• 제목/요약/키워드: National geographic information

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Providing the combined models for groundwater changes using common indicators in GIS (GIS 공통 지표를 활용한 지하수 변화 통합 모델 제공)

  • Samaneh, Hamta;Seo, You Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2022
  • Evaluating the qualitative the qualitative process of water resources by using various indicators, as one of the most prevalent methods for optimal managing of water bodies, is necessary for having one regular plan for protection of water quality. In this study, zoning maps were developed on a yearly basis by collecting and reviewing the process, validating, and performing statistical tests on qualitative parameters҆ data of the Iranian aquifers from 1995 to 2020 using Geographic Information System (GIS), and based on Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basic Function (RBF), and Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI) methods and Kriging and Co-Kriging techniques in three types including simple, ordinary, and universal. Then, minimum uncertainty and zoning error in addition to proximity for ASE and RMSE amount, was selected as the optimum model. Afterwards, the selected model was zoned by using Scholar and Wilcox. General evaluation of groundwater situation of Iran, revealed that 59.70 and 39.86% of the resources are classified into the class of unsuitable for agricultural and drinking purposes, respectively indicating the crisis of groundwater quality in Iran. Finally, for validating the extracted results, spatial changes in water quality were evaluated using the Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI), indicating high sensitivity of aquifers to small quantitative changes in water level in addition to severe shortage of groundwater reserves in Iran.

Changes in Leaf and Reproductive Traits of Mountain Ash (Sorbus alnifolia) as Urban Flourisher in the Seoul Metropolitan, South Korea (한국 서울 식생의 번성자로서 팥배나무의 형질 변화 양상)

  • Jung, Song-Hie;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.644-658
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    • 2021
  • Understanding the functional traits of dominant species in urban ecosystems provides insight into species' trait adaptation and ecosystem function in response to fragmented and isolated urban vegetation and reduced biological interactions. This study compared means and variances of environmental factors (geographic, meteorological, and soil attributes) and 4 leaf traits (leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf dry mass content, and leaf shape index) and 7 reproductive traits (fruit width, fruit length, fruit shape, fruit dry weight, fruit dry matter content, seed weight, and seed ratio) measured of 40 Sorbus alnifolia individuals in four mountainous areas south of Seoul downtown, South Korea. We then performed the multivariate analysis of trait combinations. While the measured environmental factors indicated the individuality of the survey sites, the urban vegetation was drier and had a longer growth period. The leaves of S. alnifolia in the urban areas were smaller and heavier, and the fruits produced longer and lighter seeds, showing the traits affected by long urbanization. The study confirmed changes in the growth and reproduction mechanism of the S. alnifolia population under the urban environment, indicating reduced biological interaction due to vegetation fragmentation and isolation. This study provides limited but distinct ecological information about the function and persistence of key species in cities with a reduced scale of biological interactions and many negative environmental factors such as air pollution.

Numerical Analysis of Wind Environment around Sungnyemun Gate Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model (전산유체역학 모델을 이용한 숭례문 주변의 풍환경 수치해석)

  • Son, Minu;Kim, Do-Yong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the wind environment in an urban area near Sungneymun gate was numerically investigated in the cases of inflow directions. The wind fields for the target area were simulated using Geographic Information System data and Computational Fluid Dynamics model. Results, including vector fields, three-dimensional wind velocity components, and wind speeds, were analyzed to examine flow characteristics. Wind direction variability affected by buildings was shown in the target area. The complex flows around Sungneymun did not depend on the inflow direction as a boundary condition. The wind speed around Sungneymun was generally 3 times stronger at 14 m above ground level (AGL) compared to the surface wind at 2 m AGL and relatively high in the case of easterly inflow. The effect of wind was also analyzed to be relatively significant at the southeast side of Sungneymun. Thus, it was suggested that the assessment of wind environment affected by high-rise and high-density buildings should be necessary for the architectural heritage in urban areas.

Effect Analysis of Offshore Wind Farms on VHF band Communications (VHF 대역 통신에 대한 해상풍력 발전단지의 영향성 분석)

  • Oh, Seongwon;Park, Taeyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2022
  • As the development of renewable energy expands internationally to cope with global warming and climate change, the share of wind power generation has been gradually increasing. Although wind farms can produce electric power for 24 h a day compared to solar power plants, Their interfere with the operation of nearby radars or communication equipment must be analyzed because large-scale wind power turbines are installed. This study analyzed whether a land radio station can receive sufficient signals when a ship sailing outside the offshore wind farm transmits distress signals on the VHF band. Based on the geographic information system digital map around the target area, wind turbine CAD model, and wind farm layout, the area of interest and wind farm were modeled to enable numerical analysis. Among the high frequency analysis techniques suitable for radio wave analysis in a wide area, a dedicated program applying physical optics (PO) and shooting and bouncing ray (SBR) techniques were used. Consequently, the land radio station could receive the electromagnetic field above the threshold of the VHF receiver when a ship outside the offshore wind farm transmitted a distress communication signal. When the line of sight between the ships and the land station are completely blocked, the strength of the received field decreases, but it is still above the threshold. Hence, although a wind farm is a huge complex, a land station can receive the electromagnetic field from the ship's VHF transmitter because the wave length of the VHF band is sufficiently long to have effects such as diffraction or reflection.

Geomorphological and Sedimentological Characteristics of Jangdo Wetland in Shinan-gun, Korea (신안 장도습지의 지형과 퇴적물 특성)

  • CHOI, Kwang Hee;CHOI, Tae-Bong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2010
  • The Jangdo wetland is located on a very gentle slope of the mountain area in Daejangdo island, Shinan-gun, Korea, in which the area of the watershed is estimated at 147,000 m2. The wetland has been regarded as a peat bog without any sedimentological evidence. This study was conducted to analyze the geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of the wetland. The geographic information system (GIS) was used to analyze the drainage system, and field surveys were conducted to measure the range and depth of wetland deposits. The grain size analysis, organic matter determination, elements analysis and radiocarbon dating were performed on samples from the wetland. As a result, the wetland deposits were about 30 cm deep on average, the mean grain sizes ranged from 50 to 500 μm, and the average C/N ratio was 11.5. The portion of organic matter it contained was only 5~26%, which did not satisfy the peat standards. The radiocarbon ages from the wetland deposits range 180±50 14C yr BP to modern, which indicated that natural and anthropogenic interferences including agricultural activities have continuously happened. We conclude that the Jangdo wetland is still in its infancy, not a steady state, so that it could be very sensitive to a small disturbance.

Characteristics Variation of the Sedimentary Environment in Winter Season around the Baramarae Beach of Anmyeondo Using Surface Sediment Analysis (표층퇴적물 분석을 통한 동계 안면도 바람아래해수욕장 주변의 퇴적환경 변화특성)

  • JANG, Dong-Ho;KIM, Jang-Soo;PARK, No-Wook
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated the sedimentary environment changes in the Baramarae beach of Anmyeondo through spatio-temporal surface sediment analysis. In the winter season 2009, surface sediments were classified into 7 sedimentary facies such as gravel, sand, gravelly sand, gravelly muddy sand, muddy sand, silty sand, and sandy silt. Time-series analysis of average grain size from 2002 to 2009 revealed that the average grain size of sediments became finer and sorting was much worse. On the contrary, during the same period, the grain size became coarsening-trend and sorting was much better in beach area. These different grain size patterns resulted from the different change characteristics of beach and tidal flats. The southwestern beach area was connected to the open sea and thus fine sediments were removed by the environments with relatively high-energy. The sedimentation of fine sediments in the bay resulted from the tidal current action and the reduction of energy by the topographic effects. Fine sediments in the outer part of southwestern tidal flats could be explained such that the Seomot isle blocked ocean waves and as a result, low-energy environments accelerated sedimentations of fine sediments.

Dwelling Site of 'Cheonan Baekseokdong Relic Group' Using GIS Analysis - Paying Attention to the Gradient of Each of Micro-Landforms of Hillslope - (GIS분석을 이용한 천안 백석동유적그룹의 청동기시대 주거지 입지의 최적 지형환경 - 구릉사면의 미지형별 경사도에 주목하여 -)

  • PARK, Ji-Hoon;PARK, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2011
  • We were to investigate the geomorphological environment of optimum location in the object of Bronze Age's dwelling site (hereinafter called dwelling site) of total of 205 units confirmed in the 'Cheonan Baekseokdong Relic Group' distributed in hill of the uppermost stream part in the watershed of Jangjae stream in Cheonan, Chungnam Province. To do this, we classified the hill of the object of investigation where dwelling sites were distributed as 8 units of slope micro-landforms and again by combining them with the grade of gradient of 5 units subdivided them into ultra-micro-landforms of total 40 units. On the foundation of this, in the viewpoints of 'gradients of each of micro-landforms' analyzed the 'number of dwelling sites' and 'dwelling site distribution density (measure: number of dwelling sites/1000m2) of 'Cheonan Baekseokdong Relic Group'. As the result, the optimum landform environment where the dwelling sites were located were found to be largely 5 units of ultra-micro-landforms - ① flat land of crest flat, ② gentle slope land of crest flat, ③ flat land of crest slope, ④ gentle slope land of crest slope and ⑤ semi-gentle slope land of crest slope. This analyzed material will be used from now on as basic material which can predict the distribution of dwelling sites of Bronze Age men who dwelled in the watershed of Jangjae stream.

Optimum Geomorphological Environment of Location of Dwelling Site in Bronze Age in Asan Area Using GIS Analysis -Paying Attention to the Gradient of Each of Micro-Landforms of Hillslope - (GIS 분석과 사면 미지형별 경사도를 이용한 충남 아산지역에 있어서 청동기시대 주거지 입지의 최적 지형환경)

  • PARK, Jong-Chul;PARK, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2011
  • This is to find out geomorphological environment of optimum location for the object of dwelling site of Bronze Age (hereinafter called dwelling site) of total 177 unit confirmed in Yongducheon basin and Onyangcheon basin (hereinafter called investigation-object basin) in Asan-si Chungnam. To do this, hill of investigation-object basin where dwelling sites were confirmed was divided into 11 units of hillslope geomorphological and this was combined with the grade of 5 units of gradient and again subdivided into total 55 units of micro-landforms of Hillslope. Based on this, in the viewpoint of 'gradient of each of micro-landforms' analyzed 'number of dwelling sites' and 'dwelling site distribution density (unit: number of dwelling sites/1000m2)'. As the result, the optimum geomorphological environment where dwelling sites were located was largely confirmed be 5 units(① semi-gentle slope land of crest slope ②gentle slope land of crest slope ③ slope of upper sideslope ④ flat land of crest slope ⑤ flat land of crest flat). It is thought that this analysis data will be used in the future as basic data for the study of predicting distribution of dwelling sites in Bronze Age which might have been buried in the investigation-object basin.

Classification of the Core Climatic Region Established by the Entropy of Climate Elements - Focused on the Middle Part Region - (기후요소의 엔트로피에 의한 핵심 기후지역의 구분 - 중부지방을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hyun-Wook;Chung, Sung-Suk;Park, Keon-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 2006
  • Geographic factors and mathmatical location of the Korean Peninsula have great influences on the variation patterns and appearances over a period of ten days of summer precipitation. In order to clarify the influence of several climate factors on precise climate classification in the middle part region of the Korea, weather entropy and the information ratio were calculated on the basis of information theory and of the data of 25 site observations. The data used for this study are the daily precipitation phenomenon over a period of ten days of summer during the recent thirteen years (1991-2003) at the 25 stations in the middle part region of the Korea. It is divided into four classes of no rain, $0.1{\sim}10.0mm/day,\;10.1{\sim}30.0mm/day$, 30.1mm over/day. Their temporal and spatial change were also analyzed. The results are as follows: the maximum and minimum value of calculated weather entropy are 1.870 bits at Chuncheon in the latter ten days of July and 0.960 bits at Ganghwa during mid September, respectively. And weather entropy in each observation sites tends to be larger in the beginning of August and smaller towards the end of September. The largest and smallest values of weather representative ness based on information ratio were observed at Chungju in the beginning of June and at Deagwallyeong towards the end of July. However, the largest values of weather representativeness came out during the middle or later part of September when 15 sites were adopted as the center of weather forecasting. The representative core region of weather forecasting and climate classification in the middle part region of the Korea are inside of the triangle region of the Buyeo, Incheon, and Gangneung.

High Definition Road Map Object usability Verification for High Definition Road Map improvement (정밀도로지도 개선을 위한 정밀도로지도 객체 활용성 검증)

  • Oh, Jong Min;Song, Yong Hyun;Hong, Song Pyo;Shin, Young Min;Ko, Young Chin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2020
  • As the 4th Industrial Revolution era in worldwide, interest in autonomous vehicles is increasing. but due to recent safety issues such as pedestrian accidents and car accidents, as a technical model for this, the demand for 3D HD maps (High Definition maps) is increasing in including lanes, road markings, road information, traffic lights and traffic signs etc. However, since some complementary points have been continuously raised according to demand, It is necessary to collect the opinions of institutions and companies utilizing HD maps and to improve HD maps. This study was conducted by utilizing the results of the contest for usability verification of HD Maps hosted by the National Geographic Information Institute and organized by the Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute. For this study, we researched HD maps' layers and codes for HD maps object usability to improve HD maps, constructed HD maps object usability items accordingly, and contested usability verification of HD maps according to the items The contestants conducted verification and analyzed the results. As a result, the most frequently used code for each layer was the flat intersection, and the code showing the highest usage rate was a safety sign. In addition, the use rate of the sub-section and height obstacles was 16.67% and 8.88%, respectively, showing a low ratio. In order to utilize HD maps in the future, this study is expected to require research to continuously collect opinions from customers and improve data objects and data models that are actually needed by customers.