• 제목/요약/키워드: North Korean nuclear threat

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미래 한국군 군사력 건설방향에 대한 연구 - 북한 핵위협과 주변국 위협대비를 중심으로 - (Research on direction of future Korean military force establishment -focus on North Korea's nuclear threat and neighboring countries' counter military threat operation-)

  • 김연준
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2014
  • 한국은 과거처럼 국제관계의 예속자가 아니라 명실상부한 중견국으로서, 북한의 핵과 재래전 도발위협을 극복하고 동북아지역의 평화를 유지하는 '균형자' 역할을 할 수 있도록 군사력을 건설해야 한다. 군사력 건설을 통해 다양한 안보위협에 대한 억제력 발휘가 가능하다. 군사적 억제력 발휘를 위해 첫 번째로 '선제적 억제'(deterrence by preemptive)와 '응징적 억제'(deterrence by punishment)는 현재와 미래의 위협에 대비하여 '감시정찰체계와 지휘통제체계'(C41SR)를 공통전력으로 공격무기체계를 결합한 '공격체계 축'을 건설함으로써 달성할 수 있다. 두 번째로 '거부적 억제'(deterrence by denial)는 공통전력과 방어무기체계를 결합한 '방어체계 축'을 건설함으로써 달성할 수 있다. 마지막으로 자주적으로 첨단전력을 개발하기 위해서는 기존의 방위산업과 연구개발 역량을 통합하여 '인프라 축'을 구축해야 한다. 우리는 미래 한국군의 군사력을 건설함에 있어서 정부의 균형자 역할에 대한 국가적 비젼, 이에 대한 국민적 합의를 토대로 본고에서 제시한 군사력 건설 모형에 따른 일관성 있는 정책적인 노력과 신념이 반드시 필요하다.

북한 핵실험 이슈에 대한 언론의 의제구성 (The Media's Agenda Setting on the Nuclear Test of North Korea)

  • 이완수;손영준
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제56권
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    • pp.175-193
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    • 2011
  • 북한 핵실험 사태에 대한 국내 신문의 보도는 이데올로기적 성향이나 정파성에 관계없이 대체적으로 부정적인 기류가 강했다. 국내 신문은 북한 핵실험이 국내 안보위협과 국내정치 사안에 미칠 영향에 주목했다. 특히 2차 핵실험에 대한 보도에서는 과거 북핵문제에서는 크게 강조되지 않았던 경제적 피해와 연결 지어 보도한 점이 특이하다. 북핵문제를 단순히 안보문제나 국내외 정세와 관련된 이슈로 인식하는 데서 경제적 이슈로 이해하기 시작했다고 볼 수 있다. 북핵문제에 대한 남한의 언론 보도는 그러나 매체의 이데올로기적 성향에 따라 상당한 시각차를 드러냈다. 보수매체인 조선일보와 동아일보는 북핵문제의 원인을 북한체제 모순에서 찾은 반면, 진보매체인 한겨레와 경향신문은 남한의 내부 정치문제에서 귀인하는 보도태도를 보였다. 또 북핵문제 해결에 대한 방식에서도 보수매체인 조선일보와 동아일보는 대북제제와 안보강화를 강조한 반면, 한겨레와 경향신문은 6자 회담과 같은 국제사회 공조를 통한 해결 방식을 제시했다. 북핵문제의 전망에 대해서는 진보신문이 상대적으로 덜 부정적으로 평가하는 경향을 보였다. 토론에서는 북핵문제에 대한 문제의 원인과 해법에 대한 이해방식이 이념에 따라 특정한 지향성과 시각을 갖고 있다는 점을 논의했다.

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해양안보 위협 확산에 따른 한국 해군의 역할 확대방안 (Strategic Approaches and the Role of Naval Forces to Counter Increasing Maritime Threats)

  • 박창권
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권31호
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    • pp.220-250
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    • 2013
  • South Korean national security strategy should be developed to effectively handle and counter increasing maritime threats and challenges. There are three major maritime threats South Korea faces today; maritime disputes on the EEZ boundary and Dokdo islet issues, North Korean threats, and international maritime security. Maritime disputes in the region are getting intensified and turned into a military confrontation after 2010. Now regional countries confront each other with military and police forces and use economic leverage to coerce the others. They are very eager to create advantageous de facto situations to legitimize their territorial claims. North Korean threat is also increasing in the sea as we witnessed in the Cheonan incident and Yeonpyoung shelling in 2010. North Korea resorts to local provocations and nuclear threats to coerce South Korea in which it may enjoy asymmetric advantages. The NLL area of the west sea would be a main hot spot that North Korea may continue to make a local provocation. Also, South Korean national economy is heavily dependent upon foreign trade and national strategic resources such as oil are all imported. Without an assurance on the safety of sea routes, these economic activities cannot be maintained and expanded. This paper argues that South Korea should make national maritime strategy and enhance the strength of naval forces. As a middle power, its national security strategy needs to consider all the threats and challenges not only from North Korea but also to maritime security. This is not a matter of choice but a mandate for national survival and prosperity. This paper discusses the importance of maritime security, changing characteristics of maritime threats and challenges, regional maritime disputes and its threat to South Korea's security, and South Korea's future security strategy and ways to enhance the role of naval forces. Our national maritime strategy needs to show middle and long term policy directions on how we will protect our maritime interests. Especially, it is important to build proper naval might to carry out all the roles and missions required to the military.

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인도와 파키스탄 사례 분석에 따른 북한의 핵태세 연구 (A Study on North Korea's Nuclear Posture Based on India and Pakistan Case Analysis)

  • 조용성
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2024
  • 미국과 소련이 맞서는 제1차 핵시대를 넘어 지금은 크고 작은 국가들로 핵 사용 결정권자가 다양화된 제2차 핵시대라고 할 수 있다. 이에 해당하는 국가인 인도와 파키스탄은 서로 적대국으로 맞서며 핵무기를 보유하고 있지만 핵태세, 핵전략은 상반돼 있다. 두 국가의 사례는 우리나라가 마주한 북한이 앞으로 어떤 핵태세를 취할 것인지에 대해 실마리를 줄 수 있다. 특히 파키스탄이 선택한 선행적 확전 태세는 상대 위협에 대해 핵무기를 선제적으로 쓸 수있다고 위협해서 적의 침략을 억제시키는 매우 공세적인 핵태세이다. 이는 선제공격할 수 있는 소규모 핵무기로도 할수 있는 옵션이다. 따라서 핵능력이 열세한 파키스탄이 인도의 위협에 대응하여 선택할 수 있는 최적의 태세로 보인다. 미국과 한국에 비해 열세인 북한은 앞으로도 파키스탄처럼 핵무기를 선제적으로 사용할 수 있다고 위협할 것으로 보인다. 반면 정권 유지를 위해 실제 사용하기까지는 인도와 같이 수세적이고 상당히 보수적일 것으로 전망된다.

국방환경변화에 따른 군 조직진단체계 발전방향 연구 (Research on development of organization analysis system in accordance with the defense environment changes)

  • 김기현
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권13호
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    • pp.43-81
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    • 2016
  • Security environment we face in the Korean Peninsula is unexpectable. Tensions between Seoul and Pyeongyang and its threats are continuously evolving. Kim Jung Un will keep on conducting provocations and DPRK's isolation will result uncertainty to their objective and intention. KPA is centered on ground forces with conventional weapons but they possess modernized missiles and nuclear capabilities. What's more concerning is that North Korea continuously pursue and develop nuclear weapons and missile capabilities. Pursuing defense reform is inevitable for the ROK to deal adequately against the security threats posed by the North and to prepare for the environment of future warfare. If we are satisfied with the current capabilities then our military capabilities and security status will retrogress. We have to reorganize our units to make a small but FMC, smart military organization. Organization analysis is an urgent issue for reorganizing units. However, it isn't an easy task to reform an organization. There are vague parts for analysis and strong resistance from the people within the organization. Therefore should not focus on the reduction of people and the organization. Organization reform should be done with the acknowledgement of most of the personnel and should focus on the task and its method. These should be reflected to the organization analysis.

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북핵과 한반도 통일에 대한 한·미·중 3국 공조체제와 협력 (The Mutual Assistance System and Cooperation between South Korea, the U.S. and China for the North Korean Nuclear Issue and Unification of the Korean Peninsula)

  • 김주삼
    • 한국과 국제사회
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2017
  • 이 연구는 북한 핵위협에 대한 대응과 미래 한반도 통일과정에서 한 미 중 3개국의 공조체제와 협력구상에 관한 것이다. 북핵문제와 한반도 통일문제에서 한 미 중의 공조와 협력 및 역할과 책임에 있어서 한국은 민족분단의 당사자이고, 미국은 국제문제의 책임국가이자 북한과는 적대적 미수교국이라는 점이며, 중국은 전통적 사회주의 우호관계의 당사국이자 북한 후견인 당사국이라는 점을 지적할 수 있다. 북한의 핵무기와 탄도미사일 등의 전략무기는 국제적 문제로서 향후 김정은의 돌발적 행동에 대비하기 위해서는 한 미 중 3국의 적극적인 공조와 협력 등 대응방안이 모색되어져야 할 시점이다. 그러나 북핵문제의 로드맵에 있어서 G2체제의 미국과 중국의 인식과 대응방법은 유엔안 보리결의사항인 대북제재 이행에서 미묘한 차이를 보이고 있다. 미국은 북핵위협에 대해 한미동맹차원에서 공동위협에 기반한 대북제재와 대북군사력 억제정책을 강력히 추진한 반면, 중국은 북핵위협에 대해 미국의 한반도개입에 대한 안보불안 등으로 북핵해결 과정에서 소극적인 입장을 보이고 있다. 북한은 체제생존 차원에서 중동국가들과 전략무기 거래를 지속적으로 해 온 전례국가라는 점에서 세계평화유지 차원에서라도 중단된 6자회담 다자안보 채널가동 등 압박과 외교협상의 현실적 방안으로 전환해야 한다. 한반도 통일문제는 남북한 당사자의 문제가 전제되어야 함에도 남북한은 민족적 문제를 강대국에 논리에 편승하려는 기현상을 보이고 있다. 그럼에도 북핵과 남북통일문제는 민족 당사자문제로서 국제적 지지를 확보하지 못한 북한의 해법보다는 한국주도의 평화적 해법에 더 설득력이 있어 보인다. 하지만 한 미 중은 한반도 평화정착을 위한 북한에 대한 '대북제재'와 '북한과의 대화'라는 투트랙 전략을 전방위적으로 강구해 나갈 필요성이 있으며, 북한자체의 경제적 자생력을 꾸준히 향상시키는 지원노력을 지속적으로 추진해 나가야 한다.

천안함 폭침 이후 북한의 군사도발 양상과 전망 (Trends and Prospects of N. Korea Military Provocations After the Sinking of ROKS Cheon-an)

  • 김성만
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권34호
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    • pp.58-92
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    • 2014
  • Even after S. Korea took 5.24 Measure(24 May 2014), N. Korea has not stopped raising provocations such as the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island, electronic and cyber attacks. To make matters worse, the communist country lunched long-range missiles(twice) and conducted 3rd nuclear test, escalating tensions which could possibly lead to an all-out war. Korean Government failed to respond properly. However, escalation into an all-out war was deterred by the CFC immediately carrying out its peacetime duty(CODA). The US made a rapid dispatch of its augmentation forces(Aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered submarine, strategic bomber, F-22) to the Korean Peninsula. In recognition of the importance of the Combined Forces Command, since May 2013 the Park Geun-Hye Administration has been pushing ahead with re-postponement of Wartime Operational Control Transfer(which initially meant the disassembling of the CFC as of 1 December 2015) More recently, there has been a series of unusual indicators from the North. Judging from its inventory of 20 nuclear weapons, 1,000 ballistic missiles and biochemical weapons, it is safe to say that N. Korea has gained at least war deterrence against S. Korea. Normally a nation with nuclear weapons shrink its size of conventional forces, but the North is pursuing the opposite, rather increasing them. In addition, there was a change of war plan by N. Korea in 2010, changing 'Conquering the Korean Peninsula' to 'Negotiation after the seizure of the Greater Seoul Metropolitan Area(GSMA)' and establishing detailed plans for wartime projects. The change reflects the chain reaction in which requests from pro-north groups within the South will lead to the proclamation of war. Kim, Jeong-Un, leader of N. Korean regime, sent threatening messages using words such as 'exercising a nuclear preemptive strike right' and 'burning of Seoul'. Nam, Jae-June, Director of National Intelligence Service, stated that Kim, Jung-Un is throwing big talks, saying communization of the entire Korean Peninsula will come within the time frame of 3 years. Kim, Gwan-Jin, Defense Minister, shared an alarming message that there is a high possibility that the North will raise local provocations or a full-fledged war whenever while putting much emphasis on defense posture. As for the response concept of the Korean Government, it has been decided that 'ROK·US Combined Local Provocation Counter-Measure' will be adopted to act against local provocations from the North. Major provocation types include ▲ violation of the Northern Limit Line(NLL) with mobilization of military ships ▲ artillery provocations on Northwestern Islands ▲ low altitude airborne intrusion ▲ rear infiltration of SOF ▲ local conflicts within the Military Demarcation Line(MDL) ▲ attacking friendly ships by submarines. Counter-measures currently established by the US involves the support from USFK and USFJ. In order to keep the sworn promise, the US is reinforcing both USFK and USFJ. An all-out war situation will be met by 'CFC OPLAN5027' and 'Tailored Expansion Deterrence Forces' with the CFC playing a central role. The US augmentation forces stands at 690,000 troops, some 160 ships, 2,000 aircraft and this comprise 50% of US total forces, which is estimated to be ninefold of Korean forces. The CFC needs to be in center in handling both local provocations and an all-out war situation. However, the combat power of S. Korean conventional forces is approximately around 80% of that of N. Korea, which has been confirmed from comments made by Kim, Gwan-Jin, Defense Minister, during an interpellation session at the National Assembly. This means that S. Korean forces are not much growing. In particular, asymmetric capabilities of the North is posing a serious threat to the South including WMD, cyber warfare forces, SOF, forces targeting 5 Northwestern Islands, sub-surface and amphibious assault forces. The presence of such threats urgently requires immediate complementary efforts. For complementary efforts, the Korean Government should consider ① reinforcement of Korean forces; putting a stoppage to shrinking military, acquisition of adequate defense budget, building a missile defense and military leadership structure validity review, ② implementation of military tasks against the North; disciplinary measures on the sinking of ROKS Cheon-an/shelling of Yeonpyeong Islands, arrangement of inter-Korean military agreements, drawing lessons from studies on the correlation between aid for N. Korea, execution of inter-Korean Summit and provocations from the North, and ③ bolstering the ROK·US alliance; disregarding wartime operational control transfer plan(disassembling of CFC) and creation of a combined division.

북한 핵문제와 한·중 관계의 미래 (North Korean WMD Threats and the future of Korea-China Relations)

  • 신정승
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권39호
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    • pp.114-139
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    • 2016
  • Korea and China are neighboring countries with close contacts in many areas from long time ago, and have shared interests in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and in deepening economic relationship which has been mutually complementary in their nature. Therefore their bilateral relations has been developed at a remarkable pace to the extent that it can't be better than now. However, the differences in their responses to North Korean nuclear test and ensuing long-range ballistic missile test-fire and the Chinese strong concern on the possible deployment of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Air Defence) anti-missile system in Korea show that there are some weaknesses in their relations. For example, Korea is not still confident that China would fully implement the sanction measures contained in the UNSC resolution and I argue that Chinese proposal of parallel negotiation of the denuclearization and the replacement of Korean armistice with the Peace Agreement is not much persuasive. In THAAD issue, if Korea comes to conclusion in the future that THAAD is the most effective way to counter North Korean threats, Korea should make every efforts to assure China that Korea-US alliance is not targeting China, and the THAAD is a defensive system, not damaging Chinese security. In the longer-term, deepening strategic distrust and competition between the US and China in this part of East Asia, changing nature of economic cooperation between Korea and China, and the revival of 'great country mentality' by Chinese people together with the rising nationalism in both Korea and China would cast shadow on Korea-China relation in the years ahead, unless properly handled. In this regard, I suggest that the security communications between the two countries be further strengthened, and the tri-lateral dialogue channel be established among the three countries of Korea, the US and China, particularly on North Korean issues. I also suggest the new pattern of economic cooperation be sought, considering the changing economic environment in China, while strengthening the efforts to understand each other through more interactions between the two peoples.

북한 비대칭 위협 대응한 한국 해군전력 발전방향 (Directions of ROK Navy's Future Developments in Responding to Asymmetric Threats posed by North Korea)

  • 부형욱
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권40호
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    • pp.190-215
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    • 2016
  • As North Korea's asymmetric threats are growing, there have been numerous discussions to find out effective counter-measures and many official plans and procurements efforts have been established. However, discussions on ROK Navy's roles in countering North Korea's asymmetric threats have been taken place very limitedly. Decision makers and military planners put enormous efforts in getting counter-measures, however, most of the options on the table are systems of Army and Air Force. This is true if one looks at components of Kill-Chain, KAMD, and KMPR. With worsening security environment of the Korean peninsula, it has been said by many commentators that ROK Navy needs to consider expanding its roles in countering against North Korea's asymmetric military threats. They asked ROK Navy to go beyond the mind-set that has confined Navy's roles in deterring North Korean naval threats. That is, ROK Navy should fight 'from the sea' as well as fight 'on the sea.' If ROK Navy begins to think about fight 'from the sea,' there would be many possibilities for the Navy to be a part of countering North Korea's asymmetric military threats. In order to pursue proactive roles in countering North Korea's asymmetric threat, ROK Navy needs to consider various options. Massive missile forces, nuclear-propelled submarines, naval special forces may be some of them. With those measures, ROK Navy would launch massive and decisive attacks from the sea without risking survivability of our forces. Considering North Korean Navy's weakness, it is very probable that sea would be safer place than ground or sky. Expanding ROK Navy's roles and being a proactive deterrent forces against North Korean asymmetric threats would provide very reliable counter-measures to South Korean military. Thus, military planners should think how to take the best advantage of expanded ROK Navy's roles and capabilities against North Korean asymmetric threats.

국가안보측면으로서의 인공강우기술 고찰 (Study on Consideration of Artificial Rain Technology in Aspect of National Security)

  • 최기남;이선제
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2012
  • 2010년 3월 11일 대한민국 동해를 건너 위치한 일본에서 강진과 해일로 인하여 후쿠시마원전이 중단되고 폭발하여 방사능물질이 누출되었다. 한 국가에서 발생한 사고지만 누출된 방사능 물질은 해류와 기류를 타고 전 세계에 확산되었다. 국내에도 사고 이후 방사능비가 내린다는 공포심에 혼란이 있었고, 사고 발생 1년이 지나도 방사능오염에 대한 문제는 해결되지 않고 있다. 즉 이웃나라의 원전사고는 국내에도 큰 위협이 되는데 일본 뿐 만 아니라 서해 건너 중국해변에도 원자력발전소가 위치하고 있다. 이웃나라의 원전사고 위협이외 군사적 대치를 하고 있는 북한은 세계3위의 생화학무기 보유국이며 2010년 11월에는 연평도 포격도발을 하는 등 언제든 남한에 생화학물질을 살포 할 수 있는 상황이다. 본 연구는 이러한 위협에 대응하는 전략으로 기상조절기술인 인공강우기술을 접목해 보았다. 원전사고시 방사능물질과 북한의 생화학무기는 기상조건에 따라 농도가 달라 질 수 있으므로 인공강우기술만으로 완벽하게 위협을 제거할 수 없지만, 심리적 측면과 피해저감을 위한 방법으로 시도해 볼 가치가 있다. 국민안전확보를 위한 국가의 안보측면으로서 인공강우기술을 사용하기 위해서는 ADD와 같은 연구기관에서 상시적이고 적극적으로 기술연구개발을 해야 할 것이다.