• Title/Summary/Keyword: Necessity of Education

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Analysis of Dietary Fiber Intake in the Korean Adult Population Using 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey Data and Newly Established Dietary Fiber Database (식이섬유 D/B 구축과 2001 국민건강 영양조사 식이섬유 섭취량 재평가 -20세 이상 성인을 대상으로-)

  • Yu, Kyung-Hye;Chung, Chin-Eun;Ly, Sun-Yung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 2008
  • The present study estimates intake levels of dietary fiber (DF) in Korean adults aged 20 and over, using a newly established dietary fiber database for 3,149 food items, as well as 24-hour recall method data from the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey. Dietary fiber intake and food groups are analyzed by gender, age, and region. The average dietary fiber intake, per capita of Korea was estimated to be 12.24g/1,000kcal or 23.58g/day. Calorie-based dietary fiber intake for 20-49 year-old-Korean males, 20-29 year-old females, and the adults who resided in metropolitan areas was under the Adequate Intake for DF, 12 g/1,000 kcal. Further, the dietary fiber intake after adjusting energy intake in people over 75 year-old was estimated to be 75% of AI. Vegetables, cereals and fruits were three major sources of DF for Korean, making up approximately 75% of DF. Regarding the subjects of this study, major sources of dietary fiber were Kimchi and well-polished rice, which supplied 13.98% and 9.16% of total dietary fiber intake, respectively. The result of this study could contribute to the establishment of DRIs for dietary fiber, after adjusting energy intake for Korean aged 75 years and over. The beneficial health effects of DF and the necessity of nutritional education in this area should be continuously emphasized concerning 20-29 year-old people and metropolitan adults.

A Study on the Reinforcement Plan for the Local Government to Respond to the Climate Change through the Survey of Residents Consciousness - Focused on the Gangnam-gu - (주민 의식 조사를 통한 지자체 기후변화 대응 강화 방안에 관한 연구 - 강남구를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Bong Seok;Park, Kyung Eun;Jeon, Eui Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2014
  • Gangnam-gu, where the survey of residents' consciousness has been made in this study, is the district shows the highest rate of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission per unit area except some industrial districts such as Gwangyang, Ulsan, and Pohang. The greenhouse gas emission amount of Gangnam-gu is 4,863,765 tCO2 which accounts for 10 % of the total discharging amount of Seoul, 50,330,356 tCO2, which is ranked the top greenhouse gas emission rate in the commercial category and the 2nd place in the household category. The average recognition rate for the 5 subjects of the global warming phenomenons has indicated to be 83.58%. A survey questioning about the main agent to reduce the greenhouse gas, in all age groups except 20s have replied that it should be done by themselves, the residents of Gangnam-gu. For the question of the role of local government to respond to the climate change, the necessity of establishing infrastructure which is suitable for walking and biking. For the other question about the educational facilities to cope with the climate change, many answered the relevant education should be processed from the middle and high schools. For the practical activities in daily life to respond to the climate change, many replies have shown that the energy and resource conservation has been practiced pretty well broadly, but the ecomileage (former carbon mileage) has not been practiced well. Also, many replies have pointed that there were no benefits or rewards for the people who practiced the eco-mileage in their daily lives, which indicates that a kind of incentive is necessary for the efforts to respond to the climate change from the local government to execute the policy substantially and effectively. This study has the purpose to search the political countermeasures to improve the potentiality to reduce the green house gas emission rate through the residents conscious survey about climate change and the political solution by the local government to improve the certain items which showed the lower awareness rate.

The Necessity and Requirement of Trial Lens Set Standardization (검안렌즈 표준화의 필요성과 규격에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Yeul
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide improvements and standards of trial lens, in a situation that there is a lack of standards of trial lens set that have been used for self-conscious refraction test after helm refraction test at about 5,000 opticians, ophthalmologic clinics and hospitals, and contact-lens shops, that there is a lot of discrepancies between refraction specified and the actual power, and that there is no regulation of optical tolerance error. For the study, opticians who have used Trial lens set were asked to participate in a questionnaire survey through continuing education, and divided into those who have used domestic lens and those who have used imported lens, 5 opticians each for less than 5 years, 5 to 10 years, more than 10 years. The measurement of both refraction specified and the actual diopter was compared to Japan Industrial Standards(JIS T4402). As a result of comparative analysis, more than 80% of respondents have had reliability on the refraction of trial lens they had used, indicating that they have never measured the refraction specified and the actual diopter after buying them. Besides, Korean Industrial Standards(KS P4402) has been imperfect in diopter range since it was legislated in 1979. More than 95% of respondents have been unsatisfied with optometry. Also, it has indicated that refraction error is more frequent in long-term-used trial lens. The conclusion is that it is necessary to standardize trial lens set and that it is required to add lens to lens set provided under KS P4402. Moreover, it is necessary to have supervisory agency for a standardization of trial lens. I hope that both domestic lens and imported lens, as in German and Japan, will be tested to find whether they meet optical tolerance error and standard trial lens will be distributed. Good optic inspection is required for the improvement and management of eye health and optical function, and the same standard trial lens set should be used. whoever is tested. Also, I hope that trial lens set will be specified within standards and tolerance error.

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Relationship of sodium consumption with obesity in Korean adults based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010~2014 (2010년~2014년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용한 성인의 나트륨 섭취와 비만과의 관련성)

  • Cheon, Se Young;Wang, Hye Won;Lee, Hwa Jung;Hwang, Kyung Mi;Yoon, Hae Seong;Kang, Yoon Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Excess sodium intake may contribute to the etiology of hypertension and cardiovascular disease risk. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily sodium intake of less than 2 g. The aim of this study was to estimate the association of sodium intake with obesity in Korean adults. Methods: This study used Dietary intake and Health data on 22,321 subjects aged 30 years and over from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2010~2014. Information on dietary intake was obtained by the one day 24-hour recall method in KNHANES, and sodium intake was classified into five groups (< 2,000 mg, 2,000~4,000 mg, 4,000~6,000 mg, 6,000~8,000 mg, 8,000mg). Obesity was defined as having a body mass index (BMI) higher than 25kg/m2. Intake of sodium and obesity status were analyzed by logistic regression with SPSS Statistics 23. Results: Men tended to have a higher sodium intake than women (p < 0.001). After adjusting for age, sex, year, daily energy intake, education level, smoking status, drinking status, physical activity, and chronic diseases and comparing the highest sodium intake group (8,000mg) with the lowest intake group (< 2,000 mg), the OR of obesity was 1.351 (95% CI: 1.032~1.767) in men. The OR of obesity in the sodium intake group (4,000~6,000 mg) was 1.232 (95% CI: 1.063~1.427) in women. Conclusion: Our findings suggest an independent relationship between sodium intake and as increased risk of obesity in Korean adults, implying the necessity for future research on low-sodium diet intervention in relation to obesity.

A Study of the Impact of Digital Capability and Personal Ability on the Intent to Continue Economic Activity : Focused on the Adjustment Effect of the Role Model (디지털 역량과 개인적 역량이 경제활동 지속 의도에 미치는 영향: 롤 모델의 조절 효과 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang Jin;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 2021
  • The rapidly changing social structure of the digital environment is having a significant impact on economic activities. That is also an important issue for Individuals who want to sustain economic activities and countries that support policies. Non-face-to-face industries have been revitalized due to the problem of human capital utilization attributed to aging population, the real economic recession caused by Corona 19, contraction of face-to-face economic activities, reduction of employment, and job instability. Accordingly, digital media contents based economic activities have become commonplace, and the government's main policy issue is to use human capital effectively for media contents based economic activities. Adaptation to the digital environment has become a necessity, not a choice, for those who wish to continue to be in employment. Therefore, this study analyzed the effects of digital and individual abilities on intention to sustain the economic activity and verified the modulation effect of the role model. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, an online survey was conducted on men and women aged 20 to 80 nationwide, and 382 of the 385 collected questionaires were analyzed. The SPSS 23.0 program was used to analyze this study, and the questionaire questions were measured using the Likert 5-point scale. As a result of the analysis, first, the ability to utilize media contents in digital capacity has a positive impact on the intention to sustain economic activity, and that the higher the ability to utilize the latest digital media contents such as SNS, the more likely the intention to sustain economic activity. Secondly, it was found that the financial strength of individuals' abilities was affected by the negative impact, and that the experiences were affected by positive(+) impact on the intention to sustain economic activity. Thirdly, the social environment has no significant effect on the intention to sustain economic activity. Fourth, it was found that family support amongst social support has a positive impact on the intention to sustain economic activity, and that various emotional support for families has increased intention to sustain economic activity. Fifth, the role model was found to have a positive(+) impact on economic sustainability, while the ability to utilize media content and family support played a modulating role on economic sustainability. Therefore, as a result of this research, the government's policy support for employment and entrepreneurship is required in accordance with digital media content based digital education and human structure in order to sustain economic activities.

College Students' Attitude toward Body Weight Control, Health-related Lifestyle and Dietary Behavior by Self-perception on Body Image and Obesity Index (대학생의 체형인식과 비만도에 따른 체중조절 태도, 건강관련 생활습관 및 식행동)

  • Chin, Jeong-Hee;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1559-1565
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    • 2005
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate college students' attitude toward body weight control, health-related lifestyle and dietary behavior by their perception on body image and obesity index. The subjects were 871 nation- wide college students (330 male and 541 female students) participating in a nutritional education program via internet- A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire via internet. The data were analyzed by a SPSS 10.0 program. Height and weight (p < 0.05), and the distribution of obesity index (p < 0.001) showed significant differences between male and female college students. As for self perception on body image, the necessity of body weight control and the experience of efforts to change the body weight, there were significant differences between male and female college students (p < 0.001). There were significant differences among groups by obesity index in the hours of exercise (p < 0.01), drinking (p < 0.01) and smoking (P < 0.001). As for methods of body weight control, all the groups by obesity index thought that program of body weight control by diet company is the most desirable method. Therefore, we must recognize that it is hard to correct health problems resulting from wrong lifestyle and dietary behavior fixed during college life and prepare a system for college students to obtain correct lifestyle and dietary behavior.

Adaptation Process to Menopause (폐경에 대한 적응 과정)

  • 이미라
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.623-634
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    • 1994
  • Although the average menopausal age has not changed, women's life span has increased. Today's women live longer after their menopause than those in the past, and this calls for attention in both nursing and medical fields. Many studies have revealed how women reacted to menopause and suffered from it. But they did not discriminate the menopausal meaning and effects from the climacteric phenomena. So, this author tried to clarify what menopause itself meant to the climacteric women, by means of grounded theory methodology. The interviewees were 21 women, whose ages were between 46 and 60 years. They were selected by theoretical sampling technique, and the author tried to include all levels of important variables such as age, educational background, religion and job. Data were collected by the author through in -depth interviews and observations in July, 1994. The interviews were mostly done in the homes of the subjects, or in some cases at the author's office or in a hospital. Interviews took from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Interviews were tape recorded and transcribed later by a research assistant. Data were analyzed as gathered, by the constant comparative method proposed by Strauss and Corbin. Eleven concepts were discovered from the data, and they were grouped under six higher order categories. These six categories were "to give menopause a meaning", "to experience value change", "to have self-help strategies", "to have no strategies", "to live a life worth living", "to have a sense of powerlessness" Among these "to experionce value change" was . selected as the core category. Five major categories were systematically integrated around the core category. Women's adaptation to menopause was defined as proceeding as follows : Most women felt relief and sorrow at the same time when they faced menopause, and some only sorrow or agony. Then, they consulted with others about menopausal symptoms, or tried to think of them by themselves. Finally, they gave menopause a meaning, which was that menopause and its symptoms were natural phenomena. But menopause made women reflect on them-selves and their past lives. As they reflected on themselves, their value on life began to change. As their value changed, some women seeked self help strategies. Those self help strategies were what they had learned from collegues, professionals or mass media. The quality of their lives depended on whether they practiced self help strategies or not. Three types of lives were found. Twelve women enjoyed a life worth living, and practiced the self help strategies, because they accepted menopause a chance to change. They were characterized by a high educational level, having a professional job and a sincere faith in God. Seven women were living as usual, because they did not have the necessity to change. They were high school graduates and house wives. Two women recognized menopause a chance to change, but they did not try self help strategies. Their characteristic was low educational level. Those who did not try self help strategies complained of powerlessness to varying degrees. The educational background, full-time jobs and faith helped women adapt to menopause positively. But social support was not helpful to women's adaptation to menepause. Three hypotheses were derived from the analysis. (1) The higher the educational level, the more theneed to change. (2) Women with higher educational background will practice self help strategies more than those with lower edcational background. (3) The more women practice self help strategies, the worthier lives they will live. Suggestions for further studies are as follows. (1) Studies to test hypotheses are needed. (2) A study to find the relationship between the degree of practicing self help strategies and locus of control. (3) Spiritual approaches would better be applied to help menopausal women. (4) Education through mass media should be given mere frequently.

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The effects of housing poverty on adolescents' subjective well-being (주거빈곤기간이 청소년의 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Se Hee;Kim, SunSuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.56
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    • pp.133-164
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effect of housing poverty in childhood on adolescents' subjective well-being. Specifically, this study examined whether the major factors that have been known to affect adolescents' well-being (i.e., family relationships, peer relationships, school adjustment etc.) mediated the relationship between housing poverty and adolescents' well-being. And then this study aimed to present an empirical evidence for establishing policies against housing poverty in order to enhance adolescent's subjective happiness. Data were derived from the 1st, 4th, and 7th surveys of the Korea Welfare Panel Study(KOWEPS), and the sample included. 512 high school children in the 7th survey. This study utilized structural equation modeling. Housing poverty was measured by the sub-minimum standard housing condition and the household's burden of housing expenditure. Family relationship, as a mediator, was measured by parental involvement in education, parental monitoring, and family conflicts. Another mediator, school adjustment was measured by school environment and school bonding, and the last mediator, peer relationship was measured by friend attachment and peer attachment. The results showed that housing poverty had significant negative effects on the adolescents' subjective well-being. The sub-minimum standard housing condition with inadequate size and facilities negatively affected adolescents' relationships with family directly and subjective well-being indirectly. In addition, the negative family relationships due to the sub-minimum standard housing condition negatively affected adolescents' subjective well-being through school adjustment and peer relationships. The greater the proportion of income a household spends on housing expenditure, the less likely for adolescents to report positive well-being. The sub-minimum standard housing condition had indirect effects through family relationships, whereas the household's housing expenditure directly affected adolescents' subjective well-being. This study suggested the necessity of interventions to alleviate housing poverty for adolescents' families and lays the groundwork for housing poverty policies in Korea.

Public Attitudes toward Development of National Program for Cancer Survivorship (암 생존자를 위한 국가 프로그램 개발에 대한 일반 국민들의 태도)

  • Bae, Yeon-Min;Kim, Young-Ae;Hong, Sung-Hoo;Koo, Ja-Hyun;Yun, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study aimed to explore the public attitude toward the development of national health program for cancer survivorship. Based on the results of this survey suggest the necessity of national health program for cancer survivorship. Methods: We surveyed 1,015 adults who were over 20 years of age from the sixteen cities and local districts of Korea. We conducted a telephone survey with a structured questionnaire on the post-treatment care at the nation and on the permission as the handicapped for cancer. Results: Fifty-six percent of respondents answered that post-treatment program at the national level is very necessary and twenty-seven percent replied that it is necessary. Respondents emphasized 'Expanding insurance coverage for post-treatment care' (29.8%) and 'Systematic education and rehabilitation programs after treatment' (25.6%). This study found that a lower educational level [adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=1.36; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.04~1.77], earning under 300 per month [aOR=1.36; 95% CI=1.04~1.77], being married (60.2%) [aOR=1.79; 95% CI=1.34~2.37] and thought higher level of cancer treatment in Korea than the advanced (64.4%) [aOR=1.56; 95% CI=1.15~2.12] influenced the positive attitude toward a national health program. Sixty-eight percent of respondents answered 'Strongly agree' or 'agree' to permission for cancer survivors as the handicapped. People who have been married (72.4%) [aOR=1.89; 95% CI=1.41~2.53] and who have had a lower educational level [aOR=1.35; 95% CI=1.03~1.78] responded that they agree more to permission for cancer survivors as the handicapped. Conclusion: This study shows the positive public attitude of the public toward the national health program for the cancer survivors.

Daegu citizens' perceptions and factors affecting behavioral intentions to reduce sugars in the coffee shop beverages (커피전문점 음료의 당류 줄이기에 대한 대구시민의 인식 및 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Kilye;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.355-372
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to provide baseline data for establishing a sugar reduction policy at coffee shops by analyzing the factors that affect a coffee shop user's perception and behavioral intention of reducing sugar intake. Methods: An online survey was conducted involving 1,274 Daegu citizens aged 19-49 years, who had visited coffee shops within the last month. Results: When visiting a coffee shop, the purchase of sweet drinks was higher in the younger age group, and the addition of syrup or sugar was higher in the older age group. Of the total respondents, 42.1% were aware that some coffee shops accommodate reduced sugar requests, 57.9% perceived the need to reduce sugar in coffee shop beverages and 22.3% had purchased beverages intending to reduce their sugar intake. In addition, 59.7% knew about sugar nutrition labeling, and 68.8% perceived the need for nutrition labeling for sugar. When purchasing beverages, 35.6% checked the nutrition labeling, and 77.2% purchased alternative drinks when the sugar content was high. Guiding the choice of sweetness levels in coffee shop orders was seen to have the highest effectiveness and intention to reduce sugar intake. Moreover, the perceived need to reduce sugar intake had the most positive effect on the behavioral intention to reduce sugars in coffee shop beverages (β = 0.558, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Although the overall awareness and practice of reducing the sugar intake in coffee shop users were low, the behavioral intention to reduce sugars was positive, and this was most affected by the perception of the need to reduce sugars. Therefore, there is a need for differentiated education and promotion for each age group for recognizing the necessity and outlining methods for reducing sugar intake. Furthermore, coffee shops should reflect customer's sugar reduction needs.