• Title/Summary/Keyword: NBT activity

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Induction of Differentiation on the Human Histocytic Lymphoma Cell Line U-937 by Costunolide (Costunolide의 백혈병 세포주 U-937에 대한 분화 유도 작용)

  • Kim, Joo-Il;Lee, Sung-Ho;Park, Jae-Hoon;Park, Hee-Joun;Lee, Kyung-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 1999
  • The present work was carried out to examine the effect of costunolide on the growth of several cells and characteristics of U-937 human leukemia-derived cell line. Costunolide produced a potent antitumor activity in vitro dependent on concentration against several tumor cells such as P-388, L-1210 leukemia and SNU-5 stomach cancer cells. However, it showed less cytotoxicity on normal cells such as Maccaccus rheus monkey kidney cells (MA-104) up to 200 ${\mu}M$ concentration. An effect of cell differentiation by costunolide was assessed by its ability to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT), and to induce phagocytosis of latex particles. In order to establish whether costunolide induces U-937 cells to differentiate toward macrophage or granulocyte, esterase activities was measured. Based on these results, we found that costunolide having cytotoxicity on U-937 human leukemia cells was explained through differentiation inducing activity.

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Effects of Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) Meal on Growth and Nonspecific Immune Responses of Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus) (Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) meul 첨가 사료가 돌돔 (Oplegnathus fasciatus)의 성장과 비특이적 면역 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Won Kyoung-Mi;Kim Pyung-Kih;PARK Soo-ll;YU Byoung-Seo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the effcts of kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) meal on growth and immune responses of parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus) were studied. Fish were fed an experimental diet supplemented with $2{\%}\;and\;5{\%}$ kelp meal in a controled diet. Several factors such as weight gain, hematological parameters and nonspecific immune responses were evaluated far 0, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after the administration of the kelp meal supplemented diet. Weight gain in the fish fed the diet supplemented with $2{\%}\;and\;5{\%}$ kelp meal was not significant among the tested groups. The NBT reaction of the phagocytes in the head kidney and the phagocytic rate/index of phagocytes in the peripheral blood were significantly higher than the control group. But, there was no significant difference both in complement bactericidal activity, mucus Iysozyme activity and hematology among each group.

The Functional Effects of Fermented Pine Needle Extract (솔잎착즙액의 발효에 따른 기능성 효과)

  • Park, Ga-Young;Li, Hongxian;Hwang, In-Deok;Cheong, Hyeon-Sook
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.376-383
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    • 2006
  • Pine needle(Pinus densiflora sieb, et zucc) extract has been used to improve cardiovascular disorders, detoxification of nicotine, the infirmities of age and curing diseases of unidentified symptoms. It has various useful components including amino acids, vitamin C, terpenoids and chlorophyll. In this study we have identified 8 different yeast strains that are developed spontaneously causing self fermentation in the extract. The self-fermented pine extract(SFPE) inhibited the growth of some bacterial strains like E. coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. The SFPE($0.2{\mu}{\ell}/ml{\sim}0.3{\mu}{\ell}/ml$) showed 90% NBT superoxide scavenging activities which is similar for all tested samples of different ages. The 7 years old SFPE(0.15 mg/ml and 0.3 mg/ml) caused relaxation of spontaneous contraction and relaxation rhythm of thoracic arterial tissues from rat. Therefore, SFPE has useful effects such as antibacterial, antioxidant and improved blood circulation and could be a good source of functional food development.

Effects of Dietary Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) Water Extracts and Its Culture Fluid with Lactobacillus rhamnosus on Growth and Immune Responses of Juvenile Olive Flounder (두메꿀풀(Prunella vulgaris) 열수추출액과 미생물(Lactobacillus rhamnosus) 배양액의 사료 내 첨가가 넙치 치어의 성장과 면역반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Sam;Galaz, German Bueno;Heo, Moon-Soo;Kim, Gi-Young;Choi, Kwang-Sik;Lee, Ki-Wan;Yeo, In-Kyu;Lee, Kyeong-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.300-307
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with hot water extracts (HE) of selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus culture fluid (LF) on the growth and non-specific immune responses of juvenile olive flounder. A total of 270 fish ($5.07{\pm}0.01g$, average $weight{\pm}SD$) were divided randomly into nine groups, and three groups were fed one of three isonitrogenous (51% crude protein) and isocaloric (17.6 MJ/kg) diets. The diets contained no supplement, 50 mL hot water extract, or 50 mL L. rhamnosus fluid (designated as diets CON, HE and LF, respectively). During the 8-week feeding trial, the growth, feed utilization and survival of the fish were not significantly affected by the experimental diets. There were no significant differences in the hematocrit and hemoglobin of fish fed each of the experimental diets. However, the serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity were lower with the dietary supplements containing HE and LF. The alanine aminotransferase activity of fish fed the HE diet was significantly lower than that of fish fed the control diet. The hematocrit, hemoglobin, and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) activity were higher 3 hr after feeding than 24 hr afterwards. The NBT activity of fish fed the HE and LF diets were significantly higher than that of fish fed the control diet 3 hr after feeding. The findings suggest that dietary supplementation with HE and LF could enhance the nonspecific immune responses of juvenile olive flounder.

Effect of Polyamine Biosynthesis InhibItion on the Microbicidai and Jumoriddal Activities in Mouse Macrophage (생쥐 대식세포의 감염균 치사활성과 종양 치사활성에 미치는 Polyamine 생합성 억제의 영향)

  • 이준백;정노팔
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 1991
  • The objective of this experiment was to examine the effect of polyamine depletion by polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors on microbicidal activity and tumoricidal activity in mouse mac-rophages. $\alpha$ -Difluoromethylomithine (DFMO), inhibitor of putrescine and spernidine biosynthesis, treatment in vivo for 6-8 days reduced chemiluminescence levels in thioglycollate-, lipo-polysaccharide (LPS), and BCG-treated mouse macrophages. An DFMO treatment in vitro inhibited production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), in dose-dependent manner, and tumoricidal activity by macrophages. The effect of polyamine depletion by MO on ThF production and tumoricidal activity could be reversed by the addition of exogenous putrescine. These result indicated that the obserbed effect of DFMO on macrophage activities were mediated through inhibition of polyamines are, must be, required for optimal activities of macrophages.

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Antioxidant Flavonoids from the Twigs of Stewartia koreana

  • Lee, Sa-Im;Yang, Jae-Heon;Kim, Dae-Keun
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2010
  • In the course of screening for antioxidant compounds by measuring the radical scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), a total extract of the twigs of Stewartia koreana (Theaceae) was found to show potent antioxidant activity. Subsequent activity-guided fractionation of the methanolic extract led to the isolation of six phenolic compounds, ampelopsin (1), catechin (2), proanthocyanidin-A2 (3), fraxin (4), (2R, 3R)-taxifolin-3-${\beta}$-D-glucopyranoside (5), and (2S, 3S)-taxifolin-3-${\beta}$-D-glucopyranoside (6), as active principles. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic studies. Compounds 1-6 were isolated for the first time from this plant. Among them, three compounds 1-3 showed the significant antioxidative effects on DPPH, and riboflavin originated superoxide quenching activity. In riboflavin-nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT)-light system, compound 1 showed better superoxide quenching activity than vitamin C.

오미자(Schizandra Chinesis Baillon)추출물의 분획별 항상화활성 효과

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Hwang, Hyeon-Ik;Lee, In-Sun;Mun, Hye-Yeon
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.317-320
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    • 2002
  • To search for antioxidant compounds from plant resources, ethanol extracts of 10 plants species were investigated using DPPH method and SOD activity by NBT method. The highest activity was shown in the ethanol extracts of Schizandra Chinesis Baillon. And than, antioxidant effects and total polyphenol concentration were investigated in solvent fraction of ethanol extracts from Schizandra Chinesis Baillon. The DPPH inhibitory activity and SOD activity of ethyl acetate fraction (DPPH 51.6%, SOD 66.2%) and butanol fraction(DPPH 60.7%, SOD 67.4%) showed strong biological activities.

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Korean Mistletoe (Viscum album Coloratum) Extract Induces Eel (Anguilla japonica) Non-specific Immunity

  • Yoon, Taek-Joon;Park, Kwan-Ha;Choi, Sang-Hoon
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 2008
  • Background: The immunomodulatory effects of Korean mistletoe (Viscum album Coloratum) on the innate immune responses of eel (Anguilla japonica) were studied. Methods: Mistletoe, Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA), or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a control was injected into eel peritoneal cavities. Results: Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT)-positive cells in the head kidney of eel were significantly augmented by the second day post-injection of mistletoe. Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) were more produced in mistletoe-injected fish kidney leucocytes than in FCA-injected ones. The level of lysozyme activity in the serum of fish 2 days after injection with mistletoe was also significantly higher than that in the serum of the control fish. The optimal concentration of mistletoe in inducing the highest serum lysozyme activity was revealed to 500${\mu}$g/200 g of fish. In phagocytic activity assay, mistletoe-sensitized eel kidney phagocytes captured more zymosan than did the control fish. Conclusion: Korean mistletoe appeared to be a good activator of the non-specific immune responses of eel.

Lignans Isolated from the Roots of Patrinia scabiosaefolia F. and their IL(Interleukin)-6 Inhibitory Activity (마타리 뿌리로부터 분리한 Lignan 화합물의 IL-6 저해활성)

  • Choi, Eun-Jin;Jin, Qinglong;Shin, Ji-Eun;Kim, Hyun-Gyu;Kim, Jung-Jin;Woo, Eun-Rhan
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.201-205
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    • 2009
  • In an ongoing investigation into anti-inflammatory compounds from natural products, the $CH_2Cl_2$ soluble fraction of Patrinia scabiosaefolia F. (Valerianaceae) was found to inhibit IL-6 production in TNF-$\alpha$ stimulated MG-63 cell line. By means of a bioassay-directed chromatographic separation technique, lappaol E (1), and nortrachelogenin (2) were isolated. These compounds have been isolated from this plant for the first time. Compounds $1{\sim}2$ showed potent antioxidative activity using NBT superoxide scavenging assay. Moreover, compound 1 decreased IL-6 production in TNF-$\alpha$ stimulated MG-63 cell line.

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Peptides Isolated from Korean Fermented Soybean Paste, Chungkukjang

  • Kim, Sun-Lim;Chi, Hee-Youn;Kim, Jung-Tae;Hur, On-Sook;Kim, Deog-Su;Suh, Sae-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Bok;Cheong, Ill-Min
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.349-360
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    • 2011
  • The objectives of present study were to characterize the peptides which were isolated from Korean fermented soybean paste, chungkukjang, and to determine their antioxidant activities. Four fractions were collected from the methanol extract of chungkukjang by using a recycling preparative HPLC. Among fractions, Fr-2 was identified to be highly potent free radical scavenging activity in the assay of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT)-reduction inhibition. Base on antioxidant effects, fraction Fr-2 was employed for the refraction with a prep-column and separated into five fractions of which two fractions were identified to have higher antioxidant activity. To confirm the amino acid constituents of antioxidant fractions Fr-2-2 and Fr-2-3 were analyzed, and eight kinds of amino acids such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, lysine, histidine, and arginine were identified as the constituent amino acids. Antioxidant activities of the separated peptides were further assessed cell viability with 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl terazolium bromide (MTT), and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis of H4IIE cells treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Chungkukjang peptides have shown their ability to protect H4IIE rat hepatoma cells against H2O2- induced oxidative stress by concentration and time-dependent manner. Therefore, These results indicated that fermented soybean paste chungkukjang will be promoted the antioxidant and radical scavenging activities, and beneficial for health. The antioxidant peptide fractions Fr-2-2 and Fr-2-3 were denominated as P-NICS-1 and P-NICS-2, respectively. However, further studies were required to clarify their amino acid sequences and molecular properties, and physiological significances.