• Title/Summary/Keyword: Necessity of Education

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A Comparative Study on Spiritual Humanism in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 영성인본주의 비교연구)

  • Kim Yong-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.44
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    • pp.141-175
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    • 2023
  • This comparative study combines the methodologies of comparative research and literature review to examine Daesoon Thought. Comparative religious analysis in the social sciences, does not presuppose an a priori framework of the essence of religion because it targets various aspects of religion which are revealed within a historical field. However, it does not decompose and return to psychological or social phenomena like social sciences. In addition, with the emergence of religious pluralism, the climate of focusing on similarities between religions has already been accomplished to some degree. Furthermore, it is worth noting that many spiritual movements in modern spirituality reveal mixed or amorphous characteristics without being restricted by specific religious membership. It is time to overcome instrumentation and restore the transcendence of its original appearance even in secular humanist reasoning. It can be said that this reveals the perception that the ills and crises of modern civilization should be overcome in connection with the opening of the acquired world of Daesoon Thought. It could further be said that the main culprit of evil behavior is instrumental reason or degenerated reason rather than spirituality. Religion is the intellectual crystalline body of humankind and aims at human perfection and salvation. However, extremists in previous times amplified conflicts between religions and formed ideas suitable for their specific regions through different experiences. This generated mental rifts that proved greatly influential. At the time of initial inception, each religion confronted and fought other ideologies, but when the era of religious pluralism began, the necessity for inter-spiritual communication became urgent. It could be said that happiness is the realization of human spirituality by exploring the vision of humanism. In that case, the combined methodologies of comparative research and literature review reveal that the spirituality of Daesoon Thought would enable a humanism based on human dignity. This would be a path for seeking spirituality through human life and living as a true human being. Spiritual humanism as discussed through this study aims to share the problems of modern civilization and provide a critical view of modern civilization that shows the roots of prevailing thought are stuck in a Cartesian dualistic view of humanity and the world. The type of spiritual humanism to examined here focuses on a cosmotheandric vision by considering the spiritual return to Daoism via Daesoon Thought. This would treat human beings like heaven in alignment with Donghak ideology and honor the human dignity proposed by Daesoon Thought. It would also deliver sentient beings from suffering and to bliss in accordance with the aims of faith in Maitreya Buddha, and it would implement the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence in fulfillment of Daesoon Thought.

Space Development and Law in Asia (아시아의 우주개발과 우주법)

  • Cho, Hong-Je
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.349-384
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    • 2013
  • The Sputnik 1 launching in 1957 made the world recognize the necessity of international regulations on space development and activities in outer space. The United Nations established COPUOS the very next year, and adopted the mandate to examine legal issues concerning the peaceful uses of outer space. At the time, the military sector of the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union were in charge of the space development and they were not welcomed to discuss the prohibition of the military uses of outer space at the legal section in the COPUOS. Although both countries had common interests in securing the freedom of military uses in outer space. As the social and economic benefits derived from space activities have become more apparent, civil expenditures on space activities have continued to increase in several countries. Virtually all new spacefaring states explicitly place a priority on space-based applications to support social and economic development. Such space applications as satellite navigation and Earth imaging are core elements of almost every existing civil space program. Likewise, Moon exploration continues to be a priority for such established spacefaring states as China, Russia, India, and Japan. Recently, Companies that manufacture satellites and ground equipment have also seen significant growth. On 25 February 2012 China successfully launched the eleventh satellite for its indigenous global navigation and positioning satellite system, Beidou. Civil space activities began to grow in China when they were allocated to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation in 1986. China Aerospace Corporation was established in 1993, followed by the development of the China National Space Administration. In Japan civil space was initially coordinated by the National Space Activities Council formed in 1960. Most of the work was performed by the Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science of the University of Tokyo, the National Aerospace Laboratory, and, most importantly, the National Space Development Agency. In 2003 all this work was assumed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA). Japan eases restrictions on military space development. On 20 June 2012 Japan passed the Partial Revision of the Cabinet Establishment Act, which restructured the authority to regulate Japanese space policy and budget, including the governance of the JAXA. Under this legislation, the Space Activities Commission of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, which was responsible for the development of Japanese space program, will be abolished. Regulation of space policy and budget will be handed over to the Space Strategy Headquarter formed under the Prime Minister's Cabinet. Space Strategy will be supported by a Consultative Policy Commission as an academics and independent observers. By revoking Article 4 (Objectives of the Agency) of a law that previously governed JAXA and mandated the development of space programs for "peaceful purposes only," the new legislation demonstrates consistency with Article 2 of the 2008 Basic Space Law. In conformity with the principles laid down in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty JAXA is now free to pursue the non-aggressive military use of space. New legislation is the culmination of a decade-long process that sought ways to "leverage Japan's space development programs and technologies for security purposes, to bolster the nation's defenses in the face of increased tensions in East Asia." In this connection it would also be very important and necessary to create an Asian Space Agency(ASA) for strengthening cooperation within the Asian space community towards joint undertakings.

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Changes in Subjective/Objective Symptoms and the Light Transmissibility of Lens Associated with Overusage of Daily Disposable Circle Contact Lenses in Normal Eyes (일회용 써클소프트렌즈의 초과 착용에 의한 정상안의 자·타각적 증상 및 렌즈 광투과율의 변화)

  • Park, Mijung;Kwon, Hae Lim;Choi, Sae Ah;Kim, So Ra
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was assessed to investigate the change of subjective and/or objective symptoms and the light transmissibility of lens caused by over-usage of daily disposable circle contact lenses (circle lens). Methods: Three daily disposable circle lenses made of etafilcon A, hilafilcon B, and nelfilcon A were applied on 20 normal eyes free from any eye diseases by when subjects complained any kind of discomfort. On the first and the last days of lens wearing, subjective discomfort, blinking rate, non-invasive break-up time, lens centration on corneal surface and visible light transmissibility of lens were recorded at every case and compared. Results: The circle lens wearers complained discomfort when they wore the circle lens more than 15 hours, in excess of 8 hours being the recommended wearing time and the most circle lens wearers quit the lens wearing when they wore more than 30 hours. On the last day of lens wearing, the representative subjective discomforts were stiffness, dryness and tiredness. When the subjects wore circle lens more than the recommended time, a tendency of increased blinking rate and decreased NIBUT was observed when it compared with the values right after lens wearing. On the last day of lens wearing, the lens centration was shown to be decentrated from the pupil center compared with the centration right after the wearing. These changes in lens centration and blinking rate were consistently shown in all cases of lens wearing however, the difference in the degree of subjective and/or objective change was present depending on lens materials and subjects. The visible light transmissibility of circle lens has largely been changed. Conclusions: From these results, it was thought that the decreased NIBUT induced dryness and stiffness and decreased visible light transmissibility caused more blinking when daily disposable circle lens was exceedingly used, which provoked lens decentration and subjective discomfort. However, the difference of subjective and/or objective change was largely varied in accordance with the lens material types and individuality and thus it may occur some unexpected problems by the individual base. Therefore, the education about the necessity to comply with the recommended wearing time and the problem will be essential.

The Medical Doctors' Opinion of Public Health Center on the Development and Supply of Medical Doctor for Public Health Sector (공공보건분야 의사 인력 양성과 개발에 대한 보건소 근무 의사들의 인식)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Jeung;Kim, Jin-Sam;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Son, Hyo-Kyung;Kim, Chun-Bae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study, as for activating measures for capable medical physicians to penetrate into the public health sector, is to provide a basic informations which are used for the enlargement of human resources of physicians in the public health sector, by investigating the perception of physicians, who are now working in the public health center, on the training and development of physicians in the public health sector. Methods: The subjects of this study were 126 individuals. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS ver. 17.0K. Results: According to the investigation of 'how to support physicians in public health sector', the necessity of almost questions is considered to be important. Especially, regarding to investigation on 'obstacles of physicians' entrance to public health sector', 'relatively low salary' and 'lack of promotion chances' were thought to be considerable. The most significant education programs to work for public health sector is to improve the ability of health administration planning and service performance. Conclusions: The important methods to reinforce and easily obtain the human resources of physicians in public health sector are not only to improve the penetration of physicians to public health sector, but also to enhance the ability of present physicians, even though sufficient recruitment of physicians is essential.

Public Attitudes Toward Dying with Dignity and Hospice.Palliative Care (품위 있는 죽음과 호스피스.완화의료에 대한 일반 국민들의 태도)

  • Yun, Young-Ho;Rhee, Young-Sun;Nm, So-Young;Chae, Yu-Mie;Heo, Dae-Seuk;Lee, So-Woo;Hong, Young-Seon;Kim, Si-Young;Lee, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Even though there have been various efforts for the dying with dignity of terminal patients, no researches focused on the public attitudes. Methods: In February 2004, we sampled 1,055 persons over 20 years of age from the sixteen cities and local districts of Korea through the quota sampling method according to their gender, age, and location. We conducted a telephone survey with a structured questionnaire on the attitudes toward dying with dignity and hospice palliative care. Results: The most important conditions for the dying with dignity on the patients' views were 'removing burdens for other people' (27.8%). Over the half of the samples chose their home as a preference for place of death (54.8%). 82.3% of the respondents agreed to the idea of withdrawing the medically futile life-sustaining treatment. Fifty seven percents of the answered public said that they intended to use the hospice service in case of terminal illness. Eighty percents thought that health care insurance should cover hospice service, and 80.9% gave positive response to the necessity of advance directives. Respondents emphasized 'the financial support for the terminal patients' (29.8%), 'covering hospice service with health insurance' (16.5%), and 'the education and public relation for settlement of desirable dying culture and hospice service' (15.9%) as the roles and responsibilities of the government for the dying with dignity. Conclusion: This study shows that there is a possibility of significant consensus on hospice and palliative care system for the dying with dignity of patients and reduction of the suffering for their families among the general public.

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A Study on the Investigation into Dental Hygienists' Awareness of Health Impairment Factors by Occupational Diseases (치과위생사의 직업병에 의한 건강장애요인 인식도 조사)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Song, Gui-Sook;Ko, Mi-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2003
  • As a basic research material to make more efficient healthcare and health promotion for dental hygienists, this study intends to determine which factors may affect their awareness of occupational diseases. For this sake, this study attempted to investigate into a variety of literatures and data, and applied a questionnaire survey to 160 dental hygienists for about 5 months(from June to October 2003), who were all employed in domestic dental clinics or offices. As a result of analysis, this study can be concluded as follows: (1) The result of analyzing how dental hygienists recognized their occupational diseases showed that 'stiffness in muscle, neck or shoulder due to intensive use of specific physical regions' and 'stress resulting from the attributes of each task' reached the highest awareness(90.6%) of all, which was followed by 'lower eyesight due to detailed or even sophisticated tasks for many hours(65%)' and 'symptoms of ruptured disk due to standing tasks as dental hygienists do for many hours(62.5%).' (2) The result of analyzing how dental hygienists recognize their occupational diseases showed that their awareness averaged 7.28 points out of 14 points, which implies that their awareness of occupational diseases is not very high. Meanwhile, the result of examining how they recognize detrimental or harmful properties of given materials against human body showed that a majority of total respondents(74.4%) regarded given materials as detrimental to human body. (3) The result of examining how dental hygienists recognize their occupational diseases showed that a majority of total respondents(91.9%) identified their own occupational diseases. Many of total respondents(41.9%) pointed out that environmental improvement around workshop in each clinic or office should be foremost prerequisite to health and welfare for dental hygienists. Next, 34.4% of total respondents pointed out the necessity to perform in-house health diagnosis and examination on a regular basis, and 13.1% of total respondents thought it necessary to carry on healthcare education into harmful properties in the aspect of dental materiology, respectively.

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A Study on the Concept of Records-Archives and on the Definition of Archival Terms (기록물의 개념과 용어의 정의에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Ha
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.21
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    • pp.3-40
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    • 2009
  • It has passed ten years since modern records and archives management in our country launched. During times, it has dramatically developed in the fields of law, institution and education. However a study on the definition of records and archives was non be studied enough compared to development of various research fields. In fact the reason why study on the definition was non fulfilled is that some aspects such as historical, informational, archival perspective have been coexisting without order in Korea. This situation is the biggest barrier that archival science is to a disciplinary field. Historically, 'archivium' in Latin language had developed in starting of its means place, then whole entity of documents and those organic relations. In this point, archives is rigidly separate to material of Historical science which covers all of recorded. Unlike information which is produced in the process of intended themes and following its outputs like books, documents in archival science is made in the natural process of work. In addition, historical archives which finished the current and semi-current stage and transfer to the institute of permanent conservation after the process of selection so that it is historical and cultural value to satisfy its purpose of making. This changed trend is based on the Second World War and necessity of North American society which needs to effciency and transparency of work. In Korea, records and archives management has been dominantly affected by North American society and become a subject of not arrangement but of classification, not of transferring but of collection. It is also recognized as management of on formation on the all recorded or documents not as an whole documents and all organic relations. But the original type of recognition is the only technology, it cannot have dignity as a field of science.

Life in Old Age and Images of the Aged Perceived by Middle-Aged and Old-Aged Generations in Capital Region in Korea (수도권 지역 중년기 이후 세대의 노후생활 인식과 노인에 대한 인식)

  • Choi, Sung-Jae
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.329-352
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    • 2009
  • This study examined life in old age and images of the aged perceived by middle-aged and old-aged generations through indepth interviews with 30 persons aged 40s through 80s residing in three areas (city or county) in capital region in Korea to use it as basic information in planning social welfare policy and reorganizing social services in response to population aging in capital region in Korea. In terms of economic life of the middle-aged and olde-aged generations perceived older people's opportunities for work were rarely given to the aged due to ageism and negative stereotypes of aging and the aged, and the aged tended to regard themselves less able or unable to work. In terms of social life of the aged both middle-aged and old-aged generations perceived that the frequency of social participation was low, and the daily life of the aged was found mostly aimless, unorganized and unplanned. In terms of psycho-social life of the aged both generations still felt that they were not alienated from the family, neighbors, and the society. In terms of social welfare services both generations thought the aged needed basic services such as income maintenance, health care, housing services, and particularly they felt lack of social services. The old-aged generation was willing to travel to the distance taking more than one hour to receive social services that they would need. Both the middle-aged and the old-aged agreed upon the necessity of preparation for old age and the benefits of earlier preparation, however, they said that they could not prepare for their old age due to lack of social programs to help preparation for old age and due to spending for rearing and education of their children. In terms of perceived life in old age both middle-aged and old-aged generations tended to be slightly positive, but the degree of positiveness differed between respondents from urban area and those from rural area regardless of generations. Images of the aged were perceived to be overwhelmingly negative while positive images were very few in number regardless of generations. This finding may suggests that negative stereotypes on aging and the aged are also prevalent in Korean society like in Western societies. Based on findings of this study some implications for social policies in response to population aging in capital region were suggested.


  • Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Boong-Nyun;Hong, Kang-E;Lee, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2002
  • Objectives:For the purpose of obtaining the more vivid present status and prevention program of teenage pregnancy, this survey was done by Obstetricians, as study subject, who manage the pregnant teenager in real clinical situation. Methods:Structured survey form about teenage pregnancy was sent to 2,800 obstetricians. That form contained frequency, characteristics, decision making processes, and psychiatric aspects of the teenage pregnancy. 349 obstetricians replied that survey form and we analysed these datas. Results:(1) The trend of teenage pregnancy was mildly increased. (2) The most common cases were unwanted pregnancy by continuing sexual relationship with boyfriends rather than by forced, accidental sexual relationship with multiple partners. (3) The most common reason of labor was loss the time of artificial abotion. (4) Problems of pregnant girls' were conduct behaviors and poor informations about contraception rather than sexual abuse or mental retardation. (5) Most obstetricians percepted the necessity of psychiatric consultation, however psychiatric consultation was rare due to parents refusal and abscense of available psychiatric facility. (6) For the prevention of teenage pregnancy, the most important thing was practical education about contraception. Conclusions:Based on the result of this study, further study using structured interview schedule with pregnant girl is needed for the detecting risk factor of teenage pregnancy and effective systematic approach to pregnant girl.

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The effects of dental prostheses to the quality of life among the elderly (일부 노인의 치과보철물 상태가 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Hur, Ik-Gang;Lee, Tae-Yong;Dong, Jin-Keun;Hong, Song-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study has been conducted in order to examine the oral health status and dental prostheses status, and the effects of dental prostheses to the oral health related quality of life among the elderly using social welfare centers. Material and methods: For this purpose, the researcher conducted a questionnaire survey and oral examination of 275 samples of old persons using 7 social welfare centers located in Daejeon metropolitan city. The oral health related quality of life was measured by GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index). Results: 1. The less age and the more education and the more subjective economic status and living with spouse of family status, the higher GOHAI showed. 2. Mean age of first using of removable denture is 62.11 years old and average life cycle of removable denture is 10.76years. 57.5% of study subjects use removable denture and complete denture user of study subjects are 13.8%. 3. In the case that they use fixed prostheses rather than removable ones and in the complete denture they use both sides (upper and lower) rather than single side, showed higher GOHAI. 4. In the case that they showed higher degrees of satisfaction with dental prostheses and can use them always and showed no necessity for new dental prostheses and denture adaptation is good, GOHAI showed higher. Conclusion: In order to improve oral health related quality of life among the elderly who have many missing teeth, it is required to restore their masticatory ability to the normal level by restoring the missing teeth which has lost its function through providing proper dental prostheses.