• Title/Summary/Keyword: NED

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Image Radiometric Quality Assessment of the Meteorological Payload on GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (정지궤도복합위성 기상탑재체 영상의 복사 성능 품질 측정)

  • Jin, Kyoung-Wook;Yang, Koon-Ho;Choi, Jae-Dong
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2013
  • In this study, calibration processes and methods of evaluating the radiometric quality of satellite images from the meteorological payload on the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A were described. MTF(Modulation Transfer Function), SNR(Signal-To-Noise Ratio), NEdT(Noise Equivalent Delta Temperature), and Dynamic Range, which are the major parameters for assessment of data radiometric quality of space-borne visible and infrared sensors, are focused. Key process of the quality check of the satellite data is the comparing the image radiometric performance parameters during the In-Oribit Test with those acquired from the ground tests. Validation plan of the image quality of the GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Meteorological Imager is addressed based on the analyses results of COMS MI data during the COMS In-Orbit Test period

A Monte Carlo Comparison of the Small Sample Behavior of Disparity Measures (소표본에서 차이측도 통계량의 비교연구)

  • 홍종선;정동빈;박용석
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.455-467
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    • 2003
  • There has been a long debate on the applicability of the chi-square approximation to statistics based on small sample size. Extending comparison results among Pearson chi-square Χ$^2$, generalized likelihood .ratio G$^2$, and the power divergence Ι(2/3) statistics suggested by Rudas(1986), recently developed disparity statistics (BWHD(1/9), BWCS(1/3), NED(4/3)) we compared and analyzed in this paper. By Monte Carlo studies about the independence model of two dimension contingency tables, the conditional model and one variable independence model of three dimensional tables, simulated 90 and 95 percentage points and approximate 95% confidence intervals for the true percentage points are obtained. It is found that the Χ$^2$, Ι(2/3), BWHD(1/9) test statistics have very similar behavior and there seem to be applcable for small sample sizes than others.

A Study on Analysis of Design Thinking Type based on Brain Conjugation Area (두뇌활용영역에 따른 디자인 사고 유형 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Seok, Jae-Heuck;Han, Jung-Wan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2016
  • This research analyzed 'esquisse', that is one of among the visual representation tools of designers in design-thinking process. They were classified into five different types(M, N, O, P, Q) and categorized about preferred type of brain dominance area based on Ned Herrmann's 'Brain 4 division theory'. By contrasting and analyzing five types of sketch tendencies and brain tendencies through Structural left -brain type(M), Emotional limbic-brain type(N), Visual right-brain type(O), Plane expressional right-brain type(P) and Text expressional right-brain type(Q), it was deduced that which utilization the designer with each brain type with various Styles and characteristics shows internally in the design thinking process can be analyzed.

True History of the Kelly Gang and the Politics of Memory (『켈리 일당의 실화』와 기억의 정치학)

  • Rhee, Suk Koo
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.337-357
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    • 2009
  • Ned Kelly, the bushranger, is a legendary figure of special significance to the Australians of today. The Aussies' affection for this "horse thief" derives from the fact that the latter has become a national ideal of the "battler" who does not give up in the face of hardships. Peter Carey's is considered to be one of the "national narratives" that not only heroize but also give voice to the Irish rebels who fought for "fair go" in the colonial Australia. However, this paper asserts that there are more to the novel than merely paying a tribute to the national icon, especially when the novel is examined in the context of the "republic controversy." In 1999, the preceding year of the novel's publication, Australia had a national referendum on the issue of whether or not to secede from the Commonwealth. Due to the procedural manipulation of the royalist ruling party, republicanism was voted down. At the time when the majority of Australians were irate with the result of the referendum, Carey's retelling of the supposedly anti-British rebel failed to promote the lost cause. This paper investigates how the narrativization of the legendary figure, whose anti-British and anti-authoritarian attitude can be easily translated into the cause of republicanism, came to appeal to the general reading public. In so doing, this paper compares Carey's novel with the historical Kelly's two epistles: Jerilderie and Cameron Letter. This comparison brings to light what is left out in the process of Carey's narrativization of the rebel's life: the subversive militant voice of an Irish nationalist. The conclusion of this paper is that the possibility for Kelly's life to surface again in the 21st century as a sort of counter-memory is contained by Carey through its inclusion in a highly personalized domestic narrative.


  • Pepiak, A.;Solarz, A.;Pollo, A.;Takeuchi, T.T.;Jurusik, W.;AKARI Team, AKARI Team
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.339-341
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    • 2012
  • It is a long known fact that there exists a tight correlation between far-infrared and radio emission both for galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei and for star forming galaxies. We probe the radio - infrared correlation for a sample of extragalactic sources constructed by the cross-correlation of the AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogue, the AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue, and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey. Additionally, all objects of our sample were identified as galaxies in NED and SIMBAD databases, and a part of them is known to host active galactic nuclei (AGNs). After remeasuring all the fluxes, in order to avoid small aperture effects, we compare the ratio of radio to infrared emission from different types of extragalactic sources, and discuss the FIR/radio correlation as seen by AKARI and make a comparison to the previous results obtained thanks to IRAS.


  • Lee, Dong-Soo;Park, Chul-Hwan
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we will introduce the concept of fuzzy mulitplication module. We will define a new operation called a product on th family of all fuzzy submodules of a fuzzy mulitplication module. We will define a fuzzy subset of the idealization ring R+M and find some relations with the product of fuzzy submodules and product of fuzzy ideals of the idealization ring R+M. Some properties of weakly fuzzy prime submoduels and fuzzy prime submodules which are de ned by T.K.Mukherjee M.K.Sen and D.Roy will be introduced. We will investigate some properties of fuzzy prime submodules of a fuzzy multiplication module.


  • Lee, Youngdae;Pak, Mina;Rey, Soo-Chang;Kim, Suk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.48.1-48.1
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    • 2013
  • We present galaxy luminosity functions (LFs) of subgroups in the Ursa Major cluster. The membership of galaxies is determined by radial velocities which are compiled from the SDSS and NED. We found that the faint end slope (${\alpha}$) of the LF of all sample galaxies in Ursa Major is ${\alpha}=-1.13$. This is consistent with previous result, but shallower than that of the Virgo cluster. Interestingly, the subgroups in Ursa Major show different slopes in their LFs. The NGC 3992 and NGC 4111, the massive subgroups in the Ursa Major cluster, exhibit steep slopes of their LFs comparable to that of the Virgo cluster. On the other hand, less massive group (NGC 3877) shows a very shallow slope of -0.84. Based on the results, we discuss the evolution of galaxies and the assembly history of the Ursa Major cluster.

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Biotechnological Applications in Populus Species (포플러류(類)의 Biotechnology 응용(應用))

  • Chun, Young Woo;Klopfenstein, Ned B.;McNabb, Harold S. Jr.;Hall, Richard B.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.4
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    • pp.467-483
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    • 1988
  • The development of tissue culture systems for Populus species, and the utilization of tissue culture biotechnology will be reviewed and discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on prospects for genetic transformation by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer methods.

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Localized Primary Laryngeal Lymphoma Treated by Irradiation (원발성(原發性) 후두(候頭) 임파종(淋巴腫))

  • Kim G.E.;Suh C.O.;Kim J.H.;Kim B.S.;Lee K.K.;Kim K.M.;Hong W.P.
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 1985
  • A case of primary laryngeal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is detailed with a review of the literature, on this rare site of presentation. Histologic findings and radio-therapeutic technique are included with longterm follow-up data. Local radiotherapy is a curative treatment of choice due to longterm NED survival with preservation of voice.

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On a Structure De ned by a Tensor Field F of Type (1, 1) Satisfying $ \prod\limits_{j=1}^{k}$[F2+a(j)F+λ2(j)I]=0

  • Das, Lovejoy;Nivas, Ram;Singh, Abhishek
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 2010
  • The differentiable manifold with f - structure were studied by many authors, for example: K. Yano [7], Ishihara [8], Das [4] among others but thus far we do not know the geometry of manifolds which are endowed with special polynomial $F_{a(j){\times}(j)$-structure satisfying $$\prod\limits_{j=1}^{k}\;[F^2+a(j)F+\lambda^2(j)I]\;=\;0$$ However, special quadratic structure manifold have been defined and studied by Sinha and Sharma [8]. The purpose of this paper is to study the geometry of differentiable manifolds equipped with such structures and define special polynomial structures for all values of j = 1, 2,$\ldots$,$K\;\in\;N$, and obtain integrability conditions of the distributions $\pi_m^j$ and ${\pi\limits^{\sim}}_m^j$.