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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Nature-Based Solutions

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  • Stallworth, Daniel T.;Roush, Fred W.
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 1988
  • We study existence of polynomial integrating factors and solutions F(x, y)=c of first order nonlinear differential equations. We characterize the homogeneous case, and give algorithms for finding existence of and a basis for polynomial solutions of linear difference and differential equations and rational solutions or linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients. We relate singularities to nature of the solution. Solution of differential equations in closed form to some degree might be called more an art than a science: The investigator can try a number of methods and for a number of classes of equations these methods always work. In particular integrating factors are tricky to find. An analogous but simpler situation exists for integrating inclosed form, where for instance there exists a criterion for when an exponential integral can be found in closed form. In this paper we make a beginning in several directions on these problems, for 2 variable ordinary differential equations. The case of exact differentials reduces immediately to quadrature. The next step is perhaps that of a polynomial integrating factor, our main study. Here we are able to provide necessary conditions based on related homogeneous equations which probably suffice to decide existence in most cases. As part of our investigations we provide complete algorithms for existence of and finding a basis for polynomial solutions of linear differential and difference equations with polynomial coefficients, also rational solutions for such differential equations. Our goal would be a method for decidability of whether any differential equation Mdx+Mdy=0 with polynomial M, N has algebraic solutions(or an undecidability proof). We reduce the question of all solutions algebraic to singularities but have not yet found a definite procedure to find their type. We begin with general results on the set of all polynomial solutions and integrating factors. Consider a differential equation Mdx+Ndy where M, N are nonreal polynomials in x, y with no common factor. When does there exist an integrating factor u which is (i) polynomial (ii) rational? In case (i) the solution F(x, y)=c will be a polynomial. We assume all functions here are complex analytic polynomial in some open set.

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Artificial muscles: Non-Stoichiometry Nature, Sensing and Actuating Properties and Tactile Sensibility

  • Otero T.F.;Lopez-Cascales J.J.;Vazquez-Arenas G.
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.5B no.2
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 2005
  • Electro-chemo-mechanical devices or artificial muscles based on conducting polymers (CP) are presented as bilayers, CP/adhesive polymer, or as triple layers, CP/adhesive polymer/CP. Those soft and wet materials, working in aqueous solutions of a salt, mimic the composition of most organs from animals. Under electrochemical control, so working as new electrical machines, they produce continuous, reverse and elegant bending movements, mimicking those produce by animal muscles. By means of the current a perfect controls of the movement rate is attained giving soft and continuous movements. Muscles able to sense the chemical and mechanical conditions of work or muscle having tactile sense, as will be presented here, are being developed. All of them are founded on the non-stoichiometric nature of the soft and wet materials.


  • Myong H. K.;Kim J. E.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 2005
  • Three-dimensional steady incompressible laminar entry flows in a square duct of 90 bend are numerically simulated by a new solution code(PowerCFD) using unstructured cell-centered method. Solutions are obtained with three unstructured grid types of hexahedron, prism and hybrid at a Reynolds number, based on the hydraulic diameter and bulk velocity, of 790. Interesting features of the flow are presented in detail. Detailed comparisons between the computed solutions and the available experimental data are given mainly for the velocity distributions at cross-sections in a 90 bend of a square duct with fully-developed entry flows. It is found that the code is capable of producing the nature of laminar flow in curved square duct with no grid type dependency.

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Augmented Weighted Tchebycheff Modeling and Robust Design Optimization on a Drug Development Process (의약품개발공정에서의 Augmented weighted Tchebycheff 모델링 및 강건설계최적화)

  • Ho, Le Tuan;Shin, Sangmun
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2013
  • The quality of the products/processes has been improved remarkably since robust design (RD) methodology is applied into the practice manufacturing processes. A model building method based on the dual responses methods for multiple and time oriented responses on a drug development process is employed in this paper instead of the previous methods that handle the static nature of data and single response. Subsequently, the optimal solutions of a multiple and time series RD problem are obtained by using the proposed augmented weighted Tchebycheff method that has a significant flexibility on assigning weights. Finally, a pharmaceutical case study associated with a generic drug development process is conducted in order to illustrate the efficient optimal solutions from the proposed model.

A Study on the Transborder Characteristics of Forms in Baroque Space (바로크공간의 탈경계적 조형 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Myoung-Sik
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2015
  • The visual expression system of space realized in Baroque aesthetics is basically grounded on the philosophical view to the world of the time, that is to say the changes of the thinking system in the Renaissance and ontology based on it. Structural aesthetics in Baroque freed from Plato's system of harmony but grounded on Leibniz's process philosophy formed a crucial background to highlight the formal nature of the whole and build a structure based on the inclusive principle of formativity. Also, to solve problems to realize the order and consistency of forms from the whole, Baroque adopted the nonlinear and nonphysical formative system as the principle of building space in works of art. Combining the order system of nature in the Renaissance with manneristic dynamicity as well as formative principle taking shape geometrically, it did establish a variety of aesthetic concepts based on the results of infiniteness and exaggeration expressed from the two forces, the Renaissance and mannerism. This study has found that such Baroque aesthetics did overcome classical planeness and draw continuous mobility from the structures and forms based on that with the transborder concepts of structures, the components of space, as an ultimate system of formative expression. Moreover, this author has drawn and analyzed with the cases of the 17th-century art and architecture the transborder elements manifesting the nature of diverse formative visual elements produced in artistic expressions with that principle of aesthetics, that is the intangible concept of Baroque. Based on that, this researcher intends to come up with technical solutions to solve a lot of environmental and architectural problems we are severely facing nowadays in terms of environmental, physical, and emotional aspects with the theoretical clues and results acceptable to this contemporary era.

Capability Brown and His Landscape Gardening Style-with reference to the character in design and aesthetics- (영국 풍경식 정원가 의 스타일에 관한 연구 - 설계 특성과 미적 평가를 중심으로 -)

  • 방경란;최기수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 1998
  • The background of this study is to provide meaning of landscape history and to find out landscape origines which were strongly concerned with the nature through breaking out the form of conventional adapting elements from an exterior. And the purpose of this study is to review Brown's philosophy as picturesque landscape architectur and to provide useful Brown's characteristics to contemporary landscape by epitomizing his design elements. Brown estiablished a foundation of the English landscape garden of the eighteenth century. And the concept, the beauty of nature, is considered as a beginning point of modernism study. The study of the Brownian style as profoundity theme is conversion view to the development of the history of garden. These days, the restoration of the Brownian style at the public or garden design in England is based on the nature recourse of the original character of human. And also his style can be understood to seek the progressive transformation as to perfectly known the possibility of the place, to get clues to the solutions, and to be able to iprove the quality of environment. Therefore, Brown's efforts for seeding the essence of landscape architecture escaping from Englands old-fashioned landscape design skills might be considered in high worth.

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A Review of the Application of Constructed Wetlands as Stormwater Treatment Systems

  • Reyes, Nash Jett;Geronimo, Franz Kevin;Guerra, Heidi;Jeon, Minsu;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.162-162
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    • 2022
  • Stormwater management is an essential component of land-use planning and development. Due to the additional challenges posed by climate change and urbanization, various stormwater management schemes have been developed to limit flood damages and ease water quality concerns. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly used as cost-effective measures to manage stormwater runoff from various land uses. Specifically, constructed wetlands were already considered as socially acceptable green stormwater infrastructures that are widely used in different countries. There is a large collection of published literature regarding the effectiveness or efficiency of constructed wetlands in treating stormwater runoff; however, metadata analyses using bibliographic information are very limited or seldomly explored. This study was conducted to determine the trends of publication regarding stormwater treatment wetlands using a bibliometric analysis approach. Moreover, the research productivity of various countries, authors, and institutions were also identified in the study. The Web of Science (WoS) database was utilized to retrieve bibliographic information. The keywords ("constructed wetland*" OR "treatment wetland*" OR "engineered wetland*" OR "artificial wetland*") AND ("stormwater*" or "storm water*") were used to retrieve pertinent information on stormwater treatment wetlands-related publication from 1990 up to 2021. The network map of keyword co-occurrence map was generated through the VOSviewer software and the contingency matrices were obtained using the Cortext platform ( The results obtained from this inquiry revealed the areas of research that have been adequately explored by past studies. Furthermore, the extensive collection of published scientific literature enabled the identification of existing knowledge gaps in the field of stormwater treatment wetlands.

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Researching Solutions to Key Issues in the Rural Village Covenant - Application of the Republican Perspective - (농촌 마을 규약의 주요 쟁점에 대한 해법 연구 - 공화주의 관점의 적용 -)

  • Ko, Kyoung Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.365-382
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the main issues of rural village regulations from a republican perspective and propose solutions. The main issues include the nature of the village council, membership qualifications, the election and term of representatives and officers, the village council system, suffrage, and the main roles of the village council, totaling seven points. The republican solutions proposed in this study are as follows. First, the village council should be an autonomous political community characterized by association. Second, the village council should be an open public space where anyone who wishes to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations outlined in the regulations can participate. Third, the village head appointed by the administration and the representatives of autonomous organizations should be distinguished. Fourth, it is necessary to limit the terms of representatives and officers to prevent the monopolization of power by specific individuals or a minority and to allow more members to participate in the public system. Fifth, the village council system should be established to ensure that the principles of checks and balances and autonomy operate effectively. Sixth, all members should be guaranteed political freedom and equality of rights without discrimination based on gender, origin, or status. Seventh, the village council should pursue a politics of civil society that promotes various community activities capable of fostering friendship and solidarity among residents.

Dynamic Decisions using Variable Neighborhood Search for Stochastic Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (확률적 자원제약 스케줄링 문제 해결을 위한 가변 이웃탐색 기반 동적 의사결정)

  • Yim, Dong Soon
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • Stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem is an extension of resource-constrained project scheduling problem such that activity duration has stochastic nature. In real situation where activity duration is not known until the activity is finished, open-loop based static policies such as activity-based policy and priority-based policy will not well cope with duration variability. Then, a dynamic policy based on closed-loop decision making will be regarded as an alternative toward achievement of minimal makespan. In this study, a dynamic policy designed to select activities to start at each decision time point is illustrated. The performance of static and dynamic policies based on variable neighborhood search is evaluated under the discrete-event simulation environment. Experiments with J120 sets in PSPLIB and several probability distributions of activity duration show that the dynamic policy is superior to static policies. Even when the variability is high, the dynamic policy provides stable and good solutions.

A Study on the Integrated Design Method of Architecture-Art-Nature found in Foundation Beyeler Museum (바이엘러 미술관에 나타난 건축-미술-자연의 통합 디자인 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2013
  • Foundation Beyeler museum located near Basel, Switzerland is one of the most-visited art museum of the world. Although the entire volume of the museum is not huge, its art collection as well as the well-known museum building designed by Renzo Piano deserve to attract many visitors. The initial design was started in 1991 when the city of Basel decided to fund and support the project. Through a couple of design stages, the museum was finally opened to public in 1997. There have been various research papers dealt with general design issues of Beyeler museum such as composition of exhibition spaces, and natural lighting. However, this paper aims to study the design methods and relationship between art, architecture and nature. Although the museum building is located on the site quietly, there are various specific design solutions to create unique spatial experience of art and nature at each parts. This study focuses on 4 parts of the museum that are located on the main circulation. How art, architecture and nature are integrated together is the main target of the analysis. The analysis is based on visual-perceptual experience and spatial configuration. In chapter 2, general background of the project was studied. In chapter 3, characteristics of the site's natural environment and Piano's design concept's were examined. In chapter 4, each parts were analyzed in detail with diagrams. In chapter 5 & 6, the spatial characteristics were compared together and the fundamental role of the museum architecture was concluded.