non-iterative structure-dependent integration methods

  • Chang, Shuenn-Yih;Wu, Tsui-Huang
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2018
  • A family of the structure-dependent methods seems very promising for time integration since it can simultaneously have desired numerical properties, such as unconditional stability, second-order accuracy, explicit formulation and numerical dissipation. However, an unusual overshoot, which is essentially different from that found by Goudreau and Taylor in the transient response, has been experienced in the steady-state response of a high frequency mode. The root cause of this unusual overshoot is analytically explored and then a remedy is successfully developed to eliminate it. As a result, an improved formulation of this family method can be achieved.

Generalization of Integration Methods for Complex Inelastic Constitutive Equations with State Variables (상태변수를 갖는 비탄성 구성식 적분법의 일반화)

  • Yun, Sam-Son;Lee, Sun-Bok;Kim, Jong-Beom;Lee, Hyeong-Yeon;Yu, Bong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.1075-1083
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    • 2000
  • The prediction of the inelastic behavior of the structure is an essential part of reliability assessment procedure, because most of the failures are induced by the inelastic deformation, such as creep and plastic deformation. During decades, there has been much progress in understanding of the inelastic behavior of the materials and a lot of inelastic constitutive equations have been developed. These equations consist of the definition of inelastic strain and the evolution of the state variables introduced to quantify the irreversible processes occurred in the material. With respect to the definition of the inelastic strain, the inelastic constitutive models can be categorized into elastoplastic model, unified viscoplastic model and separated viscoplastic model and the different integration methods have been applied to each category. In the present investigation, the generalized integration method applicable for various types of constitutive equations is developed and implemented into ABAQUS by means of UMAT subroutine. The solution of the non-linear system of algebraic equations arising from time discretization with the generalized midpoint rule is determined using line-search technique in combination with Newton method. The strategy to control the time increment for the improvement of the accuracy of the numerical integration is proposed. Several numerical examples are considered to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the present method. The prediction of the inelastic behavior of the structure is an essential part of reliability assessment procedure, because most of the failures are induced by the inelastic deformation, such as creep and plastic deformation. During decades, there has been much progress in understanding of the inelastic behavior of the materials and a lot of inelastic constitutive equations have been developed. These equations consist of the definition of inelastic strain and the evolution of the state variables introduced to quantify the irreversible processes occurred in the material. With respect to the definition of the inelastic strain, the inelastic constitutive models can be categorized into elastoplastic model, unified viscoplastic model and separated viscoplastic model and the different integration methods have been applied to each category. In the present investigation, the generalized integration method applicable for various types of constitutive equations is developed and implemented into ABAQUS by means of UMAT subroutine. The solution of the non-linear system of algebraic equations arising from time discretization with the generalized midpoint rule is determined using line-search technique in combination with Newton method. The strategy to control the time increment for the improvement of the accuracy of the numerical integration is proposed. Several numerical examples are considered to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the present method.

Improvement Scheme of Nodal Integration in Meshless Method (무요소법에서 절점 적분의 효과적 개선방안)

  • 송태한;임장근
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2001년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2001
  • Meshfree methods have been attracting issue as computational methods during past a few years. Nowadays, various meshfree methods such as EFGM, RKPM h-p cloud method and etc. were developed and applied in engineering problems. But, most of them were not truly meshless method because background mesh of cell was required for the spatial integration of a weak form. A nodal integration is required for truly meshless methods but it is known that this method gives a little unstable and incorrect solutions. In this paper, an improvement scheme of the existed nodal integration which the weak form can be simply integrated without any stabilization term is proposed. Numerical tests show that the proposed method is more convenient and gives more correct solutions than the previous method.

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A Practical Exciter Model Reduction Approach For Power System Transient Stability Simulation

  • Kim, Soobae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • 제29권10호
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2015
  • Explicit numerical integration methods for power system transient stability simulation require very small time steps to avoid numerical instability. The EXST1 exciter model is a primary source of fast dynamics in power system transients. In case of the EXST1, the required small integration time step for entire system simulation increases the computational demands in terms of running time and storage. This paper presents a practical exciter model reduction approach which allows the increase of the required step size and thus the method can decrease the computational demands. The fast dynamics in the original EXST1 are eliminated in the reduced exciter model. The use of a larger time step improves the computational efficiency. This paper describes the way to eliminate the fast dynamics from the original exciter model based on linear system theory. In order to validate the performance of the proposed method, case studies with the GSO-37 bus system are provided. Comparisons between the original and reduced models are made in simulation accuracy and critical clearing time.

Comparison of Semi-Implicit Integration Schemes for Rate-Dependent Plasticity (점소성 구성식의 적분에 미치는 선형화 방법의 영향)

  • Yoon, Sam-Son;Lee, Soon-Bok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제27권11호
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    • pp.1907-1916
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    • 2003
  • During decades, there has been much progress in understanding of the inelastic behavior of the materials and numerous inelastic constitutive equations have been developed. The complexity of these constitutive equations generally requires a stable and accurate numerical method. To obtain the increment of state variable, its evolution laws are linearized by several approximation methods, such as general midpoint rule(GMR) or general trapezoidal rule(GTR). In this investigation, semi-implicit integration schemes using GTR and GMR were developed and implemented into ABAQUS by means of UMAT subroutine. The comparison of integration schemes was conducted on the simple tension case, and simple shear case and nonproportional loading case. The fully implicit integration(FI) was the most stable but amplified the truncation error when the nonlinearity of state variable is strong. The semi-implicit integration using GTR gave the most accurate results at tension and shear problem. The numerical solutions with refined time increment were always placed between results of GTR and those of FI. GTR integration with adjusting midpoint parameter can be recommended as the best integration method for viscoplastic equation considering nonlinear kinematic hardening.

The Volume Measurement of Air Flowing through a Cross-section with PLC Using Trapezoidal Rule Method

  • Calik, Huseyin
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.872-878
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    • 2013
  • In industrial control systems, flow measurement is a very important issue. It is frequently needed to calculate how much total fluid or gas flows through a cross-section. Flow volume measurement tools use simple sampling or rectangle methods. Actually, flow volume measurement process is an integration process. For this reason, measurement systems using instantaneous sampling technique cause considerably high errors. In order to make more accurate flow measurement, numerical integration methods should be used. Literally, for numerical integration method, Rectangular, Trapezoidal, Simpson, Romberg and Gaussian Quadrature methods are suggested. Among these methods, trapezoidal rule method is quite easy to calculate and is notably more accurate and contains no restrictive conditions. Therefore, it is especially convenient for the portable flow volume measurement systems. In this study, the volume measurement of air which is flowing through a cross-section is achieved by using PLC ladder diagram. The measurements are done using two different approaches. Trapezoidal rule method is proposed to measure the flow sensor signal to minimize measurement errors due to the classical sampling method as a different approach. It is concluded that the trapezoidal rule method is more effective than the classical sampling.

Linear system analysis via wavelet-based pole assignment (웨이블릿 기반 극점 배치 기법에 의한 선형 시스템 해석)

  • Kim, Beom-Soo;Shim, Il-Joo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • 제57권8호
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    • pp.1434-1439
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    • 2008
  • Numerical methods for solving the state feedback control problem of linear time invariant system are presented in this paper. The methods are based on Haar wavelet approximation. The properties of Haar wavelet are first presented. The operational matrix of integration and its inverse matrix are then utilized to reduce the state feedback control problem to the solution of algebraic matrix equations. The proposed methods reduce the computation time remarkably. Finally a numerical example is illustrated to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed methods.

A computational note on maximum likelihood estimation in random effects panel probit model

  • Lee, Seung-Chun
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2019
  • Panel data sets have recently been developed in various areas, and many recent studies have analyzed panel, or longitudinal data sets. Often a dichotomous dependent variable occur in survival analysis, biomedical and epidemiological studies that is analyzed by a generalized linear mixed effects model (GLMM). The most common estimation method for the binary panel data may be the maximum likelihood (ML). Many statistical packages provide ML estimates; however, the estimates are computed from numerically approximated likelihood function. For instance, R packages, pglm (Croissant, 2017) approximate the likelihood function by the Gauss-Hermite quadratures, while Rchoice (Sarrias, Journal of Statistical Software, 74, 1-31, 2016) use a Monte Carlo integration method for the approximation. As a result, it can be observed that different packages give different results because of different numerical computation methods. In this note, we discuss the pros and cons of numerical methods compared with the exact computation method.

2차원 강소성 유한요소해석에서의 안정성 및 효율성 향상에 관한 연구

  • 박근;양동열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1993년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.195-199
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    • 1993
  • In the analysis of metal forming processes by the finite element method, there are many numerical instabilities such as element locking, hourglass mode, shear locking. These instabilities may have a bad effect upon accuracy and convergence. The present work is concerned with improvement of stability and efficiency in two dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method using various type of elements and numerical integration schemes. AS metal forming examples, upsetting and backward extrusion are taken for comparison among the methods : various element types and numerical integration schemes. comparison is made in terms of stability and efficiency. As a result, it has been shown that the finite element computation is stabilized from the viewpoint of computational time, convergency, and numerical instability.

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