• Title/Summary/Keyword: New concept

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Design and Analysis of a Minimum Bandwidth Binary Line Code MB34 (최소대역폭 2진 선로부호 MB34의 설계 및 분석)

  • 김정환;김대영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.29A no.8
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 1992
  • A new line code design technique based on the BUDA(Binary Unit DSV and ASV) concept is introduced. The new line code called MB34 and designed by this new technique is of the minimum bandwidth, dc-free, and runlength limited. To confirm the performance of the new code, its power spectrum and eye pattern are obtained, wherein spectral nulls at dc(f=0) and Nyguist frequency (f=1/2Ts) are clearly identified. It is also discussed how the transmission errors can be detected by monitoring the DSV, the ASV, and the runlength.

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A Dual Problem and Duality Theorems for Average Shadow Prices in Mathematical Programming

  • Cho, Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 1993
  • Recently a new concept of shadow prices, called average shadow price, has been developed. This paper provides a dual problem and the corresponding duality theorems justifying this new shadow price. The general duality framework is used. As an important secondary result, a new reduced class of price function, the pp. h.-class, has been developed for the general duality theory. This should be distinguished from other known reductions achieved in some specific areas of mathematical programming, in that it sustains the strong duality property in all the mathematical programs. The new general dual problem suggested with this pp. h.-class provides, as an optimal solution, the average shadow prices.

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  • Kim, Tae-Kyung;Oh, Sea-Wha;Shin, Seung-Rim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 2002
  • The Dyestuff is fixed to the fiber to color it in a unique way depending on the chemistry between them. Whenever there arose problems in coloring fibers, the chemistry of dyestuff could be adjusted to solve them. That manner new concept dye classes, e.g., reactive dyes, disperse dyes, cationic dyes, have arrived along with the introduction of new fibers. The attempt has made to introduce the new reactive dye to solve this problem.

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A Study on the Design Tendency of Contemporary Architecture Introducing New Media Art Concept - Focusing on the change for way of information transmission change and media development - (뉴 미디어 아트의 개념을 도입한 현대 건축의 디자인 경향에관한 연구 - 미디어 발전과 정보 전달 방식의 변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Kyoung-Soo;Woo, Ji-Chang
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to pronounce design trends in contemporary architecture collaborated with new media art concept. Currently, the prevalence of media presence has evolved perspectives on contemporary aesthetics today. To make clear demonstration on the issue, this study categorized new media art's expressional characteristics applied in the contemporary architectural design in conjunction with analytical researches on typologies and expressional characteristics appear in new media art. More specifically, the study selected architects who adopted new media art's expressional characteristics into their works from the year 2000 and performed analytical case studies with regard to the effect of the new media art into their architectural practices. By following methodologies mentioned above, conclusively the study categorized distinct expressional characteristics appears in contemporary architecture as a result of merging with new media art. The characteristics of the new media art appeared in contemporary architecture are categorized into three groups such as the design controlling external environment, the design utilizing web environment and the design participated by users. These observation could be translated that architects could present interactive design between users and building as a result from architect's capability of designing protocols which generate variable forms, colors and patterns in architecture. In particular, architecture utilizing web environment has characteristic capability of configurating user's program in virtual space. Also it is anticipated to suggest new patterns in generating architectural programs and forms. These patterns would not recognize the city merely as an incident or fragmented image but would configurate forms and images constructed by individual notional character. In conclusion, the architecture itself is expected to perform as media to open up opportunities that enables to contribute in expediting interactions among environment, users, and buildings by deviating from perspectives of representation as an object expressed in modernism architecture or as a classical decoration in post-modernism architecture in the past era.

An Alignment Model for Extracting English-Korean Translations of Term Constituents (영-한 조어단위 대역쌍 추출을 위한 조어단위 정렬 모델)

  • Oh Jong-Hoon;Huang Jin-Xia;Choi Key-Sun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.300-311
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    • 2005
  • Terms are linguistic realization of technical concepts. Term constituents are important elements used for representing the concept. Since many new terms are created from the modification or combination of existing constituents, it is important to analyze term constituents for understanding the concept of the term. It means that term constituents offer clues for understanding the concept of terms. However, there are a couple of difficulties in matching concept unit and term constituents such as mismatching between a term constituent and a concept unit, homonym of term constituents and synonym of term constituents. To solve them, it is necessary to recognize concept units of term constituents. In this paper, we define an English term constituent as the concept unit and use an alignment algorithm between English-Korean term constituents in order to recognize concept units of term constituents. By our alignment algorithm we recognize Korean term constituents corresponding to an English term constituent with about $93\%$ precision.

Concept Mapping Based on Chapter "III. Universe" of High School Earth Science Textbook (고등학교 지구과학 교과서 "III. 우주" 단원의 개념도 작성)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Been;Yoo, Kye-Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.461-479
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    • 1997
  • The concept map is the diagram of two dimensions which hierachically arrays main concepts from those of the textbook and shows their relations. The research analyzed five of the ten high school earthscience textbooks approved by the Minister of Education according to the 6th reformed curriculum in 1995, one of which this research chose to make out the concept maps. The chapter [III. the Universe] contains the outer space of the earth presents new concepts about the stars and the universe and introduces the latest research in astronomy. This study changed textbook contents into Novak's concept map, searched for concepts requiring complement for learners in oder to obtain concepts from those of the textbook and pointed out problems on the basis of that result still better concept map is set up. We have the following conclusions. First, it is necessary to rule out unnecessary small units so as to make more effective understanding and to rearrange the units to have relation to contents. Second, the higher concept and lower concept need to be rearranged systematically in making an array of textbook contents. Third, the concept should have something to do with learners' experences and consciousness by showing learners the real examples relevant to the concept for the link between them.

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Problems of Spatiotemporal Structure in the Digital Design (디지털미디어를 이용한 디자인에 있어서 시공간 구조의 문제)

  • 김석화
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2004
  • It is the emergence of multimedia based on information revolution that foretells and develops the largest change in the transfiguration of a modern design. In this paper, the basic principle and characteristics of a new design model is compared and analyzed, and the change of communication based on information form in order to examine the concept and characteristics of digital as today's new media in detail is considered in an changed environment. And also a new theoretical ground is derived about ‘virtual reality’ and ‘interaction’ which is the important characteristics of a digital media so as to compare the property of digital with that of analogue, analyze them and specify the concept and characteristics of digital. Thus the validity of this study is proved by a new interpretation methode of ‘spatiotemporal structure’ on the digital design on the basis of the above mentioned things

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Measuring 'Consumer Smartness' for the fashion consumption environment

  • Ahn, Soo-kyoung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2020
  • As consumers have transformed into the influential entities in the recent consumption environment, it needs a new concept to describe their characteristics. Drawn on the notion of smart consumer experience, this study views the multiple traits of new consumers as consumer smartness. Therefore, elaborating the concept of consumer smartness, this study aims to develop its measurement and validate it by examining the relationship with external variables. Two online surveys were conducted by a professional survey company that had nationwide consumer panels. A total of 531 adult consumers who had purchased fashion goods online completed a self-administered questionnaires. A series of exploratory and confirmative factor analysis generated 21 measuring items with six underlying constructs of consumer smartness such as innovativeness, opinion leadership, self-disclosure, marketing literacy, dissatisfaction, and technology sophistication. In order to validate the measurement, this study conducted a Pearson's correlation test and structural equation modeling analysis with consumer smartness and external constructs. The result shows that there was a significant positive relationship between consumer smartness and behavioral intentions online. In addition, consumer smartness influenced their shopping and sharing intention which supported the validity of new measurement of consumer smartness. This study provides a theoretical and empirical ground of understanding consumer smartness as new consumer characteristics in the changing environment of fashion retailing.

Entrepreneurial Universities for Science and Technology: Cases of KAIST and POSTECH

  • Park, Mun-su;Jeong, Seung Ouk
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2014
  • The entrepreneurial university concept is a new challenge and opportunity for science and technology universities in Korea. The traditional university functions of education, research, and community service are still highly relevant, but increasingly so are new types of collaboration for research outcomes and funding resources. Strategic university management is needed to handle socioeconomic contribution, involving the creation and maintenance of proactive relationships with firms, national and regional governments, and other regional entities. The emergence of the entrepreneurial university in Korea is similar to the socioeconomic changes observable in the history of university development in America and in many other developed countries. In this paper, we examine the emerging paradigm of entrepreneurial universities in Korea and discuss the interactions among universities, firms, and government strategy and policy by investigating and comparing two universities, POSTECH and KAIST, in their leadership, adaptation to changes in the environment, business strategies, organization, and cooperative network. We conclude with policy points that emphasize the fact that while entrepreneurial universities are an emerging concept, they can expand innovation and creativity in education and research in Korean universities in the mid-to-long term if university administration, policymakers and public administrators, and regional innovation actors take an interest in the need for a new organization and system where university research can contribute socioeconomically.

The Architectural Concepts and Design Properties as a Complex System (복잡계로서의 건축개념과 조형적 특성에 관한 연구(I))

  • 김주미
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a new design concept and properties within new paradigm. Contemporary students of architectural design seem to redefine the mechanic and reductive approach to design method based upon Euclidean geometry. In this study, the organic space-time and holistic view-point that constitutes the background for all this is radically different from the modern design. It consists of three sections as follow: First, it presents a concept of complex system and properties of complexity that we find in new natural science and tries to combine that news geometry with architectural design to provide a methodological basis for morphogenesis and transformation. Second, the complexity in architecture is defined as a fractal shape, folded space, and irreducible organic system that cannot be fully understood by modernist idea of architecture. Third, the complexity in architecture is strategy based on the electronic paradigm that would enable the emergence of creative possibility. The complexity theory offer new insights to explain not only natural laws but also define dynamic architecture. In fine, this study places a great emphasis on the organic world-view to the spatial organization, which I hope will contribute to generating a greater number of creative possibilities for design.

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