• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain slope

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Terrain Analysis of Odaesan National Park using Digital Elevation Model (수치고도모델을 이용한 오대산 국립공원지역의 지형분석)

  • 김철민;이준우;권태호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1995
  • Digital elevation model for analysing terrain of Odaesan National Park was constructed by 1:50.000 topographical map. The fifty five percent of total area is located in higher than 900m in elevation, while ninty percent of the conservation area in Pirobong is above 1,100m. In other word, seventy percent of Odaesan National Park area has the slope of more than 20$^{\circ}$and is steep mountain. The aspect of the mountain mainly turned out to be eastward and westward.

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Effect of Land Slope on Propagation due to Debris Flow Behavior (전파면의 경사에 따른 토석류 흐름양상에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jun Seon;Song, Chang Geun;Kim, Hong Teak;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2015
  • As sudden rainfall has happened, the debris flow has occurred in the mountain area. Recently sudden rainfall occurred so frequently caused by abnormal climate. Thus debris flow hazard had consecutively increased damage because of debris flow. Recently, Enormous damage due to debris flow have occurred in Korea. Various studies have been conducted to prevent search debris flow hazard. This study was carried out for debris flow behavior according to the land slope on propagation. It is the important one among factors that are related to the propagation over the city with respect to debris flow discharge and depth. For the numerical simulations in this study, the land slope was varied of 5, 0, $-5^{\circ}$ to investigate the debris flow behavior with the FLO-2D, often recommended by FEMA to simulate debris flow. To verify the performance of FLO-2D, comparison with the USGS experiments (Iverson et al, 2010) was conducted. From numerical results the propagation length of the debris flow was found the most sensitive one. Maximum of debris flow thickness and velocity and structural vulnerabilities were investigated to the effect of land slope. They was became smaller according to land slope of 5, -5, $0^{\circ}$ in the order. As a result, debris flow behavior analysis about the effect of the land slope could contribute to understand the vulnerability of city for debris flow hazards.

Slope stability analysis and landslide hazard assessment in tunnel portal area (터널 갱구지역 사면안정성 및 산사태 위험도 평가)

  • Jeong, Hae-Geun;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.387-400
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the slope stability analysis and the landslide hazard assessment in tunnel portal slope were carried out. First, we selected highly vulnerable areas to slope failure using the slope stability analysis and analyzed the slope failure scale. According to analyses results, high vulnerable area to slope failure is located at 485~495 m above sea level. The slope is stable in a dry condition, while it becomes unstable in rainfall condition. The analysis results of slope failure scale show that the depth of slope failure is maximum 2.1 m and the length of slope failure is 18.6 m toward the dip direction of slope. Second, we developed a 3-D simulation program to analyze characteristics of runout behavior of debris flow. The developed program was applied to highly vulnerable areas to slope failure. The result of 3-D simulation shows that debris flow moves toward the central part of the valley with the movement direction of landslide from the upper part to the lower part of the slope. 3-D simulation shows that debris flow moves down to the bottom of mountain slope with a speed of 7.74 m/s and may make damage to the tunnel portal directly after 10 seconds from slope failure.

Development of Depositional Landforms in Upstream Reach of Ulsan Sayeon Dam Lake (울산 사연호 상류의 퇴적지형 발달)

  • Chang, Mun-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.409-421
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to consider the formation processes and depositional conditions of bars formed at the upper-stream part of Sayeon Dam since Sayeon Dam construction in 1964. Results of analyzing the shape characteristics of bars and their sediment grain size distribution are as follow: Firstly, bars are able to categorized as subaqueous bars (A, B), mid-channel bars(C, D), and tributary side-bars(E). Secondly, the outline of bars has longish along the flow path, and their height lowers more and more going towards downstream. Also the height of bar surface tend to heighten from flow path to mountain slope. However, the near part of A is comparatively higher than its distant part, A is defined as a subaqueous natural levee and back swamp. Thirdly, the average particle size of A and B become smaller toward mountain slope. In transportation style, ratio of suspended load become higher toward mountain slope. Fourthly, sorting is worse to very worse according with lake's random changable water level. Fifthly, bar A and B were formed by vertical sedimentation of sediments according as sediments transported along flow path in the subaqueous conditions were spreaded out of flow path. C and D were formed by bed load as flood level lowered. And E was formed by vertical sedimentation while stream flow stopped in tributary's mouth areas with the water level heightening.

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A Study on the Type of Pavement Base and Drainage in Mountain Road for the Prevention of the Pavement Damage by Uplift Water Pressure (수치해석을 활용한 산지도로의 상향침투수압으로 인한 포장파손방지를 위한 포장기층종류 및 배수형태의 고찰)

  • Lim, Young-Kyu;Yune, Chan-Young;Lee, Seung-Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • Construction of road closed to mountains is inevitable in Korea because the mountainous region in Korea is more than 70% in area. Recently, due to global warming, typhoons or heavy rainfalls frequently occur, and accordingly, mountain roads are seriously damaged by landslides, debris flows, and uplift pressure below pavement. in this study, damage on pavement by uplift pressure was investigated. Various influencing factors such as slope angle, reinforcement of slope surface, thickness of soil cover underlain by rock, and types of drainage system were considered to evaluate uplift pressure acting on the bottom of pavement. Raising of water table up to the surface of slope may depend on the duration and intensity of rainfall. It shows that the installation of subdrain can reduce the uplift water pressure. Therefore, It is concluded that the use of subdrain system is effective to decrease uplift pressure and cement treated base is more endurable than typical crushed-stone base.

Spatial Analysis of Oak Wilt Disease in Bukhansan Mountain Park Using Spatial Data of Damaged Trees (피해목 위치자료를 이용한 북한산 국립공원 참나무시들음병 공간분석)

  • Zhu, Yongyan;Piao, Dongfan;Lee, Woo-kyun;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.879-888
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    • 2017
  • This study is a preliminary research conducted in Buhansan mountain National Park to develop a management system to predict and control oak wilt disease by indicating spatial factors which affect diffusion of the disease. After analysing altitude factor during the estimation of spatial analysis of damaged area, it is indicated that damaged trees are mainly distributed at altitude of 200-500 m and number decreased drastically over the altitude of 500 m. The result showed that 92% of total damaged trees are on slope between 20~40 degrees and the number decreased drastically on slope steeper than 40 degrees. It is indicated that damaged area is mainly distributed on southern aspect. It is estimated by using CART that slope factor affected the diffusion of disease mostly but aspect factor did not. Surface temperature and altitude showed similar effect.By simulating possible diffusion scenario, it is estimated that the disease could spread to DO-BONG Mt., northeast of Bukhansan mountain.

Analysis of GIS for Characteristics on the Slow-Moving Landslide: With a Special Reference on Slope and Grade of Landslide (GIS를 이용한 땅밀림지 특성 분석: 산지경사 및 산사태위험등급을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Seo, Jung Il;Lee, Changwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to establish basic data for the development of slow-moving landslide hazard classes. Mountain slopes in slow-moving landslide areas ranged from $11.8^{\circ}$ to $37.0^{\circ}$ with a mean slope of $23.8^{\circ}$. However, the slope inclination of microtopography in slow-moving landslide areas was slightly different, with a mean slope of $23.5^{\circ}$ ($10.7^{\circ}{\sim}41.5^{\circ}$) compared with the mountain slope. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the contour intervals of microtopography and the contour intervals of the slow-moving landslide areas. Among all the slow-moving landslide areas examined, 14 plots (approximately 38.0%) were classified into landslide hazard class I, 6 plots (approximately 16.0%) into landslide hazard class II, 5 plots (approximately 14.0%) into landslide hazard class III and IV, and 16 plots (approximately 43.0%) into landslide hazard class V, whereas 9 plots (approximately 24.0%) fit the no landslide hazard class.

An Analysis of the Wintertime Diurnal Wind Variation and Turbulent Characteristics over Yongpyong Alpine Slope (용평 알파인 경기장에서 겨울철 바람의 일변화 및 난류 특성분석)

  • Jeon, Hye-Rim;Kim, Byung-Gon;Eun, Seung-Hee;Lee, Young-Hee;Choi, Byoung-Cheol
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2016
  • A 3D sonic anemometer has been installed at Yongpyong alpine slope since Oct. 23th 2014 to observe the slope winds and to analyze turbulent characteristics with the change in surface cover (grass and snow) and the synoptic wind strength. Eddy covariance method has been applied to calculate the turbulent quantity after coordinate transformation of a planar-fit rotation. We have carefully selected 3 good episodes in the winter season (23 October 2014 to 28 February 2015) for each category (9 days in total), such as grass and snow covers in case of weak synoptic wind condition, and grass cover of strong synoptic wind. The diurnal variations of the slope winds were well developed like the upslope wind in the daytime and downslope wind in the nighttime for both surface covers (grass and snow) in the weak synoptic forcing, when accordingly both heat and momentum fluxes significantly increased in the daytime and decreased in the nighttime. Meanwhile, diurnal variation of heat flux was not present on the snow cover probably in associated with significant fraction of sunlight reflection due to high albedo especially during the daytime in comparison to those on the grass cover. In the strong synoptic regime, the most dominant feature at Yongpyong, only the southeasterly downslope winds were steadily generated irrespective of day and night with significant increases in momentum flux and turbulent kinetic energy as well, which could suggest that local circulations are suppressed by the synoptic scale forcing. In spite of only one season analysis applied to the limited domain, this kind of an observation-based study will provide the basis for understanding of the local wind circulation in the complex mountain domain such as Gangwon in Korea.

Planting Plan of Ecological Corridor at Destroyed Mountain Area as a Result of Road Construction (도로개발에 의하여 훼손된 산림지역 생물이동통로 식재계획)

  • 이경재;한봉호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.321-337
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to draw up the planting plan of bridge type ecological corridor for animals migration at Hakgogae(ridge) destroyed by road construction in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. It was conducted with two steps, survey and planting master plan. We surveyed the structure of topography, plant community, and animal habitat. We also selected the target species migrate ecological corridor and suggested a concept of each planting area, the planting species, and the planting density based on the analyzed data and finally drew up the planting plan. The structure of topography was a steep slope due to the mountain ridge destruction so the bridge type ecological corridor was could be applied in this study and we supposed that the animals migrate along the both edge of corridor. As the results of analyzed plant community structure in two sides, the dominant woody species, Quercus serrata and Q. variabilis were distributed on the bottom and the belly of a mountain, while Pinus densiflora community was distributed on the mountain ridge as edaphic climax. The similarity between Q. serrata -Q. mongolica -Q. variabilis community on the West of survey site and Q. serrata -Q. mongolica community on the East of survey site was high in 71.0 percentages. As the results of surveying birds and some mammalia, seven species and fifty-seven individuals of birds were founded in survey area, and two species and two individuals of rodents were founded. We selected birds and some mammals for the migration species that supposed to migrate ecological corridor in drawing up the planting plan. And then we divided the planting areas into bird corridor and habitat, and mammals corridor, also suggested the planting areas in detail as follows: community planting area of shrub at slope adjacent to the bridge exit as a buffer zone, screen planting area, community planting area of herb at steep slope connected with mountain areas, inducement planting area of the animals, community planting area for bird migration, community planting area for mammals migration, and community planting area for bird habitat. We selected the planting woody species which were the constancy ratio based on the analyzed data of plant community around mountain areas was high, and suggested the planting master plan each space.

A Case Study Of Stability Examination About Slope Under Pier (교각 하부사면에 대한 안정성 검토 사례연구)

  • Bae, Sung-Woo;Shin, Chang-Gun;Seo, Jeong-You
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.712-721
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    • 2010
  • Our country is composed of about 70% mountain district. Therefore the tunnel and the bridge are used plentifully in the road. The bridge the establishment location of the pier according to ground condition and the route is executed from various condition. this study leads and stability investigation and reinforcement instance there is a goal which presents an example about investigation.

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