• Title/Summary/Keyword: Numerical method

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Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis using Petrov-Galerkin Natural Element Method (페트로프-갤러킨 자연요소법을 이용한 비선형 동해석)

  • Lee, Hong-Woo;Cho, Jin-Rae
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2004
  • According to our previous study, it is confirmed that the Petrov-Galerkin natural element method (PGNEM) completely resolves the numerical integration inaccuracy in the conventional Bubnov-Galerkin natural element method (BG-NEM). This paper is an extension of PG-NEM to two-dimensional nonlinear dynamic problem. For the analysis, a constant average acceleration method and a linearized total Lagrangian formulation is introduced with the PG-NEM. At every time step, the grid points are updated and the shape functions are reproduced from the relocated nodal distribution. This process enables the PG-NEM to provide more accurate and robust approximations. The representative numerical experiments performed by the test Fortran program, and the numerical results confirmed that the PG-NEM effectively and accurately approximates the nonlinear dynamic problem.

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Acoustic Analysis and Design of a Direct-Radiator-Type Loudspeaker (직접방사형 스피커의 음향특성 해석및 설계)

  • 김준태;김정호;김진오
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 1998
  • A systematic procedure for designing a direct-radiator-type loudspeaker has been developed, based on the numerical vibro-acoustic analysis and the Taguchi method. The finite-element model of the speaker cone has been used to calculated the vibration response of the cone excited by the voice coil. The vibration displacement of the speaker cone has been converted into the vibration velocity and used as a boundary condition for the acoustic analysis. The acoustic frequency characteristics of the loudspeaker have been calculated by the boundary element method. The numerical results have been verified by the experiments carried out in an anechoic chamber. Some design parameters have been selected by using the Taguchi method, and the variations of the acoustic characteristics due to the changes of the parameter values have been examined using the numerical model.

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  • Myong, H.K.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.214-219
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    • 2007
  • Both the bubble rising in a fully filled container and the droplet splash are simulated by a solution code(PowerCFD). This code employs an unstructured cell-centered method based on a conservative pressure-based finite-volume method with interface capturing method (CICSAM) in a volume of fluid(VOF) scheme for phase interface capturing. The present results are compared with other numerical solutions found in the literature. It is found that the present code simulate complex free surface flows such as multi phase flows due to large density difference efficiently and accurately.

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Bending Analysis of Mindlin-Reissner Plates by the Element Free Galerkin Method with Penalty Technique

  • Park, Yoo-Jin;Kim, Seung-Jo
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.64-76
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    • 2003
  • In this work, a new penalty formulation is proposed for the analysis of Mindlin-Reissner plates by using the element-free Galerkin method. A penalized weak form for the Mindlin-Reissner Plates is constructed through the exterior penalty method to enforce the essential boundary conditions of rotations as well as transverse displacements. In the numerical examples, some typical problems of Mindlin-Reissner plates are analyzed, and parametric studies on the order of integration and the size of influence domain are also carried out. The effect of the types of background cells on the accuracy of numerical solutions is observed and a proper type of background cell for obtaining optimal accuracy is suggested. Further, optimal order of integration and basis order of Moving Least Squares approximation are suggested to efficiently handle the irregularly distributed nodes through the triangular type of background cells. From the numerical tests, it is identified that unlike the finite element method, the proposed element-free Galerkin method with penalty technique gives highly accurate solution without shear locking in dealing with Mindlin-Reissner plates.

Interface element method (IEM) for a partitioned system with non-matching interfaces (일치하지 않는 경계를 갖는 분리된 시스템을 위한 계면 요소법)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.324-329
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    • 2001
  • A novel method for non-matching interfaces on the boundaries of the finite elements in partitioned domains is presented by introducing interface elements in this paper. The interface element method (IEM) satisfies the continuity conditions exactly through interfaces without recourse to the Lagrange multiplier technique. The moving least square (MLS) approximation in the present study is implemented to construct the shape functions of the interface elements. Alignment of the boundaries of sub-domains in the MLS approximation and integration domains provides a consistent numerical integration due to one form of rational functions in an integration domain. The compatibility of displacements on the boundaries of the finite elements and the interface elements is always preserved in this method, and the completeness of the shape functions of the interface elements guarantees the convergence of numerical solutions. The numerical examples show that the interface element method is a useful tool for the analysis of a partitioned system and for a global-local analysis.

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A Hydrodynamic-Acoustic Splitting Method for Aeroacoustic Noise Prediction of Wall-bounded Shear Flow (벽면 전단 유동의 공력 소음 해석을 위한 유동-음향 분리 기법)

  • Seo, J.H.;Moon, Young-J.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.2060-2065
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    • 2003
  • Aeolian tone generation from a two dimensional circular cylinder is numerically investigated via direct numerical simulation and hydrodynamic-acoustic splitting method. All governing equation are spatially discretized with the sixth-order compact scheme and fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to avoid excessive numerical dissipations and dispersions of acoustic quantities. Comparisons of two results show that the previous splitting method can not accurately predict the aeroacoustic noise of wall bounded shear flow. In this study, a perturbation viscous term and a new energy equation have been developed. This modified splitting method accurately predicts aeroacoustic noise from wall-bounded shear flow. The present results agree very well with the direct numerical simulation solution.

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    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.36 no.3_4
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    • pp.181-203
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we have constructed an overlapping Schwarz method for singularly perturbed second order convection-diffusion equations. The method splits the original domain into two overlapping subdomains. A hybrid difference scheme is proposed in which on the boundary layer region we use the central finite difference scheme on a uniform mesh while on the non-layer region we use the mid-point difference scheme on a uniform mesh. It is shown that the numerical approximations which converge in the maximum norm to the exact solution. When appropriate subdomains are used, the numerical approximations generated from the method are shown to be first order convergent. Furthermore it is shown that, two iterations are sufficient to achieve the expected accuracy. Numerical examples are presented to support the theoretical results. The main advantages of this method used with the proposed scheme is it reduces iteration counts very much and easily identifies in which iteration the Schwarz iterate terminates.

Vibration Analysis of Multi-Span Timoshenko Beams Due to Moving Loads (여러 스팬을 갖는 티모센코 보 구조물의 이동하중에 의한 진동 해석)

  • Hong, Seong-Uk;Kim, Jong-Uk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.23 no.11 s.170
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    • pp.2058-2066
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    • 1999
  • The present paper proposes a new dynamic analysis method for multi-span Timoshenko beam structures supported by joints with damping subject to moving loads. An exact dynamic element matrix method is adopted to model Timoshenko beam structures. A generalized modal analysis method is applied to derive response formulae for beam structures subject to moving loads. The proposed method offers an exact and closed form solution. Two numerical examples are provided for validating and illustrating the proposed method. In the first numerical example, a single span beam with multiple moving loads is considered. A dynamic analysis on a multi-span beam under a moving load is considered as the second example, in which the flexibility and damping of supporting joints are taken into account. The numerical study proves that the proposed method is useful for the vibration analysis of multi-span beam-hype structures by moving loads.

Finite Element Analysis for Behavior of Porous Media Using the S-ALE Method (S-ALE를 이용한 다공질 매체 거동의 유한요소해석)

  • Park Tae-Hyo;Tak Moon-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2006
  • A porous medium is composed of solids, fluids, and gas which have different physical and chemical properties. In addition, these constituents have a relative velocity between each other. So far, in order to analyze porous media using finite element method, Lagrangian or Eulerian method has been used. However, the numerical analyses for porous media have a defect that the methods do not describe the movements of constituents. In this paper, numerical analysis for unsaturated porous media was performed in frame of ALE method which has advantages of Lagrangian and Eulerian. Namely, the Lagrangian description was used in solid phase, and the Eulerian description was used in fluid or gas phase in a porous medium Then the relationship between each other was controlled by the convective term in ALE method. Finally, the numerical results of ALE were compared with tile results of Lagrangian analysis.

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Seismic Response Analysis Considering the Site Effect in Two Dimensional Cases (부지효과를 고려한 2차원 평면상의 지진응답해석)

  • 김민규;임윤묵;김문겸
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2001
  • The site effects of local geological conditions on seismic ground motion are performed using 2D numerical method. For the analysis, a numerical method far ground response analysis using FE-BE coupling method is developed. The total system is divided into two parts so called far field and near field. The far field is modeled by boundary element formulation using the multi-layered dynamic fundamental solution that satisfied radiational condition of wave. And this is coupled with near field modeled by finite elements. In order to verify the seismic response analysis, the results are compared with those of commercial code. As a result, it is shown that the developed method can be an efficient numerical method to solve the seismic response analysis of the site effect in 2D problem.

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