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List and Classification of Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's Contributions on Mathematics Education  

Lee, Kang Sup (Dept. of Math Edu., Dankook Univ.)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.29, no.5, 2016 , pp. 279-294 More about this Journal
In this study, Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's (1916.12.24~1995.4.22) papers, essays and books on mathematics education were collected and classified. Bumwoo KIM Chi Young was the most important person on the New Math Movement (Modernization for Mathematics Education), and in 1973, he led the Third Reformation of National School Mathematics Curriculum in Korea. Bumwoo emphasized mathematical structure in mathematics education, and he was a strong advocate of importance of set theory, creativity and the type of spiral learning.
Bumwoo KIM Chi Young; New Math Movement; Modernization for Math Education; Third Reformation of National School Mathematics Curriculum in Korea; Structure; Creativity;
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  • Reference
1 KIM Chi Young, The International Movement on Attempts of Modernization of Mathematical Education, J. Korean Soc. Math. Ed. Ser. A: The Mathematical Education 5(4) (1967), 110-119.(金致榮, 數學敎育 現代化에 對한 各國의 動向, 韓國數學敎育(學)會 시리즈 A 數學敎育 5(4) (1967), 110-119.)
2 KIM Chi Young et al., Introduction Seminar on UICSM, MESC: UICSM Seminar (1968) 1-13.(金致榮.金相萬.李興天.吳炳承.朴漢植.鄭雲慶.金應泰.嚴相燮, 韓國數學敎育硏究會 UICSM 세미나 (1968), 1-13.)
3 KIM Chi Young, Axiomaticalism and Structuralism on Modern Mathematics, Yonsei Univ. Educational Science 9 (1976), 113-125.(金致榮, 現代 數學에 있어서의 公理主義와 構造主義, 연세교육과학 9 (1976), 113-125.)
4 KIM Young Wook, Missing Memories of My Father Kim Chi Young, Proceedings of The Korean Society for History of Mathematics 26(1) (2016), 15-24.
5 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, The REVOLUTION in School Mathematics, Washington, 1961.
6 PARK Han Shik, Historical Development of Mathematics Education in Korea, in Asian Perspectives on Mathematics Education (Editor: G. Bell), The Northern Rivers Mathematical Association, Lismore, 1993, 136-148.
7 PARK Pyung U, The Modernization of Math Education in Korea and the Topologist 'Kim Chi Young' (in Korean), Daehak Gyoyuk (College Education) 111 (2001), 78-81.(박평우, 한국 수학 교육의 현대화와 위상수학자 '김치영', 대학교육 111 (2001), 78-81.)
8 Collection of Dissertations on Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's Sixtieth Birthday, Kyohaksa, 1977.(凡愚 金致榮博士 華甲 記念論文集 發刊委員會, <<凡愚 金致榮博士 華甲 記念論文集>>, 敎學社, 1977.)