• 제목/요약/키워드: National Reformation

검색결과 135건 처리시간 0.029초

A Bluetooth Scatternet Reformation Algorithm

  • Lee Han-Wook;Kauh Sang-Ken
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2006
  • Bluetooth is reputed as a wireless networking technology supplying ad-hoc networks between digital devices. In particular, Bluetooth scatternet is an essential part of dynamic ad-hoc networks. Yet, there have not been sufficient researches performed on scatternet environment. This paper proposes a scatternet reformation algorithm for ad-hoc networks for instances where some nodes enter or leave the scatternet. The proposed algorithm is a general algorithm that can be applied to many types of Bluetooth scatternet regardless of the topology. The proposed algorithm is made for two reformation cases, i.e., nodes leaving and nodes entering. For the reformation when nodes leave a scatternet, the recovery node vector (RNV) algorithm is proposed. It has short reformation setup delay because the process involves a single page process (not including inquiry process). For the reformation when nodes enter a scatternet, the entry node algorithm is proposed. This is a simple and easily implementable algorithm. In this paper, real hardware experiments are carried out to evaluate the algorithm's performance where the reformation setup delay, the reformation setup probability and the data transfer rate are measured. The proposed algorithm has shown improvement in the reformation setup delay and probability.

국방분야 민간자원의 효율적 활용방안 - 정비, 보급, 수송, 교육훈련분야를 중심으로 - (Efficient Utilization of Private Resources for the National Defense - Focused on maintenance, supply, transportation, training & education -)

  • 박균용
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.313-340
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    • 2011
  • The National Defense Reformation bill of "National Defense Reformation 2020" which have been constantly disputed and reformed by the government went through various levels of complementary measures after the North Korean sinking on the Republic of Korea (ROK) Naval Vessel "Cheonan". The final outcome of this reform is also known as the 307 Plan and this was announced on the 8th March. The reformed National Defense Reformation is to reduce the number of units and military personnel under the military structure reformation. However, in order for us to undertake successful National Defense Reformation, the use of privatized civilian resources are essential. Therefore according to this theory, the ROK Ministry of National Defense (MND) have selected the usage of privatized resources as one of the main core agenda for the National Defense Reformation management procedures, and under this agenda the MND plans to further expand the usage of private Especially the MND plans to minimize the personnel resources applied in non-combat areas and in turn use these supplemented personnel with optimization. In order to do this, the MND have initiated necessary appropriate analysis over the whole national defense section by understanding various projects and acquisition requests required by each militaries and civilian research institutions. However for efficient management of privatized civilian resources, first of all, those possible efficient private resources which can achieve optimization will need to be identified, and secondly continuous systematic reinforcements will need to be made in private resource usage legislations. Furthermore, we would need to consider the possibility of labor disputes because of privatization expansion. Therefore, full legal and systematic complementary measures are required in all possible issue arising areas which can affect the combat readiness posture. There is another problem of huge increase in operational expenses as reduction of standby forces are only reducing the number of soldiers and filling these numbers with more cost expensive commissioned officers. However, to overcome this problem, we would need to reduce the number of positions available for active officers and fill these positions with military reserve personnel who previously had working experiences with the related positions (thereby guaranteeing active officers re-employment after completing active service). This would in tum maintain the standards of combat readiness posture and reduce necessary financial budgets which may newly arise. The area of maintenance, supply, transportation, training & education duties which are highly efficient when using privatized resources, will need to be transformed from military management based to civilian management based system. For maintenance, this can be processed by integrating National Maintenance Support System. In order for us to undertake this procedure, we would need to develop maintenance units which are possible to be privatized and this will in turn reduce the military personnel executing job duties, improve service quality and prevent duplicate investments etc. For supply area, we will need to establish Integrated Military Logistics Center in-connection with national and civilian logistics system. This will in turn reduce the logistics time frame as well as required personnel and equipments. In terms of transportation, we will need to further expand the renting and leasing system. This will need to be executed by integrating the National Defense Transportation Information System which will in turn reduce the required personnel and financial budgets. Finally for training and education, retired military personnel can be employed as training instructors and at the military academy, further expansion in the number of civilian professors can be employed in-connection with National Defense Reformation. In other words, more active privatized civilian resources will need to be managed and used for National Defense Reformation.

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북위 효문제의 복식 개혁에 관한연구 (A Study on the Costume Reformation of Bei-Wei(北魏) Xiao-wen-di(孝文帝))

  • 이순원
    • 복식
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    • 제43권
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    • pp.283-298
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    • 1999
  • Bei-Wei(北魏) arose from Ta-ba clan(拓拔氏), a race belonging to Xian-bei(삼배) and it was the first foreign dynasty that reigned the central area of China in A.D 386-534. Xiao-wen-di(孝文帝) found it necessary to adopt the ruling mechanism of Han race's 'Sino-centralism' so as to establish orthodoxy of Xian-bei dynasty. He ordered Xian-bei people to channge their own costume for the costume of Han race. Costume was one of ruling means in Xiao-wen-di's case. However the revolutionary policy of Sinonizatio by Xiao-wen-di brought abuot serious conflicts and confrontations among classes of Xian-bei Xiao-bei wore their own costume and opposed Xiao-wen-di(孝文帝)'s policy Consequently Xian-wen-di(孝文帝)'s Sinonization policy accelerated the downfall of Bei-Wei(北魏). In the course of reformation and downfall of Bei-Wei(北魏) costume played an important role of representing national indentity.

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대한제국 1900년(광무(光武)4) 문관대례복 제도와 무궁화 문양의 상징성 (The Institution of Court Costume in the Year 1900 (the 4th Year of Korean Empire Gwangmu) and the Symbolism of Mugunghwa, the Rose of Sharon Pattern)

  • 이경미
    • 복식
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    • 제60권3호
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is contemplating and substantiating Korean Empire's court costume through relics and photos. Additionally, the meaning of the pattern of Mugunghwa as the national symbol in the court costume is considered. The results of this study are following. First, a phased introduction of western-style court costume was executed through Ulmi Reformation in 1895 and Court Costume Rule in 1900. U1mi Reformation was characterized by transitional reformation because newly introduced system and traditional costume consolidated in costume. Under Court Costume Rule, however, by accepting western-style on contemporary costume, modernized style was settled in every respect of form and matter. The court costume comprised bicorn, coat, vest, pantaloon, sword, sword belt, white collar and white gloves at audience with the Emperor. Second, by examination of the relics of Chigimgwan and Juimgwan, it was confirmed that the court costume was manufactured in foreign countries such as France and Russia on the basis of order. It was also identified by pictures that court costume was worn by diplomats dispatched. Third, the pattern of Mugunghwa in court costume was featured by embroidery of 6 petal pattern. And the pattern of Mugunghwa, as national symbol, has important meaning in view of history and national affection, while Japanese and European adopted the crest of the royal household. In summary, Korean Empire proclaimed modernized court costume institution to handle international relationship driven by West. It was uneasy reformation in adopting western court costume imported from overseas because its textile and style were completely different from traditional costume. However, the willingness of Korean Empire should be reevaluated in the history of Korean costume, in that Korean Empire established court costume proclaimed its sovereignty domestically and overseas, and that the pattern chosen as national symbol was that of Mugunghwa which is current national flower.

사회취약계층 주택개보수사업 개선방향연구 - 전남지역의 농어촌주거를 중심으로 - (A Study on Home Improvement Policy for the Vulnerable Families - Focused on Jeonnam Area -)

  • 이재홍;천득염
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2014
  • This study is to grasp the vulnerable families selected by the laws and qualification criteria on housing reformation and repair project of the Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs, the procedures of housing improvement projects, and the roles of superintendents, focusing on rural living and housing environment improvement. After the regional characters, housing style and structure of the recipients (the selected vulnerable families), and construction companies were closely examined by items and year, the results and problems of housing reformation and repair were diagnosed, compared and analyzed. On the basis of the results, the overall guidelines and directions of housing environment improvement for vulnerable families were suggested. Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful for the kind of project in the future.

The Reformation of Gas Technical Standards System

  • Hur, Young-Taeg;Lim, Ha-Kyung;Lee, Su-Kyung
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 2008
  • The current gas regulations have been reformed into a new technical standards system called as "KGS (Korea Gas Safety) Code" system. Korea Gas Safety Corporation has developed a new framework of technical standards classification method and will manage the new technical standards system in compliance with the mandatory requirements of gas regulations. This study will cover an overall view of the reformation and show "KGS Code" in detail.

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철도구조개혁 과정에서의 이해집단간 갈등탐색에 관한 고찰: 옹호연합모형(ACF)을 중심으로 (Reviews on the Conflicts Among Interest Groups in the Process of Railway Restructuring: Focusing on the ACF(Advocacy Coalition Framework))

  • 이현정;김재영
    • 대한교통학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.531-542
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    • 2015
  • 우리나라의 철도산업 구조개혁 관련 논의는 1998년 철도청 경영진단을 시작으로 2005년 한국철도공사의 출범, 2013년 수서발 KTX 법인 면허 발급과 민영화 논란에 이르기까지 지속적으로 이루어져 왔다. 본 연구에서는 철도산업 구조개혁이 10년 이상의 장기성을 통해 이루어진 점에 비추어, 이러한 정책변동은 여러 외적 변수와 장기적인 정책주체들의 상호작용에 기인하여 이루어졌다고 보고, 옹호연합모형을 적용하여 고찰하고자 하였다. 철도산업 구조개혁은 연합(Coalition)간의 합의점을 도출하지 못한 채 정권교체 등의 시점에 보다 우월한 지배연합에 의해 정책이 추진되었다고 볼 수 있으며, 이러한 정책의 성공적인 집행을 위해서는 깊은 갈등관계 속에서의 상이한 정책선호와 도구들을 중재하고 절충할 수 있는 대안을 도출하는 정책중개자의 역할이 중요할 것으로 판단하였다.

Formation, Breakage and Reformation of Humic Flocs by Inorganic and Organic Coagulants

  • Kam, Sang-Kyu;Lee, Min-Gyu;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Xu, Mei-Lan
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2008
  • The floc formation, breakage and reformation of humic acid by inorganic (alum and PAC) and organic coagulants (cationic polyelectrolytes) at several conditions (pH, ionic strength and floc breakage time) were examined and compared among the coagulants at different conditions using a continuous optical monitoring method, with controlled mixing and stirring conditions. For alum, the shapes of formation, breakage and reformation curves at different pH (5 and 7) were different, but the shapes and the sizes of initial floc and reformed floc were nearly the same in the absence and presence of electrolytes at pH 7. For PAC, similar shapes of the curves were obtained at different pH and ionic strength, but the sizes were different, except for those of reformed flocs at different pH. However, for these coagulants, reformed flocs after floc breakage, occurred irreversibly for all the conditions used in this study. For organic coagulants, the time to attain the initial plateau floc size, the extent of floc strength at high shear rate and reversibility of reformed floes were different, depending floc formation mechanism. Especially, for the cationic polyelectrolyte forming humic flocs by charge neutralization or electrostatic patch effect mechanism, reformed flocs occurred reversibly, regardless of pH and floc breakage time, but occurred irreversibly in the presence of electrolytes.

범우 김치영선생의 수학교육에 관한 업적의 목록과 그 분류 (List and Classification of Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's Contributions on Mathematics Education)

  • 이강섭
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.279-294
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    • 2016
  • In this study, Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's (1916.12.24~1995.4.22) papers, essays and books on mathematics education were collected and classified. Bumwoo KIM Chi Young was the most important person on the New Math Movement (Modernization for Mathematics Education), and in 1973, he led the Third Reformation of National School Mathematics Curriculum in Korea. Bumwoo emphasized mathematical structure in mathematics education, and he was a strong advocate of importance of set theory, creativity and the type of spiral learning.